July 11, 2001, 12:26
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The Chiron Chronicle: Discussions (Restart 3)
-Discussions for the new Restart.
-A place for Chiron Chronicle Authors to plan stories
-Check in:
(6 players checked in)
University- DarkCloud GM
Gaians- SMAC Fanatic
Spartans- Sprayber
Pirates- [Lord LMP] GM
Hive- Natan
Believers- kassiopea
Data Angels- Argonaut
Peacekeepers- Guardian
Cult of Planet- Cyber
Cyborgs- SMAC Fanatic (filler work)
Free Drones-
Guardian, are you still willing to play?
The Chronicle could use your talents and would be greatly appreciative.
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
Last edited by DarkCloud; July 14, 2001 at 17:19.
July 11, 2001, 13:59
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Don't forget Natan.  The Hive wouldn't be the same without him.
July 11, 2001, 14:11
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My curt, emotionless writing style makes me perfect at writing for Yang.
July 11, 2001, 14:42
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I was just waiting for him to check in... I didnt post that the Hive needed an author, notice  .
I didn't forget Natan.
Okay- so we still have Guardian and Cyber, SMAC Fanatic to check in.
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July 11, 2001, 15:09
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Plesae don't get mad at me for asking this...
Can I write for the Believers, or is this some sort of a private community off-limits for others?
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
Last edited by Kassiopeia; July 11, 2001 at 16:27.
July 11, 2001, 18:41
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Private Community? No....
May you write for the Believers? Yes.
The Chiron Chronicle welcomes new members!
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
July 11, 2001, 20:17
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Grovelling on hands and knees....
"Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."
July 11, 2001, 20:38
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Argonaut--If my vote counts for anything, I say we would be happy to have you back. Besides you never really left.
kassiopeia--I'm glad you came over to check it out.  And welcome to CC.
July 12, 2001, 11:17
Close Community? heck no...how else could we get people to join and write?  I didn't know these people until they joined  well, know each other only via the boards and other internet form of communication
Yeh! Argonaut is back  Me like Data Angels and I am sure they would have fun with the Pirates
Dark Cloud, since we are moving to 2200, would accept the addional bases in the East parts? They would be small, but for strategical reasons and places to for Scientists to do their pet projects in peace with no risk of killing to many peopl eif something goes wrong
Should we have the aliens now, or wait atleast a year? they are about hundred years overdue :P
Anyway, time to do the modified histories  Will do a general summary one, and you people can go further in details i each of your factions Histories. Lot of the main events would still happen, but some others will not, especially where it involves Antimind and Planetmind being sentient. No Antimind and Planetmind not playable, more like NPC. So the Data Angels will not have a Garrison at the Manifold Nexus. and so on.
July 12, 2001, 11:49
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I'm thinking we should either:
1) Set up a rough formula based on number of bases, faction pluses and minuses, and the relative value and cost of units to decide how many units people get
2) The mods should figure out roughly how big an army people have. Because I really don't have any scale to make up my army's power on.
Where will the Aliens land?
July 12, 2001, 11:57
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Glad to have you back Argonaut!
Yes I would accept the additional bases- they were a surprise at first- but I can use them now. Thank you for asking.
No Antimind-Good
No Planetmind Playable- shouldn't a player be able to play as the Planetmind?
I think we should wait a game-year for the Aliens. It doesn't matter to me, but we do not really have anyone who really wants to play them yet.
*Here is what I think and why:
7- Hive (militarizing?)
6- Spartans
5 or 6- Pirates
5- Believers
3 to 5- Peacekeepers (peace with Spartans now, but they dont trust them? I don't have authority to say this- Guardian does, but this is what I *think* he wanted)
4 or 2- Gaians
3- University (demilitarizing)
I am not sure of the Cyborgs or Data Angels army sizes
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July 12, 2001, 12:57
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I think we should wait just at least a year maybe for the aliens. give us time to get our postions straight with each other and then throw the aliens in the mix.
Maybe there is an isolated spot to put them for now. Maybe have it that they have been on the planet for a few years and no one realized it. Maybe in the past there were unidentified sightings of strange beings, but everyone was too busy dealing with the other factions to take too much notice.
Just a suggestion.
July 12, 2001, 16:36
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Can I join? Do you just write interacting stories? Cause I wouldn't mind writing from the Angels perspective...
July 12, 2001, 17:43
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We start from MY 2200?
Is there any former history that I should read, to have background information? Has anyone written about the Believers before? Or do we start from clean slate and make up about the first century...
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
July 12, 2001, 18:11
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Originally posted by kassiopeia
We start from MY 2200?
Is there any former history that I should read, to have background information? Has anyone written about the Believers before? Or do we start from clean slate and make up about the first century...
Welcome to the Chiron Chronicles.
All previous Chiron chronicles threads contain parts of the story, but LordLMP and Darkcloud are working on a revised summary anyway, so you don't have to read them if you really don't want to. I did a little writing for the believers earlier, but you can do what you like with them, I only made one or two posts for them.
July 12, 2001, 18:18
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Glad to hear that I have free hands on this. Creative thinking and all that.
I'll read at least the Believer parts of the earlier CC parts to get a hang of it. And that summary'd be great; I hear that there's been a PK-Spartan war.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
July 12, 2001, 18:45
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Originally posted by kassiopeia
Glad to hear that I have free hands on this. Creative thinking and all that.
I'll read at least the Believer parts of the earlier CC parts to get a hang of it. And that summary'd be great; I hear that there's been a PK-Spartan war.
Just so you don't read more than you wanted, let me tell you that all of the Believer stuff, as far as I know, was written in the final Chiron Chronicle game thread so far.
July 12, 2001, 18:48
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I can only find the CC 2 discussions thread. Anyhow, I always loved challenges. What the heck, I still do
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July 12, 2001, 20:35
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death- You are welcome to join, but please choose an empty faction as Argonaut already owns the Data Angels, unless he wants you to double up with him in writing their stories.
Open factions right now are:
Peacekeepers: Guardian may still check in, so be warned 
Cyborgs: SMAC Fanatic may still check in, so be warned 
Free Drones
Cult of Planet
and some others
These stories are written mainly in newspaper format or journal format and the stories are diplomacy based (OK everyone, now that I KNOW that they are diplo-based I can moderate as if they are.)
Believer history... ask LMP. I think they were at war with someone a while back... but I am not sure.
(LMP- I would like to do the histories, but I may not be able to write for about a week and a half.)
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July 12, 2001, 21:12
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Sorry I haven't been around lately.Back again to a decent computer...
I could take the Cult of Planet.
Okay, LordLMP, I noticed your changed the Sparta-PK history quite much.
DAMN IT! What is wrong with you? Though Sprayber controls the Spartans now, I still have alot of objections as I controlled the Spartans then, and spent lots of time writing those stories. Frankly, I dont care if I hurt somebodys feelings, ideologies or view of world when playing spartans like that, this IS a roleplaying game after all!!!
And now you've changed it into a story line that depicts Centauri Dawn for Christs sake!What, can't you stand a little atrocities?
As I've understood roleplaying, players have the right to choose their doings, and not be leashed by the GM.
And let me guess, the pirates still have their HUGE armies, impossibly elite ground forces and huve probe values.But Of couse, that faction is controlled by the GM, you see?Priviledges, priviledges...
The pirates get all the good things, and the Spartans and CoW just the whip and slash.
Whatever, LMP, whatever. Just DON'T do that kind of things anymore, okay?
Yes, I played a double life as the player controlling the PKs, but didn't want to make them weak( didn't need to, you see  ), just wanted to get them out of there and safe to that island, from where they did a lot of "good" things, you must admit.
Do whatever you wish with the CoW, I don't see a future to it in this hostility.
Lets keep this story a story, and not a bickering and arguing of details. I've been in this since the beginning and I would not like to see all of this whole construction fall
July 13, 2001, 00:04
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I assume that Guardian will check in when he gets back from vaction which sould be anytime now.
Cyber--I would have liked to keep all the things that I had wrote as well, but sometimes you have let some things go.
I suggest that the rewritten history be vague enough to allow us a little room to keep some of the things we have going. Like for example Santiago's twin children line that I had going and her illness. Of course she would have recovered by 2200 and Kessel would have turned power back over to her. I'm sure that Guardian would like to have some of his basic characters and story intact as well. I also suggest that the second Spartan PK war also still happen. Have it to where Data Acq was taken and then returned to the PKs after the war like we were doing. Also mention that the Spartans did use nerve gass once or twice and that there were a few instances where rogue units did kill civilians. Then the whole thing about Santiago turning over power and Kessel facing Hazlburg and then having him killed. All of this would still give the PKs sufficeint reason to still dislike the Spartans and make it easier for readers not to become too confused. I'm just trying to compromise here. To be honest it doesn't really matter if the atrocities are taken away. I thought they were excessive at the time I was reading them, and later when I took the faction over. But I agreed to take the Spartans and all that came with them. But I'm sure Guardian would like Sea Quest back.
Another thing I suggest is that the parties work together to fill in the specifics. That way we don't run into the same situation where we are fighting about details.
One question I do want to ask. Do you guys think that it would be better to just dump the whole Blast Rifle Crag independence thing? I know the PKs enjoyed during their peacekeeping thing. Or
Write it to where all that happend and let that be a source of contention between the Spartans and PK. Guardian, I would especially like your input on this.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
July 13, 2001, 01:44
Cyber, Spartans are not perfect and would of done some atrocities, but not huge crazy ones like Nuking, mass genocide(some excutions of "rebels" ok, disregard of civilians during combat makes sence too) Gives bit more freedom to Sprayber with the Spartans without some Big Black Marks. Besides, its distancing a bit to much from SMAX. Anyway, by making Planetmind not playable (reasons: to much power, can be everywhere and step on other peoples bounds. Also, Planetmind doesn't have newspaper and doesn't make sence to have it part of the council and so on. Christine been missing for a bit), the planetmind factor has been removed. So Peacekeepers would have trouble to completly leave the continent by IoDs and other things. As for the Centauri Dawn...ideas from it, but not completly. Unity Pod thing would make sence to start fighting over then just a excuse of "them being weak". Without Planetmind, they would be a need of a reason to why Santiego didn't kept UN HQ. Haven City and Humanity Base wouldn't of been discovered.
As for the Pirates, they pretty much had free reign of the oceans without to much opposition. Allies with the Data Angels and Peacekeepers, who have the next largest Navies. As for the Elite thing, they got Extra Train and takes up a "Ability" slot. So they are a bit vulnerable to Artillery and Air units. Battle Dragons is small compare to other factions Armies. As for the Marines, they specialize in Amphibious assaults and doing Garrisson duty. Pirates don't have much of an advantage ground wise. Also, Pirates focus more on the Navy then Air, so their Air Force is too small to give proper coverage everywhere. Anyway, Pirates wasn't really active in the game too.
Sprayber, as for Blast Rifle Crag... can say Pontas ask for cease-fire, avoiding surrender thought, and make some deal. Especially when the Garrison losses was to high to properly defend the perimeter defence if ever the Pirates directly attacks in concentrative way. Pirates wouldn't of gotten complete control of the base, but would acquire Perimeter Defence and Naval Yards. Then they would allow the Gaians to come in. Blast Rifle Crag could get back to complete control of Sparta after a Treaty was settled with the Peacekeepers and so on. So can be a trade... give back Data Acquisition and we give you back Blast Rifle Crag.
Helzberg and Weiss could of went rogue a bit, with no Human Shield atrocity thought. Santiego could of still disbanded the Junta, in a more peaceful way then complete purge due to increase in corruption. Anyway, you can do what you want. The Second Spartan War would be pretty much close to the same, except no Human Shield, no Cult of Planet Elite Troops, but Elite Infantry units could still exist and still attacked defence lines north of Haven City. Weiss succeeded in punching through the defence lines in the west and going straight for Data Acquisition, using Nerve Gas upon the base, causing a lot of civilian cassualties. and so on
Would rather wait for someone to play atleast one of the aliens, but can still have them up if wanted too... they would stay quiet anyway so they have a chance to establish a bit. Scout ships don't usually have a big crew complement. I was thinking to have the Usurpers land in the Northern Island, takes control of Alien Center. Soon after, start fighting the humans there of various factions and start pushing to get the bases there.
I will do the quick altered summary timeline, in general with enough room to alow players to fill in the details.
July 13, 2001, 01:47
One more thing, about the Pirate probe thing.... Probe rating doesn't improve, just that the Pirates have atleast 15 active probe teams and 3 Probe Cruisers. With some Data Angel training, a lot of them get elite moral.
July 13, 2001, 03:34
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Good deal LMP.
On another matter. I have been looking through the game files and ran across the blurb text for when new tech and SPs are finished and found that some of them are revealing in many ways. I suggest that you guys take a peak at them to get a feel for what the leaders are like. I'm not in any way telling anyone what to write and how to behave. Just read them to get some kind of feel for what the leaders are like. I find some of the matching of leaders to tech interesting. If you are like me you may have got into the habit of just going on without listening to them when playing the game. I have a list of them if anyone needs a copy. But if you got the game, you got the file.  I also went through and listened to them. Not only that but take a peak at the interludes. They are very interesting as well. Especially the latter ones dealing with the Aliens.
July 13, 2001, 19:00
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Could someone mail me the game map, if you are using the old one, not making a new one.
Is that summary of earlier events under construction? Because I think that I'm about 4.29 lightyears from you. I have tried to read the earlier parts, but, no offence, it seemed to 'degenerate' in to technical arguments about events. What should be the tech level? Are Believers at war with someone (Like the Cult of Planet) and so on? No rush, I can write megabytes with background information
Sprayber: I have been reading the blurbs since I got the game. I'm not kidding.
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
July 14, 2001, 10:58
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First of, I would like to apologise for my stubborn and stupid attitude, so LordLMP I don't want to argue with you either but its just that I sometimes get pissed of by detail bickering in these kinds of RPG. You could say, I've had a fair share of that already  . Anyway, lets just forget past differences and continue on with potentially a better game experince this time
If you wish, you may change the storyline, but I would still like to keep my freedom of speach  against censorship in the form of atleast some of the Spartan bad doings being kept in the story( Pleaseee!!!  )
I know the atrocities and all that hammers down quite a bit the diplomatic negotiations Sprayber has initiated, but still.
BTW, is the CoP vs. Beliver war still on? I don't have much time or chance to write in this forum for a while still, so I would like to know the situation and act upon it...
July 14, 2001, 16:13
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I would still like to participate in the Chiron Chronicles but would prefer to switch my focus a bit - whenever the Cyborgs & University come into close contact arguments are always provoked...
I'd like to take on the Gaians as my primary faction and keep running the Consciousness as long as no-one else wants them.
Being the dozy git I am I'll probably need a revised-history rundown. Is the CoP-Believer war still on?
"Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman
July 14, 2001, 18:48
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Originally posted by SMAC Fanatic
I ...I'll probably need a revised-history rundown. Is the CoP-Believer war still on?
My point exatly.
And Cyber, I'll be also involved in that war, so if it's still on, at least there's one POV (amongst the parties involved).
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
July 14, 2001, 23:40
Knowing the Believers, the CoP-Believer War could still be happening. Could make it the longest lasting war on chiron to date, close to 2 decades long :P aswell as the most bloodiest, putting the Second Spartan War as second. Can have the war die down a bit, but War still happening thought...but both sides resources and militaries pretty much wreck for the moment.
So when game starts up again, the war is currently quiet. So not much needs to be done until you can write bit more often Cyber. Doubt peace will come for while longer.
The war started slow, where over half a year has elapse before the first main battle as happened. So while the believers prepared its first mass push, Cult prepared its defences, using exprience from troops that was at the PK Defence lines during the Second Spartan War. During the war, the Believers sent three or more huge pushs, but each one was smaller then the last. Most of the fighting could of happened at the Unity Wreckage area.
Military rundown of both sides at the beginning of the war:
-Have the second biggest ground on chiron
-have the Fanatic combat bonus
-they are behind in tech, so most of military were still using Impact Weaponry while rest used Gatling Lasers.
-Most of military is comprised of cheap Infantry Units, with some good ones for Garrison or whatever, while rest are cheap Rovers.
-Into mass pushs.
(during the war, Believers may of acquired some new techs from the Spartans or/and others. Believers don't worry about resources[minerals, energy and manpower] and industry, just how fast they can replace their losses in their fanatical attacks :P They would of started making Empath/Trance units aswell...they did have some, but not enough to make a diffence in the beginning of the war :P)
Cult of Planet
-Have an average size military
-Military mostly comprised of mindworms, but do have some conventional units
-Have a lot of fungus, most are planted over the years. So they have an advantage, which always gave the believers trouble during the previous wars.
-If the Believers attacked right after they Declared War, the Cult would of been cought off guard, but that never happened. So the Cult had enough time to prepare it defences along their border and at Unity Wreckage.
-Have some experience conventional and mind worm units from the Second Spartan War
-Cult have slightly more advance techs compare to the believers, gained from the Peacekeepers just before and during the Second Spartan War started. They also acquired Missile Weaponry base on the Spartan designs. They captured a few spartan missile rovers you see. (it has happen, just read Blake's actions before he dissapeared)
(Yes, the Cult would have enough time to prepare defences, which mostly comprised of mind worms. during the first main believer push, the Cult would of learned that they cannot mainly depend on mindworms, especially as they are loosing them faster then they could breed/capture. So Cult started recruiting/conscripting Infantry units. Their Industry wasn't good enough to seriously produce a lot of rovers quickly, so they could make a deal with morgan. Cult send energy and Morgan provides rovers, weaponry, equipment, supplies and other stuff.
Also during the war, Cult military was forced to be bit more creative and also develop some combine force doctrines, mixing mindworms and conventional forces together or whatever.)
Kass, will be sending the map soon. Hope you have SMAX.
Will write up the general timeline, mention global effected events, wars that effects somehow the whole planet, or just other factions then just the combatants, events and so on tommorrow.
There will be room for you people to fill concerning your factions
Darkcloud will be gone for a bit, vacation probebly
July 15, 2001, 15:00
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LMP-Before we decided to advance the game, the Spartans were about to give the Believers Missle technology to fight the cult. Spartans also provided intelligence files on the then updated cult military. Spartans never agreed to any peace with the cult and it's probably safe to believe that the Spartans wants the Believers to destroy the cult of planet. There were no intentions to send troops, but would have provided whatever techs necessary to defeat cult of planet. Spartans also view the Believers as a potential ally in that region. This of course depends on how much the believers are interested in such a partnership. This would be less than a Pact of course.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
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