May 11, 2000, 10:32
Local Time: 23:43
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Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Liverpool, United Kingdom
Posts: 6,344
Well done DaveV It is hard for a warhorse to change its spots isn't it?
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
August 21, 2000, 23:37
Local Time: 18:43
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: of less than all that I see
Posts: 1,055
That was quite a rough game, and I kind of lost interest after my computer crashed, taking my log with it. I landed in 2005, although I know I could have done a lot better, at least 1990, if not 1960ish. I apparently tried a different path than most people, not making monarchy until 125 BC. I built both the Hanging Gardens and Shakes before Copes, and not sure if it really did me any good. I know forgetting to send out caravans until the mid 1800's certainly didn't help in any case. Given the lack of growing space, I shouldn't have put off trade so long. I also probably rushed to republic a little soon, it absolutely killed my production, and wound up hurting my trade as well, since i needed more luxuries, and didn't have construction or trade yet. With the Hanging gardens and 3 warriors, it was no problem staying in WLTKD. At least I landed before anyone else had plastics. It got rather spammy out there with the other 6 civs building about 30 structurals a round between them.
Looking at other people's logs, I'm surprised how much people got out of the spanish. I was allied with them the entire post-mpe era, and yet they never gave me more than 2.5% of their treasury. (ie they'd gift 25 gp if they were over 1000 gp) The romans were rather stingy, but at least coughed up 100 fairly regularly, while the Zulu's happily gave me every last dime each time. I kind of stopped asking them once they started beating me to modern techs though, and that cetainly slowed down my spaceship. Of course I had crashed and lost my log by then, but just getting 50 gp from someone periodically would have reduced my building time by about 15-20 turns (built most of my structurals in 2 turns, where buying a granary for 200 gp would have made it 1) Also I made some pretty stupid mistakes, such as selling my sewer system and then wondering why i wasn't growing from 18 to 20, and forgetting to sell my colosseum until i was building modules.
Using old saves, I'll try and piecemeal the key points. They may be off by as much as 2-3 turns, but o well, not like I don't know where my mistakes were and I wasn't exactly and early lander
diety, 2.42
AC 2005
monarchy: -125
republic: 300
democracy: 1851
colossus: -1850
copes: 1756
shakes: 1680
ikes: 1798
darwins: 1862
apollo: 1947
trade: 1834, 1851, 1851
size 12: 1160
size 20: 1970
trade: 1160
cons: 900
san: 1810
refr: 1882
auto: 1897
comp: 1917
SF: 1946
April Cantor: Sire, in order to expand further we must first gain favor of the King
SCG: darn, I've never really got the hang of that tribute thing, guess it will be a long time until i make prince
*goes off and starts gifting gold and techs*
August 22, 2000, 07:54
Local Time: 18:43
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2000
Location: Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 334
SCG, never use the first 3 caravans you build to help with the next wonder. The formation of trade routes is critical to OCC, and you will find that the one time bonuses that you get from delivering the caravans will help you build your Wonders even more quickly.
August 22, 2000, 08:32
Local Time: 18:43
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Location: of less than all that I see
Posts: 1,055
I know, I know. I just didn't have navigation yet, and then when i got it it was about the time i lost my log. Just kind of played it out from there. I had already made some big mistakes by then (would have liked to reload back before i started researching republic  ) and maybe made some slightly different path choices in general. I think i still would have built the HG, but gone for monarchy earlier and republic later. I was in WLt Despot Day for a long time, having built both the Colossus and HG well in the BC. I think the biggest reason i built shakes first was so i could sell my colosseum, and then i didn't sell it until about 1990 - thats a lot of gold to have lost. I'm not really sure how i kept bypassing trade and navigation, having things like seafaring and bronzeworking so early. I'll just chalk this one up as a darn good landing for not really paying attention to what i was doing
April Cantor: Sire, in order to expand further we must first gain favor of the King
SCG: darn, I've never really got the hang of that tribute thing, guess it will be a long time until i make prince
*goes off and starts gifting gold and techs*
August 29, 2000, 18:41
Local Time: 00:43
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Location: The Netherlands, Embassy of the Iroquois Confederacy
Posts: 1,578
Had we known the Vikings were so close, we could have risked a trireme after Seafaring!
The alternative strategy of Republic/Great Library basically worked, though. Still we were lucky to land one year ahead of the Romans (the big favourite in this scenario), who built too many structurals.
AC: 1954
Monarchy: ---- !!
Republic: -825
Democracy: 1804
Colossus: -1950
Great Library -175 !!
Copernicus: 980
Shakespeare: 1756
Leonardo: 1802
Newton: 1822
Darwin: 1861
Hoover Dam: 1909
Apollo: 1913
Trade routes: 1754, 1758, 1758
Size 12: 1440
Size 20: 1953
Trade: -380
Construction: 620
Sanitation: 1730
Refrigeration: 1860
Automobile: 1864
Computers: 1884
Space Flight: 1912
-3950 SECTION 1 founded by Nikita
-3750 Warriors
-3450 Bronze Working
-3400 Phalanx,S2
-3000 Alphabet
-2650 S3
-2250 Writing
-1600 Code of Laws
-1500 Library
-1200 Diplomat
-1150 Literacy
-950 Diplomat
-825 The Republic, REPUBLIC, di Phalanx, di Warriors
-575 Ceremonial Burial
-300 Currency
-100 Mysticism<-GL, Map Making<-GL
-75 Temple
-50 WLtCD
-25 S4, Pottery<-GL
1 WLtCD cancelled, Iron Worling<-GL
80 Philosophy->Seafaring
100 Harbor, WLtCD
120 S5
140 S6
160 S7
180 WLtCD cancelled
280 Mathematics<-GL
300 Marketplace
340 Masonry
380 Trade<-GL
480 S8
560 Astronomy, Warrior Code<-GL
620 Construction<-GL
920 Monarchy<-GL
960 Navigation
1080 Beads
1180 Oil
1240 Colosseum, (MARCO POLO'S EMBASSY-R)
1260 Banking-GL
1300 Aquaduct, Engineering-GL
1340 Horseback Riding-GL
1360 Granary
1380 S9, WLtCD
1400 S10, Polytheism-GL
1420 S11
1440 S12
1460 Bank, WLtCD cancelled, sold Colosseum
1520 The Wheel-GL
1530 Salt
1540 University
1600 University
1630 Theory of Gravity
1640 Caravel
1680 Vikings, Navigation<->Feudalism(V), Construction<->Chivalry(V),
The Republic->, Peace(V), Philosohy->V, Maps(V), War(E)<-V,
1700 Medicine-GL
1730 Sanitation
1752 * Romans demand 100 -> * War(R)
1754 Beads to Antium (d, 688)
1756 SHAKESPEARE'S THEATRE, Economics, R Caravel
1758 Salt to Rome (d, 608), Oil to Rome (304)
1760 Stock Exchange, Chemistry
1764 Food
1768 Sewer System
1770 S13
1772 Food,Invention
1776 Food
1784 Food, Gunpowder, (ORACLE-Z)
1788 Food
1792 Silver
1796 Food, Explosives
1798 Monotheism-GL
1800 Food
1802 LEONARDO'S WORKSHOP, Gunpowder<->Physics(V), The Wheel->V,
Monotheism-GL, Democracy-GL
1806 E Trireme, * Vikings declare war on English *
1808 Food, * Great Wall forces Vikings to make peace with English *
1810 Steam Engine, (STATUE OF LIBERTY-R)
1812 Food
1814 Steam Engine->V
1816 Food, Silver to Trondheim (d,555)
1818 Railroad
1820 Food
1824 Tundra into Desert
1826 Engineers, Industrialization
1832 The Corporation
1836 Desert into Plains
1840 Factory, Railroad<->Magnetism(V), Industrialization->V
1844 Metallurgy
1846 Silver
1850 Gems
1851 Refining
1852 Food
1854 Food, Glacier into Tundra
1855 Combustion
1856 Food, Metallurgy->V, Gems to Kaupang (d,618),
1857 Electricity, Silver to Trondheim (262)
1858 Food
1859 Tundra into Desert
1860 Food, Refrigeration
1861 DARWIN'S VOYAGE, -> Electronics, Steel,
Explosives<->Leadership(R), Peace(R),
Cease Fire(E), Railroad->E, Industrialization->E, Maps(E)
* !%@^#&$%*( no hydroplant allowed!!  *
1862 Leadership<->Conscription(V), Explosives->V, (EIFFEL TOWER-R)
1864 Gems, Automobile, Desert into Plains
1866 Supermarket, WLtPD
1867 S13
1869 WLtPD cancelled, (ADAM SMITH'S TRADING CO.-R)
1870 Superhighways
1871 Tactics
1872 Gems to Rome (612)
1873 Salt
1874 Machine Tools
1876 Food
1878 Power Plant, Miniaturization, Glacier into Tundra
1879 250<-E for War(R), Ally(E)
1881 Offshore Platform
1882 Mass Production, Zulu's, Railroad->Z, Peace(Z),
Industrialization->Z, Maps(Z), Salt to Zimbabwe (d,840),
Tundra into Desert
1883 Mass Transit
1884 Computers
1885 Research Lab
* Romans are now attacking the entire Civ II *
1887 Hides, Mobile Warfare, Desert into Plains
1889 Hides, WLtPD
1890 Robotics, S15
1891 Manufacturing Plant, S16
1892 Hides, WLtPD cancelled
1893 Hides, Atomic Theory
1894 Hides
1895 Hides
1896 Nuclear Fission, Hides to Rome (651), Hides to Rome (651),
Alliance(E) cancelled->Cease Fire(R)
1898 Hides, Nuclear Power
1899 Hides
1900 Glacier into Tundra
1901 Flight
1905 Radio, Tundra into Desert, 3 Hides to Vei (3x390)
1907 Advanced Flight, 3 Hides to Vei (3x390)
1909 HOOVER DAM, Rocketry, sold Power Plant, Hides to Vei (390)
1910 Desert into Plains
1911 Peace(R)
1912 Space Flight, Hides to Vei (462)
1914 SSS, S17
1915 SSS, Plastics, WLtPD cancelled
1916 SSS
1917 SSS
1918 SSS, Plains into Grassland(s) (city square)
1919 SSS, The Laser, WLtPD
1920 SSS, S18
1921 SSS, WLtPD cancelled, sold Granary
1922 SSS
1923 SSS, Superconductor, Plains into Grassland(s), (CURE FOR CANCER-R)
1924 SSS
1925 SSS
1926 SSS
1927 SSS, Fusion Power, sold Research Lab
1928 SSS, sold University, Plains into Grassland(s)
1929 SSC, WLtPD
1930 SSC, S19, sold Library
1931 SSC, WLtPD cancelled
1932 SSC, sold Sewer System, (SETI PROGRAM-R)
1933 SSC, Plains into Grassland, sold Aquaduct
1934 SSC, sold Temple
1935 sold Mass Transit, di Diplomat, di Transport
1937 SSM,
* Romans build 16 SSS *
1938 SSM, di Engineers, sold Manufacturing Plant
* Romans build 20 SSS *
1939 SSM, LAUNCH - ETA 1954
* Romans build 2 SSS *
1940 * Romans build 6 SSC *
1941 Mass Transit
* Romans build 2 SSC *
1942 * Romans build 4 SSC *
1943 City Walls
1944 * Romans build 1 SSM *
1945 Aquaduct
* Romans build 2 SSM, LAUNCH - ETA 1955 *
1947 Sewer System
1949 Coastal Fortress
1950 Barracks, War(R) for 750<-(V)
1951 Battleship, R Transport with 3 units
1952 Armor, WLtPD
1953 Coastal Fortress, S20
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
August 30, 2000, 11:51
Local Time: 00:43
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: The Netherlands, Embassy of the Iroquois Confederacy
Posts: 1,578
My diplomat went west round the pole, and KEPT going, finally saw a city in the distance ... to find out it was ours, only slightly larger!
We took a chance and sent a ship out before discovering navigation, and it paid off. Might have done that a bit earlier, even.
Note also the different wonder strategy for this particular scenario! Now if only some of the other tribes would have chosen democracy, we could have had much more trade to save a few turns, but alas ...
the MGE tribes love war.
The Romans really loved to decorate their empire with all those wonders.
AC: 1924
Monarchy: - 
Republic: -825
Democracy: 1580
Gardens: -2000
Colossus: -600
Shakespeare: 780
Copernicus: 1280
Newton: 1560
Leonardo: 1790
Darwin: - 
Hoover Dam: 1848
SETI: 1857
Apollo: 1885
Trade routes: 560, 560, 940
Size 12: 920
Size 22: 1923
Trade: 80
Construction: 540
Sanitation: 1610
Refrigeration: 1794
Automobile: 1814
Computers: 1856
Space Flight: 1884
================================================== =
-3950 Beijing founded by Ashka
-3750 Warriors
-3550 Warriors
-3450 Pottery
-3400 S2
-3000 Alphabet
-2650 S3
-2250 Writing
-2050 di Warriors
-1750 Library
-1700 Code of Laws
-1500 Diplomat
-1300 Literacy
-1250 Diplomat
-825 The Republic, REPUBLIC, di Warriors
-800 S4
-650 Bronze Working, We Love ends 
-600 COLOSSUS * just beat the Romans! *
-525 Map Making
-375 Seafaring
-350 Harbor, We Love 
-325 S5
-300 S6
-275 S7
-250 We Love ends 
-200 Ceremonial Burial
-175 Temple
-75 * Diplomat back from around the pole - no huts, no nothing!  *
-50 Currency
1 Marketplace
80 Trade
120 Salt
220 Beads, Mysticism
320 Hides
360 S8
380 Philosophy -> Masonry
400 Trireme
500 Food
540 Construction, Zulus, The Republic<->Astronomy(Z),
Philosphy<->Mathematics(Z), Writing<->Horseback Riding(Z), Peace(Z), War(S) makes Ally(Z), Trade->Z, Maps(Z), 50<-Z 
560 Food, Salt to Zimbabwe (d,320), Beads to Zimbabwe (272)
600 Hides
640 Hides
680 Hides
720 Hides
760 Hides
800 University
840 Aquaduct, We Love 
860 S9
880 S10
900 S11, Vikings, The Republic<->Bridge Building(V),
Philosophy<->Iron Working(V), University<->Warrior Code(V),
Peace(V), Trade->V, War(R) makes Ally(V), Maps(V), 150<-V 
920 S12
940 Hides, We Love ends  , Hides to Cumae (d,466)
960 Banking, Hides to Rome (537)
980 Hides
1000 Economics
1020 University
1060 Bank, Warrior Code<->Monarchy(Z), University->Z
1100 Stock Exchange
1140 Hides, Theory of Gravity
1180 Hides
1220 Hides
1260 Hides
1320 Hides
1340 di Trireme
1360 Hides, Chemistry
1400 Hides
1440 Hides, The Wheel, (MARCO POLO'S EMBASSY-V)
1480 Hides
1510 Hides, Engineering
1530 Hides
1550 Hides
1600 Oil
1610 Sanitation
1620 We Love 
1630 Sewer System, S13
1640 Gunpowder, We Love ends 
1650 Caravel
1680 Granary
1700 Engineers, Physics
1720 Food
1730 Steam Engine, Gunpowder->Z
1740 Food, Gunpowder->V, 100<-V 
1750 Silver to Trondheim (d,572)
1752 Railroad, Food, sold Temple
1756 Food
1758 Industrialization, Tundra into Desert
1760 Food, Oil to Cumae (234), St Chivalry(R),
* Alliance dissolved over Industrialization  *,
* that brings our Caravel home  *
1762 (KING RICHARD'S CRUSADE-R) * hehe  *
1764 The Corporation
1768 Food
1770 Refining
1774 Power Plant
1778 Food, Magnetism, Desert into Plains
1784 Gems
1786 Electricity
1794 Refrigeration, We Love 
1796 Supermarket, S13, Gems to Madrid (d,666), Plains into Grassland(s)
1798 Steel, We Love ends
1800 Food, Railroad->S, Cease Fire(S), Physics<->Feudalism(S)
1804 Food
1806 Combustion
1808 Food, Br S Explorer(105), di Explorer
1810 Diplomat
500<-Z  + Monotheism<-Z  for War(S)
1812 Invention<->Leadership(V), Steam Engine<->Polytheism(V)  ,
Sanitation->V, 100<-V 
* "We are rich .. rich .. rich!" *
1814 Food, Automobile
1816 Superhighways, Glacier into Tundra
1820 Gems, Electronics
1822 We Love 
1824 Food, S14
1826 We Love ends  , Tundra into Desert
1830 Gems to Madrid (d,1080) 
1832 Food, Tactics
1836 Food, Desert into Plains
1840 Food, Machine Tools
1842 We Love 
1844 Food, S15
1846 We Love ends 
1848 HOOVER DAM, Miniaturization, sold Power Plant
1851 Gems
1852 Mass Production
1854 Offshore Platform
1855 Gems to Madrid (d,1106)
1856 Mass Transit, Computers, Glacier into Tundra
1857 SETI PROGRAM, 600<-Z for War(M)
1859 Hides, Mobile Warfare
1861 Hides, Tundra into Desert
1862 Robotics
1863 Manufacturing Plant
1864 Hides
1865 Dye, Atomic Theory
1866 Hides, Desert into Plains
1867 Hides
1868 Hides, Nuclear Fission, We Love 
1869 Hides, S16, 50->S for Cease Fire(S)
1870 Hides, We Love ends 
1871 Hides, Nuclear Power
1872 Hides
1873 Hides
1874 Hides, Flight
1875 Hides, 2 Hides to Neapolis (2x418), Dye to Neapolis (418)
1876 Silver, Radio, Hides to Neapolis (418)
1879 Advanced Flight, Hides to Neapolis (418), Glacier into Tundra
1882 Rocketry, 3 Hides to Neapolis (3x418)
1884 Space Flight, Tundra into Desert, di Diplomat
1886 SSS
1887 SSS
1888 SSS, Plastics
1889 SSS, Desert into Plains
1890 SSS
1891 SSS, We Love 
1892 SSS, S17
1893 SSS, The Laser, S18
1894 SSS, We Love ends 
1895 SSS
1896 SSS, Romans destroy empty Transport 
* Oh well, we didn't need it anymore  *
* Zulus and Vikings declare war on Romans  *
1897 SSS, Superconductor, Plains into Grassland(s)
Silver to Neapolis (d,1172), 5 Hides to Neapolis (5x470) * nice Roman railroads  *
1898 SSS, Fusion Power
* UN forces Vikings to make peace with Romans  *
1899 SSS
1900 SSS
1901 SSC
* Romans boast about Amphibious Warfare  *
1902 SSC, Plains into Grassland(s)
1903 SSC
1904 SSC
1905 SSC
1906 SSC, sold Manufacturing Plant
1907 SSM, Plains into Grassland, sold Factory
1908 SSM, sold Mass Transit
1909 SSM, We Love  , LAUNCH
1910 S19
1911 Factory, We Love ends 
1914 Recycling
1915 Mass Transit
1917 City Walls, Oil into Hides
1918 Environmentalism, 50->E, Peace(E)
1920 SAM Missile Battery, We Love  , Br S Cannon(380), Peace(S)
1921 S20, di Engineers, di Cannon
1922 S21, Aegis Cruiser, M Transport (+1 unit)
1923 S22 
1924 The ASHKA lands on ALPHA CENTAURI
Score=266 (34%)
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
September 2, 2000, 00:53
Local Time: 23:43
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 1,597
I did the minimum of terraforming and ended up with a maximum size of only 15. It is interesting to compare this with those who had done extensive terraforming firstly to get max population and trade and then for max shields of 80+ net. I was put off by the time-scale of such changes, so my final terrain forms were desert-oil mined, tundra farmland, plains farmland and desert mined, all railroaded, giving max shields of 65 net. It was a case of seeing whether the gains in the early and middle games could counter the obvious slowdown in the SS building phase. The landing date is not bad.
Maybe there is some fine-tuning to be done in games with difficult terrain to balance the normal optimum needs and the specific needs of the terrain-challenged site ie the loss of scientist-based beakers may be more than balanced by the gain in a steady high supply not disrupted by the higher L ratio required for the WLTxDs.
By concentrating efforts on ocean-based trade and caravans building I managed to squeeze in two extra Wonders, the Lighthouse before Colossus and then Magellan’s Expedition between Newton’s and Darwin’s. These greatly enhanced the caravan trade, with the bonus enabling me to bribe a Spanish Engineer, crucial in the end game.
I stopped giving techs to the AI’s after advanced flight which seemed about right as the English launched their huge 39-8-8-1-1-1 ship just two turns before my arrival at AC, scheduled to arrived some 8 years after.
2.42 Deity
AC: 1899
Monarchy: -725
Republic: 220
Democracy: 1340
Lighthouse: -1350
Colossus: -175
Copernicus: 960
Shakespeare: 1060
Newton: 1320
Magellan: 1620
Darwin: 1730
Apollo: 1832
Trade routes: 540, 560, 920
Size 12: 1000
Size 21: n/a Max. size=15 @ 1766
Trade: 280
Construction: -575
Sanitation: 1120
Refrigeration: 1620
Automobile: 1766
Computers: 1794
Space Flight: 1830
3950 BC Beijing Founded
3500 BC Bronze Working
3000 BC Alphabet
2450 BC Mapmaking
1950 BC Ceremonial Burial
1350 BC Lighthouse
1250 BC Code of Laws
750 BC Vikings: Alliance, sharemaps
725 BC Monarchy revolution Govt. Monarchy
575 BC Zulus: Alliance, gift of Construction
550 BC Vikings: Construction + 25
500 BC Zulus: Mapmaking
400 BC Mapmaking
350 BC Zulus: 75
325 BC Romans destroyed by English Vikings: 50
175 BC Colossus Vikings: gift of mysticism
150 BC Spanish: Mapmaking Alliance gift 0f 200
125 BC Library
50 BC English: Construction & Mysticism for Alliance, gift of Literacy
1AD Vikings: 100
80 Vikings: exchange Masonry + 100
200 English: gift Republic revolution Spanish: exchange Pottery
220 Govt Republic
240 Temple
280 Trade
300 Beads caravan built Zulus: republic + 100 Spanish: exchange pottery + 150 English: ironworking +200
320 Hides Caravan built
340 Oil Caravan Built
360 Vikings: 50
420 Zulus gift of Wheel
500 Vikings gift warrior code English: 250
540 Beads to York (demanded)=306 Zulus: gift 150 Viking: gift Horseback riding Spanish: 150
560 Mathematics Hides-York (not demanded)=244 Zulus: 50
620 Zulus Vikings Spanish: 50
700 Zulus Spanish: 50 English: 125
760 Seafaring
780 Harbor Vikings: 100
800 start WLTCD
820 English 75 Zulus & Spanish:100
900 Colosseum Zulus 50 Spanish 100
920 Aqueduct Hides to London (not demanded)=368
940 Astronomy English exchange Philosophy Zulus: exchange Banking
960 Copernicus
1000 Pop=12 Zulus 50 Spanish: 100
1040 Spanish: exchange Engineering + 50, English exchange University + 100, Vikings + 50
1060 Shakespeare Theatre
1100 Hides to Antium (demanded)=522
1120 Sanitation Zulus: 50 English: 100
1140 Sewer System Vikings: 50
1160 Spanish: gift of monotheism Vikings: exchange Bridge Building + 50 English: 100
1180 Theory of gravity Zulus: 50 Spanish: 150
1260 English dev navigation Eng: exchange Navigation + 200 Spanish: 150
1280 Invention Zulus: 50
1320 Newton’s College
1340 Democracy revolution Govt.=Democracy Vikings: 50 Spanish: 150
1360: Zulus: 50
1380: Spanish: 50
1400 Vikings: exchange feudalism + 50 English: 100 Zulus: 50 Spanish: 50
1420 Stock Exchange English dev physics
1440 Chemistry English: exchange Physics + 100
1480 Vikings: 50
1500 Gunpowder Zulus dev chivalry
1510 Zulus: exchange Chivalry
1520 Salt to London (demanded)=520
1530 Explosives Vikings: 50
1540: Vikings: 50
1550 English exchange Magnetism
1560 Silver to Warwick (demanded)=685
1570 Metallurgy
1590 Zulus: 50 Vikings: 50 Spanish: 75
1600 Electricity
1610 English: 100
1620 Refrigeration Magellan's Expedition Zulus Vikings: 50 Spanish: 75
1640 Mongols: Ceasefire Hides to Liverpool (demanded) =576 English: 100 Mongols: peace
1650 English: 100
1660 Vikings: 50 Spanish 150 English: 100
1670 Railroad Disband Trireme
1680 Zulus: 100 English: 100
1690 Galleon built Vikings: 50 Spanish: 150
1710 Zulus: 100 English: 200
1720 Industrialization Vikings: 50
1730 Darwin’s Voyage get Corporation Steel English: 100 Spanish: exchange Leadership + 150 disband Caravel
1740 Gems to Seville (demanded)=496 English: exchange Conscription
1750 Refining Zulus: 100
1752 Supermarket Start WLTPD English: 200, Silver to London (demanded) =454
1754 Transport built
1756 Zulus: 100 Vikings: 50
1768 Combustion
1760 Salt to Zimbabwe (not demanded)=276 Disband Galleon
1762 Vikings: 50
1764 Spanish 75
1766 Automobile Oil to Rome (not demanded)=408 pop=15 max End WLTPD
1768 English: 100
1770 English exchange Tactics + 100
1772 Electronics Vikings: 50 Spanish: 75 English: 75
1778 Machine Tools Zulus: 50 English: 100
1780 Zulus: exchange Mobile Warfare + 50 Vikings: 50 Spanish: 150 English: 100
1784 Miniaturization English: 200
1786 Offshore Platform
1788 Zulus Vikings: 50 Spanish: 150 English: 200
1790 English dev Flight! English exchange Flight + 200 Silver to Rome (demanded)=955 Beads to Rome (not demanded)=382
1794 Computers
1796 Research Lab
1798 Zulus: 100 Vikings: 50 Spanish: 150
1800 Robotics
1804 Zulus: 100 Vikings: 50 Spanish 150
1810 Spanish: 150 Zulus: 100 Vikings: 50 English: 100 Bribe Spanish Engineer (628)
1812 Advanced Flight
1818 Factory Zulus: 100 Vikings: 50 Spanish: 150 English: 100
1820 Rocketry
1826 Zulus: 100 Vikings: 50 Spanish: 150 English: 200 Disband Transport
1830 Space Flight
1832 Apollo
1836 s1
1840 Plastics s2 Disband Diplo
1842 s3 Sell Sewer System
1850 s5 Atomic Theory
1852 Disband Engineer
1853 s7
1855 s8 Nuclear Fission, Disband Settler
1860 Nuclear Power s11
1862 s12
1864 s13
1865 Laser
1866 s14
1868 s15
1870 c1
1872 c2
1874 (English dev Space Flight!) c3
1876 c4
1877 Fusion Power (English dev Plastics!)
1878 c5
1879 c6
1880 m1 sell Research Lab
1881 m2 sell University
1884 Launch 15-3-3-1-1-1 SS
1885 Alpine Troops built
1887 Coastal Fortress
1888 Barracks
1889 Alpine Troops built
1891 Stealth SAM built
1893 Stealth Fighter built
1894 Alpine Troops
1897 Nuclear Plant sell Power Plant, English launch their SS
1899 Landed AC
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