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Old July 12, 2001, 16:56   #1
Martin the Dane
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Tile Viewer/Editor in progress
Thanks to Martin Gühmann I just made some headway towards a tile file viewer/editor.

For now it is only a viwer, as I have not yet found out all I need to know about the .til-files inorder to make an editor. First there is a problem with respect to isometric overlapping. The CIVII way of doing it is by having transparent corners on rectangular tile-graphics, this way the 'lower' tile was allowed to overlap the two tile above it. In CTP however this is not the way. Apparently there are a number of overlap strips that I have not yet found.

You can get the TileViwer from my Civ:CTP page.

I'd appreciate anny and all comments.

Martin the Dane
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Old July 12, 2001, 17:48   #2
Immortal Wombat
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First comment is well done and thanks to Martin and Martin

The longest journey begins with a single step, and this is a damn good step to be starting with.

First impression is that it is a very useful program, in displaying all the possible and needed arrangements of tile graphics!

Thanks very much to Martin and Martin.
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Old July 13, 2001, 14:31   #3
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I got the veiwer thing but how do I veiw tile improvements, I heard the space farm is still there and I want to look at it, as well as other tile improvements.
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Old July 13, 2001, 17:22   #4
Martin Gühmann
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I got the viewer thing but how do I veiw tile improvements
Look at the end of the tile numbers after the bridge tiles there you can see the pixels of the tile improvements. The tile viewer is not able to sort these pixel lines and bring them into the right order as Martin said:

For now it is only a viwer, as I have not yet found out all I need to know about the .til-files inorder to make an editor.
It is only a pre beta version of this viewer you can be happy (and I am happy ) that you have a tool that is able to get out something of the *.til files that is recordnizable. Note that this thread is entitled:

Tile Viewer/Editor in progress

So you shouldn't expect everything at the beginning.
If you want to look at the tile improvements now, read the Basic Information thread.

Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
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Old July 13, 2001, 19:44   #5
Martin the Dane
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Martin is right. It's just a beginning, and we are working on getting all of it including editor capability.

Ok I'll be of for the next week or so , so nothing much is going to happend in the coding field, but Martin just sent me a lot of info, that will get us closer to the goal. (Seems like Martin is getting all the good ideas at the moment )
If you get any ideas you think usefull, post them here and I'll check in on them when I get back from vacation.

Then to a confession there was a minor coding typo in TileView, so I have released a new build of TileView and a patch (only 34k)

Martin (yea, there are two of us )
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Old August 3, 2001, 18:22   #6
Martin the Dane
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Ok, there is a new version of TileView
on my site.

This version is a major update to the old so no patches. TileView is now able to display allmost all the TileGraphics found in the .til file. The only thing missing is are the parts that fits in the cutout borders (black portions of) of the terain graphics.

To sum it up: TileView displays Terain, Rivers, and TileImprovements.

We are at the moment in need of beta testers, so if you feel like it, please download the beta, test it, and post you comments here, you can alternatively send them to me at

If you have any good ideas as to what functions are a must, post them here.

The plan is that the finished program will be able to import a script and generate a .til file based on it, save a full .til-file as a script and a number of .tga-files, and be able to replace individual graphics in existing .til-files.

Ok, I guess thats all for now.

Martin the Dane
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