August 27, 2000, 16:07
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[rant]I hate having to relearn everything[/end rant]
Who should I play as?
keep in mind I know nothing about middle earth or nothing else associated with this scenario for that matter.
Know if any tip/strategies are around?
August 27, 2000, 17:32
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Play as anyone but Stygians and Goblins. If you want an easy game, play the underwater guys (merfolk or something), and build mines and railroads on shallow sea terrain for lots of resources. In my experience the Buteons are much harder to play, and the Humans are about average. Haven't really tried the other two.
By the way, Midgard has nothing to do with Middle Earth (if you mean Tolkien's Middle Earth), it's a fictional setting based on Norse mythology. IIRC Midgard means "middle land" and is the "normal" world in Norse mythology.
I don't know of any strategies on the net but you could try searching the archives here.
[This message has been edited by Dr.Oogkloot (edited August 27, 2000).]
August 27, 2000, 18:50
Yes, the merfolk are very easy. Actually, make that very easy. The elves have a cool unit that looks exactly like the forest terrain, so you can't tell whether there's a unit there or not  . The AI knows the difference though.  I like playing as the elves, because merfolk are just way too easy.
August 27, 2000, 19:34
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I decided to take the Humans.
Going ok,I think.Built Golden Orchard,Round Table,Arthur's Palimpsest and Magic Sword.
Switched to Dwarven Alliance and found out it is Fundy.Building dwarves,catapults and rangers right now.
The Stygians have some powerful units that I always seem to be just short of gold when trying to bribe.
There was a red dragon unit that had big #s but it took off to help the Goblins or something.
I found some underground entrances but don't know what to do with them.
August 28, 2000, 03:30
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Smash-Odd you should mention this, since I recently started playing Midgard, and tinkering with it.
One way, if you can pull it off, is to flood the large continent (where each civ has one city, with goblins and co.) with a lot of settlers to seize the middle groud early. The entrances to the underworld act as teleporters (lots of fun for caravan-freaks like me  , and that blackish terrain has unbelievable resources.
The dragon's are cool, because when you kill one, you get a lot of gold, and the tech that's midgard's equivalent of refrig.
Best of luck!
-KhanMan, LLS of Sayen
August 28, 2000, 04:42
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Rollin now.Bribed a dragon,a giant spider and got that unspeakable horror.Found a giant otterine in a hut.Atlantis fell(captured Sacred Menhir) and the Merfolk are history.The rest are in ruins.Not too sure about the Stygian.Bribing most of their "special" units.
Built Orb of Peace,Brisingham,Eye of Ran,Huginn and Muninn,Hammer of Power and the Nielbelungenlied.Switched to Republic for "we love days" and then went Commie.So far,so good.
I will have to try and slay a dragon.
August 28, 2000, 13:41
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I don't know.The best I can build right now is seige engines.Envoys are probably my best units all things considered.I built a slew of dwarfs while in Dwarven Alliance(fundy) and they seem to defend well.Can't stop the dragons yet.They don't seem to be able to capture cities though.They kill every defender then take off.
I gotta a feeling there are a few surprises to come.
I must have bribed 50 goblins by now.Sent them all back for disbanding.
August 28, 2000, 14:21
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*Cough* Submit to Art of War.
August 28, 2000, 20:38
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hehehe...I have no strategy here.Basic civ conquering mode.
I captured the Stygian capitol and bribed the Lich that appeared but I just can't get a chance at slaying a dragon.Maybe cuz I've bribed 2 of them.
The Merfolk have restarted!Is this supposed to happen?
August 29, 2000, 00:25

Who gets those human looking units--Sorcerer, Old Man, etc., because it isn't the Human player that's for sure.
I started this session as the human player. I have all the necessary techs, but can't build those units. 
So who gets those units, so I can stop playing these weak-ass humans because Enc. Paladins, Housearls, & Dwarves cannot defend cities against the Stygian forces that I like to play with.
"And his word shall carry
death eternal to those who
stand against righteousness."
August 29, 2000, 09:41
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This is amazing - I started Midgard (as an elf) for the first time last night and here we have a current discussion...
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
August 29, 2000, 09:50
ahem... about the entrances=teleporters thing... we are talking about FW not TOT, right?
how can there be teleporters in Civ2 FW?
August 29, 2000, 10:10
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Sorry Andz - mine is ToT ...
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
August 29, 2000, 13:36
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I'm using MGE so FW is the one here.
I'm getting concerned about restarting civs.Last night I destroyed the Stygians and the Elves but both restarted also.
Once again,is restarting supposed to happen?If not I'm going to use the cheat menu to kill civilization if so then I go back to drawing board.
I,now, can build quite a few units.Just kept researching stuff and now I got a new horse unit,a better cannon unit and new boats.I also have a few cities making sorcerers.
The tree guards were kinda neat but not too hard to figure out.1 question:is there any way to move them?
The best aquisition I made was the unspeakable horror.That unit kicks butt.
I got around the slaying a dragon thing.I attacked a Stygian dragon with a bribed dragon of mine.I lost and the Stygians got dragon lore.I then stole it next turn.No problem.I wonder if disbanding would have worked?
[This message has been edited by Smash (edited August 29, 2000).]
August 30, 2000, 18:07
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August 30, 2000, 19:52
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I conquered the Buteons last night and they restarted also.
The manual says" this is a bloodlust scenario meaning spaceships are not a consideration".
That leaves a little grey area.Other scenarios I have tryed- bloodlust meant bloodlust.Civs died.If they don't I guess it was intentional.Unless someone screwed up...
I'm getting 2 turns per tech under Commie so I think I'll return most of my units to base and switch to Democracy(or whatever its called here) and just "research out" the scenario.
I would have moved the tree guards if I could as they have a big defense # but it wasn't necessary.
Looking back the only unit I needed was envoys.They bribed Stygian special units which then did most of the fighting.NOTHING in the scenario that I encountered could stand up to unspeakable horror and dragon attacks.Or bombarders for that matter.
Getting the unspeakable horror early required The Eye of Ran(Lighthouse) or alot of luck.3 longboats(triremes) needed to make a voyage over open seas.You could use the end turn keyboard shortcut but....
Its been a fun scenario.Its very similiar to the original game with a few surprises.You start out pretty much from scratch(as Humans anyway) and I kinda like that.Took me long enough to getting around and playing it.
Hostility problem was handled somewhat by the Great Wall wonder and a @#$% em attitude from the start.
August 30, 2000, 22:16
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On your problems with restarting Civs. I think that with vary few exceptions all of the Fantastic Worlds Scenarios have restarting Civs. I have not had that happen in the scenarios that I think were part of Conquests in Civilisations. I'm using MGE so I don't know for sure which scenarios came with which Add-on. I haven't had it happen in any of the historical scenarios after a Civ got toasted, but I have in Altantis, Dinasaurs, Jules Verne and some of the others.
August 31, 2000, 04:06
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Smash-There's a rather interestingly done ending when you research all the techs.
I'm curious: has anyone figured out how to build the Treeguardians and other similar units? I tried as the Humans, and couldn't do it...
August 31, 2000, 04:55
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Most units are particular to particular civs.Only Elves(I think) can build them.The humans don't have as many different units as some of the civs,especially in the early part.
There are some units that can only be built under certain governments.
Some units can only be built in certain cities or under certain circumstances.This happened to me with sorcers(can't remember the tech) but after researching something some cities settler units were updated to sorcerers.I thought it was the Leo's equivalent upgrade to engineers but it wasn't.Those cities could produce sorcers as long as I didn't change build orders.
August 31, 2000, 09:21
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It's a feature of the fantasy game (and midgard) that each tribe has special creatures it alone can create. Since you are playing humans, try to bribe elven cities to get their treeguards. If you find a city with several that is on a coast, you can ship them to other cities of yours.
If the eleves look strong, you want to attack them early or not at all. Once they get democracy, their tree-guarded cities are unbribable and extremely hard to attack. (A LOT of dragons can conquer their cities late in the game.)
- toby
toby robison
September 4, 2000, 01:23
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what is with the tech end game? once you get omneciance all the units go away and all you can build are the beast lore things, which really sucks cause you you lose all the race-specfic units (the best part if you ask me, and those triton legions look really good)
September 4, 2000, 09:02
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Gee, this thread MAY motivate me to play a scenario!  'course I promised to give CtP a fair playing first, so maybe later.
Good thread guys!
I forgot to ask, what level are you playing at? With a hostile MPG AI, is Diety too hard? Does King or Emp make a more playable game?
edit - levels question
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[This message has been edited by MacUser (edited September 04, 2000).]
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