OCC #10
"It's a small world after all, it's a small world after all, it's a small world after all, it's a small, small world!"
What is there to say? The key to victory was quick contact with the 3 civs on our continent, so we could ally with all of them, and maintaining a spotless reputation. The start was great as we got both Writing and Code of Laws from the Luxembourgers. A good start can win quite a few turns in OCC
. Later on, we could trade with the overseas tribes for a couple of more techs than usual in MGE (no Feudalism though).
================================================== ==============
AC: 1376
Monarchy: -
Republic: -2050
Democracy: -225
Colossus: -1650
Copernicus: -725
Shakespeare: -400
Newton: 80
Darwin: 400
Apollo: 940
Trade routes: -1100, -925, -775
Size 12: -325
Size 21: -100 (size 25 in AD 1)
Size 29: 580
Trade: -1650
Construction: -750
Sanitation: -350
Refrigeration: 60
Automobile: 400
Computers: 720
Space Flight: 920
-4000 Alphabet, Bronze Working, Ceremonial Burial
Rock of Ages founded by Cassiopeia ...
hmmm - world map?
another Whale
-3600 N-Chariot(h) ...
non-unit, so close? Must be SMALL world map ...
-3550 Seychellions, Peace, N-Chariot(h)
-3350 N-Archers(h), traded for Mysticism and Map Making(S), Luxembourgers, traded for Writing and Code of Laws, Ally, 50(h)
-3250 50(h)
-3200 Library
-3150 100(h)
-3100 Gold mined ...
Road and irrigation ...
-3050 Tibetians, Peace, gave Mysticism -> Ally(T), Maps
-2900 N-Archers(h)
-2800 N-Chariot(h)
-2650 Literacy, S3
-2550 50(h)
-2400 N-Chariot(h)
-2350 S: "We have Seafaring"
-2050 The Republic,
REPUBLIC, di Warriors, Currency(h), 3 techs->L, 25
, 1 tech-
, traded for Seafaring(S), 2 techs->S, Ally(S), Maps
COLOSSUS, Philosophy->
Trade, traded for Iron Working(L), 1 tech->L, traded for The Wheel and Horseback Riding(T), 1 tech->T, 50
, traded for Pottery and Warrior Code(S), 1 tech->S, 125
-1550 Temple, We Love
, Barb Leader (150)
-1500 S4
-1450 Marketplace, S5
-1400 S6
-1350 Salt, S7
-1300 We Love ends
-1250 Trireme, Banking(h), 1 tech->T,S, 50,100,75
-1200 Eskimos, 50->E for Peace
, 4 techs->E, Maps, no Ally
, won't trade tech
-1150 Harbor
-1100 Medicine,
Salt to Umnak Island (192)
-1050 Bank, L-T at war
-1000 Traded for Polytheism(S), 1,10,5 tech->S,T,L, 100,50,50
, 6 techs->E, traded for Astronomy, Mathematics, Masonry
-975 Gold, Jamaicans, 15 techs->J, Maps, Ally
-925 Beads,
Gold to Umnak Island (d,416)
-900 University
-875 University
-850 S8, 2 Barb Legions
-825 Food
-800 4 techs->L,T,S, 150,50,150
-775 Food,
Beads to Umnak Island (228)
-750 Food,
-675 Food
-650 Engineering
-625 Food
-600 2 techs->S, 150
-575 Aquaduct
-550 Bridge Building, S9
-525 Theory of Gravity(h)
-500 5,4,2,4 techs->J,T,S,L 50,25,150,-
, Maps(J,T,L), 50->E, 3 techs->E, traded for Navigation and Physics
-475 Food
-450 Economics, Invention(h)
-425 Food
-375 S10, Fijians, 22 techs->F, Maps, Peace
-350 Sanitation, S11, 5 techs->J, 100
, Maps
-325 Sewer System,
-300 S13, 1 tech->T,S,L 100,150,50
, Maps(S)
-275 Stock Exchange, S14, 50(h), Barb Legion
-250 S15
-225 Wine, Democracy,
-200 S17, 1 tech->S, 100
-175 Food, S18
-150 Gunpowder, S19, 3 techs->F
-125 Food, S20, 6 techs->L, 1 tech->T, 100
S21, 1 tech->S, 50
-75 Food, Metallurgy, S22, 1 tech->S, 50
-50 S23
-25 Food, S24
1 Magnetism, S25, 1 tech->L,T, 50,50
, 50->E
, 7 techs->E
(PYRAMIDS - Jamaicans)
20 Food, We Love ends
40 Electricity, Wine to Suva (d,676)
60 Food, Refrigeration, traded for Monarchy(J), 5 techs->J, N-Elephant(h)
100 Chemistry, 10,5,5 techs->T,L,S 50,50,-
, 6 techs->F, Maps(T,L,F,S)
120 Supermarket
140 Explosives
160 Diplomat, 1 tech->L, 100
180 Steam Engine, 6 techs->E
(GREAT LIBRARY - Jamaicans
200 Bribed L->N Settlers (696)
220 Railroad, 4 techs->J, Maps
240 Food
260 Industrialization, 1,4,3 techs->T,S,L, 50,25,-
, Maps(S,L)
280 Factory
300 The Corporation
320 Food
340 Refining, 3 techs->E, traded for Monotheism(E), 1,6,1 techs->S,T,L 50,-,75
, Maps(T)
360 Oil
380 Steel, disband N-Archers, 1 tech->L, 50
DARWIN'S VOYAGE -> Combustion,
Automobile, di N-Archers
420 Superhighways, Mass Production, 1 tech->L,S, 50,50
460 Mass Transit, Electronics, di N-Chariot, 1 tech->L,T,S, 25,25,50
480 Power Plant, 1 tech->L, 50
500 Feudalism, We Love
, Oil to Suva (597)
520 Food, Chivalry, S26, 50->F, 13 techs->F, traded for Conscription, Maps, 12 techs->J, Maps, gift? -> J end alliance
50->E, 8 techs->E, Maps, no Ally ;(, 1 tech->S,T, 50,25
, di Trireme
540 Food, S27, br L->N Engineers(648)
560 Leadership, S28
580 Food,
S29, sold Sewer System
600 Tactics, We Love ends
, sold Aquaduct
620 Food, br L->N Engineers (680), sold Temple
640 Machine Tools
660 Food
680 Miniaturization
700 Offshore Platform, 5 techs->L, 50
720 Food,
Computers, di N-Chariot
740 Research Lab, Grassland/r into Hills/r, mined -> Hunger=4
760 Flight
800 Radio
840 Advanced Flight, Plains/r into Grassland/r -> Hunger=3
880 Rocketry, br Barb->N Dragoons (102), 2 Barb Dragoons
Space Flight
APOLLO PROGRAM, Grassland/r into Hills/r, di N-Dragoons
960 S01, Plastics, Hills/r mined -> 65 shields, Hunger=6
1 tech->L, 100
, di N-Chariot
980 S02, di N-Chariot
1000 S03, Atomic Theory,
Barbs take Mandeville
1020 C01
1040 C02, Nuclear Fission
1060 S04
1080 S05, Nuclear Power
1100 S06, di N-Settlers
1120 S07, The Laser, di N-Settlers
(WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE - Seychellions)
1140 S08, di Diplomat
1160 S09, Superconductor, di N-Elephant
1180 S10
1200 S11, Fusion Power
1220 S12, traded for Communism(L), 1 tech->L
1240 S13
1260 S14, 50->J, traded for Genetic Engineering(J)
1280 S15
1300 M01
1320 M02, sold Power Plant
1340 M03,
LAUNCH the GSS CASSIOPEIA 15-1-1-1-1-1
1342 Nuclear Plant, Mobile Warfare
1343 Barracks
1344 Alpine Troops, Robotics
1346 Manufacturing Plant, Guerilla Warfare
1347 City Walls
1348 Espionage
1349 SDI Defence
1350 Stealth
1351 Airport
1352 Stealth Fighter, Labor Union, di Alpine Troops
1353 SAM Missile Battery, S28
1354 Armor, Recycling, S27
1355 Spy,
S26, S break alliance over Rocketry
1357 Environmentalism
1359 Solar Plant, sold Nuclear Plant
1360 Theology
1363 Amphibious Warfare
1366 Combined Arms, S Sneak Attack, S Cavalry almost kills vet Armor in fort, Allies come to the aid
1367 S Explorer
1369 Fundamentalism
1370 S Destroyer
1372 Future Tech 1
1373 ADAM SMITH'S TRADING CO., Peace(S), Space Flight->L, 75
, 1 tech->T, 100
1374 1 tech->L,T, 75,100
1375 Future Tech 2
1376 The "GSS CASSIOPEIA" lands on
Score: 356 (46%)
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire