OCC #17
Interesting, and weird. Could probably be a lot faster with Barb cities (you need Leo, of course), but I tried without and they were a lot of help already, bringing free units and bounty to our homestead.
Disturbing was the fact that declarations of war and such went unnoticed because of the multiplayer version. We even got tech without notification (Monotheism, apparently).
We opted for the "slow" 36 year spaceship, but the AI's were no threat. Our fortified Riflemen kept even their Armor at bay; they never discovered Flight.
A thing to mention is that in Multiplayer the AI tribes are much more civilized than in Single Player MGE, and we got some nice gifts we never saw before.
================================================== ==============
AC: 1716
Monarchy: -
Republic: -1950
Democracy: 140
Colossus: -1800
Copernicus: 600
Shakespeare: -50
Newton: 380
Leonardo: 500
Darwin: 980
Apollo: 1460
Trade routes: -825, -750, -675
Size 12: 20
Size 21: 200 (23 in 240)
Trade: -1300
Construction: -800
Sanitation: -125
Refrigeration: 520
Automobile: 980
Computers: 1160
Space Flight: 1440
-4000 ROME founded
-3950 50(h), East Barb Settlers to work
-3850 Alphabet, West Barb Settlers to work
-3800 Warriors, Chariot(h)
-3750 di Warriors
-3650 Archers(h)
-3500 50(h)
-3400 S2
-3350 Writing
-3000 Code of Laws, Pottery (hut)

-2850 Barbs get a Trireme with Archers and Diplomat!!
Aztecs found, Writing<->Ceremonial Burial(A), Peace(A),
techs->A, Ally(A), 50<-A

-2800 Hey! My Dip is home! Don't we get to see AI moves?

-2650 Barb Leader (100)

-2450 Barbs get trireme with Archers and Diplomat
Barbs get Horsemen (hut by Persian Warriors?)
-2400 Literacy->A, 25<-A (still Worshipful, what's this??)
-2350 Bribed Barb->NONE Trireme
-2300 Br Barb->N Archers
-2250 Mongols, Peace(M), tech->M, Ally(M), no Gift

-2050 Another Barb Trireme +Dip,Arch
-2000 Hmmm, Barb Horsemen have survived an attack
-1950 "Barbarian uprising near Rome"

Barbs find Zimbabwe
The Republic
Barb Leader (100)
-1900 Barb Legion appears (hut by Zulus)
-1850 REPUBLIC, di Archers, di Chariot, Br 2 Barb->N Horsemen
-1750 The Republic<->Mysticism(A), 50<-A

The Republic->M, Mysticism->M, 25<-M
-1700 Temple
-1650 2 Barb Triremes added +Dip,Arch
We Love

, N-Elephant(h)
-1600 S4
-1550 Currency, S5, Barb Leader (100)
-1500 Barb Horsemen (A or M hut?), disappears when trying to attack
Barb Dip+2Horsemen
Marketplace, S6, B Leader (100), 100(h), Barb Horsemen(h)
-1450 S7, Barb Leader (100)
Carthagians suddenly appear on Foreign list - don't want to speak
-1400 We Love ends

, 25(h)
-1350 Diplomat, N-Legion(h)
-1300 Philosophy -> Trade
-1250 Barb Trireme +Dip/Arch
-1200 Br Barb->N Trireme (sw sea), N-Settlers(h)
-1150 Wine, Barb Leader (100)
Trade->A, * Hey! We have no more Alliance!

Warrior Code->M
4 techs->C, Ally(C), * no Gift

-1050 Gold, Br Barb Trireme (sw sea)
-1000 Map Making
3 techs->A, Maps(A)

Map making->M, Maps(M), Map making->C, they stop talking

-975 Food, Barb Leader (100)
-950 S8
-925 Barb Trireme +Dip/Arch
Gems, N-Legion(h)
-875 Masonry, Zulus, Peace(Z),
traded for The Wheel and Horseback Riding, gave 1 tech
Ally(Z), Maps(Z), 150<-Z

, Br Barb->N Settlers (164)
-850 Barb Leader (100), Barb Horsemen(h)
-825 2 Barb Legions (Persian hut?)
Food, Br Barb trireme (north ocean)
Salt to Tenochtitlan (d,215)
-800 Construction, Vikings, Map Making<->Iron Working(V), Peace(V),
2 techs->V
-775 Cloth
-750 Gold to Tenochtitlan (122)
3 techs to Zulus, no gift

3 techs to Vikings, Maps
3 techs to Aztecs, Maps
1 tech to Carthagians, Maps
2 techs to Mongols
-725 Barb Trireme +Dip/Legion!
-700 Persians, they demand 250 -> War(P), Barb Leader (100)
-675 Mathematics, Wine to Carthage (d,314), Gems to Tenochtitlan (128)
-625 Wine, Astronomy, Br Barb->N Settlers (164)
3 techs to Zulus, 25<-

3 techs to Vikings
3 techs to Aztecs (they know have what we have)
Persians still demand 250

3 techs to Carthagians, * no gift

3 techs to Mongols, <-100

(PYRAMIDS - Aztecs)
-575 We Love

-550 Aquaduct, S9
-525 Barb Trireme +Dip/Leg
-500 Food, University, Cloth to Zimbabwe (148), 3 Barb Horsemen(h)

1 tech to Zulus
3 techs to Vikings, Maps, * no Ally

1 tech to Aztecs, Maps, * no Ally

Peace(P), 3 techs to Persians, want 100 for it so * no Ally *
2 techs to Carthagians (still at war with the Persians!)
2 techs to Mongols (id!)
-450 University, Barb Leader (100), 50(h)
-425 Medicine
-400 * Alliance with Mongols dissolved without notification *
-375 S10, Barb Horsemen(h)
1 tech to Zulus
6 techs to Persians, Ally(P), * no gift

-350 Seafaring, Wine to Teotihuacan (d,384)
-325 Barb Trireme +Dip/Leg
-300 Banking
-250 "Barbarian uprising near Rome"

Barb Leader (100)
Traded for Bridge Building(A), 2 techs to Aztecs, no Ally

3 techs to Vikings, Maps, no Ally

-225 Cloth, Engineering, Barb Leader (100)
-200 Monarchy(h)
8 (all) techs to Carthagians, 150<-C

-175 Food
6 techs to Mongols
-125 Barb Trireme +Dip/Leg
Food, Sanitation
8 (all) techs to Zulus, Maps, no Ally

9 (all) techs to Vikings, Maps, no Ally

Traded for Polytheism (P) to avoid gift

9 (all) techs to Persians, 50<-P

-100 Barb Leader (100)
-75 Food
-25 Economics
1 S11, We Love

, Wheat into Silk
2 (all) techs to Vikings
5 (all) techs to Aztecs, Maps, no Ally

20 Sewer System, S12
4 (all) techs to Mongols, Maps
40 S13
60 Barb Trireme +Dip/Leg
Invention, S14
80 Food, S15
100 S16, Barb Leader (100)
120 Stock Exchange, S17
140 Democracy, DEMOCRACY, S18
160 Food
180 S20, 2 (all) techs to Aztecs, Maps, no Ally
3 (all) techs to Persians, <-50

4 (all) techs to Carthagians, <-200

200 Food, Theory of Gravity, S21
Cloth to Uppsala (d,392)
220 Barb Caravel +Dip/Leg
240 Food, Chemistry, S23
260 We Love ends

, br Barb Horsemen
280 Barbs Dip+2Horsemen
Food, Gunpowder
320 Food, Explosives
9 (all) techs to Zulus, Maps, no Ally
7 (all) techs to Vikings, Maps, no Ally
3 (all) techs to Aztecs, Maps, no Ally
5 (all) techs to Persians, no Gift
5 (all) techs to Carthagians, 100<-C

7 (all) techs to Mongols, Maps
340 Barb Leader (100)
360 Metallurgy, Br Barb->N Horsemen, Br Barb->N Archers,
di 2 N-Legions
(GREAT LIBRARY - Persians)
380 Barb Caravel +Dip/Knights
400 Physics
420 Food
440 Magnetism, Barb Leader (100), Br Barb->N Horsemen
460 Food, Barb Leader (100), Br Barb->N Archers
480 Electricity, Br Barb->N Archers

Br Barb->N Archers
520 Refrigeration
Br Barb->N Horsemen
540 Barb Frigate +Dip/Crusaders
560 Steam Engine, Br 2 Barb->N Horsemen
580 Barb Leader (100)
600 Railroad
all techs to Zulus, Maps, no Ally
all techs to Vikings, Maps, no Ally
all techs to Aztecs, Maps, no Ally
all techs to Persians, Maps, 250<-P

all techs to Carthagians, Maps, 200

all techs to Mongols, Maps, no Ally
620 Food, Br Barb Legion
640 Industrialization
660 Food
680 The Corporation
700 Barb Frigate + Dip/Cru
Food, We Love

, Br Barb->N Knights
720 Refining, Br Barb->N Crusaders, S24
740 Food, S25
760 Steel, S26, Br Barb Crusaders
780 Food, S27, Barb Leader (100)
800 "Peasant revolt near Rome!"

Conscription, S28
820 Factory, S29, Br 2 Barb->N Musketeers, Barb Leader (100)
840 Feudalism, S30
860 Barb Frigate +Dip/Cru
We Love ends

880 Power Plant, Chivalry, Br Barb->N Crusaders,
Barb Leader, Br Barb->N Musketeers
900 Br Barb->N Musketeers, Barb Leader (100)
920 Leadership
Industrialization->P, 200<-P

Industrialization->C, Conscription->C, no Gift

960 Tactics, di N-Riflemen
980 DARWIN'S VOYAGE -> Combustion, Automobile
1000 Mass Production
Conscription->P, 50<-P

Industrialization->Z, Maps(Z)
Industrialization->V, Maps(V)
Industrialization->A, Maps(A)
Industrialization->M, Maps(M)
1020 Barb Frigate +Dip/2!! Dragoons

Superhighways, Barb Leader (100)
1040 "Peasant Revolt" - 31 Barb Musketeers & Cannons
Electronics, di N-Riflemen
1060 Mass Transit, Grassland/r into Hills/r, di N-Riflemen
1080 Food, Barb Leader (100)
1100 sold Sewer System
Tactics->C, 225<-C

1120 Miniaturization, sold Aquaduct
1140 Offshore Platform
1160 Food, Computers, di N-Cavalry
1180 Barb Frigate +Dip/2Dra
Research Lab
1200 Food, Mobile Warfare, Hill/r mined
Tactics->P, our two allies are at war

1220 Food * does no-one want any commodity anymore?

1240 Food, Robotics, Br Barb Trireme, Barb Leader (100)
1260 Food
1280 Barb horde reaches Zulu ground
Food, Flight, di N-Riflemen
1300 Manufacturing Plant, Plains into Grassland(s)
1320 Radio
1360 Advanced Flight
1380 (WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE - Aztecs)
1400 * 31 Barb Musketeers and Cannons cannot dent Zulu Phalanx defender
1440 Space Flight, Plains into Grassland/s
1480 SSS, Plastics
1500 SSS
1510 SSS, Atomic Theory
1520 SSS, Plains into Grassland(s)
1530 SSS, Nuclear Fission, Barb leader (100)
1540 SSS
1550 SSS, Nuclear Power
1560 SSS
1570 SSS, The laser
1580 SSS
1590 SSS, Superconductor
1600 SSS
1610 SSS, Fusion Power, Plains into Grassland(s)
1620 SSS
1630 SSS
1640 SSM
1650 SSM
1660 SSM
1670 SSC
1680 SSC, Recycling, LAUNCH the "ATTILA"
1681 City Wall
1682 Aquaduct
1683 Environmentalism
1685 Solar Plant, sold Power Plant
1686 Communism
1687 SDI Defense
1688 SAM Missile Battery
1689 Airport
1692 Genetic Engineering
1695 Stealth
* It appears that we are at war with the Mongols without our knowledge!

1698 Theology
1701 Combined Arms
1704 Amphibious Warfare
1706 (SETI PROGRAM - Aztecs)
1707 Guerilla Warfare
1709 Sewer System, We Love

1710 Labor Union, S31
1711 We Love ends

1713 EIFFEL TOWER, Fundamentalism
1715 LIGHTHOUSE, We Love
1716 The "ATTILA" lands on ALPHA CENTAURI
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire