Originally posted by markusf
For the huge game we have 7 players and 7 civs.
of 7 players 6 don't really care what civ they play. SO I want you to randomly assign civs, other then have me hound everyone down 
smart fart
On a flood plain there sits a ridge with a cave opening from it. Deep within the recesses of that cave sleeps a large mammalian shape of bones, flesh, and fur. The ears twitch slightly as a message is carried on the winds drifting gently around the entrance in the still heat of the day. Alertness slowly penetrates the conciousness of the hulking shape, and it awakens. Blinking slightly, the being shuffles to the entrance to sense the message in greater detail...
A huge struggle is about to begin, cavebear discerns, and an order of battle is needed! Collecting an odd assortment of small bones, acorn caps, and assymetrical objects with runes scratched into the surfaces, cavebear casts a toss. Hmmm, the signs say a good selection can be made this day. Again the motley shapes are cast. Yes, he says, this will do...
The bones are the players, the acorn caps the helmuts to represent the civs. Unsurprisingly to cavebear, the sets fall into pairs of each.
NAP shall command the RUSSIANS. This is good. He will see the mettle of the forces that historically opposed him. The balance of history shall be set right.
BERSERKER shall command the GREEKS. His name shall stand in counterpoint to the rationalism of the ancient Greek civilization.
MAKEO shall command the MONGOLS. The shark of the seas fits well with the sharks of the open plains.
SMARTFART shall command the FRENCH. As Berserker gets the rational Greeks as opposite in name, SmartFart gets the French in similarity, those people having established "rationalism" as a philosophy at a later time ("smart" goes with "rational").
ARII will command the PERSIANS. The name just seems to fit. I picture an ancient Persian king, Ar II (Ar the Second).
MARKUS will command the BABYLONIANS in honor of the TV show 'Babylon V' which featured a US captain (his handle ending with "US").
ZYLKA will command the SPANISH. He shall shall slash the "Z" of Zylka as a Spanish TV hero slashed the "Z" of Zorro on his enemies.
All is set, the interpretations of tha toss have been made, the contest to begin. Cavebear collects the bones and runes and shuffles back into the cool darkness of the cave...