July 22, 2001, 23:42
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Well, it DID leave a big arse black mark on the Spartans' reputation at first, but gradually it became clear that this was the act of a small group of criminals, and so couldn't be blamed on "Spartans" in general. Kessel somehow managed to convince the Peacekeepers of this during the negotiations back in 2183 and as a result they dropped their demands for reparations. The Peacekeepers also dropped their claims for economic compensation for damage done at Data Acquisition because the Spartan troops actually repaired most of it themselves while they were cooped up inside the base.
July 22, 2001, 23:54
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No Problem Here
I have no problem at all with what you two are suggesting.
But I suspect that Sparta and the UN will have some problems with the Believer Cult war.  Sparta will want the war to continue. They won't say that of course, but that is what they will mean.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
July 25, 2001, 00:13
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Are we going to see any movement soon? I guess everyone is stocking up on the creative juices.
July 25, 2001, 22:59
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Well... it would be good to use common sense for techs- but I think we should use a formula, just take your pick from the ones I listed earlier, please.
How about we start within tommorrow? Does that sound good?
It should be enough time to get every topic under control.
get research bonuses of 2 techs apiece (level 1-4) or 1 level 5 tech.
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July 25, 2001, 23:04
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Guardian-Don't forget to write something about Weiss.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
July 26, 2001, 01:24
How can we start with no proper history of what happened in the past 17 years? aswell as properly modifying the whole history too? For Example, how are things different in University, especially when the Data Angels would never of had a garrison force at the Manifold Nexus if we remove the Sentient PLayable PLanetmind factor? I would think University would take control of the place...in a way, giving them an advantage against mindworms, control mindworms, etc... making them a bit stronger military wise during the Second University War. Also, wasn't Zhakarov's sentence 30 years than 60?
What the question who is the Planetary Governor? or have the election in the beginning of the reset?
who won the election in 2190? thinking to have someone different than Lal for a change and twist in the story....thinking to have Morgan being elected...where he was able to encourage global trade and establish a PLanetary Stock Exchange, etc....
what are going to be the important details of the Deiameras War? ...except for an automated comm message to the Proginator's homeworld from the alien center? Mainly could leave the War entirely an mystery, unofficial and conspirational....but some things must of happened to influence some relations, shift in agendas, some minor improvements in some research, etc....
Bit more details on the Believer-Cult War? like the Main players, neutral players and the influence players?
Like, Spartans in a way support the believers in their war against the Cult, Morganites sells stuff to the Cult, University mayhelp the Cult mainly to acquire some of their advance green techs, mainly concerning mindworms, Gaians would be neutral, but could be considered as observers by sending some probes or small units to see what is happening, Peacekeepers gets involve by being Peacekeepers, by getting in the way of both factions...which the believers responds to it a bit badly while cult considers it a diversion to the believers, incident happens between the Pirates and Believers in Nessus sea....and some naval happenings in Chiron Sea between the Cult IoDs and Believer ships, where Pk ships trying to stop it and Pirates nosing about....
After signing peace with the Pks, where most of the Chiron Alliance does the same with spartans...of course, except the Pirates which they get more flack from rest of the Alliance...spartans start making plans to expand into the sea, which the pirates don't like and don't want the spartans to start gaining power in the sea.... so you can say we have a cold war thing happening between the Spartans and Pirates, where the PKs put their nose in once in the while during some various incidents like when the Spartans establish its first Seabase, which the Pirate were willing to go in and take it, or destroy it while eliminating as much of the Spartan navy, or steal....where pirates hijacked some spartan ships, where spartans done somethings towards the pirates, incident about the Athen Outpost which the pirates establish in the upland wastes, bunch of Probe Actions against one and other like where the Spartans narrowly succeeded in stealing Doctrine: Initiative, etc........
So, before we play, suggest that people right thei factions mini histories in the History/Summary Thread please from 2120 or sooner to 2200. from 2118 to 2183, some history changes are going to be made....
and for Research, common sence as formulas will either be to slow or to fast with the games irregular pace.
Orbital Spaceflight to the Cyborgs and University while it is being researched or whatever by the Pirates, PKs, possibly Spartans, Free Drones, Gaians, Data Angels, and Morganites....
Cyborgs and University will be quite close to Fusion Power/Fusion Lasers....
Gaians and Cult have quite advance Green techs...
Chaos Weaponry starting to be used by Pirates, Cyborgs, Pks, Spartans, University, and Data Angels....
Morganites and Free Drones have strong Building techs...
Silksteel being used by Chiron Alliance, University, spartans starting too along with the Morganites...
so there is an idea as to some tech levels......
I will do summaries for factions not being played by a player.
July 26, 2001, 13:11
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Well, LMP, the University has been demilitarizing and disbanding troops, focusing on research for better weapons instead of maintaining an army.
I do not think we should eliminate Planetmind completely, I think we should just have Planet 'go to sleep' for a while; if we get too many players then Planetmind could awaken?
Zakharov's sentence? He was out of prison in 2180, and assumed control for a year, and was given 2 years grace period, but an election had to happen every 10 years, so the Elite University Researchers voted him out and Elaine in. Elaine was indited in scandals relating to an 'anarchist group' (Perfect Society) and Zakharov won in 2190. She was imprisoned in 2191 along with several other Perfect Society members.
I think that Morgan would have had a hard time being elected, what with the free trade scandals and his breaking apart of monopolies (this limits the Perfect Society in his country)... However, the other factions would like that.
Zakharov would vote for him because he would want the Perfect Society to fail and suspects that they are active in Morgan's territory.
If the University helps the Cult, they will only do it if they get something in return. I feel that the Morganites will do likewise.
Unless the Cyborgs help the Believers, in which case the University would help the Cult.
I think the Spartans would support the Cult because they do not like the Peacekeepers... Frankly, I think the spartans will just try to keep the war going.
PK's try to stop the war, take no sides.
Data Angels, not much, though I think they might sell information to the highest bidder.
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July 26, 2001, 14:13
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The Spartans are interested in keeping the war going to do as much damage to the cult of planet as possible. They still hold a grudge against them and will help the believers, within reason, as long as they choose to fight the cult. Don't get me wrong. The Spartans aren't in love with the Believers. They just see this as an opportunity to bleed the COP for as long as possible.  They will also help the Believers diplomaticly as long as it is possible.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
July 26, 2001, 14:55
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--I hate those probe teams leaving dps--
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
Last edited by Sprayber; August 2, 2001 at 18:32.
July 26, 2001, 18:24
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Hey again!
This is just another short note to say that I'm coming home from my rather lengthy vacation this weekend and that I'll get to work on my part of this as soon as I'm done dealing with jet lag 'n stuff like that... I might not get it all done Sunday night as I have to go to work monday morning, but... well, I'll "see" you all again soon!
July 28, 2001, 08:03
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Well, I'm off on holiday until the fourth of August. Have fun, and keep a place open for me when I get back.
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July 28, 2001, 12:12
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Should we start now?
I'll write up the Morganites when LMP posts the other non-player controlled faction histories... but there is such a thing as taking too long to organize something...
SMAC Fanatic- have a good vacation
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
July 28, 2001, 20:00
Yes, but starting unprepared ain't good either. rather that we all agree in the history, settings, summaries, etc... else we will end up having another argument and then Chiron Chronicles will fall apart. Besides, summer and people on vacation, etc.... so better wait a bit.
July 29, 2001, 00:56
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Originally posted by [LordLMP]
Yes, but starting unprepared ain't good either. rather that we all agree in the history, settings, summaries, etc... else we will end up having another argument and then Chiron Chronicles will fall apart. Besides, summer and people on vacation, etc.... so better wait a bit.
I agree that we all should be in agreement.
Seriously, we should a have a history that is set in stone before we start getting into the story.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
July 29, 2001, 15:45
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Okay. I understand. Anyways, I suppose it wouldn't be good to start without SMAC Fanatic.
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July 29, 2001, 22:19
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I updated my faction's time-line, and threw in some ideas for the Isle of Denairia war and getting someone into the Governor's office other than Lal. Any comments? I just thought them up as I was going along, so it's all entirely changeable.
"Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."
July 30, 2001, 22:44
Argonaut, your timeline was great
In my opinion, MOrgan would be Planetary Governor from 2190 to 2200...would make sence, as he would push into establishing the PLanetary Stoch Exchange, which he succeeds. He would of bought votes from some of the other factions too, like the Believers, Hive and Spartans, all strap for credits.
After the Global Trade Summit which last a couple of months(which could of had an assassination attempt on Morgan by the Perfect Society, after realizing what Morgan is trying to do which threatens the organization. could also have Larionov terrorists causing trouble too), Morgan secures his leadership for life by some of his revolutionary trade deals and stablelizing Global Trade at the summit(gave Planetary Economics too all factions who participated at the summit, improving relations with some factions), also was able to establish morgan banks in other factions by taking advantage of the agreements signed at the summit, completed the Planetary Energy Grid, signed a trade deal with the Cult of Planet to help them out in their war against the Believers by provinding equipment in exchange for credits, got elected as Planetary Governor by buying Spartan, Believer and Hive votes (Cult of Planet would vote for them to keep relations good as they depend on their trade deal, and University may or may not vote for them aswell), was able to get the Planetary Stock Exchange established at the Planetary Council Base which turn the base into a Trade Center along being a Polical one(May rename base, especially as the population increase and hosting the stock exchange, succeeded in passing an agreement to salvage Unity's fusion plant and so on......... So, the Morganites would definatly be superior Economical wise, aswell being the richest faction on Chiron  so the people are happy, perfect society loose complete support and eventually fade out of existance, especially if they loose in University aswell... so Morgan is definatly set for life  and Roze hates it  So the morganites succeed in specializing heavily in their prefered ideal field
yes, i know done the summary of Morgan for Darkcloud...just my opinion as to what to do with them and who should be elected Governor.  only real hiccups are at the Deniara island during its commando like war between various factions...some incidents with the Data Angels(neighbours, covert threat, angels stealing money, simply don't like each over) and Pirates(neighbours, economical rival, trade rival, various pirate manipulation attempts, larionov terrorists, problem trade route wise to cult, naval threat, and allied with the Data Angels).
All factions would have their big positives, especially keeping the same leader. Captain Svensgard never got voted out of leadership since they started their Democracy because the majority love him and so on, so followed suit after the Data Angels and he got voted to be leader for rest of his life, unless majoritally voted out, killed, retired and etc....
July 31, 2001, 07:34
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Okay, I'm about ready to get serious now... I'll go along with Morgan being elected Planetary Governor, but needless to say the Peacekeepers are not going to like it one bit... Buying votes is definitely foul play in their book and will have a nasty impact on their relations with both Morgan and the ones whose votes were bought. Peacekeepers will raise hell in Council and will never recognize Morgan as legitimate governor. When/if their angry protests fail, they'll definitely seek to impose some kind of trade sanctions on Morgan and his "servants"... they might even try to establish an economic power block of their own... sort of an "ethical" alternative to Morgan... (I see some of the agreements made at the Global Trade Summit falling apart already...  )
Anyway, I'm technically still at work, so I guess I should be doing something else right now... I'll be back later today.
July 31, 2001, 16:01
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...on second thoughts...
Umm... okay, maybe we won't be quite THAT pissed off, but we certainly won't like it...
July 31, 2001, 16:35
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 I'm cool with Morgan being Governor, now that I see how it happened. Of course, as Roze I'm furious  and I will do everything in my power to see that it does not happen again!
My timeline has been updated summarily.
"Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."
July 31, 2001, 16:54
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The Hive is very cool with morgan being Governor, they probably voted for him in return for cash and/or tech. The Hive wants anyone who doesn't care about their human rights record to be governor, although they are afraid that Morgan will turn on them because of their Planned economy.
I'll write my timeline soon, although I may not right much of anything for before 2280 or so.
August 1, 2001, 01:45
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I posted my timeline.
Kass--read these little bits. are they ok as far as what you feel the Believers would accept?
2184: Sparta sends military advisors to the Believers to help in their war with the Cult of Planet. They are forbidden from entering battle zones. They work as Spartan representatives to the Believer faction.
2192: Sparta once again sends more advisors to the Believer faction. Material and technology are also sent along with them.
Natan--I didn't put anything in about the Hive except our initial exchange program. I think that the Hive-Spartan exchange would continue for a long time and may involve one faction backing the other in certain things dimplomatically. Feel free to include anything along those lines and I will add them in my timeline as well.
Anyone with an issue with anything, just bring it to my attention. I made it to where Santiago came back in 2195 so it would have been Kessel who gave Sparta's vote to Morgan in the planetary election.
LMP. I tried to be as vague as possible about the location of Fleet Anchorage.  So you have a little room to place it.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
August 1, 2001, 02:37
Sprayber - it was the first spartan war that got sparked by the unity pod  the second spartan war started due to high tensions, especially after discovering that the PKs has recolonize the southern parts without them noticing. (i could see why it would annoy them, as it is military lacking by not maintening reconnaisance....) of course, we can change that a bit....as UN Haven City (not safe haven, thats pirate capital  ) and Humanity Base never seriously evacuated the continent along with the rest of the pks... so can say they were some small skirmishs between scouts and spartans not paying attention much to the pks at that point because they were focus in fighting the hive, help the free drones maintain their blockade and then isolationism.
We could have a skirmish battle near Fleet Anchorage soon after being established and discovered by the pirates. no ship sunk, just lobbing missiles at each other, damaging each other ships... then, the cold war between the pirates and spartans would really start....where mainly covert actions happen against each other, and some other incidents too... like one concerning the Athen Outpost. Pirate Fleet in Chiron Sea will be quite ready to simply go in, take on the Spartan fleet and capture or destroy Fleet Anchorage while the Battle Dragons based at the athen outpost are ready to move in and take on the Spartan army
Another thing, Spartans could establish one or two more ground bases too maybe  like maybe covering the PK border or/and the upland wastes against the pirates and any other threats that may happen in the north.
Guardian - Well, i would see Lal become annoyed and a bit of a sore loser. But then, after Morgan being elected, PK could increase their nosing into Morganite affairs, especially like them selling stuff to the cult, their almost complete control of the stock exchange, which the pirates, data angels and them are countering, especially naval trade wise....picking on morgan for not being more strict about factions internal affairs like the spartans, hive, believers, etc... Lal may also be annoyed with the rest of the chiron alliance as not all of them didn't vote for him :/ maybe the Gaians and cyborgs did, but not enough.
Natan - Morganites would be extremely more picky on the Gaians and other factions operating Green Economy then ones operating Planned...besides, Hive voted for Morgan, so they are grateful  also, make sence to see Morganites trade with the Hive with the cheap products they can acquire, like the stuff we get from China here in Canada/US and other places despite them being a communist country and them breaking the human rights charter. also, cheap labour too..... Another thing which the PKs may get picky about  hive drones don't get payed....except for food and shelter anyway.... and something the Free Drones don't like.
Darkcloud - rather that planetmind never was playable...as anyone playing them have trouble finding ways to play them without overstepping on other players factions to much, which could cause arguments....like a lot of the funky stuff Christine done. that also reminds me that the Cult wouldn't have any problems from planetmind when sending their loaded IoDs to help the Pks, but would get trouble from the spartan ships.
University would also become the most advance faction, along with the cyborgs. after resolving many of the the political problems, they would get back into focusing on research. The hidden bases would be discovered doing secret research dealings with the cyborgs. after the political mess resolved, Zhakarov recontacts with the hidden bases, discovering how far they are technology wise, aswell as the their dealins with cyborgs...which would explain why the hidden bases were officially discovered by the cyborgs or pirates..... pirates didn't make a thing of it, but their distrust of cyborgs increases....not anti-cyborg wise, just against high research factions, especially as they run Knowdledge :P despite shrinking their military, they could expand eastwards, to cover territory there against the possibility of other factions expanding there.... Zarya-Sunrise would be around since the the 40s or 50s.....  and the base would be University's biggest trade center due as the place is a good stop for naval trade. Other significances of the base are that its the closest base of theirs to Planetary Council and Hive(i can relations being good between them aswell...acquiring human test subjects, or whatever). Its also the most logical base to base their Navy, along with Outpost #1 further north of the eastern coast. University would also control the Manifold Nexus...which helped them acquire mindworms, which were useful in during the Great War.
i will write quick summerial ideas for the Free Drones and Gaians tommorrow...........aswell maybe write the Pirates timeline :P
August 1, 2001, 03:41
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How about these additions
Parade Ground--Located (119, 61) On the PK border between UN Haven City and Assissan's Redoubt
or if Guardian is concerned about that
Parade Ground--Located (125, 57) On the island west of Assissan's Redoubt. I actually perfer this one. This can serve as a fall back naval base for the Spartan fleet.
Hawk of Chiron--Located (108, 26) On the Drone border northwest of Blast Rilfe Crag and inland.
As for the battles with the Pirate fleet. We can do, but remember that sooner or later the Spartans and Hive are going to get tired of the Pirate fleet.  There can be tensions but unless the Pirates strike first the Spartans aren't likely to commit to a full war until they have naval parity. Maybe if the Hive also comits to a war. I would be interested as to what the rest of the Alliance would think about the Pirates starting a war with the Spartans if there were no provocations. Exactly where is Athens? Wouldn't the Drones be a little angry at the Pirates establisihing a base that cuts into their territory? Especially if it provokes the Spartans into building one and taking even more land.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
August 1, 2001, 09:21
Hive would have trouble maintening...because almost everytime he builds one up, Chiron Alliance, especially pirates, nocks them out of commission  as the hive coasts being patrolled considerably by Pirate/UN/Angel ships, would be hard to construct a fleet without attracting attention....... so best places at the moment they can do that is Eurytion Bay, near the free drones (free drones would only have a small navy, enough to defend their coasts and their seabases) or bases along the big planetneck river seperating the continent almost in half... and they would mainly have foils too....unless spartans gave them initiative as soon as they acquired it or soon after. Pirates, in other hand, maintain larger amount of Cruisers  and using Foils as support.
Athens is located just outside of Free Drone borders....neither the spartans or the free drones seriously control the upland wastes....well, until spartans built a base in it and the free drones establishing more bases along the northern coast. Sure the Free Drones don't like the pirates attracting the spartans attention northwards, but they officially can't do anything as the pirates establish the outpost on non-controlled lands at the time....which now, the outpost is technicly located on the Free Drone/Spartan borders. ain't the best of position , but hey  still a good location to attack the spartans from whenever another war with them starts.
August 1, 2001, 10:50
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No, the Pirates couldn't do anything to the Hive fleet without severe reprecussions internationally, it would make the other factions mad at the Chiron Alliance, and the PKs might feel compelled to condem the agression. But the Hive fleet would be small, mostly containing foils for coastal defense, probably many of their ships wouldn't even be capable of sailing properly once they got a few squares off the coast.
How are we assigning Secret Projects? I'd like to have the Hive abandon the HGP, and transfer the resources to the Cyborg Factory, which they woul have the tech for by now. They could be maybe 5-10 years away from completing it, depending on how much other stuff they do with their industry in the meantime. What do you think?
Also, we should do something with the tip of my continent there, either Kane get's a base there or I do, 'cause I'm not gonna let the Pirates play that trick again!
August 1, 2001, 11:05
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Hmm, The Spartans may have an interesting proposal to bring up before the council regarding technology.  But that can wait until we start the game. Ok if everthing is alright with the base locations I would perfer the location of Parade Ground be on the island at (125, 57) and Hawk of Chiron at (108, 26) on the free drone border.
Natan-It looks like the Spartans and Hive will have to develope a coheasive front against the facist Pirates.  Maybe we can become an alternative voice for the freedom loving people of Chiron.
Which side are we on? We're on the side of the demons, Chief. We are evil men in the gardens of paradise, sent by the forces of death to spread devastation and destruction wherever we go. I'm surprised you didn't know that. --Saul Tigh
August 1, 2001, 11:26
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Zhakarov recontacts with the hidden bases, discovering how far they are technology wise,
Unless we are changing history, this is impossible, the hidden bases had reunited with the 'real' University under Zakharov's last war against the Cyborgs/Data Angels... interesting idea having the hidden bases trade with Cyborgs- I think they might do that- but considering how they went to war with the Cyborgs- I do not think the cyborgs would trust them.
Well... I'm glad that Zak still gets to keep his mindworms even with planetmind gone...
Lets just say that during this all Planetmind has slumbered; and when the factions are more powerful and more players come; planet can be awakened, and is weaker but can still do some damage.
Don't worry LMP, I can stirr up lots of trouble for Zakharov- he's going to have Lal extremely mad at him and everyone is going to think he is extremely unethical.
He will have good research as he his demilitarizing the University searching for weapons of mass destruction that won't pollute planet, or be 'forbidden' by the UN Charter, which he doesn't pay attention to, but he feels that unless he wants everyone to declare war on him...
Also- There will be a scandal if everyone agrees.
That will implicate Zakharov, Morgan, Roze, Deidre, Santiago, Lal, and Svensgaard... This may allow the other, less played factions to move into the spotlight and call for Morgan's resignation and give Lal something to think about.
I'll explain it when the story starts... Don't be concerned- it's not a war or a game wrecker, it just adds a moral question to the faction leader's longevity
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August 1, 2001, 12:39
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Peacekeepers are freedom loving, but they certainly won't be asking you guys to speak for them!
However, you're both right about one thing: we will not condone any unprovoked aggression.
I'll be posting my history / time line later today.
Last edited by Guardian; August 1, 2001 at 12:44.
August 2, 2001, 01:23
The Pirates and Svensgaard are so misunderstood. They do what they do for their own security, for the safety of their own people and way of life among the sea.  Spartans and Hive are a threat to the Pirates... so is the Believers somewhat, but Svensgaard is not too worried about them, despite the Nessus Incident
As the pirates are independence loving people, they wouldn't seriously care what Lal as to say about any aggression they do against the Spartans, Hive  Pirates also don't trust University or the Cyborgs, with their high research and all...... doesn't trust Morgan either :P Svensgaard prefers in keeping strong relations with the Data Angels, Peacekeepers and Free Drones, but pirates won't sacrifice their ways just to please them.
Darkcloud - well, change history then...thats what we are doing anyway, partly. The thing about the hidden bases in the second war got confused.... you wanted to use them to launch attacks from, which was technicly impossible as they are hidden, in cyborg territory, so they don't have the resources or infrastructure to build up a military force, except for some defence. and don't University will would be able to sneak in an army to them. so yes, the bases would of been contacted via probe team(s) sent to the hidden bases to check up on them and their progress. When the war ended, can say University cease to send probe teams so they don't get flak from Cyborgs, Data Angels, etc... for breaking treaty or something. but they would later get contacted again and then Zhakarov discovers that the hidden bases has been communicating and so on with the Cyborgs, combining research, and etc... So those bases would be technicly pro-cyborgs, despite the majority of the rest of the faction having anti-cyborg sentiments. So officially, University and Cyborgs don't like each other, but secretly and unofficial, there is secret researchs dealings between each other via the hidden bases. Just an explination has to why, after so long, the bases weren't discovered and taken over like it was expected when the Cyborgs were expanding.
Has for planetmind, they will of course be occasional mindworm attacks due to pollution, and etc... but prefer that Planetmind to be not playable.......besides, well worry about that WHEN we DO have a full house
Natan - yes, Hive can have some more bases. As for the Kane thing, mainly thinking of scratching that....unless the player interested in playing them is still interested. else, Kane is yours to do has you wish with  yes, Hive can work on the cyborg factory.... Hive may not be as advance as other factions, but they could be more advance then they would have on their own  having dealings with the Spartans, aswell maybe with University and Morgan....
Here is the Secret Projects rundown as i know of...also maybe some suggestions too:
Morganites: Merchant Exchange, Planetary Energy Grid
Data Angels: Citizen's Defence Force, Hunter-Seeker Algorithm with the Cyborgs(completed?), Virtual World?
Spartans: Command Nexus, second Weather Paradigm
University: Human Genome Project
Pirates: Maritime Control Center
Gaians: Empath Guild, Weather Paradigm, Pholus Mutagen
Cult of Planet: Xenoempathy Dome
Cyborgs: Planetary Datalinks? Hunter-Seeker Algorithm with DataAngels
Hive: Ascetic Virtues?, Cyborg Factory(under construction)
Free Drones: Cloudbase Academy
yes, in Chiron Chronicles, factions can build SPs that was already built by another...just that, takes a bit longer than the first and not as good as the first. Also may suggest ideas for new SPs you have in mind 
another thing, i currently lost my crossfire manual somewhere, so forgot about some of its SPs.
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