Originally posted by Shaka Naldur
masis, I´m confused with all your new scn coming, I don´t even know how many of them there are,
could you write the names, where to download them, and which ones do you think are better??
Oh dear, you asked me that in the Age of Basilius thread...
I have made or am making scenarios to illustrate the span of Roman history from its beginings as a small village under Etruscan rule to the fall of the Roman Empire in 1453 to the Ottoman Turks.
There are currently good scenarios that fill in certain periods, but there are also wide chasims where no one has made a scenario to fill them with.
Here is the scenarios which will cover this epoch in world history.
Age of Romulus, about the founding and rise of the Roman kingdom till the time of the republic in 500BC.
Berne Brosing's Imperium Romanum.
Age of Kaisar, this one will be about Iulius Kaisar's conquest of Gaul.
Age of Aurelian, to continue from Imperium Romanum, set in the 3rd centuryAD Roman Empire.
Age of Constantine, about the Roman Emperor who supported Christianity and was eventually baptised.
A scenario called 'Vandals!' (if you are the author or know the author of this scenario let me know) which nicely shows the fall of the western Roman Empire and the rise of the eastern empire.
Age of Arturius, which charts the withdrawl of Roman support from Brittania and its rule by Vortigern (high king) Arturius and his battles against the Germanic and Hibernian invaders.
The Age of Justinian scenario is a (very) edited version of Rome 443 by Joaquin Vano Gea (igea@lander.es).
The Age of Heraklius is a edited version of Alex's Arabs scenario.
The Age of Basilius continues from it.
Maciej is going to release a scenario that shows the battle of Manzikert in 1071 to the coming of the first Crusade.
The Age of Alexius continues from it.
Mathias Koster's Death and Ressurection of an Empire nicely continues from it.
And the scenario currently being made-Age of Osman will continue from it till 1520AD.
After which Jesús Muñoz Fernández's (indalito@yahoo.com) Carolus Invictissimus scenario continues from the time of Suleyman the Magnificent and his conquests of north Africa.
Hopefully this will explain your query, but as this is a largely ignored yet spectacular period in history it is understandable why there should be confusion over the names of Emperors like Aurelian, Constantine, Justinian, Heraklius, Basilius and Alexius.
Again I repeat...
The site I would recommmend to download the currently available/latest updated scenarios from is
Das Civilization Universum under the sub section 'Medieval scenarios'.
Catch my drift?