July 29, 2001, 19:16
Local Time: 07:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Maine, US
Posts: 2,372
Double Standards
Capo, please man, you really need to drop this attitude. You cried when suntzu took over your civ in hotw1 and supposedly screwed things up. And now, events that were most likely un-avoidable even if you were present have happened and once again it's "feel sorry for poor me, I'm taking my marbles and going home". It's bull. You know it is. You didn't show up and we did all we could to get off a reasonable session.
After all this, "drake come back to the game, we need you, I'll make everything work" speech, which for some strange reason was successful, you're backing out like a little kid. A little kid that didn't get his way. Hell, this is the story that you've been looking for. The game is at such an exciting time right now. Backing out now just proves your lack of dedication. Your country is still in very good shape.
And why is you taking advantage of the ai any differnt than someone else? Don't try to explain this, it will only make you look realike a hypocrite.
I really dont know what to say Capo. You started this game, but week by week, your interest has feigned. You are good at starting things, but don't have the will to finish them. That says something.
I'll talk with you this week if you're online capo, and hopefully you'll change your mind. You're a key element in the diplo genre. Don't go out like a punk b1tch.
And if you do, well like deity said, we'll just have to find someone else. We don't want to, that I can guarantee, but we will.
I think everyone needs to give props to Deity, for he is the force that has held this game together through thick and thin. He is the epitome of what civ is all about and for that I applaude him. I'm really glad I stayed in. I can't wait for this next week.....
I'll update the site in the morning, put up all the new stats and ****.
Capo, cut your losses and return. Do the right thing.
FYI everyone, I will be gone not this week, but the following week. If everyone is all set to play that week and there's no reason it would be skipped (like I wish it would  ), I will start working on a well equipped sub. Let me know.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
July 29, 2001, 23:14
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 1,261
After many years of struggle a new polical reigeme has come to dominate the Mongolian Nation. One needs only look at Mongolia to understand why this change has taken place. Mongolia is a backwards nation. While large in numbers the cities of the nation were poorly developed, and most feilds lacked even the most rudimentary agricultural improvements. Defense forces were drasticly outdated and were in need of immediate attention, and not to mentrion that years of poor leadership had left many Mongolian territories in the hands of questionable nations.
The leader of this new reigeme, Dangime, set forth correcting the long ignored problems facing Mongolia. Modern engineers were dispatched immediately to begin the process of road building and argicultural improvments. Defense was improved with the creation of serveral new divisions of highly mobile troops equiped with the latest weaponry and the retraining and reequipment of forces whose equipment was outdated. Needed factories, offshore platforms and aquaducts were financed to help promote industrial and population growth.
All of this was good in itself, but Dangime and the generation of young people who put their trust in him knew that it was not enough to correct the problems inside Mongolia alone. For Mongolia to reclaim its true former glory it had to make up for all the territoral and economic losses by prior regiemes.
Dangime began building the Mongolian military. With key purchases throughout his empire Dangime had increased Mongolia's industrial production to the point that it was second only to their allies the Austrailians. Training facilities sprung up all over the country. Research and development teams made breakthroughs in mobile warfare, and with assistance from our allies even greater strides were made in modernizing our military. With all the pieces in place Dangime shifted his economy to full war production. Factories began to turn out the latest guns, armored war machines, aircraft and small arms, while training facilities made sure the troops were in the best possible condition for battle.
Then the time came to strike. With an undisclosed number of troops Dangime ordered the invasion of the Adreatic League occupied Ural region. With the element of surprise and superior firepower the forces quickly destroyed the occupying forces and subdued the notorious Adreatic paramilitary forces in the outlying areas of city, who reportedly attempted to burn ethnic Mongolian homes before finally surrendering to the Mongolian forces. The leader of this force will be brought in front of the war crimes tribunal to pay for his crimes against humanity.
With the awesome power of the Mongols unchecked, optimists in Mongolia predict that within two years Mongolian forces can bring the mediterrainian capital of the hated AL under Mongolian control. but Dangime's generals are professing a slower more methodical plan of attack in order to insure each region is in firm Mongolian control before advancing. General Xin Khan stated "Our weapons, industry, and manpower in this war are unmatched. It is only a matter of time before the enemy entirely collapses under our overwhelming strength. For now, it is best to ensure our complete victory one step at a time, to make sure we do not let our inital successes hinder us by lulling us into a flase sense of security."
July 30, 2001, 10:52
Local Time: 11:33
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Location: Washington D.C.
Posts: 2,058
"Yes sir, Libya and Orsoni, there is probably more but you understand how I'd have a hard time getting information."
"I see... who did this..."
"The Jews, and the Muslims..."
"The Jews, those swine would swim in their own mother's blood if it meant more wealth..."
"Yes, indeed, they are infidel scum sir."
"What of our leader?"
"Antiono Idoni sir, he is assumed dead. Reports indicate suicide but we believe someone killed him, I can't believe this is all happening sir, its so frightening."
"Don't be afraid, fear is for those who lack self control."
"You were always a wise man."
"No I'm not. I'm just realistic. Give me my helmet."
"Your helmet sir?"
"Yes, my helmet... its time to knock heads...."
"Il Duce, there is a ship at the harbor that will take you, they support the Nazzis."
"Very well. You do understand that the time has arrived, albeit against our will, for our vendetta. I will not rest until every Jew and dirty Muslim is whiped off the face of this planet. They will pay for waking the Venetian Lion...."
July 30, 2001, 11:00
Local Time: 11:33
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Location: Washington D.C.
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Letter to all nations...
TO: All foreign attachees and embassies.
FROM: General Benito Mussolini.
As you know I had been ousted from my position in the falange party and sent to the isle of Corsica.
I have found out what has happened to my nation and I am none to pleased. I demand the return of all cities taken from me with the exception of Libya and 100 gold from each nation who attacked my beloved country (Mongolia, Israel, and Mali) in indemnities. Also one technology of my choosing from each nation.
If said conditions are not met, you will be sorry. You have brough about a world war. I am not making a threat here, just telling you the bare facts: if you do not meet my conditions I will not rest until your capital burns, I will not conquer your capitall, I will not occupy it, I will destroy it. I will make sure nothing is ever built on that putrid square of land ever again for the duration of humanity's existance on this planet.
While the "cat's" away the mice will play huh? Well the Lion of Venice has returned, you have no idea what you have done to yourself.
Saluto il Duce.
~B. Mussolini
July 30, 2001, 11:08
Local Time: 07:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Maine, US
Posts: 2,372
 The game wouldn't be the same without the Capo. Welcome back. You've done the right thing.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
July 30, 2001, 11:18
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington D.C.
Posts: 2,058
Piazza Venezia...
(speech made upon arrival of Benito Mussolini back to Venice during the second World War.)
My people, years ago a man by the name of Antonio Idoni had me arrested and exiled to the island of Corsica, birthplace of Napoleon Bonaparte, our first President. For years I sat and wondered how I failed my people, for years I sat and looked at the old estate of Bonaparte, the shrines erected in his honor. The statues and the books written for him. Everything. I looked at the old texts with the old flag of the Adriatic League. The proud Venetian Lion, the mighty Medici family. Our history is rich with honor my good people. The Mongolians claim to have a vendetta. The Israelites and Mali claim to have a vendetta against us as well. But they are mistaken good people of Europe, Mongolia has no complaints against us, they were attacked because they were allies with our enemy, they have no reason for discourse. Israel and Mali, if anything deserve some measure of revenge against them rather than for them, it was Israel who comitted treason against our alliance, it was Mali that used us as their scapegoat during the Great War. These counries deserve no revenge. Now they wish to take from our nation, now they wish to rape us of our pride and of our rich history. I say this my people; we must stop them. At all costs. My people they outnumber us and outclass us on the field, their technology is better. But our grit is far superior to that of any nation on this planet. Our mettle is untested, and our cowardice non-existant. My people they will bombard us, they will crush us, our buildings will crumble, our children will die. Blood will flow through our streets, bricks that have stood for centuries will be toppled in single blasts of artillery, foreign flags will fly over our cities but my people you must carry on. We must fight in the cities, we must fight in the fields, the swamps, the deserts, we must fight in the jungles and forests, we must fight back. We will never surrender! Saluto il duce!
July 31, 2001, 00:20
Local Time: 05:33
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Offical Responce from Mongolian Leader, Dangime
"I will not discount the lives of those who died bravely for what they believe in.
There are some people who hold the opinion that all problems should be solved by diolouge alone. This is a flawed view. Only through fighting can the true answer to some problems be found.
Wars are fought by people, people who are detitcated to a cause and willing to risk their lives for that cause. While wars themselves may be seen as bad things, the warriors themselves are never viewed as so.
Revenge is not a single edged sword, a new generation of Mongolians whom have suffered at your hands have made their choice. They will show their detication and spirit is superior in the end.
Although I believe you are unwilling to sumbit, I will at any time accept your unconditional surrender. It is the warrior's most unsavoury duty to confront enemies who have lost their will to fight.
A life without battles is meaningless!
July 31, 2001, 00:40
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 1,261
To Rabbi Rasputin, Leader of the Israeli Nation:
I am aware that some matters of gravity have occured between your own nation and that of our Austrailian allies. While we respect the authority of the Austrailians to make choices concearning their own country, they do not currently face the realities of war, a war that may soon threaten us both on two fronts.
The Mongolian nation wishes to ensure and renew its alliance with the Israeli nation. Together we can ensure the final destruction of our enemies.
July 31, 2001, 01:47
Local Time: 21:33
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
From : Rabbi Rasputin, spiritual guide of all of Greater Israel.
To : Dangime the great . leader of the Newly Invogorated Mongols
Gday Mate,
It is with great rejoicing that I was able to read your letter to our people worshipping in the temple. The spirit of god revealed to me in prayer only last week that a new force would be joining us in our crusade for world justice. Although your nation is still under the false apprehension that Muslim is the true Religion, my god has told me that there are many in your midst who have the true faith and tha tto refuse them would be to refuse god so we accept your offer of aid . However, we are not as militarily aggresive as yourself and are ready for peace with our former friends the Adriartic league.
We know this may be foolish , but we beleivve that Musolini may still repent of his foolishness and return to god and there will be peace.
We do however pledge ouselves to join you in defence of the Mid East from any oppressors.
We will of course continue to pray for your salvation !!
Gods Love
Rabbi Rasputin
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
Last edited by Rasputin; July 31, 2001 at 04:33.
July 31, 2001, 04:24
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Diplomatic Documents Enclosed
From: Rabbi Rasputin, Spiritual guide of Greater Israel
To: Benito Musolini, former friend of Israel.
It was with initial rejoicing that I heard of the news of your release from that terrble jail. I at once gave thanks and offerings to our god for his blessings. The people of Israel knew at once that the war was over and peace would again reign.
But then after I finished reading your letter of demands, it became apparent that in htat jail you have backslid and turned your back on our god.
When you went to war against the Mali 50 years ago, it was to rid the world of Muslims and their backward religion. You even spoke to Israel's Foriegn Affairs office of returning the Mali citys captured during the war at an appropiate time in hte future. I would have thought the Malis conversion to Judaism including the ritualistic circumcision of all their male population would have appeased you. It certainly pleased our god and the Israeli people.
Th israeli army only supported the Mali agsint the Evil President AI to get what was rightfully the Malis territiry back. If you wish to negotiate the full transfer of those citys taken during the AL/Mali war in exhnage for Turkey, then we will greet you with open arms at the Temple. However, there will be no return to you of Libya or any other city the Mali people have liberated till you return to God and repent.
Any AL attack on Israel will unfortuenalty be a sign you have been possessed by the devil, and we will have to treat you as such.
Your Brother in God.
Rabbi Rasputin
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 31, 2001, 08:27
Local Time: 07:33
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Location: Maine, US
Posts: 2,372
I would have thought the Malis conversion to Judaism including the ritualistic circumcision of all their male population would have appeased you. It certainly pleased our god and the Israeli people.
Meanwhile.....in a desert camouflaged tent, somewhere in central Africa...............
"Ready the tanks Colonel Hamuk, we will strike at dusk" ordered General Shakeem.
"Yes sir, they will be ready to go." said the Colonel.
"We will attack here, and here." The General said, pointing at a map spread out upon a table.
"Very well sir, and what of this target?" asked the Colonel pointing.
"That is a secondary target Zan, we will hit there if the other targets are routed." answered the General.
"The reinforcement brigades from Cape Town and Porth Nolloth should be arriving within the next few hours sir. I will debrief them and give them their target if they are needed." said the Colonel.
"Very well Colonel, this should be a great success. The Zulus have been known as pushovers too long. It is time to make our move." the General said as he gazed through his binoculars northward.
"Yes sir. I shall ready the tanks and the infantry." the Colonel said as he saluted the General.
The General returned the Salute, "Very good Colonel. Make sure to inform me when everyone is in position to be mobilized......."
The colonel nodded as he walked towards the makeshift garages that housed the Zulu Nations 1st tank brigade............

I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
Last edited by drake; July 31, 2001 at 11:31.
July 31, 2001, 14:50
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Nashville, TN USA
Posts: 95
"What is it, Hakeem? I'm busy."
"Madame Tuwanda, I have been talking to some of the Senate membership and they are understandably upset with all this talk of conversion! I mean, ending the war was all well and good, and I know that was the major platform of your election campaign, but to sell the souls of your people! The senators--"
"the senators are a bunch of weasely old men! What do I care what they call themselves? Let them be Muslims or Jews or pagans for all I care! Thet're just scared they might have to lose a little of their precious, good-for-nothing penises anyhow!
This country has been at war since before I was born and for what? The other countries of the world grow fat at our expense. I don't give a flying rat's ass for all your talk of religion -- it's just another way for some men to put themselves into a position of power and tell everyone how to run their lives. No country that I am leader of will support any man's religion -- much less those damn Muslims who want women to hide under black robes in the corners of their own homes! We need every person in this country to be productive!
I never told that Israeli weasel that Mali would be a Jewish civilization! So he tells his people what they want to hear. If he chooses to listen to the ravings of his own inner demons and twist everything around to suit his own agenda, let him! No Mali citizen has been forced to convert, have they? and if there are Malis today who choose to be Jews instead of Muslim, what do I care? As long as they get their butts to work! People in this country should stop wasting their time praying and get out there and WORK! This country is never going to get on it's feet again if they waste their energies worrying about what's going to happen to them when they die! So we publicize the conversions to make the Israelis happy...if it keeps them off our backs, it's worth it"
"But, but...Tuwanda, how can you stay President if you turn your back on the Muslim faith? The Mali have always been Muslim! The people won't stand for it --"
"Who do you think elected me in the first place, Hakeem? All those Mulim MEN who are dead from fighting wars? Look around you, foolish advisor. Who do you see when you look at our populace? I'll tell you -- you see widows and women who have no men, no sons to marry to their neighbors' daughters, because we have spent the resources of our country on war for decades! You can go out there and tell your friends in the Senate they have two choices -- they can forget the religious crap and concentrate of getting the Mali people into the same century as the rest of the world, or they can continue the old ways and fight off every other country in the world until there is no longer a Mali people. Do you think I do not know the bitterness that comes from fighting a people for years? Do you really think I trust that Israeli Rasputin? (spits on the floor) You should know no zealot can ever be trusted -- especially not those who believe they hear the voice of God! they can only be dealt with as best we can until their inevitable demise. He thinks I can be manipulated and toyed with because I am female? Well, let him think so, if it works to our advantage! We cannot prosper as a people with continuous war at every border"
"But to declare war against the Adriatic League, Tuwanda! You know how supportive Il Duce was of your campaign.."
Il Duce! that lying pig (another spit to the floor) He serves his own motives! Oh yes, he was full of advice to us, was he not? and why not? It serves him well to keep the Mali and the Israeli at war -- does the Adriatic League not grow at our expense?
Now leave me, Hakeem and go wring your hands with the rest of those old women in the Senate! I'm doing all I can to hold off war as much as possible until my people can get back on their feet and hold their own in the modern world. What purpose is served by a jihad? Ask them if they want to be Muslim warriors who raise their sons as cannon fodder or if they would rather have air conditioning and their precious cars? No go on with you! I have to finish this speech....when I address the Senate next week they will hear what that crazy Tuwanda dreams of for her people!
Oh yeah, and send a cleaning crew in here to mop the floor..."
July 31, 2001, 17:33
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Nashville, TN USA
Posts: 95
BTW -- a couple of things
We all knew Capo would cry cause we played without him when he didn't show without warning. I think everyone should therefore assume this will be a standard practice from here on in that if ONE doesn't show within 45 minutes, he can assume he'll be AI for that session. Maybe then we can avoid any future boohoos (HA! like that will happen)
Capo, I didn't do anything with the AI I wouldn't have done if it was you. Just so you know ( I believe I said this during game play) When I came into this game it was under the (what turned out to be) false assumption that I was a temporary sub for someone who would be coming back into the game -- when I find out I am expected to run the civ from here out, my game will naturally change. Don't try to figure it out. The female mind is a mystery to you all
I would also like to thank you all for the various little snipes and chauvinistic comments (in and out of character), thus upholding my original assessment of you miscreants and proving why there are so few women who play this game here -- you boys done yourselves proud and I am happy not to have to revise any of my own preconceived notions. (this said fondly and with that condescending tone of voice I know all you Good Ol Boys everywhere can't stand -- LOL) somehow I had hoped it might be different in a younger generation but in 35 years of endeavors in largely male-oriented work and play pasttimes, I have come to see it probably won't ever go away after all; at this point I guess my only alternative will be to loose my daughters upon the world and let y'all fend for yrselves! HA!
July 31, 2001, 21:21
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
OOC Responses
I too vote for AI control for ANY civ tt doesnt give prior warning of an abscence from the game...
As to the supposed Chauvinistic comments, I hope that wasnt directed in my direction.. I have given my reasons for changing aliances to Mali and it had nothing to do with a female leader, it had all to do with finally getting someone there who was reasonable to negotiate with, that wasnt just a puppet of the other players. The Israelis never should have been allied with the Pacific Pact, but having picked up the Israel nation from a previous leader I never break alliances. (Just the way I am ) But once the Aussies set us adrift, I had every incentive to find a new ally, the Mali I noticed had been forced to give two of its citys to Zulus in previous session and I felt that they may be open to talks of alliance to restore their great nation. I aided them willingly to restore Libya. I cant recall any reference in my posts here or chat at king that alluded to Female/Male differences, I know Deity has posted such above but I beleive it was in jest.
I take offence if people think I am chauvinistic enough to believe I am using the fact Mali is now female to better my own aims. I am not "USING" Mali for anything, from what I have seen so far in game, they have done nothing to aid Israel except end the war, a war which given no peace would have ended last week anyway with the total destruction of all Mali citys in Africa, (Yes that was my original intent!!) Now Israel gained 4 citys out of the whole war, which still leaves us the smallest nation in the world. Not forgetting that the AL grew by 6 citys during its war on Mali.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 31, 2001, 21:44
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Sudan Territory
"You can see for yourself General what I was referring to"
"Yes Major, you did well to let me know, this movement of Zulu tanks along the frontier is a great concern to me. Rabbi Rasputin may beleive that there is peace in Africa , but this will prove him wrong."
"Will it be enough to oust him General?"
"I dont know Major, he may be lucky and these tanks will head over to Mali territory and attack them , but I know better than that, these Zulu hate us Israelis, especially that Mad Rabbi Rasputin. The Zulus have been friends of the Mali too long to attack them directly."
"But surely the Mali will fight the Zulus with us!"
"Of that I think even Rabbi Rasputin isnt too sure. They may just sit back and pretend they are defending their own citys and cant spare troops to attack the Zulu. Worst case is they will break the allaince and rejoin the Zulus."
"Damn all this politics General!!"
"Yes Major, it will be the death of all of us. We had hoped under Rabbi Rasputin to be given the orders to finish the Mali off, but then suddenly they are our friends, and we have turned on our fellow Fascist brothers in Europe. He must go, we must return some order to Israel. The military is ready to move as soon as the people realise its mistake."
"But i heard Rasputin has plans for peace again. A negotiated settlement?"
"The Zulus wont allow peace, they are after war it is obvious by these Tank manouvers heading our way. They have been building their military for years in preparation. The Pacific PAct have made them feel inferiour and the fact that we were allied to them for so long has made us a target of that resentment. I am not sure if we can survive this planned attack Major, but if we do, I am heading straight to the Temple to let him know where he can stick his god."
"General, is it safe to talk like this, I hear Rasputin has spies everywhere, even in the secret palaces of our enemies!! Some say of course that it is god that reveals all to him!!
"Only rumours, Major , only rumours, he is only a man like you and me, he has no miraculous knowledge, we are safe from him. It is the Zulus that have me worried, and what the Mali response will be. That damn Mad Rabbi trusts them too much. But for now Major, double the watch and fortify all the Storm Troopers, send the artillery to the rear."
"Already done General."
"Good then lets go eat Major, I hear Sudanese Buffalo is the best in all of Israel"
"That it is General"
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 1, 2001, 02:00
Local Time: 11:33
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Location: West Memphis , Arkansas , USA
Posts: 566
Well i'm coming back tomorrow morning, we lost tonight  I'll be able to sub for you all now
August 1, 2001, 06:34
Local Time: 21:33
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Posts: 14,475
OOC again
Thaqnks Sunny Tzu..
I think we might actually have a full agenda this week for first time in long time, I am avaialble, I know Deity will be(he alkways is), Drake and Promethues are looking good, I think Belinda9 is forgiving us of our chauvinism and playing through to whip us boys into line, and i beleive Dangime will be m,ongols for 2nd week in a row , some stability at last
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 1, 2001, 07:45
Local Time: 07:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Maine, US
Posts: 2,372
Yeah I think we'll have a full house this week for once in a long time! Looking forward to it.......
Hey belinda what chauvanism are you talking about exactly?
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
August 1, 2001, 18:27
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Solomon Islands
"It is good to see you again Rasputin. Hard to beleive your mother grew up here so long ago." said Chief Watahardo.
"Yes it is almost like coming home" responded Rabbi Rasputin.
"What brings you down here, isnt the war keeping you busy back in Africa?"
"No, the soldiers are for fighting, I leave the war to them, I have come to meditate and for peace. The last few years have been very stressful for me. Rumours are abounding that the Mali conversion was false, this is far more serious to me than any war. This if proved true could be the end of our alliance. The Israelites can not be allied to those that deceive us. I have a heavy heart now that I realise we have turned the world agaisnt us and now the poor mothers of Israel must see their sons and daughters remain at war for another century. The Israelite people are crying out for peace, and I have been foolish and allowed myself to be deceived. I have to wait to hear from God, what it is I must do"
"well there is nowhere as peaceful as these Islands , go and find peace young Rasputin."
"ahh only young to you Chief, I feel so old now, I feel I may have let my God, my people and myself down."
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 1, 2001, 22:07
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 1,261
Actually. Im sorry I can't come this week!
SunTzu will you sub for me? this should be a one time thing, I have college orientation. I want you to stick to your guns stay on full war production and play a hardline. Don't accept peice with the AL for anything less than all of east of the urals.
August 1, 2001, 22:52
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Old Deserted Palace in Jerusalem
"So no one has seen Rabbi Rasputin for 4 months now you say!" asked Eli Adamski
"no sir, he was last seen stepping of the boat at the Solomon Harbour, and then disappeared" relpied the Israeli spy leader, Gabrielle Hebrew.
"So what now? Do we inform the Temple. If the people find out there could be chaos. This is just the sort of crisis the army have been waiting for!"
"Yes" interupted General Helmin " The others in the army are not so loyal as me, the only thing holding them back is Rabbi Rasputin's charisma. If he doesnt return soon, the army will get the rabble to rise up, it could be civil war in Israel.!!"
"We cant let the army find out then," said Eli " Can we count on your silence General?"
"Yes , but information has a way of getting through"
"Damn that Mad Rabbi, he has polarized Israel and all the world. He wouldnt accept any grey areas, now look where we are. We have to make plans gentlemen we......"
He was interupted by a commotion outside the door, and suddenly the doors swung open and in charged the Elite of the Israeli Armed forces.
"Ahhhh Eli , how nice to see you and your mob of conspirators" said Major Shalom. "So happy that you are all together, makes it so much easier to arrest you all together"
"Arrest us? We are not the conspirators, you are" shouted Eli
"Not any more Eli, we have taken control of the City in the name of the Republic of Israel and similar actions are hppening all over Israel as we speak."
"Rabbi Rasputin will not tolerate this...."
"We both know that damn Mad Rabbi is never coming back, and even if he did, its too late now. By tomorrow all of Israel will be in the hands of the Army."
"and just who will be running this 'Republic' of years? Surely not any of the Generals . We need a strong leader at this time to secure peace"
"Peace?? "he spat on the floor " We dont want peace, the army runs on war you fool ......" He turned to his troops and then continued " Seargent Smith, kill them"
Machine guns opened up and the whole Palace was filled with smoke. Then sudden silence.
Into the smoke filled room strode a tall figure. He looked around the room and smiled. He then walked up to the Major.
"Have this lot cleaned up, I want my belongings installed in hte palace by sundown. Well done all. Now go and finish off the rest of the Jews, Israel shall once more be free."
"Sire, your plans are complete. Al lcredit goes to you " said Major Shalom.
"Complete Shalom? Complete ? Hardly! This is not the end Major, it is only the beginning . I have been planning this for ever, my plan is perfect, but ridding Israel of its weaknesses is only the beginning. Next step is to deal with the Zulu question"
"the Zulu question sire?"
"yes , what are their plans?? I must know so that we can take appropiate action. Send Drew down there immeddiatley and bring me back any info she can gather from the front line"
" As you wish B......."
The tall figure turned quickly and slapped the major " do not speak my name yet. No one is to know till the time is ripe."
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
Last edited by Rasputin; August 2, 2001 at 03:25.
August 1, 2001, 23:55
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: West Memphis , Arkansas , USA
Posts: 566
Sure i'll take over!
Leader Johnson is out with a coma after being nearly crushed to death by a stamping heard of Adriactic Soldiers running from the battlefield
His General, General SunTzu XXXXIV, the decendant of the great SunTzu family who ruled Israel in the 1st Millineum, is now in control of Mongol Forces. General SunTzu XXXXIV's Political advisor has issued this statement: General SunTzu XXXXIV's will continue aggresive, and decesive military action against the Adriactic League. Forces from the Far East are to be brought up to the Western Front as soon as possible. Our goal is the Adriatic city of Berlin, possibly Paris. Revenge will be ours! We will march into their biggest cities and will send the Adriatic League back into the Dark Ages!!
Oh so sweet, so sweet.
I've been wanting to stick ti to you
August 2, 2001, 02:51
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
World news Report
Reports are coming out of Israel of some form of a coup. Apparently after Rabbi Rasputin disappeared in the jungles of the Solomon Islands the army revolted agaisnt the hardline Orthodox Jews and blood has been spilt. Initial figures estimate over 5000 jews killed in latest battles with the army who has decried Judaism and refuses to be labelled as Jewish.
At this time it is unclear who the new leader of Israel is, it appears that some form of government has been enacted in that the Leaders of the Military and also the leaders of industry have formed some form of Overview Committee to run the country.
Rumours abound that there is a driving force behind all this bloodshedding but this mysterious person is refusing to be named.
Latest information released by the Spokesperson for the Select Committee over Israel, is that the army having now removed all Jews from positions of power and installed true Israelis into those positions, will now return to Africa to deal with the problems down there.
More rumours from Africa reveal Mali and Zulu troops located within shooting distance. Either war will soon erupt or more devious plans are afoot such as a double cross.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 2, 2001, 03:07
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Official Documents
To : Foreign Office of Adriatic League
From: Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, Mal Brown, member of the Select Committee over Israel.
It is with much delight that I write this first epistle to you in my new role of FA Spokesperson. The nation of Israel has recently undergone some major radical reforms and wishes to discuss a peaceful resolution to our current situation. It would be in the interests of both our nations not to fight a war on multiple fronts. With the Mongol hordes advancing through the Urals we are sure the AL armys would wish for some certainty along their southern boundarys with Israel. We too wish to secure our Northen Borders. In this light we suggest a peacefire be signed immediately and all troops returned to within their nearest citys. At the conclusion of this withdrawal, then our two countries need to meet to discuss a mutual agreeable position.
If your demand for recompence and return of all AL provinces is still your stance , then we will have to humbly state that that will not be done. Israel does not have the Gold nor Technology to give to AL. All our science is known by all other nations! The North African province of Libya is now rightfully returned to Mali, and the province of Turkey (formerly Bosporus) is now held as a bargaining chip for the two citys in the Americas held by AL , captured by the AL during the AL/Mali war. We shall of course return these to their rightful owners too.
If any attempt is made to retake any province captured by the Israelis prior to this agreement, or if any attack is made on any Israeli province or soldier, by AL or any Ally (past or present) this shall be deemed to be acceptance of all out war. In which case we will assist our Eastern Neighbour in the conquest of AL as far as we are able. As we have shown in our war on Mali, our army is mighty and large. Many AL and Israeli sons and daughters shall die.
We await your choice of Sword or Pen .....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 2, 2001, 03:23
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Official Documents
To : Mali Foriegn Affairs Department
From : Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, Mal Brown, member of the Select Committee over Israel.
Greetings our allies in Africa. Word has probably reached you of the change in Israeli leadership. This leadership is bringing with it some firm stability and we intend to honour all our past agreements. However, word has arrived at our door of mass mobilisation of Zulu forces and yet the Mali sit in their comfy barracks and move not agaisnt them. Israel will aid Mali in any way necessary to prohibit Zulu attempts to attack Mali land, but we insist on the same conditions being met by Mali forces. If Israeli blood is to be spilt in Africa again, we expect our new Allies blood to mix with it. No acts of aggression are acceptable in Africa.
Searches of the Archives in Rabbi Rasputins rooms has revealed some inconsistencies in Mali paperwork. During the war on AL to free the province of Libya. Word came from Timbuktu that the Mali needed time to build a force to retake Libya and so Israel aided you. However on closer examination, our generals reported sights of a number of battalions of Artillery in western Mali land that were not used to capture Libya , but were held back!! Hiding within Mali provinces.
Further documents reveal that your government 'Apparently' made demands on AL and your letters reveal they gave you knowledge of Machine Tools. It is our understanding that you already had this knowledge as you already had Artillery battalions during the Israeli/Mali war.
Please alleviate our concerns that your 'Fake Conversion' and all these secret documents are not telling us what we think they are. For too many centuries the rulers of Mali and Israel have been at war, lets not start off on the wrong foot with ill feelings over lack of truthfulness now.
Given time and honesty we believe this Mali/Isreal alliance will become the 2nd largest in the world and will lead others to sit up and take notice. Remember how far we have come already. Israel was smallest nation in world, no one took us seriously, now we are still smallest nation , but people are concerned enough to make alliances against us. Stay with us and our Newly Upgraded Artillery known after their creater Ralf Howie... The Ralfitzers.... these Ralfitzers will be joining you in enabling peace in the region.
Yout TRUE friend in the region
Mal Brown
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 2, 2001, 06:21
Local Time: 23:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
Posts: 6,890
Originally posted by belinda9
"What is it, Hakeem? I'm busy."
(another spit to the floor)
Oh yeah, and send a cleaning crew in here to mop the floor..."
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
August 2, 2001, 06:33
Local Time: 23:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
Posts: 6,890
Re: Official Documents
Originally posted by Rasputin
To : Mali Foriegn Affairs Department
From : Foreign Affairs Spokesperson, Mal Brown, member of the Select Committee over Israel.
Given time and honesty we believe this Mali/Isreal alliance will become the 2nd largest in the world and will lead others to sit up and take notice. Remember how far we have come already. Israel was smallest nation in world, no one took us seriously, now we are still smallest nation , but people are concerned enough to make alliances against us. Stay with us and our Newly Upgraded Artillery known after their creater Ralf Howie... The Ralfitzers.... these Ralfitzers will be joining you in enabling peace in the region.
Yout TRUE friend in the region
Mal Brown
You are SO funny Raz - made my night
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
August 2, 2001, 08:44
Local Time: 07:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Maine, US
Posts: 2,372
A few hours later........................
A messenger arrived at the Zulu desert camp via motorcycle.....He rode to the general's tent:
"General Shakeem, we have recieved the word. All operations shall go forward as we have heard what we have been waiting to hear. They are with us General."
"Very well sargeant. Here have some water you look hot." the General said as he handed the man his canteen.
"Thank you sir. Yes, this area of the world is certainly very hot and dry. I must've swallowed a pound of dust on my ride from ******." He drank heartily and then returned the canteen.
"Rest up sargeant, we shall strike at dusk. We need everyone, including you at their best." said the General.
"Thank you sir." the Sargeant said as he saluted Shakeem. He walked towards the soldiers makeshift barracks.
At that time, a young infantry man timidly approached the General...
"What is it son?" asked Shakeem.
"Uh, umm..the reinforcements...they shall be arriving soon. I have seen them through my binoculars. Three heavy infantry sir. Should be arriving within the hour." said the man nervously.
"Thank you son. Make sure the men are provided with water upon their arrival and send the division leader to my tent." ordered the General.
"Yes sir" he said and saluted.
The General saluted back and returned to his tent with a satisfied grin on his face. "All is coming together....This will be a major success!"
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
August 2, 2001, 10:15
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Nashville, TN USA
Posts: 95
"Peace?? "he spat on the floor " We dont want peace, the army runs on war you fool
watch out now, it looks like it's contagious! LOL
August 2, 2001, 18:29
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Military HQ
"so where are the Ralfitzers now Major?"
"heading along this railroad to here General! There they will be joined by the 7th and 8th Division of Storm Troopers. Together they then proceed across that river to here."
"good job Major, looks like you have this all planned out."
"yes sir just awaiting your ok to let them loose"
"Soon, major, soon, we must appear to be the peace makers not the aggressors. This will be a complete surprsie to everyone."
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
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