August 7, 2001, 19:43
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington D.C.
Posts: 2,058
Amsterdam, Adriatic League...
"I know, its going to be a tough few months." said Klamens Metternich as he looked at the latest edition of the Paris Post, which took over the news-paper business in the AL since the demise of the Venetian Lion and Bosporus Bugel, for obvious reasons.
"Sir, I must warn you, the Israelis most likely will not accept your offer. They have stated publicly that they feel we are a cancer upon this planet. They'd be made into hypocrites." replied Corporal Adriana Alessi.
"No, they currently are hypocrites. They cry peace, do they not?" asked the Consul.
"Sir, it is not that simple. Israel won't bend here."
"They are not bending, they wish for peace. The new government wishes for peace, I wish for peace. How could they possibly refuse to accept our peace?" asked the Consul as he stood and looked out the window.
"I understand sir, however they have stated time and time agian that they feel our nation is an aggressive entity, that we deserve to be eradicated and that-"
"Enough of what Israel has said Alessi!" barked Consul Mettenrich "Hawke has stated publicly that he wishes for peace, his reason for being is peace. His goal, as he has said, has been to return the world to peace and yet he continues to move his troops into the Balkans, he continues to prompt Mongolia to do the same in the Urals. If he wishes peace we shall give him peace, that is what he wants is it not?" asked Metternich.
"Sir, I understand, you are correct. According to their words they should accept your peace. But they will not, they are not truly peaceful." said the Corporal.
"Alessi, your womanhood has been destroyed by war." smirked the Consul "If Hawke was willing to make amends with Benito Goddam Mussolini, how could he not make peace with the new provisional government?"
"Sir, you are asking for everything taken to be returned. That is your peace, you are asking Mongolia to stop their invasion. I mean, they won't trust you sir." she said.
"They will trust me, I am a man with one good leg, I use a cane to walk, I have no hatred towards anyone. All I want is my nation to return to peace. I want the children of this nation to be free of thick black smoke, bloody puddles and jettisoned limbs. That is what I strive for. But I can't accept some Israeli terms of surrender, that is simply out of the question-" just then there was a knock at the door, it was his secretary.
"Mr. Metternich, Mr. DeNucci has arrived."
"Send him in Teresa" he said as she nodded and left, the door soon opened and in walked Antonio DeNucci, the murderer of SunTzu XXXVIII (I think).
"Consul, Corporal Alessi, always a pleasure." he smiled arrogantly.
"Please, Commander DeNucci have a seat." said the Consul as he motioned towards an empty chair.
"Commander DeNucci, what is your feeling on peace with Israel?" asked the Consul.
"I'd welcome it, but Hawke will never allow it. He doesn't want peace sir, he may say that to his so called allies, but he doesn't really want it." he said.
"Well, I am going to send a message to him personally" said the Consul "And ask for an audience, ask for a peace summit with he and the Mongolian leader Dangime. If you say the man is ingenuine I shall discover this personally, if he truly wants peace and status quo to be returned then he will happily accept my offer. Afterall he was going to make peace with SunTzu was he not?" asked Metternich.
"Sir, SunTzu is a puppet." replied Corporal Alessi.
"I understand that Corporal, however he did say to the entire world that peace would be achieved, surely it should be no different under our provisional government." retorted the Consul.
"Well sir, we have a meeting with some Zulu officials in around four hours." said DeNucci "Pagniacci will be there, but I figured we'd eat and then meet with the Africans, supposedly there will be Mali there but I don't know if I believe that." said DeNucci.
"Corporal Alessi, would you like to join us?" asked the Consul.
"Sir I would love to, however I have a pressing meeting with my field commanders in Moscow, then we are heading out to the Urals to establish our defenses, as of right now time is of the essence. We still have yet to discover our full available force, most of our information was in Venice which obviously is now unavailable to us." she said.
"Understood, well Commander DeNucci, could you get the door for me. It is quite difficult to open these doors with my cane..."
August 8, 2001, 00:26
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Posts: 252
I think we are skipping this week… We need everyone here for the next session I voted,
So if we are playing this Thursday someone better inform me.
I am voting for Capo back in the game. So that’s at least 3 of six. (Drake, Belinda and Myself).
And as far as the Alliance thing is concerned I really don’t think it’s a big deal, I would rather not replace my ship lines but if it would make it easier for everyone to know what’s going on then I will happily contact, or they can contact me and I will cancel the alliances.
To: Mongolian Leader Dangime
From: Chinese Leader Prometheus
The Zulu and Mali continue to ignore our world position, and the Chinese, ha! They think they can order everyone including us to peace!
And China.......remind me how your miserable nation still remains on the Asian continent? Another grand mistake of prior generation that I must correct? This that how it is? Or is it different?
(OOC: Hahaha… Down here in Texas them is fightin words)
My dear friend Dangime, we are sorry to see that the good relationship that Mongolia and China have enjoyed for nearly 2500 years is souring. We do not believe we have caused the Mongolian people any harm and yet you insult and belittle us.
You claim we have ordered the world to peace, though all we have said is “we call on the nations of the world”. Now surly there must have been a mistranslation between Mongolian and Chinese for surly you cannot believe that calling on the nations of the world for peace is “ordering” anything. Calling on nations is hoping, imploring for the good of mankind, but ordering, ha calling on fellow nations is probably the weakest diplomatic language there is but we do hope for peace, but by no means do we order other nations around. So we do not understand your hostility on this issue.
And to clarify the History of Mongolia and Chinese Relations….
In the beginning China was ruled by the evil emperor A.I. and taking advantage of the idiotic A.I. the Mongols surrounded the Chinese Empire with its cities and formed an alliance with the Chinese. To make sure that there was no threat. After many years of this tyrants rule the people revolted under my guidance. Under my rule the Alliance between the Chinese and the Mongols grew stronger and the Mongols offered the frozen waste land in Siberia for the Chinese to Settle in, seeing no better place to go, the Chinese moved beyond the fact that Mongol had settled there ancestral lands and accepted this as the friendship between Mongolia and China grew stronger with the formation of the Pacific Pact with Australia. Together for many years we grew and prospered through the First AL war and even when the Chinese left for the Axis the ties of the Chinese, Mongols and Australians where strong for the Australians were the ones who saw that was best for the Chinese to leave the Pact. Years in and out the Chinese people have had great respect for the Mongols and the Chinese always assumed it was likewise with the Mongols but now it seems a new era is brewing as the Mongolian Leader call’s the Chinese a “Miserable” nation and that we only survived due to mistakes of past leaders.
It is a sad day in China when the Mongolians have decided there friendship with the Chinese means nothing we feel sorry that the same is not true for Mongolia.
My best Regards,
Comrade Prometheus
August 8, 2001, 04:04
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Mossad HQ
"Major, the meeting is now over, Field Marsholl Otto Von Bismark is awaiting you in his office"
"Thankyou Corporal, inform him I will be there propmtly."
The Major smiled, all must be going well to be called in so soon.
He called for his assistant
"Captain, inform out agent that things are going well and to begin the Operation"
"So the Bismark has sent his orders already Major?"
"No but he will, I am jsut trying to save some time, a promotion wil lbe in order for all of us once this is completed"
"Yes sir"
The captain left and immediatly sent word to the Agent and the wheels were in motion.
Meanwhile the Major arrived at Field marsholl Von Bismarks personal residence in the gardens of the Citys Temple.
"Hail Bismark"
"No Hail Hawke Major, he is the leader of Israel"
"Sorry sir , Hail Hawke. I was just early " he laughed
"Early Major? What do you mean ?"
"Sir? Our operation! The plan to remove that wimp Bob Hawke!"
"Remove Bob!! That is treason!@!! How dare you!!"
"but sir , it was your plan"
"My plan!! how dare you" He arose and slapped the major hard. "I am fully committed to Bob, you will pay for your treasonous outburst. Seargeant " he called to his guards "Remove this traitor"
"But you did order this!!"
"You are only making things worse for yourself Major, it was revealed at the latest meeting with the Generals and the committee men that the best plan of action was for peace under Bob. He is the only one who can get peace. He still has sway over more thna half the generals. Obviously you sided with the wrong ones. Fortunatly we have nipped this in the bud before it got out of hand. Heavne knows what would happen if Bob was removed, his supporters would go wild!!"
The major struggled with the guards as they dragged him out the door and in a last desparate lunge pulled a gun from one of them, he shot the two guards and ran to the window as he opened it beofre diving through he called back
"But thats where you wrong Von Bismark, the operation is activated and cant be turned back. viva El israel." He ducked through the window dodging the shots of the compound guards.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 8, 2001, 06:01
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Solomon Islands
"Hey you stop there " yelled the guard at the gate of the Local governors mansion. "I said halt"
The man he was yelling at slowly turned and faced the guard, the guards eyes opened wide and he froze in place. He then just watched in silence as the man continued on into the Governors residence.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 8, 2001, 20:03
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington D.C.
Posts: 2,058
AL Diplomatic Transmission...
Adriatic Office of Foreign Affairs
Adriatic League
Honorable Enzo Pagniacci
TO: The Israeli-Mongolian Coalition.
FROM: Consulate Klamens Metternich of the Provisional Government.
Dear sirs, it is public knoweldge that your coalition has shown no signs of relenting in its campaign against the Adriatic League. This decision was no doubt made with great thought and consideration however we can assure you that it may be a mistake for various reasons, many of which I shall not expound upon due to the risks involved in written transmissions.
The war was declared under the reign of Antonio Idoni, a Commander in the Adriatic Armed Forces under the rule of the Fascist Benito Mussolini. Idoni expelled Mussolini to Corsica and quickly seized control of the Falange party. As you know Idoni was ousted when Mussolini returned to power and offered peace terms to Israel, which were accepted but never achieved as Mussolini was assasinated in a most horrible fashion on a rail trip to Israel.
Although I am sure these facts are more than common knowledge, I believe repeating them would serve some purpose as to establish our current state of affairs. The provisional government, under chairship of myself Klamens Metternich, wishes for a peace to be agreed upon as soon as possible. For these purposes we believe a cease-fire should be signed and a peace summit held at the first opportunity. Our nations have much to discuss, especially since a new government will be ushered into the Adriatic League.
With that said we would like to agree with the Chinese proposition that some sort of global peace summit is held in order to procure identifiable borders between the nations of the world. Personally I suggest either an Australian or Chinese city as they are the most removed nations from this global conflict. However Amsterdam has yet to feel the wrath of these latest invasions of my homeland, therefore would also serve as a proper location for this historic event.
The Adriatic League trusts that your leaders will at least hear out a peace proposal and will attempt to make sure that no more lives are lost towards these bloody battles. We await your response with great anticipation, thank you for your time.
Consulate Klamens Metternich (D - AT)
~This message officialized by the Adriatic Parliament; Paris, France.
August 8, 2001, 20:12
Local Time: 11:33
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Location: Washington D.C.
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Moscow, Adriatic League...
Her hands trembled as the thick snowfall fell before her eyes. She carefully lit her match and then her cigarette and took a deep drag, this is Russia? She thought to herself.
"Corporal Alessi I presume?" asked the Russian Commander, Igor Grozny as he helped her from her jeep "I hope the Russian cold isn't too harsh for an Italian such as yourself?"
"No, its quite fine." she smiled, again taking a puff of her cigarette "Where are the bunkers?"
"Just ahead ma'am, Commander Van Der Jagt is awaiting you. He has orders from the meetings in Amsterdam. Apparently Metternich is hoping for a cease fire, I am not certain that will be the case." replied the Russian as they treked through the heavy snow.
"Yes, I spoke breifly with the Consul before heading here, he seemed in good spirits, at least about the prospects of peace. But it is our jobs to be prepared no?"
"Such beauty and wisdom, Corporal you are quite the combination." he smirked.
"Watch it Grozny" she retorted.
"I am far too old ma'am, I'll leave that to the boys." he said as they neared the bunker, faint glimmers from the windows could be seen, the snow was far too thick.
"The boys... nothing could be further from the truth." she said as she threw her cigarette into the snow "Filthy habit."
"We are all addicts ma'am, not all of us have realized yet." said Grozny as a jeep pulled up.
"Hey, I have a package for Corporal Adriana Alessi, its marked urgent." said the man in the passenger side.
"Who is it from?" she asked as she took it.
"Field Marshall Carrera, its from Bucharest, well what's left of it." he said.
"Thank you private, carry on." she said as she looked it over.
"Quite thick huh?" asked Grozny.
"Yes, very. Well let us get inside, this winter is far too much for me to handle, I've been in Paris you know?" said Alessi.
August 8, 2001, 23:25
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Israeli Correspondance to Adriatic League
To the New Government in Europe.
From the Israeli Foriegn Afairs Deptarment
Dear Sirs/Madams.
It was with great joy that we received you letter asking for a peace treaty. You refereed to the signing of a cease fire but that has already been achieved with the former temporary rulers of AL. All Israeli troops have been ordered to hold their fire and will only respond to any movement of AL miltary.
We gladly agree t omeet in neutral territory to thrash out a long lasting peace agreement. However , we dont beleive it will be eady given the past hostilities and the fact that the Israeli nation is not prepared to return all our territory gained in the recent fightings. We will be willing to discuss much , but the total return is not on the agenda and if that is what you require for peace then there shall be no peace. We shall not accept a reduction of the size of Israel to pre war days.
We hope that leaves us some room to negotiate , but ar eaware of your peoples pride and realsie this may not be possible.
Other aspects of any peace treaty would be the complete Demilitirazation of all antogonists in Europe. Any moveemnt of military would be regarded as breaking the peace treaty. We want to see the weopons of destruction detroyed forever and we will immedaitly withdraw all our miltary from Europe if this is acceptable to you
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 9, 2001, 00:14
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
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Re: Re: Ugh, another twist of words agianst the AL... how original...
Originally posted by deity
You're out Capo. That's what you really wanted anyway. This game goes on without you. You act like a really spoilt kid. You must be so spoilt man. I should have trusted my first instincts when you so badly treated Nappy over that scenario set up. You were so unreasonable.
Enjoy life without playing Apolytoners... you are history.
ok this what deity posted last week re capo, so i take it the vote is 3-1 for capo (Drake,Belinda and PRom for Capo - Deity agaisnt) What says Dangime ??? I am too closley related to the outcome of this decision to vote as of yet... Still considering my options !!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 9, 2001, 01:07
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Israeli visit to Mali
Field Marsholl Von Bismark got out of the troop carrier and surveyed the last of the Mali provinces. Not too bad he thought to himself. They have come a long way . The Israeli armies had inflicted much damage decades ago and now the rebuilding was almost complete. His one regret was having to tell Bob Hawke that Tuwanda seemed worse than they all thought, Otto didnk she would make it to the new year. Very sad for her great leaderaship had brought peace to North Africa and strong ties with Israel.
Bismark looked at the plans shown him by the tall Mali engineer. Plans showing the irrigation of the jungle. More food for the Mali people. Bismark knew too that Israeli engineers would soo nbe joining them after returning from railroad building in Europe. Soon all the provinces would have their temples rebuilt, the marketplaces were in place, and new barracks were under construction. Mali soldeirs were being trained by Mali leaders, things were looknig good. The latest batch of Marines were looking very sharp. This grand venture in the forrests would complete the circle.
If only they could get peace with the zulus to prvent them taking the jungle. Well all good things come to those who wait he thought to himself.
He returned to the Trrop carrier and ordered his staff t oretrun him to Israeli African Military HQ.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 9, 2001, 11:05
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington D.C.
Posts: 2,058
DeFlora Hotel, Amsterdam...
Klamens Metternich carefully set the letter he recieved from Israel on the shiney oak table next to his desk and turned in his leather chair towards Antonio DeNucci. "Well, they've already stated that they will not accept a full return of our territory."
"F*ck them Consul! F*ck peace!" barked DeNucci.
"Tony, please, don't fly off the handle. We have many colonial posessions that we can offer for the return of Europe, this isn't too much of a setback." replied the president calmly.
"Give me that letter!" DeNucci steamed as he violently snatched it from the table and opened it "Look at this bullsh*t!" he said.
"Commander DeNucci, we musn't lose our composure, this is a trying time we are in no position to-" Metternich said interrupted.
"A cease fire already signed with SunTzu!?!? Please, we should not accept anything signed by that pathetic puppet, you tell him you want your cease fire signed or we are at war! Let's see what else... 'We gladly agree to meet in neutral territory to thrash out a long lasting peace agreement. However , we dont beleive it will be easy given the past hostilities and the fact that the Israeli nation is not prepared to return all our territory gained in the recent fightings.' Did you read this Consul? I understand you've taken a diplomatic tone with them, but they don't understand. You DO want it all back no questions asked correct?" asked DeNucci.
"Yes Commander, I will not accept anything less than a return of our European holdings as well as the return of our Holy City of Bosporus back to us. If these territories aren't returned I could never accept peace, that isn't to say-" he was interrupted.
Metternich gave a stern look and then said "As I was saying, that isn't to say we can't pay indemnities to them in another way shape or form. As I've said before we have many colonial posessions that the Government would be willing to part with."
"Well, I don't agree with all that, Israel is a nation of lying thieving pigs that-" he was interrupted.
"Please Tony, don't generalize a people in that manner. The world does it to us, we should show them how superior our morality is by not stooping to their pathetic level. Their government may be making unwise decisions, but their people are not vermin, they are just like us." he said calmly.
"Well Consul, this letter is created with such arrogance it pisses me off." replied DeNucci eyeing the letter.
"You must understand, in their eyes we have been defeated, their puppet SunTzu took over the nation and surrendered. Unfortunantly for them they have yet to realize that while we do want a cease-fire the provisional government considers itself far from defeated, as do our allies the Zulus." said Metternich.
"So you DO want to fight sir, I knew all of this peace talk was rubbish!"
"Not rubbish, I want peace more than anything. I am not fighting back in order to conquer Israel, or Mongolia. I am simply beating back our enemies so we can secure our borders and make peace, that's what I am attempting to do. Our longest era of peace was under our greatest military commander Napoleon Bonaparte. The lesson learned there is that ability equals reality, thus if we are strong we will not be toyed with. Therefore we will achieve peace." explained the Consul.
"So what's the use of placating the kikes? What's the point of going to the table with the Jews and Mongols in order to sign some treaty that will only be broken when they realize Europe is weak. Sir I understand your logic, it makes perfect sense, but while you praise the peace process on one hand, on the other you say that a strong military is required." said DeNucci.
"I said it should help, right now our military isn't there. Its gone, threats are the words of cowards. Success blinds people. Therefore Israel depends on these two things, its quite abundantly clear, yet its hard to see since they appear to be very victorious. Its quite sad really, reality has yet to set into Israel, while they may think we are defeated and they are the greatest army in the world things could change in a matter of months. There may be an Israeli provisional government in Iran while the Lion of Venice flies over Jerusalem. The problem with Israel is the same reason men cheat on their wives. They get that natural orgasmic rush, it has nothing to do with how much they love their wives, or how much they don't. Just as with Israel it matters not their reality, it matters not their apparent wish for peace, victory is like an orgasm. Men strive for it to the point that they will forget what's actually important. Therefore they can not see, they can not fathom that these Europeans they are dominating now may one day return to destroy their entire nation. So they talk big. Tony, I am pretty sure they will force upon us great indemnities, I am sure they will boast and bray and put up huge flags and blaring trumpets. They will show their power, show their guns and dress their soldiers up nice, and force us to sign a 'surrender.' Its what they strive for, but the reality is, we are nothing but small grains in an hourglass. Those who we think are great, Bonaparte, Medici, we will join them in nothingness. Israel has yet to realize this." said Metternich as he stared blankly at the carpet.
"Well... Consul, that's pretty deep. But, I mean, regardless of that we've got two decisions to make bow to Israel or figh-"
"Did you not hear what I just told you?" barked Metternich.
"Sir I did, but its-"
"No, we will make peace with them. If their arrogance is too large for their brains they will pay the price for their stupidity. I told you, our colonies are filled with natives and creoles, I care not for the Mexicans, or the Nuova Italians, I care for Europe and my fellow Europeans. Therefore if they do not accept a peice of our colonial empire they will have made a mistake." he said.
"Sir, I understand that. However that's in the future, we must focus on the situation now. Israel won't do anything that will have made them appear to give on.
August 9, 2001, 20:00
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Solomon islands Governors Residence
"Rabbi Rasputin !!! Where the hell ahv eyou been? " swore the Governor of the province.
"It is a long story Gregory. Its telling is not necessary at this time, suffice to say that I needed to do much meditating and repenting of my ways. I took things too far and needed to seek the truth. I found it and am now wanting to return home."
"Many things have changed since you were away Rabbi. We no longer have a church run state. The new leader Bob Hawke has removed all religous personel from the High council. We have jsut had a cease fire in latest war with Adriatic LEague, but the tensions in world are high as the Zulus feel like getting some military practice in."
"Yes a reaction I foresaw. I dont want leadership of Israel back. But I do want a voice on that council. I will be the voice of peace in the world. These wars must cease. "
"Yes Rabbi, but Bob too is asking for peace in our latest war, he doesnt want to fight anymore. Many say he is a coward and it the military will soon take over."
"All the more reason for me to return to Israel and speak to my old friends in the military. Is General Abraham de Judah still around?"
"No Rabbi, Field Marsholl Otto Von Bismark now leads th emilitary. A very crafty mind he has."
"Never heard of him where is he from?"
"He was born in Berlin a province in Europe of The Adriatic League. His ancestry traces roots back to the wandering Israelites many centuries ago. He has a mixture of European and Israeli blood."
"ahh I see. Well I must return and see Bob and then speak to Otto as well. I will ...." he was interupted by a messenger from outside rushing in.
"Governor, there has been an assasination attempt on Bob Hawke, he has been rushed to hospital as we speak. The hardliners on the council are blaming the Zulus and want a retaliatory strike. The army has been put on top alert status."
"No, not when we were hoping for peace, surely the Zulus wouldnt do this. " said the upset Governor.
"I must return immedialty Gregory. Give me your fastest ship to take me home. I will visit Bob in hospital and then investigaste things further"
"Yes Rabbi, hopefully your new found calming influence cna be uses to stop this action."
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 10, 2001, 03:19
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Update on World Scene Map
Just thought for any interested party who hasnt been to Drakes website lately, this map shows the current (according to the Israeli intellgence sources) areas of control for each Nation.
Continent by continent
Oceania : Still all Australain cxontrolled, only part of Indonseian Islands controlled by Chinese.
Asia: Central Asia controlled by Mongolsalso all of South East China .Far East is all Chinese except for Northern Japan and Korean Peninsula. Western Asia is controled to the north by Adriatic League and in the south by israelis.
Europe :All of Europe is Adriatic Control except for the Italain boot and the Balkans down through Turkey.
Africa: Southern Africa dominated by Zulu except one little enclave in South Africa in control of Adriatic League. North Africa is dominated by the Mali presence except for the Nile Valley which is Israeli.
South America : No change after centuries of peace. The Australains and Zulus share the Continent about 50/50 except for one small area of Mongol control. Australain control spreads up into central America and the Carribean
North america: much changes here, Israel have gained terrtiry in central regionsstretchiing from Texas in the south upto Hudson bay in Canada. Also some of the West Indies islands. Mali remain dominant on East coast of America , and Chinese maintain there centuries old graps on West Coast upto Cananda and alaska, except for one isolated out post of Mongols up in Northen Canada
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
Last edited by Rasputin; August 10, 2001 at 03:34.
August 10, 2001, 09:21
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Washington D.C.
Posts: 2,058
"You do understand, we are going to lose our hold on the world if this is allowed."
"I do, its tough to fathom but I do understand."
"Strange bedfellows."
"No doubt, no doubt. I'll be massacred for doing this, the people will want my head on a plate."
"So what? Pick a small mediterranean, hell a small pacific island and live in paradise for the rest of your life. Its better than here, you can either live in war-torn Europe where you never know who is going to run your country or how they're going to do it, how many wars you'll be in, where you'll be fighting next, or you can live in Israel; the bloodiest desert ever, where people get assassinated every day, even foreign leaders. Its horrible here."
"We've made it that way."
"I know that, but we knew the score when we signed up. War is a dirty job, but someone's gotta do it."
"Now with Raz back, with Metternich's gimp ass trying to make peace, giving up the AL's hard won colonies, our time may be over quite shortly."
"Like you said, strange bedfellows..."
"You should get back home, they'll find it strange that you've been gone for so long, what'd you tell them you were doing?"
"I told them I was going to Mantucci to try to organize the colonial counter-strike, obviously that has been an area of indifference, but hey, all the better cover. They'll understand we need someone there to make sure sh*t goes down, and the fact that its such a useless issue will have them in a state of total ignorance to my whereabouts. Its perfect."
"Its funny how things have worked out, who would have thought I, of all people, would wind up in a position like this?"
"I have no idea you dumb bastard, I really don't. Well listen, I'm going to shoot back to Bosporus to pray, I mean you know what they say; no soldier is an atheist."
"Alright, keep in touch, keep me up to speed, one day we'll have another conversation much like this, except it won't be here in the slums of Jerusalem. Viva la Europa."
"Yes, viva la Europa..."
August 10, 2001, 20:14
Local Time: 23:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Parrot Towers, Killcare Heights, NSW, Australia
Posts: 6,890
Re: AL Diplomatic Transmission...
Originally posted by The Capo
Adriatic Office of Foreign Affairs
Adriatic League
Honorable Enzo Pagniacci
TO: The Israeli-Mongolian Coalition.
FROM: Consulate Klamens Metternich of the Provisional Government.
Dear sirs, it is public knoweldge that your ....
Although I am sure these facts are more than common knowledge, I believe repeating them would serve some purpose as to establish our current state of affairs. The provisional government, under chairship of myself Klamens Metternich, wishes for a peace to be agreed upon as soon as possible. For these purposes we believe a cease-fire should be signed and a peace summit held at the first opportunity. Our nations have much to discuss, especially since a new government will be ushered into the Adriatic League.
With that said we would like to agree with the Chinese proposition that some sort of global peace summit is held in order to procure identifiable borders between the nations of the world. Personally I suggest either an Australian or Chinese city as they are the most removed nations from this global conflict. However ....
thank you for your time.
Consulate Klamens Metternich (D - AT)
~This message officialized by the Adriatic Parliament; Paris, France.
Saul speaks "carelessly*" to the foreign media....
* Machiavellian-esque...
[Jan, AD1518]
"I reckon things are pretty unstable in Australia, ya know. Paul is losing it. Got a bit of a God-complex, having lived so long... he's seeking deitification! Stupid galah. He has become obsessed with this visionery bomb and has moved from wanting to see its' invention destroyed to a position of DESIRING IT! He's become completely megalomaniac.
Just between you and me, and don't quote me, but he got me to sink that ship Einstein was on! Do you really think he's dead???
I'll leave you to speculate that point....
But do me a favour, get a message to the Chinese - they must be the ones to host the peace accord, leaving Australia out of it all together. Paul is more than happy for world skirmishes to continue, BUT he would be particularly concerned if one nation were to completely dominate another. He would move into war mode like greased lightning and frankly I have to agree with him on that."
"Saul" said the journo from the ZuluBulu Times,
"Why do we hear of army deserters from Australia? Surely no Aussies would leave such a great nation! Is there some poltical intrigue here?"
"Ha! You may well say that, but WE could not posssibly comment  "
"I don't get it?"
"You will!"
"Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
*deity of THE DEITIANS*
icq: 8388924
August 11, 2001, 16:08
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2000
Location: Washington D.C.
Posts: 2,058
ABC (Adriatic Broadcasting Network) Newscast...
Nona Siragusa: Wow, interesting words from the Australian representative. Rodrigo, do you think this is going to effect the Isreali-Mongolian and Adriatic peace process?
Rodrigo Leon: At this juncture it is very difficult to tell, global politics are going to play a major role in the outcome of this situation. You've got obvious sects, such as the Zulus and Adriatic League. Then you've got the Mongolians and Israelites, obviously these four nations have their sides clearly drawn out in the sand. As far as the others go speculation is easy, but not that clear.
Nona Siragusa: That is true Rodrigo, however will the four main nations, especially the Mongolian-Israeli coalition, allow foreign standpoints to be a factor?
Rodrigo Leon: Well Nona, while clearly the Israelites and Mongolians are in the driver seat here, we can't rule out their strong connections to Australia, as well as their geopolitical relationship with China. As I've said, its going to be tough to see what type of summit this is. Consul Metternich suggested a global peace summit with all nations represented, sort of a precursor to the United Nations plan. It's going to be interesting to see how the entire situation plays out.
Nona Siragusa: Anything final, we have an interview with PM Dominico Pedretti, so time is a factor Rodrigo.
Rodrigo Leon: The only thing that can sum the entire situation up is a giant question mark, we just don't know and its tough to speculate the party line of our provisional government. The only thing we know now is Australia doesn't want to make as much of an impact as most would believe, Nona.
Nona Siragusa: Thanks Rodrigo. Now joining us here at ABC Nightly News is Francisco Pedretti. He is a member of the Hawk party. An MP from Finland, and a former Corporal under Benito Mussolini. Thank you for joining us Mr. Pedretti.
Pedretti: The pleasure is all mine Nona.
Nona Siragusa: A lot has gone on in the news lately, with the assassination of General SunTzu as well as the latest discussion of a peace summit. As you know Australia has pulled out as one of the suggested places for the meeting, China is currently coming in second as the strongest and Amsterdam, an Adriatic City, at a very far third. What do you think of this latest occurance.
Pedretti: Well, I did see parts of the statement made by Australia, and I think that their main concern is their own national situation. The Adriatic League has been the enemy of Australia for quite some time, the people there most likely don't have a great deal of respect for us. If we go in to, in essence, argue with an ally like Mongolia and a former close friend Israel the situation could lend itself to rioting, I mean that's probably why Australia pulled out.
Nona Siragusa: So you don't think it had anything to do with their indifference, most pundits believe it has more to do with their lack of interest rather than anything else.
Pedretti: I can't believe Australia has no interest here. So I'd have to say Australia was mainly concerned with national security. I mean Israel and Australia have very close historic ties, Israeli exiles from Hitler's regime continue to live in Australia to this day, they hold audience with Paul Keating. These nations, despite the fact that their alliance may have soured, remain close friends. The interest is definitely there.
Nona Siragusa: As far as the new Consul, clearly you voted for him. He became the Consul-
Pedretti: Yes, Klamens Metternich is a good man, we don't have similar viewpoints and that's clear, but he has the best mind for our current status. He'll represent us well.
Nona Siragusa: Alright, what are your personal feelings on the Israeli situation. Their constant upheaval in government and things of that nature, how do you feel about this in relation to our position with them?
Pedretti: Well Israel is more like the Adriatic League than they know, than most nations know. They are a very proud nation, they are a nation that has been mistrusted for ages, and to this day continues to be misunderstood. The unfortunant thing about this is that while we are the most similar nations on this planet we've been thrown to seperate sides.
Nona Siragusa: Mr. Pedretti, you've made it clear time and time again that you have been dissapointed with Adriatic foreign policy, especially as it relates to the African nations. With respect to the Mali and the Zulu how do you think it will effect the upcoming peace accords?
Pedretti: Well, Mongolia and Israel have yet to agree to the peace accords, they've stated that they want a better preemptive offer before agreeing upon it, and at this time it doesn't look like Metternich is going to budge until the Coaltion agrees to have a discussion about the return of all territory gained in Europe. So with that said we look to the Zulu who have yet to really respond, despite their constant assurance that they will.
Nona Siragusa: Well this is an area of disagreement between the Hawk and Dove party.
Pedretti: Might I finish?
Nona Siragusa: By all means.
Pedretti: As I was saying, the Zulu have yet to respond in any way except through words despite constant promises that they will, which I think is an issue. I think we'll get support from Africa in general, but the Mali might be bitter about our latest war, which is unfortunant because they started the conflict, it was an ideological struggle that may continue with the Communist regimes in Africa. Time will have to tell here.
Nona Siragusa: Well Mr. Pedretti we have run out of time, we'd like to thank you for joining us and hope that we can get in touch with you in the future for an update.
Pedretti: Its been a pleasure.
Nona Siragusa: Thanks a lot. When we return from the break, Salvador DiNegro discusses the latest Stock Market fluctuations due to the war on Dollars and Sense. Please stay tuned...
August 11, 2001, 18:52
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Palace in Israel
"you know Otto, this building represents a true testimonial to our forefathers." Said Rabbi Rasputin.
"I have little interst in architecure Raz", replied Field Marsholl Otto Von Bismark.
"Yes that is eveident from your destruction of the Palace in Venice"
"That was a necessary tool to get the Adriatics to talk peace. "
"But surely you went too far Otto. Now most of the world despises us. We are the only nation to have destroyed a capital. We have been at constant war since the time of adolf Hitler. Isnt it time to admit we need peace. Look at our history Otto, prior to Adolf's arrival we were amonsgt the most prosperous nations in hte world. We had strong allies in the Pacific Pact, we had friendly trade with the Zulus and Chinese. We were doing well Otto."
"Only the capialists at the top Raz. Even you must admit we had a large disparity between the rich and the poor."
"Yes but I am sure given time we could have fixed that too. Now whilst that disparity is gone. We no longer have th eincome we once did."
"That is about to change Raz. With the capture of southern Europe we ahve grown and are now in a position to trade again. Bob's last few actions before entering the hospital were to reopen the trade doors. We will be recommencing trade immediatly. But this time the wealth will be distributed differently."
"Well that is good news Otto, how about peace? Is Israel's sons and daughter to ever know peace again?"
"That is beyond my control Raz. I am not the leader here, Bob still is. I am simply the Military leader."
"Yes, but we both know that Bob is not likely to recover from the Zulu assasins bullets. That leaves a major vacuum to fill. Is the military going to fill it?"
"Zulu assasin? Who said it was Zulu? My last report revealed it to be possibly an Adriatic Bullett. The Mossad is still investigating it now. But we beleive that the guilty people are the same as those that killed Sun Tzu XXXXIV . "
"Well I hope the guilty are soon brought to justice."
"Oh they will Raz , they will, just as soon as we find them"
"But what of the next Israeli leader?"
"You seeking the position Raz?"
"No not for me, I tried it and failed. But I do wish a postion on the National Committee. For that I need your seconding of my nomination, will you give it?"
"Gladly Raz. Your wisdom will be very benificial to all of Israel. Come with me now. The next Committee meeting is about to begin."
The two left the palace throne room and headed to the large assembly hall. There seated around a large rectangular table were the most reveered people in all of Israel. Every Provincial Governor had a seat (recent extensions of the table for the European and American Governors.) With extra space for the Military leaders , army & navy . The head of Mossad was there. The Chief Scientist too. A large seat was left empty at the head of the table.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you Rabbi Rasputin, he wishes to be admitted to the Committee, He has been nominated by Engineer Abdul Sheaq the Governor of the Dominican Republic. And seconded by myself. It is time to readmit the Israeli Jews to the committee. All in favour?"
"Aye" was the unaminous reply. So Raz took his place. beside the Governors.
Von Bismark walked to his seat at the opposite end of the table to the large empty seat.
"Now to business people. You will all have read the latest transcripts from the world news services , kindly brought to us by our mossad people." He smiled in the direction of the Mossad leader. " But more importantly is this " he threw down a Document labelled TOP SECRET. "This is the official response of the Australians to our leaders impassioned pleas for help"
The gathered personel quickly handed round the document and perused it eve nquicker. It was a very short document.
"You can see that they are not gonig to aid us at all. They will not send any peacekeeping forces to aid us. They beleive we went to far" he looked over at Rabbi Raz "in the conquest of Venice. They beleive that to aid is now would appear to be a signal that they accept our behaviour. These cowards disgust me. We had to do what we did to gain a lever. Did the AL want peace after our first war? No! They still remained aggresive. We had to push them further. We had to make them see we were not to be pushed around. Now the world has finalyl taken notice of us. Now the AL is talking peace."
The Mossad chief arose slowly and began talking " they may speak peace to the world at large Field Marsholl, but our spies in Amsterdam and Paris report other comments. There is talk of destruction of Israel still. There is talk of revenge. There is talk of lulling us into a false sense of security whilst they rebuild their armed forces ready for a surprise attack."
Bismark signalled for him to sit down than continued himself" Yes these are the things we need to discuss. But I personally beleive that if perchance things had gone differnetly we may have been firends today. But we cannot be friends with people who are allied to our enemies. The Zulu have hated us since time began. It was their influence over the Mali that drove the mali to attack us and made us have to go to war with them. It was the Zulu who then allyed with the AL and got them all excited and influenced the AL to attack us too. We feel that if it wasnt for the Zulus , the Mali and AL wars would never have occured. If only we could get past this history between us. If only we could go back to the beginning when we were friends with the AL. We have no ties to Australai anymore so we need to find another friend. Why shouldnt it be the AL , we come from similar backgrounds, we beleive in the same things. I think we should boycott the peace meetings in China, and attempt a personal meeting with the new AL leaders ASAP. Perhaps we could find some common ground and begin a new era of peace in Europe."
Loud cheering greeted this
"Now ladies and gentlemen, we need todiscuss carefulyl this issue, especialyl in light of recent occurances. I now open the floor to comments for and agisant this"
Much discussion ensued and after four hours the meeting broke up and Field Marsholl Von Bismark and Rabbi Rasputin met agian in the palace throne room
"So Raz , you will do this? You will goto Amsterdam and seek peace with the new leaders?"
"Yes I will go, though i have fears for my own personal safety, this is bigger than me, I msut do as the committee have asked"
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 11, 2001, 21:28
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Secret Meeting!!
Two figures were sitting together in a darkened restauarnt, drinking the local Shcnapps.
"So we meet again my friend"
"Yes . it is just like the old days again!"
"Strange how things come around isn't it ?"
"yes who would have said we would meet again. So many years since we last met."
"Too many my friend , too many !"
"Well the time is now here, we both know why we are here"
"yes my friend, our two nations have been heading down a path the should not have been on, our current leaders are as bad as the previous ones. They never listen to our advise anymore!"
"Yes it is very frustrating . But I hear that new things are afoot."
"Ahh news travels fast my friend. Yes, our nations leader is finally moving in the right direction."
"and our nations leader is moving that way too."
"good good. perhaps we will meet again in more friendly times soon. Remember our old meetings in Moscow and Paris. They were the good old days"
"Ahhh yes , especially the old days in Venice, a wonderful city"
"yes such a shame that that damn Bismark destroyed so much"
"Yes he has his uses but his leash needs to be pulled occasionaly."
"so my friend " he rasied his glass " to the new times, and prsoperity to both our organisations"
"To us!!"
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 11, 2001, 23:02
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 1,261
A meeting of top military advisors and the president...
"Welcome gentlemen. The reason I've asked you to come to day is to get your opinion on where to send the Mongolian War effort. As you know the Mongolian economy is in full war production and has already invested much in military hardware and support facilities, and while the battles thus far have favoured us we have little to show for it besides a few territories far strung out on the border. Now the AL seeks peace with Israel and with us, however their main concearn seems to be the Israeli occupation of Europe, and not so much our invasion in the east. So"
"I agree sir, our attack has not made enough progress in the east for us to gain the world spoitlight yet, thus we are taking a back seat to Israeli invasion, even though overall we may be the greater threat. This is mainly due to the delay caused by General Sun Tzu stalling the offensive." The slick young army general shifted in his chair.
"But that is in the past. What do you suggest we do General Tabashi?"
"Simple, continue the invasion. The AL has little means to stop us. When we capture Moscow we might get some attention, then maybe we could be in a possition to bargain, but also we risk losing the support of our Israeli allies if we appear to be on a total war, so we should be cautious after achieving our annouced goal of the Urals."
"I see, Nobouki you seem to disagree from that look on your face."
"Only in that the remaining AL wouldn't be my first target sir. The supply lines are too long. There are enemies of Mongolia that lie almost within our walls that could be addressed first."
"You don't mean?"
Nobouki: "Yes, the Chinese. Their land is as green as anyone else's."
Tabashi: "Well it is an option, sir, but the political fallout would be unpredictable while most other nations seem unconcearned with our war with the AL, some even support it."
Nobouki: "This is true, but Mongolia possess few foreign colonies and no one currently has the combination of resources and will to fight us, although many have one or the other. Some may dissaprove, even sabre rattle, but when it comes right down to it there's no one who can do anything about it."
"What is the Navy's opinion?"
Mamoru: "Sir I can only say that currently our navy does not possess the strength to bring any war to any far destination, Chinese or AL or otherise. We are taking steps to rectify this situation sir, but it will be serveral years before this would change. This would make any war with the Chinese long and drawn out since a naval duel would be the answer to any land based occpation of the remainer of Asia. This only compounds the political issues involved. This would also rule out any direct attack on Africa for the time being despite the offical "war"."
"The only concensus I can seem to get is that we must attack, but you know the minority leader in the senate wants me to accept the AL's treaty, if they don't demand back our current gains, but I would say myself to raise such an impressive army for that would be such a waste."
Tabashi: "Indeed Sir."
"Well I've made up my mind. I'm going to this conferance. I don't see any problem with negoiating from a position of power. I will come home with something impressive, if not we can deside what to do then. Surely the world understands that we are the dominate force in this region and are not to be taken lightly. If not we will make it clear at this conferance."
Nobouki: "I tend to agree for the time being, if the AL can be put away we could prepare ourselves for any enemy."
"Yes, that is the idea."
August 11, 2001, 23:24
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Israeli Foreign Affairs document
Top Secret
Adriatic Office of Foreign Affairs
Adriatic League (AL)
Honorable Enzo Pagniacci
Israeli Foriegn Affairs Office
Israeli Republic (IR)
Honourable Lisa Monet
Re: Peace .
The Israeli Republics Committee of Leadership has expressed a desire to meet with your nations Foreign Affairs representatives at their earliest convenience. We will be sending a delegation of our Diplomatic Corp being led by Rabbi Rasputin.
This delegation has been authorized to make any and all decisions relating to the peace process in Europe.
We dont wish to attend the world summitt you requested, as we feel outsiders may not appreciate the needs of our respective countries and both the AL and IR would be forced to agree to terms tha tneother would be happy with.
We would prefer to get our team together with yours and thrash out an agreement suitalbe to both our nations. This should lead to times of prosperity for both our nations as we could once again open up all trade routes.
Another reason for not attending the world peace summitt is that we cannot attend such a summitt whilst at open war with another of the invited guests. At this point in time we are officially at war with the Zulus and whilst we have never shown any aggresion towards them they have continually shown their hatred of us. We could not sit down at same meeting with their representatives whilst they still hold to war.
The Adriatic Leadership should remember that their ally the Zulus twice have failed to intercept the attacks on AL territory, as they did with the Mali in the past. This recent sabre rattling by the Zulus is not as an aid to the AL but as a land grab on their own behalf. It was the Israeli leadership that refused to sign the peace treaty with the Zulu recently as the peace treaty was only offered on agreement of israel handing all AL territory to the Zulus. When we informed the Zulu leadership of our intent to negotiate direct with AL , they got all aggresive and declared a Jihad agaisnt us. This shows that the Zulus are not intent on aiding the AL ,but are after territory for their own ends.
Please accept our Diplomatic Mission into your city and sit down with them and work out the best solution for both our nations.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 11, 2001, 23:41
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Israeli Palace....
"so with that medlding Rasputin out of town we can progress to the next stage General"
"Yes Field Marsholl, we have already informed the military heads to prepare for the Zulu campaign. All is in readiness."
"Good good. I shall be sending my own special envoy to the Mongolians to discuss mutual aid in this time of great need for both our countries. I think he will like my current proposal"
"You are always one step ahead Field Marsholl."
"That is why you are a General and I am the Field Marsholl!"
"Yes Sir."
"Order double rations for all the Troops General, it maybe a while before they eat again in such luxury. Tomorrow I announce the full mobilistation of our military. The Zulu will regret not forming peace when we offered it."
"Yes Field Marsholl. Hail Bismark!"
"Hail Bismark!" , the Field Marsholl was growing to like the new form of greeting he had instituted recently.
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 12, 2001, 01:02
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Histroy links
For those too lazy too check page one <br>
<a href="" target="_blank">History of the world part 1</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">History of the world part 2 </a>
<a href="" target="_blank">History of the world part 3</a></font></p>
Drake can we please have an update on the world politicla map at the HOTW website... I posted my thoughts on where current boundaries are earleir...
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 12, 2001, 01:32
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Some interesting Stats !!
From the official website
Over the past 400 or so years since 1190 AD
Aust armed forces up from 67 - 127 (nice to be peaceful)
Mongols armed forces dpwn from 55 - 50 (so much for full war industry)
Chinese armed forces up from 71 - 92 (another PEACE nation)
Mali armed forces down from 56 - 44 (mostly dead)
Adriatic League slight change 49 - 52 (Leadership changes and war)
Zulu armed forces slight change 58 - 62 (possibly big change next time)
Israel armed forces increased from 27 - 67 (all defenders of course)
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 12, 2001, 03:59
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Israeli Palace....
Maps lying all over the display area with graphs and tables displayed on paper. The Local Stataticians were visiting the palace again.
"See how we have grown since we threw the house of sun Tzu out. 17 provinces of Israel in those days. Now 28!! We also control 2 of the great wonders of the world. The people also love our leaders far more each year. Look at how this graph shows a lovely J curve, a descent for a short while followed by a rapid rise.
Finances too on the increase. The people of Israel are doing remakrably well."
Their job done the stat people rolled up all their maps and stuff and left.
"Phew glad that lot gone, who really cares about al that Sh!t !!!!"
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 12, 2001, 07:27
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Lost map
Sir , waht is this here? Looks like some sort of map. But it doesnt look like any borders that have ever been.
It is the prediction of Nostre Damus : It was written in hte fourth Quartile.
The Great war of 1600.... The Aftermath
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 12, 2001, 12:09
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2000
Location: Washington D.C.
Posts: 2,058
Mantucci, Adriatic Territory...
He stepped out of the cab and slowly handed the money to the cabbie, he was now in downtown Mantucci, not bad. The rain was sheeting and didn't mix well with the humid weather. It was nothing like his home in Spain which was dry and sunny. He looked down at his watch, five minutes early. He looked accross the street and quickly ran accross before an approaching Freight Truck passed by, quite odd to see a freighter during this war, he thought to himself.
He entered the coffee shop and took off his hat, he shook it wildly to get the water off, even from a few minutes it was soaked, and placed it on the hat rack, he did likewise with his trenchcoat and took a seat in a booth adjacent to the window. Where the hell was he? He thought to himself.
"Hey honey, what can I do for you?" asked the pretty, yet middle-aged waitress.
"Um, I'll just have a cup of coffee" he replied.
"Regular or-"
"Decaf please." he said in a hurried voice.
Then he entered, it was Tony DeNucci, the man responsable for murdering SunTzu XXXVIII. He was a tall man, somewhat thin but appeared to be built. He never seemed to be clean shaven and his hair always seemed well kept, but scruffy. He always wore earth tones, and tonight was no different. "Hey, Franky how's it going?" he asked.
"Not to bad, I just ordered a coffee for myself, didn't know what you wanted." replied Franco as the waitress arrived with his coffee.
"Hey, how are you doing tonight babe?" asked Tony as he smiled.
"Well well well, who have we got here? What can I get'cha honey?" she asked.
"I'll have a cup of coffee, black, regular of course, and uh, let's see, let's try out the baked Penne. Thanks." he said as he handed back the menu.
"Alright Franky listen, things are not going exactly according to plan but that doens't seem to be a major problem. The politicians are going to iron everything out in Amsterdam apparently, the international meeting has been shut down in lieu of a private Israeli-AL meeting." he said as Franco nodded "I mean, Israel suggested the private meeting so we're not sure whether or not this is going to be legit, we'll either be very friendly with Israel or we're going to be at war for a while, which I mean we're all prepared for I'm sure." he said as the waitress returned with his coffee.
"Here ya'ar honey, you boys need anything else?" she asked.
"No, not at the moment, thanks." said Franco.
"Anyway, the consensus with those in the know is that, like I've said, we're either gonna walk out friendlier with Israel or a bigger enemy, you never know the agenda of these meetings." he said as he sipped his coffee "Jesus, hot!"
"Who's going, for Israel that is?" said Franco.
"Amazingly enough the good Rabbi Rasputin is going to these meetings."
"The same guy we fought the Mali with?" asked Franco.
"Yeah, the Holy War bullsh*tter, that's the guy." said Tony.
"Doesn't seem to bad, we've never really had bad relations with him, although who knows, Jews don't really like you Catholics." said Franco.
"Yeah well, the feeling is mutual believe me, although we did let your daddy become our Foreign Minister. Saluto il Duce!!! Did he make you kids say that?" laughed Tony.
"Shut up, c'mon my father was a good man, and Mussolini wasn't so bad, definitely not as bad as these past two guys we've had." said Franco as he sipped his coffee.
"Alright, as I was saying. It doesn't look like Mongolia is going to let up, although there is an offchance that Israel could talk them out of an invasion. And word on the streets has Mongolia going after China, which would be quite the turn of events. Not only that, but the provisional government is looking more and more Democratic by the day. I doubt we're going Communist, as a matter of fact I'm sure we aren't, everyone knows Metternich is a staunch Democrat, I don't know, it could cause a problem with the Africans. There very well may be another ideological war, depending on who follows up Metternich." said Tony.
"Alright well, thanks for the update, now what's the real reason we're here?" asked Franco.
"These walls talk Franky, we had to get out of Europe though, out of Africa, Israel, out of the Mediterranean, I was going to have us meet in Egypt, but that was a little risquee for obvious reasons." he said.
"Well yeah, but you said yourself that there are friends in Israel no?" asked Franco.
"Yeah well, I still worry. You're a Jew, they may just imprison you, they'd have no mercy with me buddy." he said as he raised his coffee and took a sip.
"Okay okay, c'mon on with it. You know there's still martial law in this province, the Governor has his little shock troops running amock, still Fascist here in Mantucci." said Franco.
"Well, hell, you're at home here or in Israel!" said Tony.
"I might be Jewish, but I'm not Israeli. I'm an Adriatic through and through." he said.
"Alright alright, listen. Word has it that there are upheavals being planned all over the place. The latest is that Franco Pedretti may be Communist and is planning an insurrection during the peace talks, which is why he continues to support a foreign meeting, he knows Metternich will be there, if the meetings are in Amsterdam that will faulter greatly. Not only that but it seems that a little friend of ours Otto Von Bismarck is attempting the same in Israel, and who knows what the hell's going on with Bob Hawke, I think he's dead but as you probably know information coming from Israel is hard to come by, especially now." he said.
"Alright, well what-" the waitress approached.
"Baked Penne, here you are honey. You boys need anything else?" she asked.
"Just the check." said Tony. She nodded and left.
"Well what was the point of this meeting?" asked Franco.
"Franky c'mon. You're the son of Francisco Franco, you have a lot of clout, you own the biggest weapons distributor in all of Europe, not to mention a plant in Lusaka. The party needs your help Franky, we really do." said Tony.
"I don't know anymore Tony, I really don't." the waitress returned and dropped the check.
"Thanks a lot boys, you have a nice night." she smiled.
"I don't know what the hell is going on or who to trust, I wish sh*t didn't get this deep sometimes." he said.
"What are you talking about man, Jesus Christ look at this sh*t, is this edible?"
August 13, 2001, 06:45
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Mossad HQ
"so the terrorists are active again Major"
"Yes Captain. They launched a surprise Suicide bombing serious of attacks in the Java Strip last week. Some of my favourite coffee shops are now no go zones."
"It is ridiculous that this is permitted to continue. The damn Zulus are training the terrosists and they are looking so innocent."
"Not for much longer Captain, we will be launching counter offensive against all Terrorists suspected training zones wherever they will be found"
"Finally Major, this will bring peace to Israel"
"Yes Captain, provided we get them all , provided we get them all"
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 13, 2001, 10:56
Local Time: 11:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 2000
Location: Washington D.C.
Posts: 2,058
Moscow, Adriatic League...
"I can't believe this" said Adriana Alessi as she looked at the large spiral-bound ledger. "Secret Peace summit."
"Is good, no?" said Igor Grozny.
"Well yes, it is, maybe there will be peace finally. Well we still have a job to do, even in light of recent events, so alright here's what our plan is." she flipped over the chalk board to reveal a map of the Ural Mountains/Central Asia with various cities and bunkers marked out "This is Moscow, and here is our bunker, only five miles south east. The Mongols will most likely come straight on, they believe their weaponry will be superior enough to forego any sort of advanced strategy, not to mention the flat terrain of the steppe makes any type of complicated strategy unrealistic. Therefore we expect Howitzers, Panzers, Artillery anything they can use that's going to do the job effectively they're going to impliment. Now, our intelligence reports that despite their overwhelming land area, as well as talk to the public, their military is around our size, if not smaller. Which is going to be a good thing because they expect a push over war here. The only problem is our army is mainly composed of old Gestapo garrisons and infantry. Not as strong as large hordes of Shell-based weaponry."
"Corporal Alessi, would we not be able to muster up those forces, I mean our boys could play defense and hold them off momentarily." asked Grozny.
"Yes, that is most likely what we will have to do, luckily the Fascists were good military planners, in the flat regions we have Gestapo Infantry, and in the northern forests and tundra, which is where the mountains are, we have our Alpine troops. Allocating the proper defenses will not be difficult. What will be difficult is if our defenses are broken, most of our mechanized weaponry is in centra Europe or are holed up in France and the Netherlands defending our next two prized cities. With peace will come the freedom to use these forces to back down the Mongolian invasion." She pointed at Samarkand "If the Mongols invade too hard, and are blatantly not accepting our peace we have our orders." she said as she looked at the four assembled commanders; Grozny, Tucci, Renoit, and Turkogulu. "Metternich is not playing games with Mongolia apparently, this letter which was enclosed in my latest packet makes it clear that if the peace summit does not achieve peace with Mongolia we will raze Samarkand to the ground."
The assembled commanders were silenced, Alessi gently laid the paper and turned the chalk board back around. "Corporal Alessi" said Kermal Turkogulu "I agree... the bastards think they can nab some extra territories in our time of need, they must be punished for their stupidity."
"Well Commander, I understand your hatred towards Mongolia, but their foreign policy is the most confused in the world, they are in a war for reasons they consider good, they aren't. Their rational, their history is skewed, whether by lack of education or propoganda they are very wrong about their reasons. Personally I have a job to do, but I don't think an offensive is necessary... but, we have our orders, we are soldiers..." she replied.
August 13, 2001, 12:28
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
Slovakia (formerly Venice)
"Have you heard the news Paullie?" asked Seargent Abraham Winkle, running to greet his friend.
"Yes Ab, isnt it wonderful" replied Warrant Officer Paul Fimona. "We are to return to Israel. The 2nd, 34th, 56th and 57th Divisions will remain, but all others are to leave immediatly."
"Crazy isnt it, only last month we were planningto live it up in Paris, now we dont even get to see those lovely PArisian girls."
"ahh not for me Ab, my fiance would kill me if she even heard us speak of things like that."
"You are a changed man Paullie. Where is Captain Deborah now?"
"No longer a captain Ab, recently promoted whilst in the field, the fastest rising officer in the corp, she is now a Major!! The last I heard her brigade were heading to check out reports of Terrorist activity on the Railway lines between Slovakia and Yugoslavia. Apparently the native Serbs there refuse to accept Israeli rule."
"Where do they get the damn weopons from I thought the AL were looking for peace, surely they arent helping those swine"
"Latest release from Mossad is that the Zulus have been making much money selling weopons to the Terrorists and even training them up"
Another soldier joined them and handed Paullie the papers he was carrying,
"Paulii , you seen these latest reports?"
"No Albert, what is it?"he said with a tremble in his voice as he saw the look on Albert's face.
"The 144th Corp has been ambushed. We cant get any response from them."
"Noooooooooooo" Screamed Paullie "Deborahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!"
"Its too early to know what has happened Paullie"
"If anything has happened to her I will not rest till she is avenged, NEVER!!!!!"
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
August 13, 2001, 22:45
Local Time: 05:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 1969
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 1,261
Sun Tzu is useless if not crooked
At first, I had had no worries that the possible conflicts of interest in Sun Tzu running a war against a civ he was told mid session he would probably have to run next week, since there had been no posts about it, but upon getting the latests save today I can say thats not the case.
First I do everything asked of someone who has to miss a session. Warn before hand, get a sub, tell them what to do. Go read the post your self, "Full War Production", "Hardline", "Capture the Urals", "No peace".
That all seems pretty clear. But because of your mid game falling out with Capo and the apparent promise of Sun Tzu of the AL empire, he chose to ignore the best interests of my civ and give in to helping himself out. Not only did he fail to achieve or even maintain objectives in the Urals, he allowed sensitive technology to be lost to enemies, signed peace outside the terms I outlined, and worst of all changed all my war production to engineers and power plants. I am abosulutly appauled that this was allowed to happen. Although Sun Tzu was an attrative replacement for Capo at the time, the others invovled in the game should have realized the conflict of interest which now has horribly set back my empire while I have been playing hardball on the forums unaware.
While I won't ask for a restart unless it is placed in my lap, I do want to make you all feel very stupid for what you have done, and warn you all now that I care nothing for game balance now. Screw it. I will persue any vendetta I feel like weither its healthy for the game or not. You don't really care about the health of the game if you let this happen to me anyway.
August 13, 2001, 23:33
Local Time: 21:33
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Between Coast and Mountains
Posts: 14,475
I agree with Dangimes comments re Suns attempts to prevent Mongols war effort agaisnt his future Civ control. I felt during the last session that Sun let me donw in the war , but relised it was a sacrifice necessary to continue game. With the loss of Capo the game migh thave floundered.
So whilst I think Dangime has been hard down by, it is impossible to go back in time, so we need to press on and continue. The only thing we should do when we continue on Friday/Thursday night is allow time for dangime and others to change their production schedules before finihsing whoevers turn it is
As for vendettas, they are ok, just dont make thme personal Dangime. This is just a game, and war can be part of game so go for it. But it is not personal
Look at Capo, i sure he doesnt hate me for all the land i stole from him !!!!!!
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
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