April 20, 2000, 21:38
Local Time: 23:43
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Leominster, MA, USA
Posts: 25
Well, I started out ok. My log thru BC was almost identical to Paul's. By 1000AD I was only a turn or two off.
Then disaster struck. In 1060 the Zulus built Copernicus (before I even had Astronomy). The next turn I had my first two caravans ready to enter Zimbabwe. Before my turn, though, I was sneak attacked by the Zulus (who I'd made peace with just a turn before). Both caravans were killed.
Quite naturally at that point I decided to give up. Oh well.
April 21, 2000, 02:02
Local Time: 15:43
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Jul 1999
Location: Civ2 Diehard
Posts: 3,838
I had a so-so game mainly cuz I didn't have a plan and very late trade routes.Everything seemed so far away.
I missed Shakes and lost a few turns having to maintain 10% luxuries and get Mono to build a cathedral.
I was not 1st to many techs.Philosophy and Flight to name 2
A very odd thing happened in 1912.The Romans launched a 16-1-1-1-1-1 spaceship without me getting any messages that they had aquired the neccessary techs or built components or modules.I did get notice of them building structurals but no notice of them getting Spaceflight.They were behind and researching "unnecessary" techs but suddenly they were building a ship.The ship was scheduled to land in 1961 and did not showed a % of success.
This is either a bug with the different versions,the HiRes mod(no game.txt and only a few unit changes in rules.txt),a deity cheat or it was an intentional trigger but then others should have experienced the same thing after a certain event.
Anyway I did manage to land just ahead of the Roman ship in 1959.Which was good move on my part cuz their ship actually landed in 1960.(i played on to see)The Romans conquered the rest of the world quickly near the end and I don't know why they didn't try to attack me.
This was a tough test and I feel a sense of accomplishment just finishing
MAC version 1.0(2.42) HiRes2 mod(test version)
3950-found Inuivik-settler joins city-tax rate adjustment for 1 turn
3700-Bronze Working-switch to Collosus-lose 2 sheilds-had 5 sheilds-50% was rounded up to 3.-might be useful-probably not
3250-Alphabet-god this is slow-map clicking has revealed no number changes.I don’t think a trireme can make a voyage anywhere.Should I go for The Lighthouse?Marco Polo’s?The Library?
2300-Laws-sure ain’t much to do each turn..just press enter
1850-Collosus-not bad
1650-Monarchy-my first “white” tech-revolt-instant revolution-govt-Monarchy-size 3- 8 beakers
1450-temple-don’t change production orders
1200-Writing-another “white” tech-should I go for Philosophy?Need a harbor first
1150-size 4
950-library-no change to production orders
900-Currency-switch to market
525-Map Making
200-warrior-start wonder
AD1-slow going.no gold-only 2 “white” techs so far.Roman’s have Marco Polo’s(wish they would contact me) and Pyramids-no other wonders built
80-size 5
380-size 6
820-Rome discovers Philosophy
900-hides caravan
1000-beads caravan
1040-Construction-Rome builds Shake’s-Dam! now I need mono to celebrate past 13
1100-oil caravan-disband diplomat
1160-caravel-I’ll have to make contact with caravans..could be bad..will have to give in to demands
1280-The Republic-revolt
1300-contact Zulus-trade Navigation,Construction and Republic for Poly,The Wheel and Horseback-gift Writing(I have to gift?)-peace
1340-govt-Republic-beads to Bapedi(demanded)208 bonus-contact Vikings-trade Wheel,Navigation and Repub for Philosophy,Warrior Code and iron Working-gift Burial-peace-disband warrior
1360-colliseum-disband warrior-start “we love” size 7
1400-aquaduct-gift Philosophy to Zulus-gift Monarchy,Seafaring and Math to Vikings-share maps-Aha! large Roman cities close by
1440-contact Romans-trade Poly and The Wheel for Banking and Medicine(a little late)-alliance despite refusing war request against Zulus-share maps-receive 250 gold gift
I see the letters C and I-I think I can guess the rest
1460-end “we love” 12
1480-oil to Cumae-340 bonus
1500-Monotheism-diplomat-hides to Cumae(demanded) 540 bonus
1520-bank-trade Rome Mono for University
1540-Gravity-build university
1570-gift Warrior Code and Mono to Zulus-I may regret that-University to Vikings
1580-salt caravan
1620-silver caravan-start wonder
1680-trade Rome Gravity for Economics
1690-Rome gifts Physics
1750-silver to Lugdunum(demanded) 725 bonus
1752-Democracy-revolt-Sir IIke’s-Rome gifts 250-
1756-govt-Democracy-salt to Rome 372 bonus
1758-stock exchange
1760-contact Mongols-war
1762-disband warrior
1766-contact England-gift Navigation,Invention and Republic-peace
1768-trade Rome Gunpowder for Feudalism-gift Invention and Gunpowder to Zulus-Vikings declare war-gift Writing to England-share maps-gift Gunpowder to Mongols-ceasefire
1772-engineer-trade Rome Explosives for Magnetism-receive 125 gold
1776-engineer-peace with Mongols-gift magnet,Physics and Invention-share maps
1780-Sanitation-gift sanitation to Rome-receive 125 gold-Bridge Building to Zulus-Trade to England-Banking and Republic to Mongols
1782-Rome gifts Steam Engine
1786-cathedral-contact Spanish-peace-gift Physics,Invention and Gunpowder-disband caravel(in the feild)
1788-”we love” started but no food for growth-Spanish expel diplomat
1790-Railroad-start wonder-Rome gifts 250
1794-city square>desert
1798-gift Democracy and Economics to Vikings-peace
1800-Metallurgy-trade Rome Metallurgy for Industrialization-receive 250 gold
1810-Rome gifts The Corporation-
1812-RR to Zulus-trade Gravity to Vikings for Chivalry-gift medicine-RR to Spain,England and the Mongols
1814-Darwin’s-Electricity-Refining-city square>plains-1 glacier>tundra
1818-Rome gifts 250
1822-Metallurgy and Industrialization to Mongols-Indust to England-Chiv and Indust to Mongols
1824-tundra>deserttrade Rome Refining for Conscription-receive 250
1828-factory-Rome gifts 250
1834-trade Rome Combustion for Electronics-receive 250-desert>plains
1842-Rome gifts 250-Conscription to Zulus and Mongols
1846-power plant-Rome gifts 250
1850-trade Spanish indust for Leadership
1855-glacier>tundra-Rome gifts Genetic Engineering...sigh
1857-Mass Production-transport
1858-Rome gifts 250
1861-silver freight-Explosives to Mongols-Physics to England-Vikings declare war-Sanitation and University to Zulus
1862-Rome gifts Communism...sigh
1664-gems freight
1869-Machine Tools-Rome gifts 250
1872-gems to Antium 678 bonus-city square>grassland
1873-Miniaturization-silver to Veii 624 bonus
1874-offshore platform-Rome discovers Flight
1876-mass transit-gift Gunpowder to England
1877-trade Rome Miniaturization for Flight
1878-Computers-hides freight
1880-research lab
1881-trade Rome Computers for Mobile Warfare
1882-Rome gifts Theology grrr.
1886-trade Rome Robotics for Radio
1887-hides freight-hides to Caesaraugusta-392 bonus
1888-silver freight-tundra-desert
1889-Advanced Flight-hides freight
1890-hides freight
1891-hides freight-trade Rome Machine Tools for Refrigeration
1892-hides freight
1893-hides freight
1894-hides freight
1896-supermarket-Rome gifts Guerilla Warfare
1898-Food Freight
1902-Space Flight-FF-start wonder-Romans cancel alliance-all my freights sent home save 1.dam it!-hides to Hispalis 466 bonus-sell sewer-size 17
1903-sell colliseum
1904-sell aquaduct
1905-Apollo-sell temple
1910-Atomic Theory-but Fission from Rome for 1500-2 hides freights to Cumae 654 each
1912-Rome launches a 16-1-1-1-1-1 but i didnt even get messages that they got the neccessary techs and even built a components or modules....uh oh HiRes may have a bug-its not scheduled to land till 1961
1913-silver to Rome 454-2 hides at 454 each
1914-The Laser-2 hides to Rome 458 each-disband transport at sea
1924-15 structurals
1930-Fusion Power
1931-engineers lost
1933-famine reduces city to 15 and causes disorder
1936-6 components-English,Mongols and Vikings all destroyed by Romans-sell research lab
1937-sell university
1938-sell library
1939-sell supermarket
1940-sell mass transit
1941-Zulus destroyed by Romans
1942-sell superhighway
1944-3 modules launch-1959-2 years ahead of mysterious Roman ship
48-coastal fort-Spain destroyed by Romans-just me and them now
Sir Ike’s-1752AD
trade rotes
top size-17-1902
April 21, 2000, 07:34
I'm fairly new to apolyton so have just found out about OCC. I love playing civ2, I love playing multiplayer and I am allways trying to improve my game  which like everyone elses still needs improving . I have printed Pauls stategy guide and will give it a go. At worst I'll learn some new tricks and I'm sure to have fun. will post how I go.
Thanks to all who helped set this up
hooray hooray its a Hydey Hydey day
April 21, 2000, 09:48
Local Time: 23:43
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2000
Location: Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Posts: 301
Well, for all the new interest in OCC, let me just tell you that this is not an ideal OCC map, as DaveV pointed out earlier. But please stick around, and welcome!
As for the map, interesting. My game should really highlight the tribute difference between 2.4.2 and MPGE. I trusted DaveV's assessment that triremes would be useless. So the debate was which extra wonder to build. I went with Marco's. Marco's would cut down on exploring (because I could instantly meet every civ and trade maps). The trade-off is delayed trade routes.
I didn't have too much problems with the AI's rate of technology advances until the end. I launched in 1897 and landed in 1812. The Romans and Mongols rush-bought a fast spaceship launched it about 9 or 10 years after mine, and each beat me to AC. That really sucks.
I realized the only thing that would help me grow early on was a harbor, so I wanted seafaring as soon as I could get it. I also stayed at size 3 population for awhile, so I could have the freedom to work the Oil square for early game shields. I delayed sanitation and refrigeration discoveries because I did not think they would help out much.
Here are the log highlights:
AC: 1912
Monarchy: 1050bc
Republic: 220ad
Democracy: 1100ad
Colossus: 1950bc
(Marco's): 140ad
Copernicus: 960ad
Shakespeare: 1400ad
Newton: 1670ad
Darwin: 1756ad
Apollo: 1868ad
Trade Routes
First Trade: 1240ad
Second Trade: 1380ad
Third Trade: 1500ad
Trade: 250bc
Construction: 140ad (via trade)
Sanitation: 1754ad (via trade)
Refrigeration: 1832ad
Automobile: 1778ad
Computers: 1824ad
Space Flight: 1867ad
End: 1912ad
City Sizes
Size 12: 400ad
Size 21: never
~~~~~Now for the Log~~~~~
3950bc-the city of Hoth is founded; other settler moves to mine and road other squares; building warriors
3900bc-researching bronze working
3450bc-bronze working disc; researching alphabet; started Colossus after 2 warriors.
3000bc-alphabet disc; researching ceremonial burial
2640bc-population grows to three. It will stay here for awhile as I work the whales and the oil.
2300bc-discover ceremonial burial, researching code of laws
1950bc-built colossus, building temple; switched from working oil to working an ocean square.
1700bc-discovered code of laws, researching monarchy
1550bc-built temple. Nothing else to build, so I’ll build warriors.
1450bc-built warriors, building barracks
1150bc-monarchy disc; researching currency. Revolt
1050bc-established monarchy, built barracks. Sold barracks. Building barracks
825bc-built barracks. Sold barracks. Building barracks
800bc-currency discovered, researching writing; switched to building marketplace
550bc-quit working ocean square one wheat bushel short of population 4. Back to oil, getting 10 shields
525bc-discovered writing, researching trade. Bought library
500bc-built library, bought marketplace
475bc-built marketplace; nothing to build again, building diplomats
450bc-my settler has roaded and mined all the resource squares. He is now having a beer.
250bc-trade discovered; researching literacy. Started on marco polo’s embassy
40ad-literacy discovered, researching the republic.
140ad-disbanded 2 diplos to help build Marco’s. Marco Polo's built. Now the fun can begin.
English: gave all my knowledge, gained alliance (by declaring war on Mongels), got construction
Spanish: traded for horseback riding, iron working, masonry, warrior code, the wheel; gained alliance (by declaring war on the Vikings), got 50 gold.
Zulus: traded for Pottery, Map Making, Mysticism; gained alliance; traded maps; got 200 gold
Romans: traded for Banking, Republic, Seafaring; gained peace. No alliance.
Revolted. Bought harbor
160ad-built harbor, building colosseum
180ad-bought colosseum; vikings-ceasefire, traded maps. Mongols-ceasefire, traded maps. Maps w/spanish
200ad-colosseum built; peace with vikings/mongols; mathematics from mongols; building bank
220ad-republic established (finally!)
240ad-began weluv at size 3. Changed to building aqueduct; researching philosophy (finally i'm allowed to research something)
300ad-got 75/50/75 gold from english/spanish/zulus
340ad-aqueduct built, building bank
400ad-weluv halted at size 12; 25 gold each from zulus and english
420ad-bank built; building caravans
480ad-50 gold from english; war with mongols
500ad-100 gold from zulus; 50 from english
540ad-share maps w/ zulus, english, and spanish. After that, they all had “other affairs.” Nice map graphic.
600ad-philosophy discovered, astronomy discovered, researching navigation
640ad-traded for invention with romans, engineering from english, 50 gold from zulus
660ad-three caravans built, building copernicus
780ad-got bridgebuilding, 100 gold from zulus, 50 from english
880ad-gunpowder from romans; 50/50 from zulus/english. Spanish ain’t giving anything; war with vikings
940ad-50 gold from english, polytheism from zulus; sold temple to beat mongols to copernicus
960ad-copernicus built. I had 4 gold to spare. That was close. Building trireme
1000ad-navigation discovered, researching university; switched to building a caravel
1040ad-caravel built. Time to deliver caravans; building city walls in prep for university
1080ad-got democracy from romans; revolted; ceasefire with vikings; 100/50 from zulus/english
1100ad-democracy established. At 20% lux, I have no content people. Only 6 happy and 6 unhappy. Weird
1160ad-100/50 from zulus/english
1220ad-traded maps with the spanish just to make sure…they have only one city!
1240ad-university discovered, researching medicine, bought university; Trade Route, 448 to Madrid
1260ad-university built; building magellan’s in prep for shake’s
1320ad-medicine discovered, researching chemistry
1380ad-Hides Caravan to Canterbury, 542 gold; 100 gold from zulus; bought shake’s, sold colosseum
1400ad-shakespeare’s built, chemistry discovered, researching explosives, building settler
1500ad-explosives discovered, researching theory of gravity. Engineers bought; 524 Hides to Alleppo
1510ad-engineers built. Building a wonder
1530ad-mongrels kill my caravel on its way back home. Theory of grav discovered, researching metallurgy
1550ad-switched production to isaac newton’s college; physics and 100 from zulus, 25 from english
1570ad-every time I send an emissary to the mongols, they revolt (out of democracy) before they talk to me. I’m going to send an emissary there every couple of turns so they can play the game in anarchy.
1580ad-metallurgy discovered, researching magnetism, 25 gold from english
1640ad-discovered magnetism, researching electricity
1650ad-got feudalism and 50 gold from english; steam engine and 100 gold from zulus
1660ad-got railroad and 100 gold from zulus; bought isaac newton’s college
1670ad-isaac’s built, building darwin’s; 100/50 from zulus, english
1690ad-electricity discovered, researching industrialization; 100/50 from zulus/english
1700ad-100/50 from zulus/english; economics from romans
1710ad-100/50 from zulus/english; I’ll just keep asking each turn.
1720ad-100/50 from zulus/english; still nada from my spanish “allies”
1730ad-50/50 from zulus/english (zulus were down to 59 gold and gave me 50 of it)
1740ad-industrialization discovered, researching sanitation
1754ad-traded romans for sanitation; 100/50 from zulus/english; bought darwin’s voyage
1756ad-darwin’s built, get corporation, refining, researching cumbustion, building stock exch; finally got something from spanish. 50/150/100 from spanish/zulu/english
1762ad-combustion; researching steel; 150/50/100 from zulu/spanish/english
1764ad-build stock exch, building factory; the big debate is whether I should try and get 80 shields out of this position, or just save my efforts for trade arrows. I believe with that oil, and 3 mined hills, I could get up to 80 once I added the manu plant and the platform. That would take my engineer a long time, and trade would suffer. I’ll think about it. While I was thinking, the zulus and spanish gave me 150/50 gold
1766ad-the romans cancelled my embassies by discovering communism
1768ad-factory built, building power plant; get 50/50/conscription from spanish/english/zulus
1770ad-steel; researching automobile
1772ad-built powerplant, building sewer system; 150/100/50 from zulus/spanish/english
1776ad-build sewersystem; building colosseum; 100/50/monotheism from spanish/english/zulus
1778ad-discovered automobile, researching electronics; 100/100/50 from zulu/spanish/english
1780ad-built superhighways, building engineer. Finally got one glacier to plains.
1782ad-got leadership from zulus, 50 from spanish
1784ad-engineers built (now I have two), building freights
1786ad-electronics; researching tactics; 100/100 from zulus/spanish
1792ad-150/100/150 from zulus/spanish/english; traded for chivalry, tactics from romans
1794ad-researching machine tools; peace with vikings; get communism/50 gold from zulus/english
1796ad-machine tools; researching miniaturization
1804ad-oh no. zulus develop flight. That stinks. Miniaturization; researching mass production
1806ad-built offshore platform, building freights; 150/100 zulus/english
1808ad-150/100 zulus/english
1810ad-50/100 zulus/english
1814ad-mass production; researching computers; 100/50 zulus/english
1820ad-150/100 zulus/english
1824ad-computers; researching refrigeration; 150/100 zulus/english
1826ad-research lab built, building freights; 50/100 zulus/english; mobile warfare (trade) from romans
1832ad-refrigeration; researching robotics; 150/100 from zulus/english; flight from zulus
1840ad-robotics; researching radio; 150/100 zulus/english
1842ad-supermarket built, building manu plant; 100/50 zulus/english
1844ad-100/50 zulus/english
1846ad-50/50 zulus/english; built manu plant, building freights
1848ad-100/50 zulus/english
1850ad-100/50 zulus/english
1851ad-50/50 zulues/english; radio, researching advanced flight
1852ad-50/50 zulus/english; traded for atomic theory from romans
1853ad-100/50 zulus/english
1854ad-50 from zulus; started weluv to raise my pop a little bit.
1855ad-100/50 zulus/english
1856ad-50/50 from zulus/english
1857ad-100/50 zulus/english
1858ad-50 from zulus; advanced flight, researching rocketry
1859ad-50/50 zulus/english; vikings wiped out by mongols
1860ad-100/50 zulus/english; halted weluv at 16 population; one more than the max allowed
1861ad-50/50 zulus/english
1862ad-100 from zulus
1863ad-100/50 zulus/english; rocketry, researching spaceflight
1864ad-50/50 zulus/english
1865ad-50/50 zulus/english
1866ad-100 from zulus
1867ad-50/50 from zulus/english; space flight, researching plastics
1868ad-100/50 from zulus/english; apollo program built, building structurals with caravan help
1869ad-guerilla warfare/50 gold from zulus/english
1870ad-50 from english; zulus cancel alliance
1872ad-spanish (one city) destroyed by mongels; plastics, researching nuclear fission; building components now because I am producing 60 shields. Only takes 2 caravans…
1874ad-trade romans for nuclear power.
1875ad-50 gold from english, zulus declare war; romans won’t trade nuclear fission with me
1877ad-nuclear fission, researching the laser; out of caravan, SS is 4-2-3-0-0-0; I’m buying temples and switching to structurals
1878ad-by the time I get 80 shields, I’ll have the dang thing built. I’m getting 70 with 2 farmland and I just finished mining a converted hill. One more to go to make 80.
1879ad-sold sewer system (oops); 50 gold from english; yep, it will be too late by the time I get 80 shields, and I’ll probably run out of food.
1880ad-sold aqueduct (oops).
1882ad-laser discovered; researching superconductor
1884ad-romans discover superconductor?!? Also, london falls to the mongols, splitting the english into them and the egyptians.
1887ad-superconductor. Just in time too…14-2-3-0-0-0; researching fusion power
1888ad-egyptians destroyed by mongols
1889ad-english destroyed by mongols; guess I shoulda allied with them early on; I can’t sustain the SS parts pace. I’ve been managing one per turn, and I could get on this turn but it would drain the treasury to zero and cause me to have to sell the manu plant. I’ll take a break this turn…
1891ad-discovered fusion power, researching labor union; sold research lab
1892ad-1st mod built, sold university; peace with mongols
1893ad-sold manu plant to help buy a module.
1894ad-sold library
1896ad-sold factory; I only need to have enough money to buy the Great Wall, then I can switch to a module and still build it with the 25 shields I’m producing.
1897ad-last module built; launch, eta is 1912; building defensive units!; sold power plant to get alpine troops.
1910ad-romans land on AC
1911ad-mongels land on AC
1912ad-Chinese land on AC
April 22, 2000, 10:08
Local Time: 18:43
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2000
Location: Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 334
A struggle to be sure. The Romans managed to beat me to AC by 1 year. My downfall came in 1610AD, when the Romans built Isaac Newton's College. I lost a few dozen years as a result - even with a pop of 20 and a science rate of 100%, I could only get techs every 6-7 years after Flight. Money and production were no problem - my bank account was always briming from gifts and caravan delivery (I even sold my Bank when it became obvious I would never reduce science below 100%). The middle of the game became very boring. For about 2 hours my turns consisted of asking for gifts from the zulus (would give 100-150 gold) and spanish (would give 50 gold), and then rushbuilding a caravan every two turns.
The AIs left me alone at the north pole, although they happily destroyed my transports whenever I ventured south for trade.
4000BC - found Greenland
3800BC - join settler to city
3750BC - build warrior
3650BC - build warrior
3600BC - Bronze Working
3550BC - build warrior
3150BC - Alphabet
2700BC - Code of Laws
2200BC - Ceremonial Burial
1600BC - built Colossus
1500BC - Monarchy, revolution
1450BC - switched to Monarchy
1200BC - built Temple, sell for 40 gold
1050BC - Writing
900BC - built Library
850BC - Currency
675BC - Trade
600BC - built Marketplace
475BC - Map Making
350BC - built food caravan
275BC - Pottery
150BC - built Temple
50BC - Seafaring
25BC - built Harbour
180AD - Literacy
220AD - built Granary
420AD - The Republic, revolution
460AD - switched to Republic
580AD - disband warrior
600AD - built Marco Polo's Embassy
Spanish - Masonry, Astronomy, Mysticism
Vikings - Mathematics, The Wheel, share maps, peace
Zulus - Construction, Invention, Philosophy
Romans and English - nothing
620AD - begin WLTCD (pop is 6)
640AD - end WLTCD (pop is 7), sell granary
Zulus - peace, share maps
Spanish - Iron Working, peace, share maps
660AD - Alliance with Zulus, Alliance with Spanish
740AD - built colosseum
860AD - built aqueduct, begin WLTCD (pop is 8)
940AD - end WLTCD ( pop is 12)
980AD - 50 gold (Spanish)
1000AD - built salt caravan
Spanish - 50 gold & Navigation
Zulus - Banking
1040AD - built Beads caravan
Spanish - Warrior Code, 50 gold
1080AD - built Hides caravan, 50 gold (Spanish)
1100AD - The University, 50 gold (Spanish), 200 gold (Zulus)
1120AD - built caravel, 50 gold (Spanish), 50 gold (Zulus)
1140AD - Gunpowder (Zulus), 50 gold (Spanish)
1160AD - 150 gold (Zulus), 50 gold (Spanish)
1180AD - Bridge Building (Zulus), 50 gold (Spanish)
1200AD - 100 gold (Zulus), 50 gold (Spanish)
1220AD - Engineering (Zulus), 50 gold (Spanish)
1280AD - 100 gold (Zulus), 50 gold (Spansih)
1300AD - 1st trade route - 524 gold salt to Zimbabwe
1320AD - built Copernicus' Obsevatory
2nd trade route - 262 gold
3rd trade route - 262 gold
1340AD - 50 gold (Spanish)
1360AD - built University
1380AD - Horseback Riding (Zulus)
1400AD - Polytheism (Zulus)
1440AD - 50 gold (Spanish)
1480AD - Chemistry
Zulus - Democracy, 100 gold
1500AD - 100 gold (Zulus)
1510AD - 100 gold (Zulus), 50 gold (Spanish)
1520AD - 75 gold (Zulus), 50 gold (Spanish)
1530AD - 75 gold (Zulus), 50 gold (Spanish)
1540AD - Explosives
1560AD - built Engineer
1570AD - built Engineer, sold colosseum
1580AD - built Shakeaspeare's Theatre, sold temple, revolution
1600AD - 250 gold (Zulus), 50 gold (Aztecs)
1610AD - Romans build Isaac Newton's College (Doh!), 200 gold (Zulus)
1620AD - switched to Democracy
1630AD - Physics, 208 gold (oil to seville)
1640AD - 150 gold (Zulus)
1660AD - Sanitation, 415 gold (silver to Toledo)
Zulus - Economics, Feudalism, 150 gold
1690AD - Magnetism
1700AD - 250 gold (Zulus), 50 gold (Spanish)
1720AD - 150 gold (Zulus), 50 gold (Spanish)
1730AD - 100 gold (Zulus), 50 gold (Spanish)
1740AD - Metallurgy
1752AD - 200 gold (Zulus), 684 gold (Gems to Seville)
1754AD - 100 gold (Zulus)
1756AD - Electricity
Zulus - Chivalry, 50 gold
1762AD - 200 gold (Zulus)
1766AD - Conscription (Zulus)
1770AD - Refrigeration
1772AD - built SuperMarket, begin WLTPD (pop is 10), 200 gold (zulus)
1774AD - built Aqueduct, 150 gold (zulus)
1776AD - end WLTPD (size 11 - caravel out of port with caravans, wait until unloads to disband)
1778AD - built sewer system, disband caravel, 150 gold (zulus)
1780AD - begin WLTPD (size is 11), 450 gold (silver to Toledo, 246 gold (gems to Seville)
1782AD - Steam Engine, 200 gold (zulus), 50 gold (Spanish)
1784AD - 150 gold (zulus), 50 gold (Spanish)
1786AD - 150 gold (zulus), 50 gold (Spanish)
1788AD - 150 gold (zulus), 50 gold (Spanish)
1790AD - built engineer (now have 3), end WLTPD (pop is 13)
1792AD - 200 gold (zulus), 50 gold (Spanish)
1794AD - Railroad, 100 gold (zulus)
1796AD - built Darwin's Voyage, Industrialization, The Corporation
1798AD - 150 gold (zulus), 50 gold (Spanish)
1802AD - 150 gold (zulus), 50 gold (Spanish)
1806AD - Refining, 200 gold (zulus), 50 gold (Spanish)
(OK, I'm tired of listing all my gifts  )
1814AD - start WLTPD (pop is 13)
1820AD - end WLTPD (pop is 15)
1820AD - Combustion
1834AD - Steel
1842AD - Leadership (zulus)
1848AD - Automobile
1850AD - built SuperHighway
1854AD - Electronics, built transport (have 2 commodities)
1859AD - Tactics, begin WLTPD (pop is 15), Atomic Theory (Zulus)
1862AD - end WLTPD (pop is 17)
1863AD - 506 gold (oil to Veii), Monotheism (Spanish)
- Marco Polo Embassy's effect cancelled (from this point on, the Zulus don't give me any more gifts)
1864AD - Machine Tools, transport destroyed, 1626 gold (silver to Antium)
1866AD - Miniturization
1867AD - built Offshore Platform
1869AD - built transport (have 2 commodities), Theology (Spanish)
1872AD - Mass Production
1875AD - begin WLTPD (pop is 17), disband Engineer
(all land has been converted to Plains, so will keep only 1 engineer)
1876AD - disband Engineer
1878AD - sell Sewer System
1879AD - Computers, end WLTPD ( pop is 20), sell Aqueduct
1880AD - Mobile Warfare (Spanish), built Research Lab
1881AD - Freight destroyed by Romans, Spanish and Zulus come to my aid by declaring war, 1560 gold (silver to Ravenna), Communism (Spanish)
1882AD - Robotics
1887AD - Flight, built Factory
1893AD - Radio
1895AD - 700 gold (cloth to Lutetia)
1898AD - Advanced Flight
1904AD - Rocketry
1905AD - built Power Plant
1906AD - built Manufacturing Plant
1908AD - sell Bank (I'm just leaving science at 100%)
1910AD - Space Flight
1911AD - Appollo Program (production - upkeep = 49)
1912AD - 650 gold (cloth to Leeds)
1915AD - Plastics
1921AD - Nuclear Fission
1928AD - Nuclear Power
1933AD (finished 15 structural and 6 components)
1939AD - Laser (other civs are starting to build spaceships (oh, oh)
1942AD - Superconductor
1948AD - Fusion Power, Launch, arrival in 1963
1951AD - Romans launch, arrival in 1962
[This message has been edited by Tom DeMille (edited April 22, 2000).]
April 22, 2000, 15:06
Local Time: 15:43
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This one is sure taking it's toll.
I'd like to know how some were able to sail triremes that far.With or without Seafaring mine will invariably sink before crossing that distance.Or at least my general experience is if they are empty they float for 1 or 2 turns,if they are full ...they sink
I know of 3 ways
2.End turn key board shortcut(gold version only)
3.save before moving trireme
April 22, 2000, 22:34
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Posts: 334
Smash, I waited for Navigation (caravel) before trying to visit my neighbours. It looks like most of the others did too (except for Paul, who built the Lighthouse).
April 24, 2000, 13:10
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Location: Livingstone, Lord Protector of London
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I think "Whooops!" is the word i'm looking for!!! That one was soooooooo hard, I managed to get to AC but i was 3rd and last there in 2032!!
I know what i did wrong though!! i was ok until about 900 AD, but i didn't change until republic until 1740, i didn't see how i could sustain the government, but i do now!! and then in the mid game i stopped researching cause monarchy was soooo slow and i just sponged off of everyone else, which worked - sort of!!!
Anyway, we live and learn!!! so here's my log and the quick details:
Have a look at them for me guys and see if there's anywhere i can improve apart from the obvious i've mentioned already!! and too many wonders, but those i built were a great help!!
Monarchy: 25 BC
Republic: 1740 AD
Democracy: 1844 AD
Colossus: 1200 BC
Copernicus: Beaten to it, but got:
Lighthouse: 350 BC
Hanging Gardens: 540 AD
Marco Polo: 1380 AD
Theatre: 1600 AD
Newtons: 1824 AD
Darwin: Didn't get it
Apollo: 1988
1st Trade: 1080 AD
2nd 1772 AD
3rd 1822 AD
Trade: 800 AD
Construc: ???
Sanitation: 1786 AD
Refridge: 1950 AD
Automobile: 1949 AD
Computers: 1982 AD
Space Flight: 1984AD
Pop 12: 1758
Pop 21: ??? Pop 18 in 1978
The Log
3950 bc - found Beijing, started pottery
3800 bc - built militia
3500 bc - invented pottery
3150 bc - built mine
3050 bc - built granary - started militia
2950 bc - built militia - started militia
2850 bc - built militia - started colosus
2500 bc - invented alphabet - started mapmaking
1700 bc - size 4
1200 bc - built colossus
1100 bc - seafaring
925 bc - built harbor
825 bc - added settle 2 to Beijing
800 bc - invented cere-bury
450 bc - code of laws
350 bc - lighthouse
75 bc - invented monarchy - revolution
25 bc - monarchy - King Oldman of the Chinese!!
20 ad - started gardens of babylon
160 ad - first contact wih Zulu's. Made alliance, traded maps, traded monarchy (me) for republic and code of laws (me) for construction
220 ad - contact with vikings, peace treaty, traded republic (me) for mystisism and seafaring (me) for mathematics.
280 ad - found trondheim with explorer
340 ad - got writing as gift from Zulu's
540 ad - built hanging gardens
620 ad - contact with spanish, peace treaty, traded monarchy (mine) for iron working and seafaring (mine) for wheel
700 ad - library
780 ad - diplomat, waged war on spanish for 50 quid?!?!
800 ad - trade!!!!!!!!!!!!
800 ad - trade with zulu wheel (mine) for literacy
800 ad - alliance with vikings, traded writing(mine) for warrior code
900 ad - caravan
1080 ad - 1st trade with zulu (zimbabwe) 308 revenue and 4 trade
1220 ad - stole polythesiesm from mongols after they waged war on me
1380 ad - completed marco polos embassy!!
contact with romans - peace treaty. exchanged seafaring for medicine, astronomy for philosophy
contact with english
1510 - spain build observatory - now building theatre instead
1550 ad - acquire university from alliance with zulu's
1590 - bought theatre for 660
1600 ad - theatre built - we love king day!!!!!!!!
1670 ad - rush completed aquaduct
1730 ad - caravan
1740 ad - Republic!!!! militia disbanded.
1750 ad - we love consul day
1752 ad - we love consul day
1754 ad - we love consul day
1756 ad - we love consul day
1758 ad - we love consul day, size 12!!!!!!!!
1770 - marketplace
1772 - 2nd trade - revenue 358
1774 - theory of gravity
1784 - caravan, started isaac newtons college
1786 - sanitation from alliance with zulu,
gave sanitation to romans, gave maths, swapped maps - peace
1796 - peace with english for 150 and gravity?!!??! bastards
1800 - chemistry
1810 - bullied by romans for gravity
1816 - invention from allies zulu
1820 - english tried selling navigation for 660?!? no thanks
1822 - 3rd trade revenue 403
rushed isaacs college for 1000
1824 - completed college, invented navigation
1830 - gave 250 to mongols for peace and gave gravity.
gave 200 to spanish for peace and exchanged gunpowder for banking and university for engineering
bought sewer system
1836 - romans develope democracy, and give to everyone except me!!
1838 - i develope democracy!!
1844 - democracy!!!!
1846 - Viva el presidente dia!!!!!!!
disbanded tyreme for caravan
1848 - president day! size 13
1850 - caravan, alliance with vikings for university (twice?) and monarchy
1852 - alliance with zulus gives bridge building
1855 - physics from alliance (zulu)
1857 - exchanged explosives for chivalry and polythesiesm for house back with vikings
gave explosives to mongols
1864 - shared maps with mongols
1865 - trade with mongols (silver) +656
asked spanish to remmove troops and expelled diplomat!!
1866 - bank
1868 - engineers - transforming glacier
1871 - steam eng from zulu ally
1876 - economics from zulu ally
caravan - food only? disbanded for engineers
gave chivalry to romans for maps
maps with english
exchanged economics for metallurgy with spanish, baught mono for 500
1877 - settlers
leadership from zulu ally
romans exchange = leadership,mono,metal for theology,feud and railroad
1878 - mongols exchange = economics & railroad for atomic theory and conscription
gave zulu ally railroad!
1881 - gave spanish conscription
exchanged conscription for magnetism with zulu, and got 150!!!
1882 - exchanged magnet for industry with spanish
gave industry to zulu's
1884 - argh communism - no more marco polo!!!!!
1886 - 150 from zulu's
1889 - 150 from zulu's
1890 - 150 from zulu's. gave conscription to mongols and rail to vikings
bought communism from spanish for 2250,
rushed UN
1891 - UN
exchanged communism for corporation with mongols
1894 - colleseum built, we love president day
200 frp, zulu
1888 - unwanted trade - revenue 168
1899 - 250 from zulu
1900 - tactics from zulu's
1901 - 100 from zulu
1902 - 150 from zulu
1903 - 150 from zulu
1910 - 50 from Z
1911 - 50 from Z
1913 - diplomat
1915 - electronics from zulu's
1920 - exchanged electronics for electricity (spain)
gems trade 728 revenue
1925 - 500 from romans to war against mongols
50 from zulu's
tactics for refining from romans
1927 - stole espionage from mongols
1929 - 50 from zulu's
1930 - waged war on spanish for 875 from romans
1934 - 50 from zulu's
1937 - spy, 50 from zulu's
1939 - freight
1940 - made peace with mongols and spanish
1943 - espionage for flight with zulu's
1945 - silver trade 260
1947 - gift of 50 from zulu ally
gift of 50 from romans
1948 - gift of miniaturisation from roman ally
gift of 50 from zulu ally
1949 - gift of automobile from roman ally
gift of 50 from zulu
1950 - guirilla war from roman ally
exchanged gurilla war for fund with zulu's
stole refridgeration from spanish, spy caught - my democracy falls!??!
1951 - democracy.
built offshore platform
50 gift from zulu and romans
1953 - 50 gift from zulu and romans
1954 - WLTPD - size 11
1955 - size 12
mongols destroyed vikings
50 gift from zulu ally
exchanged rifridgeration for mass production
1956 - built supermarket
size 13
gift of steel from romans
gift of 50 from zulu
1957 - size 14 - 1 million people
1958 - size 15
built superhighways
50 gift from romans
1959 - size 16
1960 - frieght (dye)
size 17
1961 - size 18
1962 - frieght (silver)
1965 - mass transit baught
mobile warfare from romans
1967 - freight (salt)
50 from romans
1969 - frieght (food)
1970 - trade (dye) with cunnae (roman) 1656 revenue!
50 gift from romans
1971 - trade (silver) with cunnae (roman) 1656 revenue!
disbanded engineer
1972 - frieght (oil)
engineers lost
1974 - freight (food)
1976 - frieght (food)
1978 - frieght (food)
WLTPD cancelled size 18
1980 - frieght (food)
WLTPC starts
1982 - frieght (food)
baught computers from romans for 675
rushed university
baught GE for 135 from spanish
baught rocketry for 900 from english
1983 - researching space flight
built uni, rushed research centre
romans destroyed by mongols
1984 - invented space flight
1985 - traded oil (madrid) 888 revenue
stole fission from spanish
1986 - exchanged space flight for laser with spanish
settler - size 17
1987 - invented plastics
rushed appolo
1988 - built appolo
rushed ss structural
1989 - built structural 1
2002 - str 9
rush str
2003 - str 10
rush str
2018 - Mongols land
2019 - Spanish Land
2032 - Chinese Land!!!
April 24, 2000, 16:46
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Location: Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Posts: 301
getting to AC with only one city seemed impossible, but it was very fulfilling to do it by myself the first time. i think you're score was great, considering you missed out on copernicus.
Here's a few tips. I'm sure others can add some other tips.
the first structure you build should be the colossus. after building a couple of warriors to control happiness, get working on the colossus. any other buildings will not help you nearly as much, and will also cost money to maintain.
as you can probably see, a granary is not necessary in OCC. you grow your cities with love, not with food.
usually, after colossus, you will need a temple. the next two buildings should be a library and a marketplace. I think you will need to build a marketplace much faster than you did. They help happiness and taxes.
generally, we try to get monarchy as fast as we can, then republic as fast as we can. with a temple, colosseum, mysticism, and a trade route or two (or three) established, you can hold a size-12 city content as a republic with only 20% luxury rates until shakespeare's is built. sometimes you may need 30%, but often times i find it only takes 10%.
you will definitely do better on the next map! i know because I believe i am making it.
take care.
April 24, 2000, 17:50
Local Time: 23:43
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Location: Liverpool, United Kingdom
Posts: 6,344
Polar OCC Fortnight #7
v2.78 deity
AC landing in 1936
A seriously tough challenge - wish I had more patience for micromanagement since I could definitiely have shaved ten or more years off this with more care.
1450 Monarchy
0700 AD Republic
1660 Democracy
Trade Routes @ 1100, 1140 & 1440
0875 Colossus
AD60 Lighthouse
1160 Copernicus
1570 Isaac Newton
1760 Shakespeare
1796 Darwin
1893 Apollo
Size 12 @ 920 AD
Maximum size 15
3950 Liverpool North founded
3450 Ceremonial Burial
3150 Oil now mined
3050 Temple
3000 Alphabet
2650 Barracks - sell for 40g start another - B Settler into city @size 4
2500 Bronze Working switch production to Colossus
2050 Code of Laws
1500 Monarchy - Revolution
1450 MONARCHY - Celebration at last on 60%
1400 Can maintain WLKD @ 40% stable size 4 city with 8 beakers + 5 shields
1000 Map Making
0875 COLOSSUS science now at 11 beakers - still need 40% lux
0775 Pottery
0550 Sea Faring
0425 Harbour
0175 Writing
0140 Barracks - sell - start another
0220 Mysticism - Barracks - sell
0300 Trireme
0400 Vikings - alliance (for war with Spain) maps & Masonry
0460 Library
0500 Zulus - alliance, maps & Literacy
0540 Philosophy - Currency
0600 Zulus - TRADE
0640 Mongols - alliance, maps & The Republic - revolution
0680 Mongols - CONSTRUCTION; Spain - Peace & The Wheel
0720 50g + Polytheism from allies
0760 75g from allies
0800 200g from allies
0820 Colosseum
0840 Spanish maps + Bridge Building; 275g from allies
0860 Aqueduct; 100g + Mathematics from allies
0920 WLCD stops @ 12; 125g from allies
0960 200g from allies
1000 50g from allies
1100 TRADE ROUTE 1 - Salt to Madrid 450g; University from Mongols
1140 TRADE ROUTE 2 - Hides to Madrid 436g - goad Vikings into revoking alliance trireme gets free ticket home.
1180 Vikings at War; Banking, Engineering & 50g from Zulus
1200 Medicine
1220 50g from allies
1280 University
1320 Bank
1400 Sewer System WLCD to 13
1420 Economics & 100g from Zulus
1440 TRADE ROUTE 3 - Hides to Zimbabwe 468g
1460 Chemistry
1500 Hides to Ulundi 680g
1580 75g
1600 Explosives
1640 Democracy - Revolution
1680 Metalurgy
1690 Beads & Oil to Zimbabwe 234g each; 150g from allies
1710 Magnetism (lose Lighthouse)
1730 150g from allies
1750 Electricity - lost a turn through sheer incompetence! Home square now desert!
1760 SHAKESPEARE'S THEATRE; 150g from allies
1764 Steam Engine; Supermarket; Salt to Madrid 472g
1768 RailRoad; Stock Exchange
1770 Home square now Plains; Feudalism, Chivalry & 350g from allies
1776 Industrialisation;
1782 350g from allies
1784 The Corporation; 150g
1788 200g
1792 Steel
1796 DARWIN'S VOYAGE - just before the Mongols - Refining, Combustion
1800 Gems to Madrid 548g; Salt to Madrid 274g
1804 Conscription, Leadership + 350g from allies
1806 Superhighways - trade go from 9 to 13 arrows each
1810 Electronics; 350g & Monotheism (they finally gave it to me!) from allies
1818 Ice cap to Tundra; Tactics
1826 Machine Tools; 350g from allies
1830 WLPD again
1832 Oil to Canterbury 332g; Beads to York 648g; Peace with English; Liverpool North now @ 14 (can grow another Engineer)
1834 Miniaturisation - another turn lost throught stupidity
1840 Offshore Platform
1842 Tundra to Desert
1844 Factory; Mass Production
1851 250g from allies
1853 Computers
1855 Research Lab
1856 Atomic Theory; Tundra to Plains
1859 Nuclear Fission
1861 Hides to Madrid 429g
1862 Nuclear Power; Silver & Hides to Madrid 417g each
1864 Mobile Warfare
1866 Tundra to Desert; Celebrate; Nuclear Plant
1868 Robotics;
1869 Theology, Communism & 350g from allies
1871 The Laser; Hides to Madrid 438g * 3
1874 Flight
1876 150g from allies
1877 Radio
1881 Hides to Madrid 268g * 2
1882 Advanced Flight; Hides & Salt to Madrid 268g each; Second Plains created
1885 Manufacturing Plant
1887 Rocketry
1891 Hides to Madrid 264g * 4
1892 Space Flight
1897 Structural #4; Plastics
1903 Structural #10; Superconductor
1908 Structural #12, Component #3; Nuclear Fusion
1909 Romans build first 2 Structurals
1919 Gift from the Gods - Mongols offer 1300g to declare war on Romans - can now afford last Module!!
1920 Launch 1936 landing
1922 SAM Battery
1925 Coastal Defence
1926 Port Facility
1927 Vet Battleship; Stealth
1930 Airport
1932 Stealth Fighter
1933 Labour Union
1934 Romans launch (39-8-8-1-1-1) eta 1939 - so do the Mongols with an identical ship!
1936 Scouse Git[1] the Mad lands on AC
That smacked of Hard Work!!
Many Thanks to DaveV and all others concerned
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
April 26, 2000, 10:11
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Location: Livingstone, Lord Protector of London
Posts: 433
It's getting quiet on this topic ain't it  maybe it's cause people are scared to post their finishing years!?!? can that mean they did worse than 2032
I've just started playing on fortnight 6's game, it's early AD and i think i'm doing ok and i've learnt from my mistakes of this one  but out of curiousity is there an easy way to get decent trade?? i've only got rebel cities on my island so far!! Do i need to fight my way past the blockade on the East
Cheers and congrats to all who finished the last one!!!! Do you guys play them once a fortnight as the name suggest? No wait, i can check that myself - Doh!!
Y'know we don't have a smilie for Doh!??! can we get one?
April 26, 2000, 14:19
Local Time: 18:43
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Location: Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 334
To get better trade with AI cities in OCC 6, build a diplomat and go looking for a trireme on the shore. If you find an empty one, bribe it, and then you can send caravans to other continents.
April 26, 2000, 14:51
Local Time: 15:43
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This one was tough.I think there have only been 3 successful games so far.Usually,players are landing late 1700s or early 1800s.
I still would like to know why the ai in my game launched at 16-1-1-1-1-1 spaceship.I have never seen that combo before.It took 48 years for them to reach AC
I'm glad they did though
April 26, 2000, 14:52
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Far be it from me to fight the "Received Wisdom" particularly as Tom is a consistent better performer than I, but last time round was my best ever performance (1801) and I ignored all trans continental possibilities and simply decanted each and every trade caravan into the city next door - at their peak these routes (a whole four squares in length) were bringing me in 80 arrows each per turn - of course it helped that the "city next door" had two trade specials and eight or so river squares - but it made me seriously doubt whether it is in fact optimal to seek high pay out long distance routes when we are playing a game in which single turns count so much....
I would welcome any other comments on this area ...
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
April 26, 2000, 17:27
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distance only effects the one time bonus.The trade routes are affected by the amount of trade generated in both cities.This, of course, is affected by terrain and resources,government type,city size,infastructure,other trade routes,ETC
so a route with a large Democratic city "nextdoor" with yeild more long term while a route with a "distant" crappy Monarchy city will give a larger one time bonus.
April 27, 2000, 05:39
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Yeah, i see what you mean about the trade in this one!! just a quick question though, i'd check myself but i'm at work and ain't got not civ2 here - luckily for my boss!!!!
Anyway, so the trade it shows on the city screen that your getting from the other cities trade routes? That does get added to your "working" trade every turn? So if you trade coal with Kells in 500ad, get 180 revenue (one time only) and it says +7trade, you get 7 extra trade in 500ad, 510ad, 520ad etc etc???
assuming this works (i always have!), when the cities grow the extra trade increases!! so once you've established 3 basic trades and things are sufficiently advanced to give you 20+ trade, the only reason you would need to trade afterwards is to get the one time bonus!
That way the best thing to do is trade with the biggest (most trade) city you can find at the start and then go for the big bonus' in the later game!!
Have i got that right? And if so? why am i still losing again!?!? argh!!!!
I'm looking for a 1918-ish finish on OCC6, i'm absolutely whipping their arses!! i'm going to land on AC before they even get space flight!!!!! is that why it's been so slow? cause they've been soooo busy fighting, and not researching!! I mean i'm getting research every 3 turns and was every 2 until i invented flight!?!?!?
But apart from that it's good fun ain't it!!! I'm glad my boss hasn't been here this week too!!!!
May 1, 2000, 08:03
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Oldman and others - I am still playing the game, but it may take me another fortnight or two to finish. I decided to build MPE and use my "rising tide lifts all boats" philosophy - giving techs to the AIs so they could help me in research. On the positive side, I have 35 techs in AD 1120 (only 17 of them white). On the negative side, I've spent most of my time in the text editor keeping my log file, followed closely by time spent in the F3 diplomacy screen, followed distantly by time spent actually playing the game!
I've also taken great advantage of repeating trade commodities, and have delivered 11 caravans to Madrid.
Further reports when I finish the game, in the distant future...
May 2, 2000, 05:07
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DaveV - good to have you aboard - your insights into this, strange to you, game will be most welcome. You already know this is tough map, could well be this one cannot be won playing MPG - I think all the successes above were SP variants. Good luck and do tell us about it.
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
May 2, 2000, 07:29
Local Time: 00:43
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Location: Zwolle, The Netherlands
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The comparison table for this game is ready. Also, I want to let you all know that the OCC Strategy Guide has moved to http://members.home.nl/paulvdb/occ.htm and I also have a new e-mail address: paulvdb@home.nl
May 2, 2000, 09:19
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Thanks for your comparison table as always - and thanks for includiong a link to the new home of the Strategy Guide. Just a couple of points -
I don't follow the logic in not including the arrival dates of Tom, redbaron and Oldman.
Would it be possible to put up a compendium page for the OCC series with links to the starting maps, comparison tables etc all on the same page - this would be another invaluable OCC reference resource.
Thanks again,
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
May 2, 2000, 09:42
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Location: Livingstone, Lord Protector of London
Posts: 433
I assume Paul left off our landing dates because we were beaten to the landing by a rival Civ!??!
But it's a good idea about having a front page for all the OCC stuff. Just like a contents page, with links to the 7 tables, scenarios and the rules. That way i can just have one link in my favorites!!
I've just played OCC 6, i didn't do too well but i did absolutely thrash the opposition!! that's kind of baffling me!!
Paul: if i post my logs of any old OCC fortnightly's i do, would you post them on the appropraite tables?
May 2, 2000, 10:27
Local Time: 00:43
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Location: Zwolle, The Netherlands
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As you said, your landing dates were left out because you didn't land first. And you can find links to the games, logs and tables on my OCC Strategy Guide.
And if you post logs for any of the old games they will be added to the table when I have time, which can sometimes take a couple of days or weeks.
[This message has been edited by Paul (edited May 02, 2000).]
May 2, 2000, 10:53
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Location: Livingstone, Lord Protector of London
Posts: 433
That's what i thought about the landing dates, what you could do si include our actual landing dates and asterisk them to show we were not the first, or include the dates of the other civ(s) landing showing how har behind we were the other civs!??!
I'll post my log to occ6 then, no rush to add it on to the table. I was just checking it was worth me even posting it, if you know what i mean?!?!
Does anyone have plans to do another one soon? i'm guessing you play them every fortnight, Hang on i can check myself - doh!!! Does anyone have one ready? do you always play on small maps? has anyone played occ on a big map? i guess it might let the other civs grow too big and impossible to keep up with?
May 2, 2000, 11:04
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Location: Liverpool, United Kingdom
Posts: 6,344
I believe Sten is holding a large map prospect that my mate SG2 put up a month or so ago, but if my memory serves (I'm too lazy to reload page 1) didn't vik (or someone) say they had one ready to go.
Yes we play these roughly every fortnight or so - can't have too much of a good thing can we - and I'm wondering whether there is enough interest for a bloodlust comparison in the off-weeks - the problem is that a bloodlust game on anything but a very small map takes (me) forever to play to a conclusion.
p.s. oldman - does the handle reflect physiology (I'm 52 and SG2 is 51 - there do not seem to be that many civheads 'of a certain age')
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
May 2, 2000, 11:31
Local Time: 23:43
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Location: Livingstone, Lord Protector of London
Posts: 433
We could try and do a bloodlust!! It's not my strong point, but then this whole OCC thing looks like i need some practice?!?!
It's weird you asked about the age, i was about to bring it up myself sometime and ask how old the rest of you guys were!!! No, my name is a play on my surname, I'm only 20 years old!! 
So how old are the rest of you guys? Am i the youngest one here??  ??
[This message has been edited by Oldman (edited May 02, 2000).]
May 2, 2000, 13:57
Local Time: 15:43
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Jul 1999
Location: Civ2 Diehard
Posts: 3,838
Thanks again Paul
Actually I built Cope's in 780AD not 1780AD
I dont think Vik was 1st to land in his game either
May 2, 2000, 14:16
Local Time: 00:43
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: Zwolle, The Netherlands
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Table updated with Smashes Cop date and marked landing dates for civs that did not land first. I must have somehow missed that in vik's log, probably because he had the fastest landing date and it didn't occur to me that the AI could be faster.
Oldman, in the Apolyton forum there is an age faq maintained by Narck which shows the ages of some Apolyton members. (Edit: Dave just beat me to it and he even looked up the url for it)
[This message has been edited by Paul (edited May 02, 2000).]
May 3, 2000, 05:07
Local Time: 23:43
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Location: Livingstone, Lord Protector of London
Posts: 433
May 11, 2000, 08:46
Local Time: 19:43
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Posts: 2,051
I finally finished, landing in 1892. My log file is over 1000 lines long, so I'll have to edit it down a little if anyone really wants to read it. A few notes:
I went for Trade and Marco Polo right after Bronze, instead of going for Monarchy. This gave me contact with the AIs a lot earlier. I stayed in Despotism longer than the rest of the field, but that didn't cost me any production from the whales squares.
My big mistake in this game was delaying Automobile. I didn't expect Superhighways to help me a lot when most of my city squares were ocean, but it could have saved me a lot of turns of research. Other mistakes: building coastal fortress, city walls, and a battleship for defense. All of these turned out to be a waste of resources. The Mongols landed two catapults and a chariot near my capital in AD 880, which made me needlessly paranoid.
AC 1892
Monarchy -525
Republic -25
Democracy 1020
Colossus -2150
Copernicus 300
Shakespeare 1400
Newton 1240
Darwin 1550
Apollo 1851
1st Trade -50
2nd Trade -50
3rd Trade -50
Trade -1000
Construction -300 (from Zulus)
Sanitation 520
Refrigeration 1340
Automobile 1800
Computers 1816
Space Flight 1850
Pop 12 120
Pop 15 1822
Edit: final city size is 15, not 25 (!)
[This message has been edited by DaveV (edited May 11, 2000).]
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