July 14, 2001, 07:03
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Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: France
Posts: 67
smacx world
I would want to know that modified, because I am enlarged bruises it cards.
In order that the generator of world is optimized.
The text comes from the version french of smacx.
400, ; Base de terrain (Taille du terrain ensemencé d'un monde type)
280, ; Modif. terrain (Terrain supplémentaire de sélection de TERRAIN : x0, x1, x2)
20, ; Base continent (Taille de base d'un ensemencement massif de terrain)
24, ; Modif. continent (Taille augmentée de sélection de TERRAIN : x0, x1, x2)
2, ; Base de collines (Nombre de base de collines supplémentaires)
3, ; Modif. collines (Collines supplémentaires de sélection de FLUX : x0, x1, x2)
5, ; Base de plateau (Taille de base du plateau)
8, ; Modif. plateau (Modificateur de plateau de sélection de TERRAIN : x0, x1, x2)
20, ; Base de rivières (Nombre de base de rivières)
30, ; Mod. pluie riv. (Rivières supplémentaires basées sur sélection de PLUIE)
14, ; Energie solaire (DIVISEUR de latitude pour la temp. sélection de CHALEUR) Un nombre plus petit augmente les effets de la sélection de CHALEUR
14, ; Bande thermique (DIVISEUR de latitude pour bande thermique) Un nombre plus petit élargit les bandes chaudes
8, ; Déviation therm. (DIVISEUR de latitude pour la déviation thermique) Un nombre plus petit accroît l'aspect aléatoire
8, ; Réchauff. global (DIVISEUR de latitude pour le réchauffement global) Un nombre plus petit augmente les effets du réchauffement
5, ; Montée niv. mer (Le niveau de la mer varie en fonction de la fonte ou du regel de la calotte glaciaire)
5, ; Nuages sommets (Taille de la masse nuageuse arrêtée par les sommets)
3, ; Nuages collines (Taille de la masse nuageuse arrêtée par les collines)
1, ; Coeff. précipit (Multiplicateur pour les ceintures de précipitations)
18, ; Eau profonde (Encourage le programme fractal à créer des eaux profondes)
12, ; Plateau (Encourage le programme fractal à créer des plateaux)
18, ; Plaine (Encourage le programme fractal à créer des plaines)
12, ; Plage (Favorise des plages plus larges)
12, ; Collines (Favorise des collines x sélection de FLUX)
28, ; Sommets (Favorise les sommets)
1, ; Fongus (Coefficient de Fongus basé sur la sélection de VIE)
3,8,16,20,28 ; Rapport (Rapports de taille des continents)
36 ; Iles (Un nombre plus élevé augmente le nombre d'îles)
PLANETE MINUSCULE|(conflit précoce), 24, 48
ENORME PLANETE|(conflit tardif), 110, 240
July 14, 2001, 10:15
Local Time: 05:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: Toasty!
Posts: 2,230
384, ; Land base (Seeded land size of a standard world)
...I guess this is the base number of land squares. Land modifier is a multiplier. (256 probably means 2.56.)
12, ; Continent base (Base size of a land mass seed)
This is about the average size of a landmass. Continent modifier increases or decreases size.
Both "land modifier" and "continent modifier" are altered depending on the ocean coverage you selected.
1, ; Hills base (Base # of extra hills)
The number of extra hills the generator adds in. The modifier is selected based on the level of erosion.
8, ; Rivers base (Basic # of rivers)
12, ; Rivers rain mod. (Additional rivers based on RAIN selection)
Simple. The amount of rivers. More raininess means more rivers. Selecting dense cloud cover means much more raininess, and probably the max amount of rivers.
14, ; Solar Energy (Latitude DIVISOR for temperature based on HEAT) Smaller # increases effect of HEAT selection
No idea.
14, ; Thermal band (Latitude DIVISOR for thermal banding) Smaller # widens hot bands
8, ; Thermal deviance (Latitude DIVISOR for thermal deviance) Smaller # increases randomness
This determines the size of the rain belts. (There's usually a large one around the equator.)
8, ; Global Warming (Latitude DIVISOR for global warming) Smaller # increases effect of warming
5, ; Sea Level Rises (Magnitude of sea level changes from ice cap melting/freezing)
Deals with sea level changes. If you don't want to modify your coastline at all, raise Global Warming to, say, 200, and put Sea Level Rises at 1.
5, ; Cloudmass peaks (Size of cloud mass trapped by peaks)
3, ; Cloudmass hills (Size of cloud mass trapped by hills)
You've noticed that mountains and hills have rainy areas west and dry areas east of them. This probably changes the extent of the raininess or aridness.
15, ; Deep water (Encourages fractal to grow deep water)
10, ; Shelf (Encourages fractal to grow shelf)
15, ; Plains (Encourages highland plains)
10, ; Beach (Encourages wider beaches)
10, ; Hills (Encourages hills x TIDAL selection)
25, ; Peaks (Encourages peaks)
Fractals are still a good way off for me, so I don't really know how to change these...
1, ; Fungus (Fungus coefficient based on LIFE selection)
3,6,12,18,24 ; Ratio (Continent size ratios)
36 ; Islands (Higher # increases island count)
The first one changes the amount of fungus.
The second one deals with relative continent sizes. You'll end up with one huge continent, one slightly smaller, then one smaller than that, etc.
"Islands" deals with the amount of islands. To get an archipelago world, raise this number. If you like larger landmasses, lower it.
#WORLDSIZE: Self-explanatory.  Explains how large of a world the default settings create.
Glad I could help...
July 14, 2001, 18:14
Local Time: 11:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Dec 2000
Location: France
Posts: 67
What are values that one recommend me for worlds of:
TINY PLANET |( precocious conflict), 24, 48
HUGE PLANET |( belated conflict), 110, 240
Thank You
July 15, 2001, 09:48
Local Time: 05:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: Toasty!
Posts: 2,230
I'd recommend scaling Large and Huge down a bit. If you have less than 64 MB RAM, I wouldn't recommend trying to use the Large Planet or Huge Planet settings, given their sheer size. Other than that, they're fine.
BTW- has anyone tried increasing the number of available map size choices? It at least looks like it can be done to me...
August 5, 2001, 23:30
Local Time: 07:34
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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re: continent size ratios
Originally posted by Vlad Antlerkov
3,6,12,18,24 ; Ratio (Continent size ratios)
You'll end up with one huge continent, one slightly smaller, then one smaller than that, etc.
Nope  .Continent size ratios based on Planet size selected. Notice there are five numbers, corresponding to the five planet sizes. If you are making a Huge planet, the average continents will be as much as 8 times the size of those found on a Tiny planet (24:3 = 8:1). Also, you don't need to change the default values for the world sizes. You should see the "Custom Size" choice instead (at the bottom, under Huge Planet) and specify the dimensions you want. The RAM warning definitely applies.For the record, though, my PC has only 64MB and a low-end 2MB video card, and I use 256x256 maps almost exclusively with no problems. In fact, I like to use "high and dry" maps a lot (30-50% ocean, weak erosion, sparse cloud cover). I have yet to see any problems with AI pathfinding (as warned about by the program).
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