July 18, 2001, 14:20
Local Time: 11:33
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Athens, Adriatic League...
"Mr. President, Mr. President a word?" asked the reporter from the Bosporus Bugel.
"The Press, you vultures, hah, I wouldn't give you the time of day" smiled il Duce as he turned to Antonin Rossi "I thought you said this would be an indisclosed location?"
"Well, I thought it was too. It must've leaked." said Rossi fumbling nervously through his papers. "Has Francisco arrived yet?"
"No, I don't know where he could be, we leave in ten minutes-" just then he was interrupted.
"SALUTO IL DUCE!" yelled a familiar voice, it was Francisco Franco. A Spanish General, now turned foreign minister while Antonin Rossi works on the United Nations charter. "How do you do this fine morning sir? Mr. Rossi, always a pleasure." he said as he shook the ambassador's hand.
"Well gentlmen, we must prepare to launch. It would be wise to get through as soon as possible, you do realize there is a war in the area." said Rossi as he tucked his papers back into his briefcase.
"We have a few minutes before we head off, let us partake in a cigar!" said Mussolini as he pulled out three "These are from Sydneyago, fine fine cigars...
At their final destination...
"Ahh, President Mussolini, Minister Franco welcome. Have you ever seen your embassy before?" asked the foreign ambassador.
"No I haven't actually, its quite nice looking." said Franco.
"It was built by Leopold of Habsburg so many centuries ago, that was quite the day when he arrived, although I can only read in stories, but hey. It changed everything." said the ambassador as he looked at the ornate walls, gold and marble, with winged lions everywhere. It was quite a spectical of the old Adriatic League, the proud and brave nation that singlehandedly took on the Pacific Pact, although it did not fare well...
"So when will she arrive?" asked Franco.
"Madame President will arrive shortly gentlmen, please have a seat, partake on our wine..."
Last edited by The Capo; July 18, 2001 at 14:29.
July 18, 2001, 21:49
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Mali Situation...
Alright, I've spoken to at least three people about taking over the Mali, and we're talkin some pretty big names on the Diplo-campus here, all of which declined. Hopefully the rest of the group has at least taken baby steps to fixing this Mali issue.
In the meantime, I would again like to bring up the Partition question. Initially I am 100% against it, however if I have to play AI instead, I think I'd take partition, so I went through the trouble of creating what the partition may be like. This is what I think is fair (I'll admit I gain a lot of territory out of it) for the entire group so here's the map....
I used a combination of vacinity and need of cities to create this, in retrospect Mongolia got shafted, but are really not in a close vacinity to Mali, but whatever, here's what I did:
Adriatic League (37 Cities) - Tunisia, Sam, Tangiers, Bamba, Dakar, Ansongo, Timbuktu, Iceland, and Porto Marino. Nine cities. Iceland and Porto Marino because they used to be Adriatic cities. The others due mostly to the fact that we are currently at war with them and would acquire it anyway, plus vacinity is very close.
Zulus (37 Cities) - Congo, Benin, Kayes, Bissau, Naimey, Gao, Bamako. Vacinity and relationship were the main factors here.
Israel (17 Cities) - Banjul, Accra, Sahara, Hombori Tondo, Sikasso, Ghana, Ertreia, Ouagadougou, New Gao, New Timbuktu, Undereal, Algers. Israel is in the most need of cities, so they acquire the most cities. They are also at war with the Mali over the Nile Basin so they get the Nile basin and most of the remaining Mali colonies.
China (48 Cities) - Ft. Mopti, Greater Lakes. Since they have the most cities they get a little amount of territory, however they are in a very good vacinity, so they acquire two.
Australia (45 Cities) - Antilles. They are the strongest nation with the second most cities, their vacinity is not very close so they acquire only one island city to compliment Cuba.
Mongolia (36 Cities) - Hudson Bay, Umbassa. Their vacinity is almost non-existant, they do need cities but they are so far from any Mali territory that it would cause issues.
Anyway, that's what I think is fair, I think that Timbuktu should probably either go to Israel or the Zulus instead of me, I wasn't really looking at what the cities and their sizes were rathe than closeness when making the map. Iceland should probably go to the zulus instead and Porto Marino maybe to Mongolia or Australia instead. But regardless of this I still think that the original plan for partition is the fairest.
Anyway that's the plan I threw out there, kick it around and discuss cuz we really need to handle this Mali issue ASAP. And I don't think I need to say if we can get a sub then that would be much better than any other solution.
July 19, 2001, 01:06
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 252
I am against partitioning the Mali also, but it is a more appealing solution than playing with the A.I.
I have just some adjustments to Capo’s proposed partition plan. I don’t think there is a so called “fair way” to do this since taking the Mali out of the game changes the balance of the game and its politics especially since Israel will nearly double in size and strength.
This is what I have done to Capo’s Proposal
I added one more city to the Chinese, just because the proximity of Hudson Bay to my land is interconnecting.
I gave Mongolia New Gao, Umbassa and Antilles; I figured that Australia would just give Antilles to either Mongol or Israel anyway.
Then I gave Israel Timbuktu, I also think since one city was razed to the ground that Israel should be given a guarantee that they can build the city that replaces it.
The only city I did not know what to do with was Iceland, but I think it could go to really any civ besides the Chinese or the Australians. Personally I think it should go the Mongols (so I put it there) but the AL I think also has the most rights to it.
So here is how it works out in the end.
Adriatic League (37 Cities)(44) - Tunisia, Sam, Tangiers, Bamba, Dakar, Ansongo, and Porto Marino. 7 cities
Zulus (37 Cities)(44) - Congo, Benin, Kayes, Bissau, Naimey, Gao, Bamako. 7 cities.
Israel (17 Cities)(31) - Banjul, Accra, Sahara, Hombori Tondo, Sikasso, Ghana, Ertreia, Ouagadougou, New Timbuktu, Undereal, Algers and Timbuktu. Then adding the one that they build gives them 14 new cities.
China (48 Cities)(51) - Ft. Mopti, Greater Lakes and Hudson Bay. 3 cities.
Australia (45 Cities)(45) – None
Mongolia (36 Cities)(40) Antilles, Iceland Umbassa, and New Gao. 4 cities.
July 19, 2001, 08:38
Local Time: 07:33
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I think punishing australia and mongolia because of lack of proximity and "need" is a bad idea. Adding these extra cities to both my country and the AL would make us a lot bigger than we are now, and bring us up around where Australia is in terms of power. That just doesn't seem fair, as we aren't "earning" anything here. This is basically a hand out. I think the only fair way is to divide up mali cities by 6. This will give everyone the same amount of "bonus". Need shouldnt have anything to do with it.
From there, countries can either keep or sell their cities. It's really the only fair thing to be done. Think about it.
I don't think there's enough time to thouroughly discuss this issue before the game this week, and for that reason, I think we should play this week as the mali being AI. We could discuss the partioning in the game and implement it the following week. We just need to get playing.......arguing pre-game about this spells certain disaster.
If we play the AI like we would a human, then there shouldnt be any big problems for the week.
Well thats how I feel.....I wont agree to either capos or pros partions because they seem very unfair. With several more large cities under my belt, I feel I would become much more powerful than I deserve........We gotta divide these cities up while maintaining the same balance of power.......Otherwise it's like promoting someone in rank even though they didnt do anything to deserve it....
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
July 19, 2001, 13:27
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 252
Your reasoning makes sence to me and I will agree to it however even if we do each get six cities they will be of different sizes and power.... not that it makes that much differnce to me. But I doubt we will solve the problem by tonight so I guess we discuss it tonight. See you all then.
July 19, 2001, 16:18
Local Time: 07:33
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Adriatic Embassy, Sudan Africa
A meeting between leaders of the Adriatic League and Zulu Nation...(Taken from official transcript)
Mussolini: Ah President Kamma, a pleasure to finally meet you.
Kamma: The pleasure is mutual. How do you like your countries embassy?
Mussolini: Its quite lovely, it is a sign of greater times. When the Adriatic League wasn't afraid to stand up to the East... even if we did so alone.
Kamma: Indeed. General Shakeem is happy to tell me stories of his great great grandfather, and the age of exploration. It must have been quite the time to have lived in.
Mussolini: Yes, it is nice to remember the past. But we are here to discuss the future no?
Kamma: We are.
Mussolini: I know we have discussed the matter in diplomatic transmissions, however I have yet to hear your personal thoughts on our endevour.
Kamma: Well it is quite simple really. World politics have been thrown into chaos with the split of the Axis Alliance. The Pacific Pact is becoming more powerful with every passing year. China is trying to form a communist block. The Mali have become a menace and the Israelis leadership is shoddy to say the least.
Mussolini: Yes, wiser words have never been spoken. Our history is quite positive, never really close, but we have always been on eachother's good side. Our nation will never forget that you are the sole reason Adriatic flags fly in America.
Kamma: As we shall never forget the Adriatic men who braved the cold to establish Skopje in the name of the Zulu Nation.....
Mussolini: Ah yes, but enough compliments, we aren't here to pat eachother on the ass. We have to change the world Madame President.
Kamma: Yes, you're correct about that, lets get down to business..........The Zulu Nation would like to enter into an alliance with your country for several reasons. One being that your country needs modern technologies. We can provide this. Another reason is that financially we are in desperate need of help and you can provide us that assistance.....
Mussolini: We wish to enter into an alliance for the same reasons. Our nation lags behind horribly in technologies. We are thus unable to compete on the world's stage in the manner that we are historically accustomed.
Kamma: President Keating is a very wise man and he has led the Pacific Pact in a most successful fashion. If we drag our feet too long, they will certainly pull away and leave our respective nations in the dust......
Mussolini: Yes, I must concur President Keating has done his people well. The time has come to counteract his power, his Pacific Pact stands astride the world like the Colossus in Venice. A full military-technological-miliatry alliance would do well to counteract this emmense power enjoyed by the Pacific Pact.
Kamma: Our nations will soon be well suited to compete with the Pacific Pact. With President Easthaven being impeached in Mongolia, things could quickly go asunder there. Rumors have it that a young man of Israeli descendency, of the SunTzu line is poised to take control in Mongolia. If he fares anything like his forefathers did in Israel, then the Pacific Pact is surely in trouble. This is our chance, we must make haste to get this alliance in working order.
Mussolini: Yes indeed. Well then President Kamma, Ambassador Sanerca has drafted a treaty to represent our Alliance. Here it is for your signature. Hopefully we can get things working well as soon as possible, I trust you will be able to though, your track record speaks for itself. The intrepid woman who fixed the Zulu Democracy. Quite the legacy already Madame President.
Kamma: *dips feathered pen into an inkwell and signs the treaty*
Kamma smiles and extends her hand..........
"Our time is coming. Soon we shall hold the reigns of the world."
Mussolini: *smiles as he signs the treaty* Yes, glory shall return to the West. Speaking of which, I must depart, I have a meeting with President Hussein of Israel in a few days and I'd like to make it there in time to prepare. I shall send a new ambassador to Sudan, one that represents our new ideologies better.
Kamma: I hope you have adequate security to travel with in Israel. That nation is notorious for it's terrorists and theives. Good luck and godspeed. We shall remain in contact.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
July 19, 2001, 19:02
Local Time: 23:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
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OOC - much to catch up on!
Sorry everyone - been so busy the last week I haven't read all your posts yet. I just scanned thru them.....
I'll catch up, but in a nutshell:
AD 1392
Private Draft Foreign Policy 'sketch' by Paul, Canberra, doodling in his suite...
* Communists are anti-big bombs
* Chinese are therefore friends but we can not join their Communist League
* We remain the true Democratic nation
* Israelis are a worry - detest their politics
* Mongols best allies but with new leadership, damn!!&^%$$##
* Sun Tzu is believed to be of similar persuasion to me, Paul
* Be nice to Sun - update him on PP Plans
* AL, respected - but hate the bastards...
* Mali - death to the Mali!!
* Zulus - we'll see
* Dame de Nostra believes the new visionery weaponry will be developed in Africa
* We'll certainly see about that!
Sleep now, so tired of being so munificent... LOL
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
July 19, 2001, 19:15
Local Time: 23:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
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Partitioning is silly, just attack the Mali!
Capo says he has a player for Mali now but if it goes AI, NO partitioning. WE can all just attack them.
The principle is that you can't get something for nothing, you must expend war resources to get Mali cities (no bribing)
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
July 19, 2001, 23:32
Local Time: 21:33
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From the Diary of a frontline Soldier
1 Jan 1390 ...
The war has dragged on into another decade, can it possibly last 100 years, it all started so long ago, dady was jsut a boy then , now daddy has long gone.
4 Sept 1390 We have been ordered to attack Ougagougo, the largest province on the Nile river. Folks back home wont appreciate jsut how big this area is, nearly three times the population of our home province of Jordan. But for all you mobile folk it about the size of Afghansitan province. The boys are quite nervous as this is our first real battle. The old folk speak fondly of the battle of Banghazi, but that was much smaller.
18 October 1392 We hear President Hussein has ordered the immediate deployment of the latest military breaththru, artillery. With this new weopon we hope to finish the war by Hitlers Birthday.
3 Jul 1395 5 years we been sitting outside the gates of Ougagougo, but last night the white flag was raised inside as our artillery made mince meat of them.
6 Sept 1396 The battle is ovr finally we have lsot about 5000 troops over the alst 6 years but rumours abound that over half the population has been slaughtered. That will teach the damn muslims for starting this war.
1 Feb 1397 The remaining populace of Ougagougo last night held a Council and voted to join the Israeli Nation. The newly named Sudan became the 18th Province.
Another Soldiers Diary
1 Apr 1421 News has arrived that President Hussein has offered peace to the Mali, but they have rejected it
23 May 1421 The heat of the desert is getting to most of us guys. Well al lthe guys from Paksitan province as we used to cooler caostal weathr not this filthy hot Desert heat. Some guys are questioning why we need to take this small province of Sahara. The major explained to us that it is the gateway through which all the Hated Mali terrorists have been attacking Israel from. A massive bombardment of Artillery, and the city is in ruins, it is all on fire. Rumours abound that some Malis chose to burn rather than surrender. Typical of the Evil people.
Another Soldiers Diary
4 Aug 1423 Some guys actually celbrated last night after hearing the Mali refused President Husseins latest peace offering , they want to make the Mali pay for centuries of Aggresison
18 Sept 1423 Well we survived last nights bombardment of Egypt , but only just. The Mali navy arrived with total surprise and numerous volleys of Shells descended on our beuatiful province. APparantly over 20,000 citizens were killed, fortuantly most of these were the Mali prisoners from previous wars. But the local guards were destoyed valiantly defending the heart of the province. President Saddam early this morning arrived and promised quick retribution with sometihng he called Underwater Boats (U-Boats) Long live Israel.
Another Soldiers Diary
4 Aug 1431 President Hussein visited the troops himself and told of his undying wish to form peace in the North of Africa. He was looking very frail and was in a wheelchair. Apparently yet agai nthe Mali rejected his offer of peace.
6 Aug 1431 Our latest orders call for marching on Sikasso, where apparently the local people are wanting to join the Greater Israeli nation. Unforutnalty 3 divisions of Mali leite troops are repressing them. We are awaiting the arival of artillery from the desert.
14 Oct 1431 Jubilation, we have killed all the hated Mali in Sikasso and the locals immediatly proclaimed a new Republic. The Nely formed Central African Republic becomes the 19th Province of Israel.
26 Dec 1438 Rumours have hit the frontline that Presidnet Hussein has died, apparently some Mali suiciidal bombing. Only rumours so far vehemently deneid by the Army Staff command.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 19, 2001, 23:41
Local Time: 21:33
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From : Minister of Research and Development Albert einstein
To: President Saddam Hussien & Minister of Defence Abraham Howitz
My Dear President,
Word has arrived from my compatriat in Canberra, that there shall be no further exhange of knowledge with the Australians. They calim that we are acting more and more like the rogue nation of old. Little do they understand that our very survival dpends on controlling the Mali.
This is a major setback for Israel. Our enemies the Malis appear to be aided by the Zulus and therefore we cant count on mainting a tech advantage over the Mali forever. I would suggest approaching other nations to aquire some knowledge of better weoponry.
Thankyou in anticiaption..
Always your servant
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 19, 2001, 23:47
Local Time: 21:33
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From : Minister of Defence Abraham Howitz
To: President Saddam Hussein & Minister for Research &Development Albert Einstein
Greetings my President.
It appears the Minsiter for R/D has little faith in our loyal Israeli soldiers. Every task we have ssigned them , especially our brilliant Artillery Gunners, has been undertaken and accomplished with little loss of life. The only set back we have had was the surprise naval attack on Egypt, however that threat was quickly ended with the sinking of the Mali fleet by our courageous U-Boat men.
I feel that now is the time to Squeeze the Mali hard, we have the upper hand and are almost compeltly rid of them from the Nile Basin. If the President so wishes , now may be the time to press for an advantageous peace settlement.
Your True servant as always...
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 20, 2001, 00:24
Local Time: 21:33
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Maps of israel
Found amongst the dust these maps reveal the extent of the Israeli nation as at 1430 AD
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 21, 2001, 05:50
Local Time: 21:33
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Somewhere in Brisbane, Australia
"So where are the twins Lori?" asked little Johnnie Howard.
"They are being entertained by President Paul tonight."
"What does that old man hav eto offer them?" asked Johnnie
"Well old is definately the word, he has been around for thousands of years now , and doesnt look a day over 45! He says it is al lbecause The Deity is looking after him. He is very blessed"
"Blessed?? Deity ?? I dont beleive in all that crap," Johhine spat " Its some sort of trick. drugs I hear"
"Well Johniie we al lknow how jealous you are of him, so why dotn we tlak of something else"
"Damn Paul!!! But you are right, I was tlaking of the twins, how is young David and Bethsheba? "
"They are not so young Johhnie, but they are well, David long sfor his return to Israel, but President Paul says the time is not yet ripe. David wishes to return Israel to its glory days of Freedom and Prosperity."
"News from Africa seems to be that Israel is doing well in its war. Although rumours abound of mass civilian killings."
"The Israeli people always were tough fighters Johnnie. And remember , even though this war is led by Saddam and started by Hitler, it was the Great Raz himslef that procalimed the Malis to be the biggest threat to Israels security. Rember the great Buffalo Incident."
"Only great in israels history Lori, not significant to Australia"
"Well once David returns to Israel and leads the people, he will be albe to establsih new trade routes using the new North African lands."
"Surely he must return those lands to the Mali!!"
"Return them, never they are historical Jewish lands, in the years 4000BC to 3000BC our settlers roamed those areas of the Nile Valley and the Northern coast of Africa , but the crazty leader of the time failed to organise them to actually build citys. It was always accepted taht one day we would settle there, but when we finally got a great leader in place, he found the Mai had settled there. They refuses to give our people room to grow, even though they had vast resources and land available to them overseas."
"that is so long ago, surely it is also just your side of the story, the mali beleive that Africa is their rightful homeland"
"well the Israelis never forget the past!! and one day soon, it will be our future too"
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 21, 2001, 12:49
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington D.C.
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Athens, Adriatic League...
"Do you see this Tony?" asked Benito Mussolini. "Our reports indicate Israeli victories all over the Sahara, troops sighted sout of Libya, Artillery garrisons reported by the Zulus in Sudan. Saddam has done well for Socialism." he smiled as he pulled a cigar from its gold casing.
"Yes il Duce, I saw it. Its quite remarkable. You do realize that this war, this Socialist crusade of their's is ruining the world's politics? Australia has kicked them out of their technology agreement according to what I've heared, the Zulus have begun politically supporting Mali, and what are we to do? Surely we can't accept friendship with our arch-nemesis' allies? Surely we can not accept friendship with our ally's enemy?" said Rossi as he rose and took a cigar from Mussolini, then lit it.
"Well Tony, Bonaparte told me politicians will be the death of the Adriatic League, so why bother with politics? Israel is our ideological brethren, we share the same dream of a Communist-free world. The Australians are quick to embrace the communist, the Australians fear having any ideological sentiments for fear they will cease to be loved. I've had enough of that type of politics, what happened to brash courage Antonin?" asked il Duce, he then took a puff of his cigar.
"Quite fine cigars Duce, you're a man of good tastes." said Rossi as he nodded and smiled. "But you don't understand. How can I possibly have the United Natoins charter signed by the world if we take a stand in this? This is liable to blow the lid off of everything, we're looking at another world war here!" said Antonin Rossi as he shook his head.
"I understand that, but if we claim neutrality now, which is what you are suggesting, then what? We lose all credibility, we aren't the Adriatic League of old, we aren't the Adriatic League of now that dominated the Mali into surrender. We are useless neutral women who don't want to get their hands dirty. Ugh, politics" he took a puff "They're for children!"
"Listen, I've spoken with Minister Franco. He feels that you should hold audience, private audience, with all of the world leaders. It would be a major breakthrough. I mean nothing of that stature has been done in the history of the world. Besides that you'd get a gauge of where you fit with everything and let the world know that you aren't just resting your laurels." said Rossi.
"Sounds good, sounds good. I have a meeting with President Hussein quite soon actually. Are you doing to stick around for that, its nice to have an entourage?" asked the dictator.
"I can't, I have to return to Amsterdam post haste, you know Pagniacci is in town. His son is coming back from Broken Hill..."
"Listen pal, you'll be alright. I know its tough but you're a tough bastard, c'mon." said Luca Pagniacci, son of General Pagniacci "I saw you in training man, you're ready. Look just fine some nice Greek p*ssy and you'll feel better again."
Klamens Metternich turned to his friend and sat there looking at him stunned "You DO know you're an idiot?"
"Hey shut up, look, Athens. Its good to be home huh?" smiled Luca as he stood up. The boat slowly rocked in the blue Meditarranean sea as the skyline of Athens rose. Not the biggest, but one of the Adriatic League's most prized cities. It is and has been for centuries the most important port in the Adriatic League, fielding most of the Adriatic Navy throughout history.
Klamens Metternich started to tear up again as he thought about his parents. He was proud of them and their accomplishments and couldn't believe such a tragedy could have occured; his entire family whiped out in a fire....
"General, your son is now arriving, he'll be at the fourth pier" said an old unshaven Spanish sailor.
"Grazie" replied the General as he nodded and smiled. His son had been away at Broken Hill for four years, he never really liked it there, and the General knew that. But it was good for him, he was lazy, he was indifferent to the world and its politics, this was not good for a young man. Especially one that would go into the military. The only reason he had allowed Luca to return because his roomate, Klamens Metternich, had lost his parents in a house fire a few months ago. The General couldn't shake the feeling that the Gestapo had some involvement. "Honey here they come, could you please greet them, President Mussolini has asked me to attend his meeting with President Hussein and I really shouldn't decline."
"Honey" replied Nona Pagniacci "You haven't seen him in four years darling, you can't just leave now!"
"I'll be home for dinner, I promise" he said as he kissed her on the forehead "I swear."
"Hmm, alright, I can never withstand a handsome man in uniform!" she said with a smile as she fixed his suit. "Alright go ahead..."
July 21, 2001, 19:09
Local Time: 21:33
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Sudan Territory
"ahh El Presidento, good to see you." said Governer Edi Amin, the new overseer of the African Provinces.
"And you too Edi" replyed Saddam, rising out of his wheelchair and giving him the traditional Israeli bear hug of greetings. "How goes things out here"
"Very well Saddy (Edi was able to use Saddam nickname due to their new friendship), we have setup the army in hte best parts of town as you requested. The fresh Stormtroopers you sent from Iraq are already training our local militia. Soon we will be well defended agaisnt counter attacks from the Mali."
"Yes good. But dont forget, the Zulus to the south have shown some interest in Mali citys too. So dont discount an attack from them too."
"We have patrols watching the south too Saddy, nothing is moving doen there so far. We are currently setting up more battle hospitals to treat our wounded, not that there has been much, but some of our artillery took some friendly fire from some over eager stormtroopers. Once they are fully recovered they will be ready for your next orders."
"Yes I hope to be fully recovered too soon"
"How goes your injuries? Did the Troopers arrest those responsible for the attempted Asssasination?"
"Well the old legs are a bit sore , but I will be walking agian properly in about 2 months they tell me. The Perpetrators were killed in hte attempt and the home village of the organisers was sacked last week. They wont be organising any further attempts" he smiled.
"So where to from here. is the war to continue?"
"Well Edi, I dont know, that is upto the Mali leaders, I hear their people want peace now, and are willing to swear to no further aggression against us, but the damn leaders are not so friendly. I have tryed in vain four times to get peace, but no they would rather give their territories to the Zulus than to us. I am going to visit Timbuktu after leaving here, hopefully another personal visit may persuade them. Also I hear a new leader may soon be taking over, perhaps he will be more friendly. In the meantime, get the African provinces well defended and then set about rebuilding the infrastructure lost during these terrible days. I hear world opinion holds us very low, we will show them all that a peaceful Israel is a prosperous one, but this war has showed we will not tolerate being pushed around."
"What of your meeting with Il Duce last week?"
"Of that I can not speak my friend not even to you. There are too many spys around. I meet with him again after my meeting in Timbuktu, I am hoping to visit my friend Il Duce on the Riviera in summer, I hear the girls their are only wearing neck to knee swimwear now. Very revealing I hear."
"Their partnership with the Zulus worries me Saddy."
"Yes me too Edi. It has always been the Zulus influence that has caused us to be called a rogue nation. I hear it was also their suggestion to the Australians to cut us off from R&D. I think that history will eventually lead to a Israeli Zulu war. But I always pray that sense will win out. Now that we have converted so many Mali citizens to Judaism, and look at you Edi, the first Black man to become a governor of an Israeli province. "
"Yes for that I thank you Saddy my friend, we have so much in common in our beliefs that it was always my fate to change to Judaism"
"Yes your help in controlling the local Malis has earned my friendship for ever Edi."
"And you have my allegiance forever" . the two men hugged again.
"Well to Timbuktu I go. Hopefully for peace, but if not then have your troops ready for the Mali counterattack. We must hold all these provinces in the Nile."
"and that we will"
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 21, 2001, 23:10
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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OOC -- Mali leadership
Ok folks, this weighs heavily on my mind.... As I am currently at war with them I reaaly need to know am I facing an AI controlled civ this week or are we getting some Human leader....
Was not happy with what happened at end of last fridays game, i was in middle of moving my units when The host dropped ad my computer froze up... I had made many moves and had an agreement with the Mali leader when suddenly game stopped, where is the save game of this upto.. It had better still be my turn.!!!!Does Drake hav ethe Auto save from end of his turn ??? that will do for closeness to where we were upto... my autosave got corrupted due to computer crash....
One other point we need to address is the timer, with lag and the fact i m in war , lag caused me a loss if over 2 minutes one turn as none of my units would move but time kept counting down... i have many units to move in the war and twice ran out of time. surely we are big enough and ugly enough to trust each other with unlimited time... if i am limited again by lack of time i am sorry but i wont play anymore... minimum extension i wil agree to is 10 minutes a turn, then if i need more i will ask for more and i expect to be given it immediatly.. if my turn ends with out me finishing my moves it hinders me performing in which case i will promplty leave the Israelis to AI control or whatever partition you guys want... Not a threat guys its a promise... I HATE TIMERS .....
The partitions mentioned above favour the AL and Zulus too much, so i would be agsint them, howevr i note from above that drake said no one should get free citys given them, but he accpeted two freebies from mali last session, why did he choose to plea here that no one get free citys but then in hte game he actually takes two... i propose those 2 citys should be given back to the mali ASAP .... if Zulus want them they should hve to fight for them as per the israelis.... i hve no problem with their right to fight the mali for them... but surely his claim that the mali gave them to him to protect them from israeli doesnt hold true, what beneifit to mali is Zulu control of 2 citys , none... so that doesnt hold true, seems to me mali sub was pressured into giving them up and this should not have occured...
Also it seems some of you guys are not posting here at all or only a little, this thread is what makes this game unique... so please lets see a post fro mchines leader , Deity- an update on australia please, the mongols are too damn quiet.... capo and drake well done !!!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 22, 2001, 00:38
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 14,475
Israel ---- Slightly out of Character..
I keep getting innuendoes thrown at me for choosing Hitler and Hussein as my leaders, I know that in all reality, these two would obviously be the last leaders t oever lead Israel, but guys , it is a JOKE .... Wake up !!!! It all strted because the guys here fiddled with the Rules.txt and stuff and made a scenario mod that changed Fundamnetalism to Fascism... Now guys you shouldnt have doen that and still included the Nation of Israel, they were hardly likely to becoem fascist. But Fundamental would be exactly old Israels style, even perhaps more modern times. So my choose of leaders was my little dig at the game designer here in a fun way, for changing governemnt type to Fascism ,but including Isrel as nation....
I love Fundy !!!!!!!!
Would much prefer to play with my Leader as Rasputin the Mad Rabbi !!!!!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 22, 2001, 01:37
Local Time: 11:33
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Location: Washington D.C.
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Retort to Rasputin...
Alright, listen. First of all I think Belinda is down to play as the Mali for the rest of our game. You must understand that she was not the host, so our mishap at the end was not her fault at all. As a matter of fact its just as much your fault as it was her's. Dangime just bailed on us, which caused everything to freeze up, including on my end.
As far as the save goes, hopefully there is an autosave Drake has, otherwise we'll be using my autosave. Which is okay I guess for our purposes.
Um, Mali will not be partitioned since Belinda is their new leader.
As far as Saddam and Hitler go. I really don't care.
Israel would more likely be a Fascist rather than Fundamentalist state. You have that wrong Rasputin. Israel is nearly a fascist state right now. But I don't want to get into that.
Um, I think I cleared everything up pretty much. We need a Mongolian player but I think Sun is going to take over, although he was supposed to play last week.
I think that's pretty much it for now, its late and I can't think.
July 22, 2001, 02:36
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Re: Retort to Rasputin...
Originally posted by The Capo
Alright, listen. First of all I think Belinda is down to play as the Mali for the rest of our game.
wonderful well done belinda , hope you enjoy leading the North American Mali
You must understand that she was not the host, so our mishap at the end was not her fault at all.
never aid it was
As a matter of fact its just as much your fault as it was her's.
Dangime just bailed on us, which caused everything to freeze up, including on my end.
yes damgimes fault !!!
As far as the save goes, hopefully there is an autosave Drake has, otherwise we'll be using my autosave. Which is okay I guess for our purposes.
as long as i dont hav eto sit through all those peoples turns again..... I might forget my plans
Um, Mali will not be partitioned since Belinda is their new leader.
Again well done for convincing her, and thanks belinda, just dont do everything those damn other palyers tell you to do,when i negotiate with you
As far as Saddam and Hitler go. I really don't care.
See refernece to joke
Israel would more likely be a Fascist rather than Fundamentalist state. You have that wrong Rasputin. Israel is nearly a fascist state right now. But I don't want to get into that.
I wont get you to expand your ideas here as it is irrelevant to HOTW... WE could argue between ourselves all day and all night and never agree on that !!!!!
Um, I think I cleared everything up pretty much. We need a Mongolian player but I think Sun is going to take over, although he was supposed to play last week.
another no show... deity was going to approach some people he knew
I think that's pretty much it for now, its late and I can't think.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 22, 2001, 02:42
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: West Memphis , Arkansas , USA
Posts: 566
Ok heres the thing i'll be able to take over Mongolia but not this coming week. the National tourny is calling me. Talk to drake for details. I'll take them over next week though.
July 22, 2001, 02:47
Local Time: 21:33
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
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Originally posted by SunTzu
the National tourny is calling me. Talk to drake for details.
ok what national tourney ..... ????
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 22, 2001, 02:58
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: West Memphis , Arkansas , USA
Posts: 566
Here's the dilio. I've been playing baseball for a Senior Babe Ruth team. The State tourny was this past week. The Championship game(which we won!) was suppose to be friday, but they made thursday the championship game night. We lost thursday and was suppose to play the last game after that but we didn't finish the first game until midnight because of rain. So the other team said they wanted to play friday morning. we played them friday morning and won 17-3 we go to texas for the national tourny in a week or so.
July 22, 2001, 03:03
Local Time: 21:33
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
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Originally posted by SunTzu
Here's the dilio. I've been playing baseball for a Senior Babe Ruth team. The State tourny was this past week. The Championship game(which we won!) was suppose to be friday, but they made thursday the championship game night. We lost thursday and was suppose to play the last game after that but we didn't finish the first game until midnight because of rain. So the other team said they wanted to play friday morning. we played them friday morning and won 17-3 we go to texas for the national tourny in a week or so.
cool stuff well done, i forgive you for letting real life interfer with HOTW !!!!!
Hope you win.....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 22, 2001, 03:08
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: West Memphis , Arkansas , USA
Posts: 566
Thanks, i hope so too  we got these cool medals they're 22k gold. VERY VERY HEAVY THINGS. I thought we were gonna get rings though  i wanted to get rings i already have enough medals(14)
July 22, 2001, 03:11
Local Time: 21:33
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well lets not let this become too far off topic... Capo and drake get upset about those sort of thing,, Very serious guys you know...
So hurry back and meybe we still have a slot for you ....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 22, 2001, 03:28
Local Time: 21:33
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Top Secret Document
From : Preisdent Saddam Hussein
To: The Right Honourable leader of the Mali people
My dear madam,
It has come to my attention that the Mali people have finally chosen a long term leader for themselves. It pleases Israel very much to see some stability return to the government of your people. We feel that much of the aggresion between our two countries was caused by the lack of strong long term leaders. Over the past few centuries we have encountered different policies every time a new leader emerges, but the basic policy of aggression and hate of the Israeli people has continued throughout all.
As a token of our belief that it is possible for our two nations to live side by side in peace we call for a meeting between your foriegn minisiter and our own, to write up a permanent agreement between our two nations leading to fulltime peace in the region. This war is proving costly to both our nations an we feel that a settlement is better than a protracted war where those onlookers around us cheer us on to even more sacrifices.
One area of concern though is your succession of provinces in the Nile Valley to the Zulus. We feel you should demand these citys back as we would prefer to be neighbours with you than with the unknown Zulus.
If you should require assistance in getting those citys back, dont fail to ask us for we wish to build stronger links with your new leadership. Once peace is established we wish to open our trade doors to you and hope you will do the same. Their is much profit to be made in this arrangement.
I myself will be following up this letter to you personally in a visit to Timbuktu shortly, before I arrive I hope to receive word from you regarding your acceptance of our desire for peace and to start negotaitions immediatly.
The new border between our two nations will be decided upon at that time.
President of the Socialist Republic of Greater Israel
Saddam Hussein.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 22, 2001, 03:38
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Top Secret Document
From : President Saddam Hussein
To : President Paul Keating
Gday mate,
How are things down under. Unfortunately due to pressing urgent civil matters I have been unable to attend your pleasant country. This is a matter I wish to rectify in the not too distant furure.
However, this letter is being sent to you on much more urgent business. It has been advised to me by my chief of R&D Albert Einstien , that the Australian Government are no longer in a position to share with us their great achievements. I need not remind you Paul, that it was in some small way due to our open door policy of trade that allows you to spend so much on R&D. It has always been the understnding between our two countries , that for the right to trade with us, you would openly allow our scientists access to your research results.
We are very disappointed with this twist in our backs by Austrlaains, especailly at this time of greatest need in our war against the Mali.
Fortuantley I feel that my latest peace offering will be accepted by their new leader. Hopefully peace in the Region will allow your parliament to renew our agreements of old. If not we may be forced to search for R&D bonus from other nations. I am sure your people would not like to see that happen.
I am sending my chief of R&D Albert Einstein to follow this letter, he should be arriiving via sea very soon.
Thankyou for your attention to this matter.
Your Friend
President of the Socialist Republic of Greater Israel
Saddam Hussein.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 22, 2001, 10:52
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington D.C.
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Diplomatic Transmission to Israel...
Adriatic Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Adriatic League
Adriatic Socialist Republics
Honorable Francisco Franco
TO: President Saddam Hussein of Israel.
FROM: The Honorable General Francisco Franco.
President Saddam Hussein, I would first like to congratulate you on your war against the Muslim dogs the Mali. Your nation has served as an example to all of the Judeo-Christian value system as well as ability to fight for what they believe in. You have also served the Socialist cause quite well.
We hear positive word from the front that you and the Mali are just weeks away from agreeing on some sort of treaty to end this war. We hope for the best and trust in your ambassadors that a fitting negotiation will be procured.
We could not help but notice that your allies have again given you the cold shoulder in your dealings. While we have no issue with the Pacific Pact personally, we feel that any transgression upon a fellow Socialist Republic demeans the entire Socialist cause worldwide, and we take slight offense.
Remember this isn't the first time Israel had been cut short on the bargianing table, does India ring a bell?
Regardless of these political issues, our great President, Benito Mussolini wishes to hold audience with you. There are many pressing matters to discuss including the Israeli-Mali war as well as traffic on the Mediterranean. Please respond as soon as possible to set up a short but poignant private meeting (ICQ) as soon as is humanly posible.
Viva la Europa. Saluto il Duce!
~F. Franco
July 22, 2001, 11:11
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington D.C.
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Monaco, Adriatic League...
"Alright darling, we have ten minutes to get to our ship. Then we're off to America!" said Arturo Alessi as he looked at his watch.
"Honey please, tell me what is going on, I don't understand why you couldn't on the train." asked his wife Adriana.
"Listen," he said as he looked around nervously "They might have been listening, you never know when they are there. I have been leading a double life babe..."
"Double life?"
"Yes, I am a member of the Nuova Europa movement." he said as he looked into her eyes.
"But why? Why would you do something like that?" she asked, with a scared look on her face.
"Its for your good, its for my good, its for our family's good..."
"Yes, I want a family Adriana. That's why we're going to America. There are new opportunities, we can start a new life. The movement is strong there too!" he said smiling.
"I don't know baby, this all seems unreal. Like a nightmare." she said as she started to tear up.
"No no, don't cry its going to be perfect. We'll set up a farm, have lots and lots of babies. A dog. C'mon, don't cry." he said as he smiled and whiped the tears from her cheeks.
"But Artie, what about the movement, what about the police. You don't really think they're not going to be there either do you? Why can't we stay here, you can practice law, baby I don't want you in the Nuova whatever it is, I want you home safe with me..." she said with a longing look in her eyes.
"You don't understand, its important to me. The reason that man is in charge is that nobody is willing to do anything about it. He's insane. Do you know there are reports that ethnic Mongolians are being slaughtered in Orenburg and Savona? Some reports indicate that the Jews are selling Muslims to the Fascist Party to work in the mines of Novokazalinsk. I don't even want to get into Cairo, Koutiala and Libya. Baby, we are just as evil as he is if we don't act." said the man sternly, his wife just sat there amazed.
"What happened to you Artie?" she said.
"I opened my eyes...."
Around a half hour later, on the ship...
"Well say goodbye to Europe Adriana, it'll be a long time before we see her again." said Arturo with a smile as he mockingly waved back to the port of Monaco.
"I still don't know honey, we left everything behind. Our friends, your job, our home."
"Hey c'mon, its going to be great. We leave Monaco for Nuova Monaco, its one of the best cities in the Americas. You'll love it baby, c'mere." he said as he began to kiss her, just then a hand pulled back on his shoulder, it was a Gestapo officer and a man dressed in street clothes.
"Are you Arturo Alessi?" asked the man in the trench coat.
"No sir, you've got the wrong guy. My name is Miguel Giambi." Arturo said as he turned and continued kissing his wife, again the hand pulled his shoulder, his wife's eyes started tearing up.
"Is this yours Miguel?" asked the man as he held up a leather bag with a Venetian Lion crudely etched into it.
"No, I've never seen that before in my life-"
"Come with me sir...."
Back in their cabin...
"Secret military installations, Australian spy addresses, Mali resistance factions, weapon stores, secret Europa safehouses. Its all here Lorenzo, here book it." said the man as he tossed the files to a Gestapo officer, he quickly nodded and left. There were three others in the room including the one from the deck. "Arturo Corrado Alessi. Famed assassin, spy, and political activist within the Nuova Europa movement. Such a pretty young girl too, did you know you were married to a communist pig?"
She didn't say anything. "Shut up you f*cking stupid ba-" the man punched Arturo accross the face as he fell to the ground, his hands tied behind his back.
"There will be none of that, Gianni give me a gun I don't have time for this bullsh*t." one of the soldiers handed him a pistol, he promptly pointed it at Arturo's head and fired twice.
"NO!" cried Adriana as she fell on top of Arturo "Artie, Artie!" she said as she cried, her face turning bright red.
"Alright boys, clean this sh*t up. I gotta get this boat turned around..." said the man as he exited the room.
One of the soldiers picked up Adriana and threw her on the bed "Alright you whore, shut the f*ck up, Cosimo lock the door!" he barked as he started unbuckling his pants "Time to show you what a real man is all about."
The other two got on either side of the bed, one grabbed Adriana by her throat and held her down on the bed, he began kissing her face laughing.
"F*cking Communist whore...."
July 22, 2001, 18:09
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Prison Cell in Iraq
"move along you lot, do you think we like having to do this?" said the guard to the bedraggled prisoners.
The prisoners didnt respond, they knew that any respons ewould bring punishment.
"Gee Mark, I will be glad when all this is over, are these the last?: he asked of his fellow guard.
"Yes Luke, finally, no more damn Muslims to look after"
"Do you ever wonder where they all goto?"
"No Luke, I dont, not sure if we are allowed to think like that"
"Oh come on Mark, we are allowed to think surely, no harm in that" Luke laughed.
"you just dont know, I heard last week that 2 guards were talking in the corridor about some alleged masacre in Sudan, and no one has seen them since."
"That is jsut stories Mark, they probably got tired of al lthis Sh1t and asked to goto the front instead"
"I not so sure Luke, lets just get these guys onto the trucks and lets keep quiet"
"Ok Mark, just for you"
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
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