September 13, 2001, 06:16
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Don't worry about it Pres. We all know the difference between CC and real life.
Originally posted by DarkCloud
A side note--- If you hear about the Afghanastan bombing of Ammo Dumps... Look to my posts in the story! No one really knows for certain WHO bombed the Ammo Dumps!
Well, it may well have been the Peacekeepers, but in that case it won't really be a secret...
As for pausing the CC, I'm okay with it.
Sparta's pretty much out of it until Sprayber gets back, so I guess there won't be too much action for some time anyways... (Perhaps I finally get some time to prepare my long overdue admin post... we'll see how next week turns out...)
September 14, 2001, 01:52
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I've gotten word that plans are being considered about calling around 40,000-50,000 Reservist up for active duty. I'm not giving anything away, cause it has been reported on CNN as well. There is a difference between the National Guard and the Reserve system. Guardsman are primarily under state control until the President signs papers to federalize those units. Reserve is under Federal control yet they receive the same amount of training as the NG does. But since my unit was already going to be activated for our annual training they may decide to use us.
I feel a great need to do something. Four months ago I would have had no second thought about leaving my life here and going where ever I was needed. But I have the task of telling my fiance tomorrow that I may not come back in two weeks. I don't know if you guys are keeping up, but people are very afraid. Today my mother went to the grocery store and all the milk and flour were gone. The local gas station was charging nearly $2 for gas until one of the local councilman warned them that if they could not justify the cost they could be breaking the law. Later in the day the price was lowered by twenty cents. Where I live, some of the local stations ran out of gas.
I guess this isn't the place for all of this.  I will try to be back in two weeks. I want to be back here with my fiancee. But again, I feel that I have to help in some way. I found out that the two people that I know got out of the trade center ok. But to my sadness, I was informed that a guy that I went to school with and played football with was transferred to the Pentagon three months ago.  As far as I know he is ok. But that is another set of calls that I will be making tomorrow.
Why did this have to happen. I spent a couple of hours explaining events and background to my fiancee. After my mini Political Science class she still didn't understand why these people would do this. And to be honest. I don't either.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
September 14, 2001, 02:47
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Spray, I'd just like to say I would have gone with you if I could.
But there's not much chance of that, really... 
Anyway, of course you want to do something if there is anything at all you can possibly do about this all. That's not hard to understand at all. And of course you'll feel bad about leaving your fiancee and not knowing when you'll be back... I don't have a problem with that either.
As for understanding... well, like I said in a private message a couple of days ago, I think there's nothing to understand. This whole thing is just sick.
I fully understand that some people are really pissed at the USA.
I can even understand that some people hate the US and fully believe it to be the greatest evil there is on the planet. But I do not understand this, and no matter what the US has done to anybody, this thing should never have happened.
Last night on the news here, they played a recording from some guy's answering machine... his wife had been trapped in one of the towers and she called to say goodbye... She sounded so small and helpless... she didn't understand what had happened, she just knew she was trapped there and that things didn't look good at all... I can't imagine how she must have felt.
I never knew her and I have no idea who she was, but whatever problem anybody might have with the US government, I'm pretty damned sure she had nothing to do with it, probably didn't even know about it. Damn it! This just isn't fair. This woman never bombed anyone anywhere...
Anyway, I just hope the people who are crying for revenge will have some patience yet. Before we start punishing people, we'd better make damned sure we get the right people, or else we're no better than those who did this.
That's all I have to say right here and now. I'm heading over to the Off Topic forum, which is probably a better place for this stuff...
September 14, 2001, 03:05
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Oh, and by the way...
I guess it may not be a good time to wish someone a "happy" birthday, but that's not LordLMP's fault...  I hope your day us not a complete disaster...
September 14, 2001, 12:53
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Do not be so hasty in your arguments, Guardian - The Fifth Article is taking place, so who knows what will turn out. And the EU seems to be joining in?
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September 14, 2001, 14:47
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kass- it was NATO, I believe.
Happy birthday, LMP.
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September 14, 2001, 14:49
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Okay, then, everyone, lets say we check back here in about a week- if we want to resume, or can resume, then we will.
The Real Life situation should either be in control by then, or shall have escalated.
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
September 15, 2001, 10:39
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Originally posted by DarkCloud
kass- it was NATO, I believe.
Yeah, well, we're not part of the EU anyway... 
NATO's a different story though...
I'm still here, but we'll see what happens...
September 15, 2001, 13:14
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Sorry, I´ve been away for so long, people. Schools been really pressuring.
Yeah, lets postpone this with a week, then meet again here.
Oh and happy brithday LMP, a little late though
Sorry for prolonging this conversation about the terrorists, but people even in Finland are shoked.
I mean, atleast twelve people in our school lost friends or relatives in the WTC. Its an international school, so there are a lot of people from the States...
Damn, if you ask me, they could have bombarded the pentagon and Bush Jr. as much as they wanted, but NOT those civilians in Manhattan.
The professional military personnel in pentagon knew their job, the risks coming with the job, and accepted them.
But the civilians were just ordinary people, like you and me, and should have never died because of some grand-scale symbolic terrorist attack against the USA. That was sickness, pure twisted sickness...
I just hope the States don´t do anything hasty, like attack some country without good evidence that they were behind the attack, or are harbouring the quilty terrorist group.
Otherwise, as Guardian said, the States would lower themselves on the level of the terrorist.
Even an Afgan orphen mourns for his/her parents.
The happening in USA was the dawn of a new and ugly form of war, a war without faces, aimed not against armies, but against the homefront, the ordinary people, just so that terror amongst them could be spread and mere opinions could be shown with the help of countless dead people... This is war in the 21th century.
September 15, 2001, 13:23
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DarkCloud you misunderstood me - somehow that happens to me often 
I meant both NATO and EU...
With "the 5th Article" I thought I had the NATO part covered... 
now they are talking abot EU involvement aswell.
Strange isn't it, how people and the media are already talking about when and how the USA will attack Afghanistan, even when bin Laden hasn't been proven guilty yet.
Cyber, valitettava tehtäväni on kertoa että omassa koulussani osa oppilaista ei ollut kovin "järkyttynyt" tapauksesta...  Turpaan pitäisi sellaisia vetää...
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September 23, 2001, 10:49
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Life goes on...
So, anyone still continuing? Or will this turn out a sour monologue of Sister Miriam? Is Sprayber still serving his country?
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
September 23, 2001, 11:03
Here i am.... sorry for dissapearing. I am okay
and thank you for the b-day greetings.
We can start the game again anytime after next weekend... I am moving to a new apartment... FINALLY get to live on my own
The things to resolve before we even consider the aliens...
-Answers to Svensgaard's proposal in the Council...
-Naval situation between the Pirates and Spartans
-Planetary Governor elections!!!
whoever takes the cyborgs, here some notes:
Cybernetic Consciousness as been quiet for a year or two now. was thinking of having the cyborgs being the first to return into space by launching the first chiron built satellite...
what do you people think? they are already pretty advance and a good reason why they kept quiet.
September 23, 2001, 14:47
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Cyborgs in space, ok, it sounds reasonable.
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September 23, 2001, 16:11
Okay, this is nothing to do with Chiron Chronicles...
was thinking create a new game sort of like Chiron Chronicles...
Its completly a different world......which is few times bigger then Chiron... Will be a Quasi type world, by some powerful godlike beings (moderator(s)/players)... mostly populated by humanoids...
world will be of SMAC styles, where you have factions...
Can the gods create this large world, and end up yanking various groups of people and so on from different universes....
For example, one god created some anomely which UNS Unity went through.... instead of getting to Chiron, they enter a quasi system with only (or maybe more) quasi world. So UNS gets nailed by meteor, and goes through their usual drama...while also realizing they are in the wrong system, but still crash land into the planet, spreading Unity pods in one area of the planet....
another being or more could of yank startrek ships and crash them into the planet... so they may get Klingons, Vulcan, etc....
or the god like beings yank a group of people lto the planet like in the Lost Regiment series.......
anyway, so follow idea of the game?
can have whatever group, society, created by the player, or base on whatever species/group from whatever fiction universes or our own world.....
what you people think? of course, won't be able to have it here at AC Fiction.... May also use a fudge system base around the SMAC social engineering, etc.......
what do you people think? The system i thinking of using will allow us to post actions, yet still have time for life....
also be able to do future actions for a period of time before going off on other life matter like vacation, work, simply gone for a period time, etc.....................................
gives us a chance to create or base a Society we make and have it interact with the others  if for some reason, the player can't play anymore... will become NPS (Non-Player Society) and available to another player interested in playing and interested In playing that peticular society.
...seeking the most perfect game to play...
September 24, 2001, 05:40
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Re: Life goes on...
Originally posted by kassiopeia
So, anyone still continuing? Or will this turn out a sour monologue of Sister Miriam? Is Sprayber still serving his country?
Well, I'm still here...
You're not getting rid of the Peacekeepers all that easily...
Sprayber was supposed to be away until the 29th, but with all this crappy sh!t going on, we don't really know if he will be back at that time. I guess we'll just have to wait and see...
LMP: Your new ideas sound... interesting... 
But... do you mean to start it right away or save it for whenever we decide we're done with Chiron Chronicles? I imagine it would be hard to play both at the same time...
"Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
September 24, 2001, 17:48
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LMP- interesting idea- but if you star a thread like that it will be forced to go into the Stories/Diplomacy forums where it will die a quiet and cruel death... no one posts any stories in there and teh Diplomacy people are not too accomodating.
What If we restart the Chronicles on the 29th?
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
September 24, 2001, 19:33
Won't seriously be another dipplomacy....but may be like that....... it is either here or elsewhere
will probebly be turn base... 3 months per turn. 12 month years....
anyway, simply an idea and it could extract more people from other genres then SMAC.
September 24, 2001, 23:35
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It's Aly!
I believe I have the Cyborgs... and SMAC has the Gaians. He's doing his 'A Levels' and if he's doing the same ones I did (3 sciences & mathematics) don't expect to see him much. I on the other hand am going to be a degree student and you won't get rid of me easily.
I can't wait to get my space program going...
I like LMP's idea, if it did ever get to the unintelligible weirdness that is Stories & Diplomacy, I would love to play a House similar to the Harkonnen's from Dune.
I will be staying with my Grandma this October and so my posts will depend on how well I can work her terribly slow computer, or fight my brother away from his porn sites on it. You don't have to believe me, but I will be in uptown Manhattan. It has been planned since Feb., and I was so not anticipating a terrorist war to break out!
(Who had better go check through Cyborg history!)
PS What would be so wrong with a Miriam monolgue? Kass's Miriam Chronicles might have caught on  !
September 25, 2001, 05:29
About the 29th century thing...umm, no :P They would have transcended by then
Yes, be able to snatch the Harks from Dune into the game :P land them in a desert area.....
well, i don't want the game i am thinking of being placed in Story and Diplomacy :P and doesn't make sence to have it here either...
September 25, 2001, 05:31
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Ummm... LMP, I believe he meant "the 29th" as in "September 29th", meaning this coming Saturday...
"Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
September 25, 2001, 11:53
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Re: Re: Life goes on...
Originally posted by Guardian
You're not getting rid of the Peacekeepers all that easily...
Originally posted by Alynzia
PS What would be so wrong with a Miriam monolgue? Kass's Miriam Chronicles might have caught on!
Not such a bad idea, really... I think most of the CC story parts we're monologues, actually. But, I do hate Miriam's guts, so I really can't "become" her.
LMP: Sounds rather interesting. Combine Star Trek, SMAC/X, maybe Star Wars
The 29th it is, then?
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September 25, 2001, 15:40
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Okay, so the first order of business:
Everyone please list the topics you would like the game to deal with...
-Nerve Gas (other factions should possibly show some interest and pressure Zakharov into releasing the full details, or the DAngels should discover exactly what happened)
-Believer/Cult resolution
-Planetary Governor Voting
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September 26, 2001, 11:48
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- The various naval and aerial confrontations taking place in Believing territory
- Governor election
- Believing/Cult possible peace talks after election (as planned, hosted by the Governor) and PK presence at Western Continent
- Nerve gas mishap
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September 26, 2001, 22:22
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-Sort out this mess with the Spartans...
-Also try to ease tensions with Hive/Believers...
-Find out what the hoot will happen to the election
-Sort out relations with Chiron Alliance partners (Cyborgs and Gaians are kind of "out in the blue" at the moment...)
-Believer/Cult conflict... will it ever end? -And will the PK ever get out of there??
-Nerve gas, etc...
"Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
September 27, 2001, 02:24
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Originally posted by Guardian
-Also try to ease tensions with Hive/Believers...
What the...

Tensions with Hive/Believers? Must be a typo! PK/Believers, perhaps?
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
September 27, 2001, 03:08
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Well, duh!
I meant to say that the Peacekeepers would like to ease tensions with the Hive and with the Believers...
"Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
September 27, 2001, 12:26
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Did I mention that I have a lot of misunderstandings about?  I guess I just could not believe that Lal would not mess other people's soups... or something...
What, aren't the Spartan relations worth improving?
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September 27, 2001, 14:26
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That was first on my list...
"Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
September 28, 2001, 00:25
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Cyborg Agenda.
To let you know I am still here. And an apology for my fungus story, it seemed really funny at the time. Who are fluffy and hypocrates anyway - do they play in the Chiron Chronicles?
Cyborg Agenda
Relations with the Data Angels,
Our (secret) satellite program,
Planetary Governor elections.
I'm sorry you hate Sister Miriam, kass, but your Believers do get up to some fun stuff nonetheless.
September 28, 2001, 00:49
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I don't hate Miriam. As the good Peacekeeper I am, I believe Miriam has every right to be Miriam, just like Yang has the right to be Yang and nobody has any business telling either one of them how or what they should be thinking or how they should live their lives...
They can spread their gospel anywhere they want as far as I'm concerned, and if people choose to follow them, fine. I believe they have every right to do so if that is what they feel is right.
However, the problem with people like Yang and Miriam is that they have a nasty habit of not settling for these rights... They tend to want to force people to follow them - which they do NOT have any right to do...
"Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
-- Saddam Hussein
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