November 24, 2001, 06:11
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LaFayette, désolé, mais je regarde très rarement mes private messages et il semble que le serveur d’Apolyton ne me prévienne pas tout le temps quand j'en reçois un. Le plus simple et le mieux est donc de m’envoyer un courrier électronique quand on veut m’atteindre ...
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
November 25, 2001, 08:12
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Well, this server is so sssssssssslow
As soon as I can download the saved game, I'm going to try to play it
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
November 25, 2001, 08:29
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Originally posted by Julius Brenzaida
LaFayette, désolé, mais je regarde très rarement mes private messages et il semble que le serveur d’Apolyton ne me prévienne pas tout le temps quand j'en reçois un. Le plus simple et le mieux est donc de m’envoyer un courrier électronique quand on veut m’atteindre ...
hmmm ????????????????
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
November 25, 2001, 12:02
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Here it is. Sorry for the delay.
We are quite rich and Main should fall at our next attack.
The tide is going our way but have we enough time to conquer it all ?
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
November 25, 2001, 12:04
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Here's the log :
1246ad we kill the Holy Roman King. No effect on the game ! We do major sabotage operations agains holy romain cities. Peace with the French (one step at time please).
1247ad we convert Herat. We continue the trading, maybe not as successfully as it should be.
1248 ad we attack Main. It should soon fall.
1249 we convert Krakow that was in disorder.
1250 Bouillon is captured by the French. 435 gold merchants from Leicester to Rheims : is it a record ?(by the way it was wine !!! le champagne n’est plus ce qu’il était pour que les habitants de la région aient autant besoin de vin étranger)
1251 we capture one of those terrific holy roman trebuchets (win every combat) ! we capture Praha that was in disorder.
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
November 25, 2001, 12:38
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Hmmm maybe I should put the saved game too.
LaFayette is next !
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
November 26, 2001, 14:46
Local Time: 12:33
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The new adviser came to King Apolyton V and he said:
'If I were Your Majesty I would certainly not give my kingdom for a horse, ...since that kingdom is so beautiful.
From Kiev in the east to Sodaq Haven (what a nice name, Marquis!) in the west, from Ikea in the north to Sofia in the south, it gives any tourist the opportunity to have a look at superb merchant vessels and lots of pretty girls.
But, if you really wish to conquer the holy city of Jerusalem, you NEED AN ARMY, noble leader.
You have very few horses. Don't give your kingdom for any of them! Let me build more, many more, for your glory and the sake of the holy crusade. Let me also build wise inquisitors, able to use their great intelligence to open the road for your mighty knights.
I advise to build at least 20 knights and 10 inquisitors at once, and let them travel south to the holy city of Rome. There are superb and useful buildings in that city. One of those buildings will give happiness to your people. Another one will give strength to your troops.
Let me offer you Rome, noble leader. Let your kingdom become the Holy English Roman Empire.'
King Apolyton V answered:
'Yes indeed, build an army and take Rome for me! Go south , young man!'
(La Fayette, very happy to be named a young man , though he's over 63)
November 26, 2001, 18:29
Local Time: 12:33
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Rome is English
The mighty army of King Apolyton V has been built and has fought its way to the charming capital city of the ex-Holy Roman Empire.
Short log:
1253: Mains
1255: Regensburg
1257: Milano
1258: Venedig + Genoa
1259: Ravenna + Wien
1260: Pisae
1262: Leipzig + ROME ('HRE destroyed by the English'  )
The French sneak attacked a lot and also bribed 2 cities (treacherous froggies  ) but King Apolyton had gold (lots of gold  ) and it was easy to bribe back.
The Byzantines also sneak attacked but English defenders were strong and losses were low.
There are now more than 40 knights and more than 20 inquisitors in the mighty army of King Apolyton V, so it should be quite easy to roll over the Byzantines on the main road to Jerusalem.
L'an prochain à Jérusalem...
(La Fayette, looking at a flock of treacherous frenchies)
November 27, 2001, 05:17
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Who's next to drive us to the road of Jerusalem
Great job Lafayette
By the way did you use these trebuchets. A crossbowman on a hill, fortified to help them approach, some sabotage and all cities fall
At least in my opinion
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
November 27, 2001, 07:06
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1) Who's next?
It should be kcbob if he feels like it. I sent him an email.
If he doesn't answer within 2 or 3 days, I suppose that either Raz or Marquis will be willing to have a look at Constantinople (my mother lived there when she was a young girl, and told me it was beautiful).
2) About trebuchet
I suppose trebuchet is OK, ...but so slow. We are in a hurry now. Jerusalem is waiting for us. That's why I send a horde of inquisitors first to destroy the walls, then a horde of knights to kill anyone inside. Inquisitors have 3 moves and knights have 2 (instead of trebuchet 1).
BTW I must mention that the number of inquisitors lost is not exactly random: until Pisae I lost only one, then SEVEN in front of Pisae + SIX in front of Rome (one more of those delicious AI cheats  but those won't stop the mighty army of King Apolyton V).
God save the King (especially since the King is now the proud owner of the very holy city of Rome).
December 10, 2001, 14:07
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It appears some of our brethren have not returned alive from the Levant!  In their stead, the Archbishop of Sodaq shall take command of the crusade in the next day or so. We will teach the heathens a lesson in pain!
The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)
The gift of speech is given to many,
intelligence to few.
December 10, 2001, 14:15
Local Time: 05:33
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To refresh our memories, here is the original player list, and suspected status:
kcbob - AWOL
Rasputin - MIA
Marquis de Sodaq - At the helm of heathen butchery
Scouse Gits(1) - MIA
SG2 - At the Civ3 brothel, but on call
Julius - tapping fingertips on desk, waiting for his turn
La Fayette - eating goat cheese, waiting for his turn
I'll download and play tonight, if possible, tomorrow at latest.
The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)
The gift of speech is given to many,
intelligence to few.
December 10, 2001, 18:01
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SG2 - At the Civ3 brothel, but on call
 But no "one more turn" diseases have caught up with me!
I am less busy than a few weeks ago so I will be able to play my turn.
December 10, 2001, 22:59
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I have the save game, and will play tomorrow evening (-6 GMT). Tonight I was busy beating La Fayette's standard in the Mongol scenario I started several weeks ago.
The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)
The gift of speech is given to many,
intelligence to few.
December 12, 2001, 01:36
Local Time: 05:33
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The Archbishop decided to increase the strength of our borders with the evil French. Many units have secured and occupy fortresses along the Rhine. While the frogs leapt vainly against our fine defenses, we tried a rear assault on Rennes - the first wave failed, but now the city is English. In the process, we killed no fewer than 20 French bad guys. Altho not part of our scheme to recapture the Holy Land, it has caused the French great grief.
Important events under the leadership of Archbishop de Sodaq:
1264 - Sack Adrianople
1265 - Ukrainian holdings razed by the evil heathens. Who cares, the citizens weren't christians anyway.
1268 - Fall one unit short of sacking Rennes...
1269 - Sack Naples and Ragusa, raze Seleucia, put heathen citizens to the sword. 
1270 - Sack Durazzo. Byzantines agree to a cease fire, which should give us time to bring in reinforcements. A horde of Byzantine bad guys hovers nearby... 
1272 - Our valiant marines sack Rennes. Truffles for dinner! All nearby French were slaughtered (in the name of God, of course), so no contact has been made since the sacking.
More units are ready to sail from Exeter to beef up defenses in Rennes until walls get built. Trebuchets and siege towers are slowly rolling toward Byzantium. 8 of our units wait in a fortress outside Constantinople, 2 more trebuchets are near. The French are swarming across the alps into English Italy. Defenses need to be strengthened there. Gold is in great abundance, despite wanton spending by the retiring Archbishop, who is on his way back to visit the nuns.
The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)
The gift of speech is given to many,
intelligence to few.
December 14, 2001, 04:34
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Originally posted by Marquis de Sodaq
Trebuchets and siege towers are slowly rolling toward Byzantium.
Gold is in great abundance, despite wanton spending by the retiring Archbishop, who is on his way back to visit the nuns.
I swear I wont tell the Marchionness about those nuns
About trebuchets I told you they are soooo sloooow (but I can understand your pleasure when bombarding). What did you do with all the mighty knights I built?
... and what does MIA mean? (nothing related to nuns, I hope, since Raz has such a bad reputation from the auld times when he was Russian lover #1)
December 14, 2001, 08:30
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Marquis, you’re right : those trebuchets are addictives !
Are the SG’s ready to play ?
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
December 14, 2001, 10:56
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Originally posted by La Fayette
I swear I wont tell the Marchionness about those nuns
All in jest, of course!
Originally posted by La Fayette
About trebuchets I told you they are soooo sloooow (but I can understand your pleasure when bombarding). What did you do with all the mighty knights I built?
They did all the conquering. Most of the remaining knights are on the Byzantine border, some patrol the French border, several are in the Ukraine killing heathens, the rest are pushing south in Italy.
Originally posted by La Fayette
... and what does MIA mean? (nothing related to nuns, I hope, since Raz has such a bad reputation from the auld times when he was Russian lover #1)
MIA = missing in action. One who went to war but did not come back, dead or alive.
The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)
The gift of speech is given to many,
intelligence to few.
December 14, 2001, 16:29
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are you planning to use trebuchet in your high score game?
BTW are you going on playing that one or have you started a high score civ3?
(La Fayette, looking at high score with great respect and no desire at all  ).
December 15, 2001, 16:59
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LaFayette, Trébuchets are only in scenarios. Too bad !
I haven’t given up on my high score civ game, but between civ3, work, december duties and succession games, let’s say I’m waiting for better times before I go on.
I don’t plan any civ3 attempt before I master a little better that game !
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
December 21, 2001, 18:53
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The SGs are "on the job" - no native English speakers out there we hope!
Contrary to vicious rumours, SG[1] is not MIA - merely reeling from being pounded to pulp by the damned AI in Civ3 playing ICS better than I can!!!!!!!
I shall shortly return to the Civ II (not 3) boards severely chastened, but not defeated....
The SGs in some splendid Red
December 22, 2001, 07:47
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Hi guys,
Just to clarify (now sober) SG(2) has the game and is taking his turns as we speak - he shall dutifully report his progress and pass the game on to moi - and I shall devote every attention to it. (Having finally exiled that rather nasty browny orange CD to its crystal case - and seriously considered an application of SuperGlue  , what a way to throw away £50 and just before Christmas as well - interestingly Civ3 is already discounted here - didn't even keep its price for Xmas  )
Civ 2 rules!!!!
December 23, 2001, 09:28
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Scouse Gits, it looks to me as if the best redemption would be to liberate the whole Holy Land in this scenario. How is it going ? SG (2) and then SG (1) and then me ?
I shall be back after a short holiday next friday. Glad to see you focused again by the Real Thing !
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
February 4, 2002, 11:03
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Are the SG's still on the job ???
Why is this one not on the roll
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
February 6, 2002, 15:31
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Hoping we can finish our turn this Friday!
February 6, 2002, 17:02
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Et honni soit qui mal y pense
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
March 18, 2002, 11:17
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits
Hoping we can finish our turn this Friday!
What friday
Frankly, either finish your turns or put the saved game as it is by the end of this week
The holy land must be freed
BTW, am I the only one to remember this succession game
Oh Man, when will you understand that your greatness lies in your failure - Goethe
March 18, 2002, 14:19
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Originally posted by Julius Brenzaida
BTW, am I the only one to remember this succession game
You are certainly not the only one, Julius!
I think we should ask SlowThinker to play that turn instead of the Gits
March 18, 2002, 15:12
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Perhaps he is already playing it...
(ST evaluating the benefits of moving that knight one square east)
I've still been waiting for that elusive friday to arrive, as well. Git to it!
The first President of the first Apolyton Democracy Game (CivII, that is)
The gift of speech is given to many,
intelligence to few.
March 18, 2002, 16:08
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Oh B*gg*r- are we up?? I guess we must be - will see what the hell is going on - honest
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