August 4, 2001, 02:16
Local Time: 23:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
Posts: 6,890
Caution Israel...
AD 1515
"Saul, come here!"
Paul was stressed.
"Can you get your wife to see the Israeli leader urgently?"
Saul's wife, Dame de Notre of Middle Eastern extraction, was a very persuasive and visionery young lady. Her vision of the great BOMB has been prominent in the Australian Governments thinking for eons.
"Yes Paul? What for?"
"Can't you see what's going on? We've expelled Israel from the Pacific Pact and they are going bezerk! Their diplomatic reasoning is crazy!
On the one hand they attack our old foes the AL which correctly upsets their allies, the Zulus. The Zulus I believe are preparing for war against the Israelis and who can blame them?"
"So, we threaten Israel?"
"NO!! Ya bloody galah. The diplomatic point I want Dame de Notre to get across is that IF they create a worthy peace with the new AL under the Sun Tzu regime it gives them more opportunity to avert the Zulu aggression. Even better is an offer by the Israelis to return at least the capital to the AL. The Israelis must call a summit with the Zulu/AL alliance and attempt to reconcile this problem. Of course I'm delighted that all these nations belt each other around but we can't see Israel fall. They are a lesser enemy, dare I say friend, than the AL. The Zulus remain an enigma with their clever diplomacy and they have done us no harm. But they must not grow too strong.
Now, please ask her to go back to Israel and see what she can achieve. And make sure she wears appropriate attire. There is much lechery in Israel."
"Yes Paul  They taught me!"
"By the way Saul, did you have anything to do with Einstein's mishap?"
"Sir, That is for you to say but I could not possibly comment on that  "
"Also, what happened to those deserters?"
"No word, I'm afraid.... so, you think they deserted?"
"Saul? What are you saying?"
"No comment"
"I think I better watch you!"
"Good evening Paul"
Paul returned to another meeting with his R&D committe in Broken Hill. He was very pleased indeed. A new tech called Rocketry was about to be discovered.......
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
August 4, 2001, 05:39
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Dominican Republic - New Governors Residence
"Thankyou for letting us use your lovely dwelling Clive, you have done wonders with it since taking it over as part of our Alliance with the mali all those yearsago" Said Bob Hawke.
"Thanks Bob,"Replied Clive Lloyd the Governor of all the Caribean Provinces. "I hope your meeting with the Australians will go well"
"Me too Clive, my ancestors come from Australia so there is hope that we can allay their fears over our rationality in recent years. Look here comes Dame de Notre now"
Up the marble staircase strode a confident and well dressed lady. Although getting into the twilight of her years was still remarkably attractive.
"Greetings Dame de Notre " said Bob Hawke, greeting her in the traditional Israeli fashion , a big bear hug and a quick kiss.
"ahh get off me Bob" she said pushing him off. " I was warne doff you lustful ways"
"But Dame de Notre that is how me greet each other in Israel"
"Well we are not in Israel now and I am not Israeli!!"
"Ok , well it is good to see you Dame de Notre "
"Yes I see that you are pleased to see me, wil lyou get your eyes above my breat line please!!!"
"Sorry Dame de Notre "
"The Australian government is very concerned with the recent aggresive acts of the Israeli government, which is why we cut you guys out of the PP. Whilst not wishing to reform that allaince, we do wish to mediate a peace settlement in Europe. We hear that the new European LEague also wished peace. We feel in Australai that this peace will lead to peace in Africa. We certainly cant use our influence to get peace in Africa if you are being voerly aggresive with the Europeans. For starters you must return their capital"
"But Dame de Notre , they have a new capital now, Paris, a flourishing place, very beautiful, much like yourself."
"Stop that Bob!! We beleive that once the new leader is enscounced in Paris, that Israel and European Peoples must sit together and work out a long lasting peace. If that means giving back territory then you must do it"
"We wont be giving territory hard won by Israeli blood and fall behind again the power of our neighbours. If we had taken Europe centuries ago, the war with the Mali would not have occurred. The Zulus wouldnt be pressing you to apply pressure on us, they would be begging us not to hurt them. As it is we have clambered up from the pitiful nation that Dimbly the Meek forged 5000 years ago, led truly by the Sun Tzu dynasty to a junior position in the PP , and then finally taken on a rebuilding phase to have one of the largest armies in hte world. We have the largest Artillery barrage or Ralfitzers seen anywhere. We are not afraid to fight Dame de Notre. If the Zulus can not accept that we want peace but arent ready to give up all our hard won gains, then Africa and the middle east will shake to the poundings of our shells. Israeli and Zulu blood will be shed. If the Australians wish to sit back and see one of their past allys bullied by the Zulus and now also by the new Zulu Ally China, then so be it. We have never made any moves on China, and yet they have allied with our number one enemy. We hope that they dont choose to spread any conflict foolishly.
We are still friends with the Mongols and will be meeting with them shortly to see their plans. We hope that they aim for world peace as we do and can find the middle ground we are looking for."
"The Mongols will do as we tell them. They are our ally" said Dame de Notre .
"I think you better let the Mongols decide for themselves what they want to do, I hear Dangime the Magnicifcent is recovered from his automobile accident and is ready to rule again. He will not be so easy to order around as was their previous dynasty the Easthaven Family."
"Are you threatening us with a split in the PP Bob you go too far!!"
"No threat at all Madam, jsut dont beleive the world will be Aussie and Zulu dominated forever. Times are changing."
"Well you cant expect any help from us if you wont listen to us"
"We dont ask for nor expect any help from the cowards in Australia, my ancestors came from there so I know of their weaknesses for grog and food. That is all they interested in . They have cut off Isreal when we did need them and we have survived. We will negotiate with the new Adriatic Europeans and we hope that peace with theZulu will follow that. But we will not be the only one to feel pain if peace is not obtained."
With that Bob left and Dame de Notre was left pondering just how mad these damn Israelis reaaly were. Was she really a decendant of them? She began to have worries about whether one day she too would go insane like all other Israelis !!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 4, 2001, 08:51
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Ope letter to all Nations
From : Bob Hawke , leader of the Greater Israel Republic.
To : All world leaders.
My dear fellow leaders, it is time once again for us all to meet to discuss the crisis that is currently in the world. World peace is a must , but not at any price. All nations must feel safe or peace is invalid.
I know I need not remind my fellow world leaders of the historical significance of the current situation but just humour me whilst I run through it.
The recorded history of this world seems to date back about 5500 years. The first major crisis was when the AL sank an Australain trireme in the mediteranean that led to the Australains retaliating by taking the Caribean and then the war escalating by AL attacking the Mongols. This war was masterfully ended by great diplomacy. The legacy of this war was the formation of the PP (Australia,Mongols & Israel), the Axis powers (Zulu,China & Mali) leaving the aggresor AL alone.
Centuries passed and communism swept the world and China left the Axis pact. Tensions rose in Africa as Mali became unstable. Israel threatened war with Mali, but Australian diplomacy saved the day.
When Mali leadership went AWOL and attacked Israel, Zulus immediatly kicked the Mali out of Axis pact. Israel retaliated and then suddenly that old world aggressor the AL took advantage of the situation and invaded the North American citys of Mali. After gaining 4 Mali citys, the AL made peace, but the Mali/Israeli war continued for 7 more decades. Finally this war ended when Mali leadeship agreed to peace deal.
The legacy of this war was that AL now allyed with the Zulu. China stood alone as sole communist country, Australia & Mongols strong in the PP. Australai expelling the Israelis for their aggresion. The Mali and Israelis were all alone and friendless. This drew the two of them together to protect themselves from the natural aggression shown throughout history by the AL, especially as they now had an ally.
The next war was when AL leadership went into dissaray and attacked the Mali. Israel immediatly came to the rescue of its ally and forced back the aggressor. Mongol forces announced a declaration of war late in the piece and stormed into the Urals. Zulu leadership again called for restraint and Isreal/Mali allaince signed cease fire with AL. This was soon extended to a full peace treaty after AL leadership returned to sanity and a land deal was organised. But still the AL controlled large tracts of Mali land in America and the Mongols formed peace even though the Urals (tradiotnal Mongol territory) was still under AL control.
The last great war again involved the AL (see a trend here guys) when they again had a bloody coup and removed their leader. The did a surprise attack on Israel and soon controlled all of Turkey. This time the Israeli nation vowed to destroy once and for all this menacing nation to the north, the Israeli people thought they would be doing the peoples of the world a favour. The AL surrendered after the battle of Venice and the Israeli leadership bowed to world pressure and signed a cease fire with AL. During this war the Zulu and Chinese signed an alliance.
This brings us to today. We have the pacific pact of Australia/Mongols = Australians not fighting anyone, but officially at war with Zulus. Mongols holding a state of war with AL but a cease fire in place, also at war with Zulu and a current declaration of war against the Mali still valid. Mongols and Israelites have a conquest pact signed to destroy AL.
The Comminist Pact of China and Zulus = Zulus officialy at war with MAli & Israeli. China still signatures to non-agresion pact with both Mali & Israel.
The unnamed allaince of Mali & Israel = Both at war with Zulu and a current Cease fire with AL.
We beleive this current situation needs fixing promptly. We want all warring nations to sign a cease fire imeedialty. And then to utilise a neutral party to mediate a suitalbe long term peace agreement. Let us not have the first World War with all nations involved, which if current situation continues is where we will be.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 4, 2001, 09:41
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
OOC - Leaders names
Hey how come you guys dont get creative and change leaders names throughout the HOTW... Paul Keating sure been round a long time now Folks ... Getting pretty Grey and wrinkled...
My problem is coming up with a new one each session... but I will continue the tradition !!!!!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 4, 2001, 11:14
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: West Memphis , Arkansas , USA
Posts: 566
The Long Trek! Part 2
At the Gates of Israeli Controlled Venice
<font color="blue">Halt! Who goes there!?
<font color="red">It is I, General SunTzu XXXXIV. I wish to speak to your leader!
*Thump Thump Twing* <font color="purple">Come in....
<font color="red"> Hey Bob, how ya doin?
<font color="purple"> Ahhh SunTzu, long time no see.
<font color="red">Yes it has been awhile. The 6month Trek from Mongolia was hard. But we made it.
<font color="purple">So what can i do for you?
<font color="red"> Well i'm on my way to Paris to be crowned President by the pope. I would like you to come with me to Paris, i have some issues to discuss with you.
<font color="purple"> Ok i will leave first thing tomorrow morning.
<font color="Well thats that, i shall now continue on to Paris. Peace out Bob!
August 4, 2001, 12:03
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Posts: 252
To: All World Leaders
The Chinese wish to clarify its diplomatic state with all Nations of the World, as it seems that there always seems to be quite a few miscommunications.
To begin the Chinese empire is not allied with anyone. The enlightened Zulu people by themselves have chosen the superior form of government, communism.
Our attitude toward all nations is one of good faith, non-aggression and peace. We remain neutral in this conflict and if asked will attempt to negotiate a fair and lasting peace.
However with the rise of a new leader in the Adriatic League we call on all nations of the world to give the Adriatic League a chance and negotiate a fair peace with them.
Currently the Chinese Foreign office has the current diplomatic arrangement of the world:
Australia and Mongolia are allied with Mongolia at war with the AL and Australia is not involved in the current conflict.
Mali and Israel are allied and are currently at war with the AL.
Zulu and AL are allied though the Zulu’s have not yet started a military campaign but will if a peace is not achieved.
China is Neutral with no Allies at all but maintains friendly relations with all powers.
If there is a change that the Chinese Foreign office should know about please inform us as soon as possible.
To: Israel
The Chinese people will welcome a visit by Bob.
OOC: I have no problem putting it off a week; I think we need to play with what will become the core group of people the next time. If you want to try and rescheduled I all for that but it will be hard finding a day when we all can play
And why don’t we change names…. Well Paul is blessed by a god and Prometheus is a God so why would we need to change since we both would never die?
August 4, 2001, 12:38
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: West Memphis , Arkansas , USA
Posts: 566
The reason theres already SunTzu The XXXXIV is because we breed like rabbits
August 4, 2001, 12:42
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
OOC- sort of
Strange that Prom, my Embassy staff informed me that Zulu nation is allied to chinese..!!!!! Maybe your diplomatic advisor has been off making secret deals while you not looking !!!
Or my Diplmatic Advisor has been on the magic mushrooms again !!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 4, 2001, 17:54
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Nashville, TN USA
Posts: 95
ooc (SORT OF)
You're not the only one who's intelligence is scarambled.
The Mali are currently at peace with everyone in the world except for that ages-old state of war which still exists between Mali and Mongols (though neither side has maade any aggressive moves in that regard since I've been running the Mali)
This, of course, may be subject to change depending upon what happens the first round or two I actually get to play again and see what everyone else does, but as of the end of last weeks session, as far as I knew, I was not at war with the Zulu/AL alliance as the Mali senate had overruled Tuwanda and signed a peace treaty of their own accord with the Adriatics after the Mali took Richmond in North America; and Tuwanda and Jula have signed a peace treaty of their own accord.
I promise I'll try to get something up sometime
what's the current vote on skipping a week so our good buddy Drake can have a life for one week without worrying about what happens to him at this critical time? since I don't count? LOL
August 4, 2001, 19:42
Local Time: 07:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Maine, US
Posts: 2,372
In the war room, Zimbabwe
"Ahh, so it looks as though Hawke is trying to weasel his way out of this one as well eh Jula?" stated General Shakeem.
"Yes, those spineless Israelis kiss more as s than a bunch of politicians. They will do anything to save their own necks. Lie, cheat, decieve. They know not of honor. Well General, the time for them to learn of it is now." Kamma was angry.
"Yes indeed it is. Intelligence reports that the Israeli military is primarily composed of offensive units. I imagine their defenses are shoddy at absolute best. Our African army should cut throught them like warm butter." said Shakeem.
"Indeed Shakeem. We will not be stopped from war as we were years ago. The Adriatic League advised we offer peace to the Israelis and like fools we agreed to this, as the Israelis were actually in a position to help the Adriatic League attack Mongolia. Atleast thats what they told them. But oh what a difference a few years makes. As soon as Il Duce was assassinated and chaos engulfed Europe, the self serving Israelis, like flies on sh1t, took advantage of the people that they had <i>supposedly</i> made friends with just years before. As a result, the AL no longer has a capitol. Now I ask you Shakeem, are these people that deserve leniency? Are these people who deserve to be forgiven for their atrocities? No general, like a badly mannered child, these Israelis deserve to be punished. And so they will." said Kamma...she was ranting.
"Hell we even gave them an out. All they had to do was return all Adriatic cities that they had obtained to our control. We would have then re-integrated AL control when they were once again safe from outside threat. But oh no, Hawke rejected our offer like a fool. And now the fool will have to pay the piper."
"I know Jula, I know. Their time is coming believe me. But we musn't be too harsh with the Israelis. We need to punish them and disable their ability to retaliate, but we musn't cripple them. If we were to do that, we would surely be looked down upon by the world community. We are a fair and just Nation and it is not our intent to gain power through this expedition......Rather we are to limit the Israeli power. And even though Israel conspired to help the AL attack the Mongols, they are not yet aware of this fact. In their mind, the Israelis are still their friends. And the last thing we need is Mongolia entering the frey. For this would almost certainly call their Australian masters in as well. What a mess that would be" said the General calmly.
"You're right General, I am just angry. Though the rest of the world acknowledges the fact that the Israelis are nothing but a burden to us all, we have yet to recieve any support in detaining them. The Adriatic League are still our allies, but they are in such disorder that they won't be much help. Besides that, we have heard that a descendent of the SunTzu family might be taking power there soon." said Kamma.
"The same Suntzu family that ruled Israel and backstabbed the Adriatic League back around the birth of christ?" asked Shakeem.
"Yes General, the very same. The Suntzu family, ever since their ultimate betrayal to the AL, have been hiding in the shadows of the world. Living in oblivion. But now they may return, and I have a feeling that they may lead the European people to stab their own ally in the back as well. Us. Will Suntzu do the right thing and rebuild Europe, keeping our alliance? Or will he go the way of his ancestors and show the world how dispicable and dishonorable the Suntzus are? It is tough to say Shakeem. We would like to keep ties with Europe and ask them to help liberate their own country. But we fear as though Suntzu might have the logic of an elephants as s and he may side with the Israelis." Kamma was getting worked up again.
"But that wouldnt make sense Jula. Why would Suntzu join forces with the Israelis? One would have to be either insane or completely retarded to do such a thing." said Shakeem.
"I don't know general. Hopefully he will prove to be a good, and honest leader. If he stays with us, then we know his heart is good. If he sides with Israel, well, just do the math. It would mean he is a worthless leader. One that will ride the once glorious AL into the ground." said Kamma.
"That would be a shame wouldn't it Jula? For we can offer the AL so much. All the Israelis can offer them is empty promises and will probably end up deceiving them in the end. But I guess we will just have to wait and see." said the General.
"Indeed, indeed." Kamma said..........................
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
August 5, 2001, 00:47
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Posts: 252
Re: OOC- sort of
Originally posted by Rasputin
Strange that Prom, my Embassy staff informed me that Zulu nation is allied to chinese..!!!!! Maybe your diplomatic advisor has been off making secret deals while you not looking !!!
Hmmm if that is so… then I should give him a raise, because according to the game advisor I am also allied to the Mongols and the Australians along with the Zulus… he has created the largest most powerful alliance in the game.
Of coarse that would mean everyone is really allied together in some sort of way since the Mongols are still allied to Israel and the Israeli are allied to the Mali and the Zulus are allied to the AL. What a mess that would be. So anyway ….
I am not allied to anyone I just haven’t bothered to contact anyone and cancel old alliances, I would still be allied to the Mali actually if the A.I. hadn’t contacted me and demanded I declare war on the Mongols. I am just lazy that’s why it says I am allied to the Mongol’s, Zulu’s and Australians.
August 5, 2001, 05:56
Local Time: 23:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
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Nice one Prom!
Nice bit of subterfuge there Prom
Israel will never know......
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
August 5, 2001, 17:08
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 1,261
This is truely disturbing
So the world feels as if Mongolia is not a nation to be taken seriously?
The European League believe we should automaticly declare peace, even though Mongolian lands still lay before us occupied.
The Israelies believe we are a mere tool to be used in their quest for revenge agaist the Austrailians for being kicked out of the Pacific Pact.
The Australians believe we will do anything they say!
The Zulu and Mali contiue to ignore our world position, and the Chinese, ha! They think they can order everyone including us to peace!
Lord Dangime will have none of this.
The Urals will be freed, by negoiation or force if needed.
Israel will cease attempting to interfere with relations between Mongolian and her allies, being allied to both of you is hard enough so don't push it!
Australia will realize that we are not their lapdogs, however we are allies if you aren't offended by that fact.
The Zulus should make peace with Mongolia, espically if the European League and myself work things out >
That goes for the Mail too. >
And China.......remind me how your miserable nation still remains on the asian contient? Another grand mistake of prior generation that I must correct? This that how it is? Or is it different?
Now you've heard from me! *Gets out of bed* Bring the car around I'm going to the capital. I have to know what has been going on that people are afraid to tell me here, grr!
August 5, 2001, 17:18
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Nashville, TN USA
Posts: 95
that goes for the Mali, too
the Mali would have been at peace with Mongolia if Sun hadn't been subbing for you last week.
We didn't know if you had some ulterior motive for staying at war with the Mali all this time or what so we just left it.
Tuwanda's mission in life was to see the Mali at peace with the world
August 6, 2001, 01:36
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: West Memphis , Arkansas , USA
Posts: 566
I have some bad news.
Well i've been feeling on the down side lately. I suffer from depression and haven't been taking the prozac. Plus i went to my best friends surprise b-day party last night. I had 12bud lights and 8 smirnoff ice. I was really drunk and i was tryign to drive home and my friends were trying to stop me. One of my friends punched through my windshield when i tried to drive off. I then took off on foot for some reason. I wasn't thinking straight. And then the cops showed up and i was taking to county jail for Public Intoxication. I have to go to court this Wednesday for sentencing. So i might not be around thursday. I'm getting a job, because its gonna cost $150 to get the car out of the impound. another $150-200 or more to get the windshield replaced.
I'll figure out if i can play this week or next week this wednesday.
August 6, 2001, 10:20
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington D.C.
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Paris, Adriatic League...
The parade was the most glorious in any Adriatic city since the ascention of the late Dictator Benito Mussolini in Venice so long ago. Things were different now, Mussolini was long dead and Venice was now Israeli. Large groups of people have amassed to see SunTzu march galliantly into his new capital of Paris, most of them were there to boo and throw vegetables at the man. Finally trumpets and drums were heared far off in the distance as Adriatic soldiers carrying the standards of their various garrisons came marching through, armed to the teeth. Tanks and Howitzers were rode in next, followed by more and more troops, it was quite a show of power for the newly arriving dictator. Finally a large float was constructed with a statue of SunTzu on it, in a small seat underneath was the new leader...
He was a scrawny man of Israeli descent. However the Asian blood found from his family's Chinese and Mongolian excursions could been seen easily. Instead of boo the crowd just sat there, look at this guy! He wasn't European! What is this?!?! Finally the trumpets stopped, the troops stopped moving and the vehicles all came to a halt, the new leader stood up and asked "What is going on, why have we stopped? Where are the trumpets?!?!"
Just then one of the soldiers got out of his formation and approached SunTzu "General SunTzu, my name is Private Antonio DeNucci."
"Soldier, what are you doing!?!" barked the dictator "You have your orders!"
"Sir, many many many years ago my great grandfather joined the Adriatic Military to further his legal career, he and his family had always been petty farmers in Greece..."
"Soldier, you have your orders. Men seize this man!" none of the other soldiers moved...
"He was stationed in the Uzbek mountains on a march towards Mongolia where he was to meet with several Israelite detachments, several allied detachments, to invade Mongolia and help get Israel some much needed territory. Territory that Israel is looking for like savages to this day. My father's garrison arrived in a small town south of Aleppo, a Mongolian city in Tibet. Do you know what happened when he got there?"
"Soldier you are out of line."
"Israelis and Mongols laughing and talking, eating together, they massacred the Adriatic garrison that believed Israel to be their great allies. But see some maniac named SunTzu wrested control from the peaceful Dimbleby. This maniac, SunTzu and his troops massacred my fellow Adriatics way back when killing my great grandfather. Luckily he had already had my grandfather, or else I'd be dead today, unfortunantly for you though he did have my grandfather... so that you" he pulled out a pistol and pulled the hammer back "would be dead tomorrow...."
August 6, 2001, 10:23
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington D.C.
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Ugh, I hate doing this all the time...
I had a long talk with Drake this morning, and we discussed the entire situation and he made a lot of good points to me.
While I still feel that my position is the correct position, I handled the incident like a child. I made rash decisions and then attempted to belittle others because I was pissed off. That's not a good thing and I apologize for it.
Drake said I can come back in the game and take over for the Adriatic League, which I'll be more than glad to do. If anyone has a problem with me go ahead and say it, I'll either address it or realize that this is not my place. So I guess I'm asing if I can play again.
"Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
One Love.
August 6, 2001, 10:44
Local Time: 07:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Posts: 2,372
Obviously Capo knows this isn't my game, and my go ahead isn't the end all of any discussion.
But here's why I want the Capo back. I want Capo back because he is the best player for the position. He is the founder of this game and one of the best diplo players at apolyton easily. He is very dedicated to this game, despite what anyone might say. I know this because even after he was kicked out/quit the game, he was still talking to me about the in-game politics.
I won't discuss Capo's personal life because it's not my place, but the guy has been under some extreme stress lately. This doesn't excuse his behaviour last week as he's already pointed out, but it does give me an idea why he acted so harshly.
It's over and done with now, but I feel as though Capo was justified in asking that we go back a bit to try and rectify the game bug. It wasn't much to ask and we restarted several times during the night for other game technical issues (deity getting disconnected). It wasn't Deitys fault that he got booted and we restarted without question. We very easily could have had a vote and said "play on", but we didn't. Now it wasn't Capo's fault the game had a bug in it and screwed him out of the gold. All we had to do was just say "ok, lets just restart quick". But we didn't. And even though Capo may have blown things out of proportion and been overly dramatic, I do think he was right to ask us to try and right the wrong.
Anyway, lets not dwell on the past. Capo has told me that he will try and be a little calmer (  ) in future situations. He IS the Adriatic League and he admits that he is wrong. Though I know he will probably be met with some opposition, I feel as though we should forgive and forget. What is important here is the GAME. It doesn't matter if you like capo, or hate capo. He's the best person for this country right now and will do the position the most justice.
Finally, I think everyone gives Capo a hard time. He gets sh1t from everyone because he isn't afraid to speak his mind. Though he may offend people at times, he is always honest and genuine. There are times I'd love to kick the Capo in the sack cuz he pisses me off, but most of the time he's very calm and collective. He's a true history and geography buff and adds the most realistic history based narrative to our game. This is important as this still is a diplomatic game and requires participation, both in game, in posts and negotiations.
I might be wrong, and you can all yell at me if I am, but I think we'd be makinga good choice by taking Capo back.
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
August 6, 2001, 10:47
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2000
Location: Washington D.C.
Posts: 2,058
Outside of Venice....
DISCLAIMER: There will be some graphic and anti-semitic vocabulary in this post, none of it is the sentiments of the writer but meant as a way to show the severity of the situation. Thank you.
"Enzo Pagniacci, at your service." said the young officer to Antonion DeNucci, the man who spearheaded the resistance movement.
"Ahh your father was the epitome of an Adriatic General, I'm sorry to hear of his passing." said DeNucci.
"Yes well, he died happy I'm sure. Defending his nation's capital to the last..."
"Yes, well, now is the time to make sure he did not die in vain. Those f*cking Kikes will all be executed for this." said DeNucci as he pulled out a map of the city.
"From what our spies have told us the main Israelite garrisons are holed up here and here" he said pointing to the map. "The Colossus has been damaged heavily by the way..."
"Those Jew bastards!"
"Yes, indeed. We won't have Zulu assistance initially as previously believed, they are handling the political area of the resistance and for them to launch a full-scale counterstrike at this time would be ridiculous." said Pagniacci as he rolled the map up and put it back.
"Well Enzo, how's Klamens been?" said DeNucci speaking of Klamens Metternich.
"He's doing just fine, he'll be healed up in no time. He's staying in Amsterdam right now, the town's still quite lovely." replied Pagniacci.
The tent flaps opened and in walked a very beautiful woman in a corporal's uniform. The two men stared blankly until DeNucci said "Corporal um, Alessi I presume?"
"Yes, let's be frank here though, what type of excuse is this for a second rate operation?" she said with a smile "You may call me Adriana."
"We-" DeNucci was interrupted.
"Adriana, the pleasure is all mine." said Pagniacci as he took her hand and kissed it, she quickly pulled it away.
"I don't know how you greet your other superior officers but this will end now." she said sternly "Now what have you boys prepared for me?"
They pulled out all of the maps, Venice, Israel, the Balkans, Greece, even the Ural Mountains. All of the areas they thought they'd need to handle...
"Well, it seems as if though everything is in order. Are our lines of supply still in-tact?" asked Coporal Alessi.
"Yes Ma'am, we hope for some Zulu, possibly Chinese support. But in order to get that anytime soon we might have to support the Marxist movement." replied DeNucci.
"No we can't do that, this must be an Adriatic operation. So far we have every reason to believe Australia may join the fray, we must prepare for that. At this time however the retrieval of our territory in the Balkans is our foremost concern. For some un-Godly reason Mongolia thinks that they have natural rights to the Urals, which is beyond me, that's been Adriatic territory since the dawn of time. We're going to need defenses there as well. This whole thing is going to cost an arm and a leg. Is our treasury fit for this type of operation?" asked Corporal Alessi.
"We are not sure, we have yet to consolidate our funds. We don't know how much money Tzu pumped into Mongolia and Israel for peace. So at this juncture we just aren't sure." replied Pagniacci.
"Diplomatic avenues are being sought, they'll probably fail. Mainly we need everything we lost to be returned gentlemen, either by the pen or by the sword. Now I have a pressing meeting in Amsterdam. Hopefully we'll be dining in the old Palace of Venice by winter's end. Arrivaderchi...." said Alessi.
August 6, 2001, 15:21
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Nashville, TN USA
Posts: 95
The rotund gentleman with the bushy black mustache came striding into the room where Hakeem sat amongst the large pillows. Heavy tapestries over the open archways made the roomily gloomily dim, even though the sun baked the outside courtyards. Hakeem put down his pipe and stood up to greet the newcomer.
"Senator Ari" They embraced " the news is not good, I am afraid. Madame Tuwanda has not regained consciousness and the doctors fear she will not live through the night."
Ari wrung his hands. "This is the worst possible timing! We have an uneasy peace at best and only Tuwanda has been able to keep the Senate focused into any kind of unity! If she dies..."
"Yes, united in a effort to keep her from embroiling us in conflict with the Euroeans even as she talks peace! Was it not only through OUR efforts that we are at peace with Europe?"
"In that case, yes, Hakeem, but it is Tuwanda who has always spoken for us with Jula Kamma, and to good effect so far! and consider...if Tuwanda dies, YOU, as Majority leader, become president until the election can be organized. Do you not see the sabre-rattling from the Zulus? How do you intend to juggle peace between Israeli and Zulu if it comes to that? The Israelis are our ally; even after all that brouhaha the zealots there tried to make over who had and who had not converted! Under the terms of alliance, we would be honor-bound to fight the Zulus in defense of Israel! Hakeem, we don't really want to do that, do we?"
"We will have to see what comes, Ari. We will call the Senate to session when we know....about Tuwanda. She is old, Ari. I am afraid she will not be able to fight off this infection. I am concerned about certain factions in the Senate if we no longer have the mediating influence of Madame Tuwanda. You know the AfricanNational party has been stirring things up amongst the populace along the Nile and southern coast. Those are the people, Ari, who do not want to see a Zulu/Mali conflict. They gained three more seats in the last election, as you recall, and they have done nothing but agitate since then! They shot down your budget proposals because you wanted to pull money from the defense budget!"
Ari bridled. "To put towards education! Malis must keep up with the rest of world in technology; how are we to do that if we pour all our resources to the military? I can't believe they actually managed to swing enogh votes from our own party!"
"Precisely my point, Ari. We must ride rein on these hothead AfricanNationals. Come, sit and wait with me. We will share a pipe and pray for Madame Tuwanda. May Allah have mercy on her"
"Even if she was a lousy Muslim." Ari mumbled under his breath.
August 6, 2001, 19:15
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
"so you see Bob, the world is listening to the lies being spread and we are all alone again,"
"Yes propoganda rules I am afraid. The Israelis have spoken only truth during all the wars with the AL. of course our war was never really with the people of Europe , but more with there erratic leaders. They claim we are on a land grab. Of course we are. We had a civilisation with but 17 provinces and even with all our warring and deaths or Israeli lives we are still the smallest nation in the world. "
"but what of the allegations being made of palns to invade Mongolia"
"ahh more propganda i am afraid. The AL andZulu are desperate to isolate us from the world. Even though we are smallest in all the world, they are scared of attacking us if we have an ally"
"so that is why they have made a separate peace with the mali then ?"
"yes, they have isloated us from the one friend we thought we had. We had placed our entire trust in them. Without them unfortuantly we are history. We cannot stand alone agaisnt the combined forces of AL and Zulus, even with the Mali it would be hard, but without them , I would say Israel will no longer function."
"But surely the mali will fight with us"
"I can not guarantee that. They didnt even tell us of their peace with Zulus, it was out ambaassader in their palace who reprted the speeches of their leaders that we found out they have made separate peace. I cant bleeive it. We had the oppurtunity to wipe out all Mali and we shoed grace and mercy and fought the AL to get their citys back for them. And now this. We need support and we may not get any."
"will we survive Bob"
"We have dug all the troops in along the front lines, we expect the Zulu mobile brigade to attack fiercly and fast, they have the capabilty to cause much loss of life, especially as it now seems the mali may not assist us. It seems we may have walked into the biggest trap ever. We trusted the mali implicetly, and now a change of government may cause them to break the allaince with us and move to Zulus. That would be the end for us."
"So what are we going to do"
"If the mali break the allaince or jsut refuse to help. which is same thing, we will contact the Australains to come to our aid with peacekeeping forces. It will cost us all of our gains in recent times and possible more. We are already the smalelst nation, the loss of all that territory will mean it wont be worth running Israel as a nation. We will probalby just ask Australia to run us as a puppet governemnt of theirs. "
"So this could be the end of Israel"
"Yes I think it is . We have done what we felt was right by the world and now the world has turned on us . I cant get away from the feeling that the assasination of Sun TZu in Paris was aimed wholely and soley at getting Zulu influence in Europe.. They want war no matter what. This has changed the world situation beyond our control. "
"So where to now"
"We will await the response of the Mali to our request for assistance in the coming war, it seems strange that Zulu will make peace with our ally , who we attacked the AL for to get citys for, and yet the the Zulus only want war with us. I just cant get rid of the feeling that we were suckered into all this.
"so wha tif the Mali refuse to answer our delgates"
"we wil ltake that as a sign they have forsaken us, and we will cede all our territory to the Pacific pact and or chinese. "
"This is possibly the last time we meet . so long my old friend"
"Yes so long to you too my friend"
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
Last edited by Rasputin; August 6, 2001 at 20:10.
August 6, 2001, 21:53
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Bob in front of Australain Parliament
"I am so glad you accepted my request to allow me to speak in front of all you politicians, especially you President Paul."
Paul just gave a little nod of acknowledgement.
"I am here to speak the Israeli case and to ask humbly for some aid from our former allies. I know in recent history we have had our disagreemnts and many a Israeli leader has done many things the Australians are not happy with. But I have come personaly to allay all your fears. We the Israeli people are wanting peace and to open all our borders to allow all the worlds trade to pass through. We are wanting to end the current situation in Africa and Europe before it becomes too late.
Israel feels that the world cut us off with very little. We had the smallest nation of any by far. In the past history we were promised the lands of India, this was and agreement made to sway Israel from remaining allied with the AL. The Sun Tzu dynasty who ruled Israel back then cost us our reputation for ever by switching sides. Yet since that time the AL has done everything it can to make us switch back, breaking our alliance with the PP. A thing we never did, beleiving two wrongs dont make a right. However due to our erratic leadership the Australains chose to expel us from the PP. The Indian land was apparently not given us as the mongols were enticed to give much land to the Chinese, this maanged to bribe them intop the PP too. However, upon the communists coming to power they left the PP, but retained all the freely given possesions. Still Israel was left with the smallest nation. Faced with this and an agressive nation to our south , controlled by an unruly President A.I , we chose to fight. The AL joined this fight and conquyered many Mali lands. They were not ostracised for this no. We fought on and finally took some extra provinces to allow Israeli expansion. To get peace with Mali, we then traded provinces and further enhanced this by negotiaiting to get 2 Mali provinces back form Zulus. At end of the Mali/Israeli war and after the forming of an alliance between two isolated countries we were still the smallest nation and had only gained two extra provinces over all. A total of 19 Israeli provinces.
Then we were threatened by an agressive AL to our north. With our allys request we retook all AL controlled Mali citys and handed them back to the Mali. During this first AL/Israel war we only gained one more province from AL and the Mali allowed us one more in America. 21 provinces now. Still the smallest .
The AL then offered us peace and even offered for us to attack the Mongols, whom we have never been aggresive against. We said no that at this time the mongols were our allys and we dont fight allys.
The AL took this hard and again went agresive on us. This time we decided it was time to plac ethe Israelis in a better situation, we wanted land. So we took it . At cease fire signing with AL after fall of Venice we had now 27 provinces. Beleive it or not still the smallest nation.
The Zulu nation decided we were a threat to them and anniounced a Jihad agaisnt us. No efforts on our part would apepase them, they demanded from us all AL province we took ,be given to Zulus. As we wanted to use these provinces in negotiations with AL and Sun Tzu descendants we said no. We would only hand them to AL . The Zuluss were furious and started mass propoganda war agsint us. This also included making peace with our ALLy the Mali and isolating us. They then organised the Assasination of Sun Tzu in Paris. This was done as Sun Tzu was leaning towards peace with israel. The Zulus did not want this. They wanted us to be forced to fight on two fronts, with no allys. Our friends the Mongols now distrust us, the Malis have signed peace with our enemies, the Chinese though claiming non alliance are still closely alligned with the communist Zulus.
We think the world will be sad palce if the Israelis are forced back to the postiion they were in with less than our current number of provinces, in fact we find that we couldnt continue as a nation. To prevent this, we beg that Australia accepts our please for Peacekeeping forces between us and the Zulu people. We offer the Australians free access to all our infrastructure and relsise that for the Australians to feel at home they will need to bring Governors for the provinces in Africa. This is agreed to by my people. All we want is the right to share in the worlds riches like all other nations. Not to be targeted by the strongest nation in the world the Zulus and isolated from all others. If we had our ally the Mali and the AL was under Sun Tzu dynasty , we would stand and fight the Zulu on even grounds. but isolated agaisnt two greater nations is beyond even the endeavours of the Israelis.
I leave this place now to allow you to decide the best course for world peace and the future of thje world itself.
Thankyou President Paul"
Paul agian jsut waved i nrecognition of the speeach being finished and waited for Bob to leave before taking his place at the podium .......
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 7, 2001, 01:58
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
So how did it go Bob"
"I dont know they havent responded yet"
"But you must have a good guess, will they help us"
"Not sure really, who knows ? Obviously all depnds whether Israel is a part of the big picture or just a smudge to be wiped out"
"They have to realise that we are desperate"
"I am not sure they do. Its hard to get across the emotion within all us Israelis. They may just listen to the propoganda. The Zulus have shown they are full of it"
"Yes they are definatley full of it!!"
"Well , whatever."
"So what now , what are those maps you looking at"
"Well if worst comes to worst , I am making escape plans for all the governors and their families. I dont want them being caught up in the bloodshed. I have organised tranports to be off the coast of all Israeli citys. As soon as I give the word. We will extradite all the administrators. There are plenty of lovely islands off the coast here for us to live quite happily on."
"very good, but who will lead the defence then."
"I am leaving Field Marsholl Otto Van Bismark in charge. He is freshly promoted from our amalgamation of the Germanic tribes in Europe. He fought well agaisnt the AL and he is very arrogant. He talks as if he thinks we can win."
"Foolish talk, doesnt he see the odds agaisnt us?"
"Yes but he beleives he has a plan. He has received reports of the Zulu and AL armies strenghts and beleives they are not as hardened as our Israeli troops. What he doesnt realise is that nothing can defend agaisnt the might of the Ralfitzers. (I think the enemy refer to them as Howtizers though) We have veteren defenders in all provinces, but even they wont wthstand. But Field Marsholl Von Bismark wants the challenge , so good luck to him. Me and my family will be sunbaking on the shores of this island here. "He pointed to a small island in middle of the ocean.
"what if he wins Bob, then what do you do?"
"He cant win , if we could win I would be staying"
"But just imagine a wolrd with no Adriatic or Zulu flags. What a peaceful worls it would be."
"Ahhh dreams, the things legends are made of ...."
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 7, 2001, 07:40
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: Nashville, TN USA
Posts: 95
Hey capo
I think you just get off on the Il Duce thing
I can just hear you over there going IL DULCE! IL DULCE!
no wonder you work yourself up into these little tizzies
Maybe if you retire the title for something more restrained...
(now, don't be touchy. I'm just ragging you a little.  )
you know, I kinda have the same thing with tuWANDA
We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming, already in progress........
August 7, 2001, 09:26
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington D.C.
Posts: 2,058
Make-shift AL Parliament, Paris...
"And now" said speaker LaBonte "President Klamens Metternich..."
The entire room, mostly filled with men and women in military uniforms, began their applause for Klamens Metternich, war hero at the battle of Venice (although they lost), and renowned politician in the Adriatic League. The figurehead of the movement towards a European Union against Mussolini and the figurehead of the resistance against Israel...
"Thank you." he said smiling humbly as he looked down at his podium "You know, I had a speech ready today. But it just doesn't feel right, making a speech. Most of what I've done in the past has been done from the heart, I never had a peice of paper telling me what to do. So there will be no pre-written speeches today" he said as he tossed the paper behind his back "Its been hell for my beloved country. Raw unadulterated hell. I've seen hell, I've seen the Israelites and Mali come at us. I've seen the Balkans torched, I've seen Greece which is our greatest harbour lie in ruin, I've seen the Great Oracle of Bosporus with a star of David flying above. And the saddest moment is when we retreated from Venice, when Israel defeated us in our capital. I felt like a coward that day, I wanted to kill myself. I felt at the time that I could never again show my face to anyone. Well here I am today, because my friends I've realized something. If I simply allow this defeat to control me, if I allow Israel and their insane despot Bob Hawke to control my actions and to defeat me, then I have lost the war. We have lost the war. The last thing the AL likes to do is surrender, so we shall never surrender. Now my friends, the world does not like us. We've had very good leadership in the past, but its been very antagonistic, it occured in a time where respect and mutual admiration were not words but fantasies. So our reputation will make it hard for us not to surrender. Our reputation will make it hard to achieve peace. But I tell you this, our reputation is unfounded, this idea that we are aggressive people is unfounded. The fact is Bob Hawke has been the only nation on this world to practice blatant aggression and lies. Bob Hawke is a pathetic man, when he feels his nation is in the dumps after cheapshotting the Adriatic League he goes back to Australia, his puppet master, like a small beaten dog and begs for his treat, he begs for aide against the big bad Adriatic League. After he's razed our capital, destroyed our Holy City of Bosporus, and destroyed our greatest port city he goes back to Australia and begs for his treat, he begs for aide against the big bad Adriatic League. The man is a liar, and a cheat. He launched a war against "Communism" in northern Africa against the Mali simply because the AL did, he saw his opportunity, the man realized if the Mali were busy fighting the AL in America and Libya he could sneak in like a pathetic rat behind a restaurant and take his crumb, then he'd scurry back into his pathetic sh*thole called Israel and grovel on this little crumb until the time has come to again sneak another. These are the atributes of common vermin, of bottom-feeding rodents, of pests. And I believe we all know what must be done to pests. We fabricated a war with Mongolia, Hawke you can lie through your teeth, but many more nations than just you and I know of this, the sad part is you are under the impression that you are trustworthy. Your nation's history speaks for itself, you are canniving little liars, while our nation may be known as a bully we do have a good reputation when it comes to telling the truth. So I say to you this good Senate, good Parliament, good Congress... where-ever the chips may fall I can assure you that justice will always prevail over greed. We shall return the Adriatic League to its former greatness. Viva la Europa!"
The assembly gave a standing ovation. That day they voted on the Consul, it would be a temporary position until the resistance was over. Klamens Metternich was elected unanimously, and given the title "Il Duce" to poke fun at his enemy Mussolini...
August 7, 2001, 10:10
Local Time: 07:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Maine, US
Posts: 2,372
"But just imagine a world with no Adriatic or Zulu flags. What a peaceful worls it would be."
"  Oh Shakeem, that Hawke is such a humorous guy! Thats a good one I like that! I wonder if he bothered to ask anyone else in the world how many wars the zulus have fought in? Thats right. Zero. Other than China, we are the only country in the world yet to fire a shot. Not a single shot fired. We have not trampled helpless cities into the ground with superior weaponry as he has.
We are pacifists by nature. On the opposite of the spectrum is, the country of Israel. The country that has slaughtered more people than any other country on the face of the earth. They may be the smallest, but they have proven how dangerous they can be, particularly if they are allowed to continue on the route that they are going on.
They say they want peace, but have never done anything to prove it but their shallow words. If they had made caravans and freights to trade with the world instead of weapons of destruction, their cries for peace would have been more believable. Had they made temples instead of barracks they would have been more believable. But they didn't. They built horrible machines who's only purpose is to take away life instead.
Though in the past they were allied to the Australians, we have done much more for them than they ever will. We set up close to a dozen lucrative trade routes with the Aussies which not only increased our wealth, but theirs as well. The Israelis can provide them nothing and they know this. The reason Israel was dropped from their alliance is because they knew Israel to be a leech. Always taking away, but never giving. Keating will not come to Hawke's aid. Keating did not get Hawke into this trouble, Hawke did. And I know that Keating isn't in the business of cleaning up other people's messes.
It is time for Hawke to face the consequences of his actions. The time to pay the piper has come. He can either deal with it like a man would and deal with it himself, or he can call on his parent like a scared child would. Either way, his run has ended.
Shakeem, prepare the auto, we must depart soon. We must meet Metternich in En Nahud on Thursday. "
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
August 7, 2001, 12:56
Local Time: 07:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Maine, US
Posts: 2,372
Alright everyone
Keep the good posts coming
I'm going to be gone for atleast a week and I'll post when I return. Thanks for allowing me to miss this week without penalty and once again, my apologies.
Well..what can I say, have a nice week!
I see the world through bloodshot eyes
Streets filled with blood from distant lies.
August 7, 2001, 16:35
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Mossad HQ
"and so the plans are in place?"
"Yes Major, our agent should be in place as we speak, she only awaits youyr orders"
"She? You have sent a lady"
"She is no lady Major, she is our best agent. She will not disspoint you or Field Marsholl von Bismark."
"good. Good. This mission will see a new beginning. vob Bismark is meeting with all the other Generals tonight. Depending on that outcome you will hear from me tomorrow morning."
"Very well Major, i await your call."
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 7, 2001, 16:43
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
OOC again
So the decision is that we wait a week ? Are we allowing Capo back, I saw many posts last week from Deity and Sun that they didnt want him back in game. Has this changed?
Perhpas we can paly this week with Sun in charge of AL, Capo in charge of Zulu (he and drake are in communication all the time anyway) and find a sub for Mali.
I know tihs is radical, but it is what has been done befoire..
I will not be avaialble in a few weeks time, are we pausing that week too, or only this week while Drake away?
Food for thought guys, i happy to go with the majority, A week of suits me as that means i get a week of when i busy later.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 7, 2001, 19:27
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington D.C.
Posts: 2,058
OOC Post...
First of all the only country I will play as is the Adriatic League, that's what I came back for, me and Drake already discussed the entire situation (the OOC situation, not the in-game situation) and he felt that Sun wouldn't do justice to the AL and further felt that what had occured to me was injust.
So I am going to make a few comments here and as we have a week off I think we can handle everything in a very respectful manner.
The first issue I feel needs to be addressed is the entire idea of voting on every single incident. Voting is fine, but shouldn't be used for EVERY single incident that arises. Especially those involving game glitches. My personal feeling is that if the game does in fact glitch we should make every attempt, even if it slows the game down, to make sure it is fixed. Unless, of course, the victim of the particular glitch feels that he can continue play. The rationale behind this position is simple; six others should not decide what occurs to you especially if this shouldn't have occured. Therefore I believe that when something like this occurs in the future a vote isn't necessary, rather the victim of the glitch should make the decision.
Another issue is keeping all diplomatic states in synch, I don't think that we should have the entire world allied to eachother in one way or another. This is of course a personal consideration, but I think it helps keep the flow of the game orderly. The game automatically declares war on people due to the diplomatic states of the nation, therefore nations like China could find themselves at war with Mongolia without even realizing it.
Finally, I know this is Drake's area but I think it prompts mention, the website was a very good idea when this game started, and was updated somewhat regularly. I think if we each take a few minutes to add fresh material to the website this game, which is seriously the best Diplogame played thus far, we can continue the memory of this game when it is long gone and serve as an example to future diplogamers.
So anyway, I thank you guys for allowing me back into this game. I did fly off the handle, but as I've said I still agree with my general position, so I guess we should take the next week to iron out any wrinkles we have.
"Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams
One Love.
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