View Poll Results: What level of quality in Civ3 do you want?
Worth buying the CD just to ge the music.
4 |
16.67% |
Quality video game music (Chrono Trigger from SNES comes to mind)
8 |
33.33% |
Half arse techno/nature tracks (kinda like CTP)
0 |
0% |
Screw the music! Just build a Mp3 player in it / Let us play w/o the cd in
9 |
37.50% |
Other / My option is not here?
3 |
12.50% |
July 6, 2001, 14:40
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Quality Level of music in computer games
As an amateur musican, I am interested in the quality level of music in video games (along with other things  ) and I was wondering what type of music quality everyone would like to hear in Civ3.
"Mr. Chambers! Don't get on that ship! We've mastered the book, To Serve Man.... it - its a cook book!"
Last edited by To_Serve_Man; July 6, 2001 at 14:45.
July 6, 2001, 14:51
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... Not techno for Civ III. Classical Music or Rock  will do.
Techno is out of place... yech
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July 6, 2001, 14:52
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I really liked the CTP2 music, and I really hope that they will invest more in a nice and complicated music.
Music that fits the eras in the game sounds good.
For example, the music in Heroes3 was great, it made that feeling of realism and interest in the game.
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Last edited by Eli; July 6, 2001 at 15:27.
July 6, 2001, 14:58
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Yes, but Heroes 3 didn't have enough variety of music- I think there were only about 10 tracks for the adventure map, and a different one for the cities... Civ III needs at least 30 different songs. (And they must be quality...)
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
July 6, 2001, 14:59
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Well the biggest issue here is release date of the game.
Think of the time between cds that bands put out. That can be a long time. If Firaxis was going to make Superb music, it wouldl take some time, and I would expect the game to be delayed...
It would be a big WOW, and I mean Wow, if Firaxis could make some great muisc. I've been playing games for a long time. I think the only games I actually turn on to listen to the music (or once Emulators were made i could make them into Mp3s) was Chrono Trigger, and C&C Red Alert. And maybe Super Mario Bros. for NES.. hehe
"Mr. Chambers! Don't get on that ship! We've mastered the book, To Serve Man.... it - its a cook book!"
July 6, 2001, 15:07
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Originally posted by DarkCloud
Yes, but Heroes 3 didn't have enough variety of music- I think there were only about 10 tracks for the adventure map, and a different one for the cities... Civ III needs at least 30 different songs. (And they must be quality...)
I prefer it to have 10 tracks as good as the Heroes3 ones rather than lots of crappy tracks so that i'll have to mute the sound.
The music must be inspiring, complicated. Music that will actually affect the game.
As an example, the "casus beli" track in CTP2. It really increased my interest in the game, and kept me playing more time than was necessary for this stupid game.
The track also dragged me to lots of not necessary wars btw.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
Last edited by Eli; July 6, 2001 at 15:20.
July 6, 2001, 15:24
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Please please let it be windowed and allow us to play our own MP3s. I haven't listened to the 'in-game' music in YEARS.
(and no alt-tabbing isn't good enough 'cause that is very unstable)
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July 6, 2001, 17:32
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Originally posted by DarkCloud
... Not techno for Civ III. Classical Music or Rock will do.
Techno is out of place... yech
yes, techno!! give it to me! technoooooooo!!
if Civ III contains rock tracks ála Limp Bizkit they got themselves one less costumer!!
i hope for some excellent music as heard in Swat3 or StarCraft. sometimes i just paused the game to listen to the music...almost
July 6, 2001, 18:25
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I choose the last option, since what I think about wasn't mentioned. Here it is:
Get rid of the music, I always have winamp playing in the background anyway (And if winamp doesn't work with the game then there's always a CD player nearby  )
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July 6, 2001, 18:25
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I was perfectly content playing Civ2 without the music (it asked me to put the CD in even when it was already in). You don't even need to put an MP3 player in (you can play one in the background). Ah, the hours I've spent playing Civ2 with Mussorgsky booming on the stereo behind me. That way, people can listen to whatever music they want and Sid and the boys can concentrate on more important things in Civ3. However, if they decide to put lots of music in, I wouldn't object.
July 6, 2001, 18:28
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Originally posted by JellyDonut
However, if they decide to put lots of music in, I wouldn't object.
I wouldn't object eather, unless they forgot to make a "kill the music" option
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July 6, 2001, 19:11
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music and movies are an essential part of the game experience. if they don't put it in, i won't but it.
July 6, 2001, 19:48
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Originally posted by uncle_funk
music and movies are an essential part of the game experience. if they don't put it in, i won't but it.
Movies are an essential part of the game experience, the music is only there for those who don't have mp3's or a CD player
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July 6, 2001, 19:52
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heh, pretty hard to play Civ3 without a CD-player, don't you think? 
anyway, I don't like to listen to my own music during Civ, it's not stylish and doesn't fit with the graphix etc. atlest i'm gonna wait til i get tired of the default music then i start running winamp in the background.
July 6, 2001, 20:00
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ADG is right. I always have my MP3 player open or my stereo on whenever I play games (or post on Apolyton; listening to "Kion ajn" by Persone right now).
In Civ2, the movies serve to explain the various wonders but rarely in any game does the music serve to explain what's going on or have anything to do with the game.
I would rather have the Firaxis crew work on the relevent parts of the game, even if it means leaving music out of it.
July 6, 2001, 20:00
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Originally posted by uncle_funk
heh, pretty hard to play Civ3 without a CD-player, don't you think?
 You're right, guess I forgot to say that I'm not talking about the CD drive in the PC, but about the CD player somewhere else in the room, connected to those huge speakers standing right behind you
Of cause some people just use the DVD player (The one right under the TV  ) to play music with
I couldn't care less about the game music (Except when it's imposible to kill the music), I don't want to hear some boring music, which doesn't make the gameplay any better (and they never do), I prefer to hear great music from a radio channel or from winamp, everything is just annoying
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July 6, 2001, 20:18
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Nah, they should just distribute Civ3 on 3.5" or 5.25" floppies, like the good old days
I enjoyed the Colonization syle of music. There were a number of different tracks for different parts of the game (peace, war, revolution). Perhaps, as was suggested before, there could be this kind of dynamic music in each period. That is, in ancient times, have a few tracks for war music, some for peace, diplomacy, etc. Even better would be the music for each nation, a la civ1
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July 6, 2001, 20:23
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yep, alot of this ideas can be find in the thread "and what about the music...".
the colonization music kicked ass! especially thad sad, inca-style song. you almost got bad conscience for plundring the poor indians
but just get rid of the congo drums in the intro and i'm satisfied...
July 6, 2001, 20:28
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Of course...if the music is good, that's a plus, but generally I pay little attention to the music...sometimes I even switch it off...
July 6, 2001, 23:19
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The arguement that I have against having no music/playing mp3s instead is that when I run my Mp3 player (I use Winamp.. so this may not be true will all of them) all the other noises on my computer are muted. In games were sounds can be warnings and cues for something, having Winamp playing in the backround is annoying. However. I can see the advantages of having a mp3 player. You could just download your own music (like classical and whatever) and make your own sound track for Civ. But I dont like that idea. Instead, I would like some good music. I voted the second choice, the Good quality, but not music that could be sold on its own cd for $18 at the local mall. The reason is mostly cause I would like good music with no game delay
Chit Unky Funky, I forgot about the Colonization music! I'm loading that game in now! I liked the one with the Fiddles or something... it was the intro song too... Thats some nice music
"Mr. Chambers! Don't get on that ship! We've mastered the book, To Serve Man.... it - its a cook book!"
July 7, 2001, 01:22
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I listen to rock mostly,not Limp Bizkit but like..Depeche Mode,U2,Creed,Lifehouse,Dave matthews and other nads like that.Limp Bizkit kinda ventures over into the metal alternative then rock since its so angry and loud.
Aside from my love of music,I don't care myself.I always muted civ 2 cuz the music annoys me to death.I don't care if they make the music really crappy personally,that would mean a sooner release date without any sacrifice to gameplay.
BTw,the Wipeout Series by Psygnosis has THE best soundtrack,people go to the mall just to buy that soundtrack.I can't wait for Wipeout 4-5 on the PSO2 so I can play it at Circuit city..;(
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July 7, 2001, 07:12
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Aside from my love of music,I don't care myself.I always muted civ 2 cuz the music annoys me to death.I don't care if they make the music really crappy personally,that would mean a sooner release date without any sacrifice to gameplay.
Same here. I just listen to my music on Napster and my cd's. I was able to do those two things on Civ2 so I don't see why I shouldn't be able to do so in Civ3.
Limp Bizkit kinda ventures over into the metal alternative then rock since its so angry and loud.
Ok, Limp Bizkit isn''t metal alternative or whatever that is. It's more less Metal Rap with a Pop music touch to it. Not that I like Limp Bizkit or anything. I listen to Metallica, AC DC, Blink 182, The Offspring, Godsmack, Guns 'n Roses, and many others. Sorry for having a music discussion.
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