OCC Aurelius
Yuck! Another uprooted tech tree. Seems Navigation is the culprit here. Decided to research Flight early when we couldn't get Miniaturization(!), based on earlier experiences when Flight was lost for ages ...
But the AI's were extraordinarily friendly, even after launch none came to bother us. Four allies gave a lot of cash, but little tech. Where were the Whites in this scenario??
Lessons to learn for early landing dates: [1] make contact ASAP so you can ally, or else they will already be at war with each other; [2] keep giving all your tech even after Flight (until Spaceflight), they will not have enough resources to build a fast spaceship quickly.
================================================== ==============
AC: 1516
Monarchy: -2850
Republic: -2050
Democracy: 60
Colossus: -2050
Copernicus: -725
Shakespeare: -275
Newton: 240
Darwin: 560
Apollo: 1080
Trade routes: -850, -775, -675
Size 12: -150
Size 21: 60 (Size 23 in 100)
Size 25: 520
Trade: -1850
Construction: -600
Sanitation: -150
Refrigeration: 220
Automobile: 580
Computers: 880
Space Flight: 1060
-4000 Alphabet, Bronze Working, Masonry
-3950 no Writing

-3800 Warriors
-3750 Code of Laws
-3650 We are "most advanced"

-3600 Warriors, Ceremonial Burial(h)
-3450 S2
-3400 N-Archers, someone closeby?
-3300 Writing, no Literacy

-3250 N-Horsemen(h), Indians, Peace, 5 techs->I (we don't want Pottery now), Ally

-3100 100(h)

-3050 Library
-3000 N-Archers(h)
-2950 50(h), N-Horsemen (h)
-2900 Temple, Aztecs, Peace, 3 techs->Az, Ally

-2850 Monarchy,
-2800 2 Barb Archers
-2750 Monarchy->I, Pottery<-I, Literacy(h)
-2700 Germans, traded for Map Making, Horseback Riding and Mathematics, Peace, 3 techs->G, no Ally

-2650 S3, 6,4 techs->Az,I, Maps, no gifts

-2600 Japanese, traded for Currency and Warrior Code, Peace, 5 techs->J, Maps, Ally, 50

, 25(h)
-2550 N-Horsemen(h), 50(h)
-2350 1,2,2 techs ->G,Az,I, -,-,50

-2250 25(h)
-2200 Iron Working(h)
-2150 N-Horsemen(h), N-Legion(h)
-2100 1,2,1,1 techs ->J,G,Az,I 25,25,50,-

, di 2 Warriors
COLOSSUS, The Republic,
REPUBLIC, N-Legion(h)
-2000 We Love

, Mysticism(h)
-1950 S5(!)
-1900 S6, Philosophy(h)
-1850 S7,
Trade (Phi), War(G) as demanded by Aztecs
-1800 We Love ends

, Barb Chariot
-1750 Americans, Peace, 12 techs->Am, Maps, no Ally (Am are at war with J)
4,4,4 techs->J,Az,I, Maps, no gifts

, 4 techs->G, Cease Fire
-1700 Marketplace
-1550 Astronomy, N-Horsemen(h)
-1450 Beads
-1300 1 tech->I,Az,J, 25,50,50

-1250 Wine, Medicine
-1150 Salt
-950 Food, Banking, 1 tech->J,Az,I, 100,50,-

-900 Hides
-850 Hides,
Beads to Teotihuacan (144)
-825 Barb Leader (150)
(PYRAMIDS - Americans)
-800 Hides
-775 University, Seafaring(h),
Wine to Teotihuacan (144), 1,3,3 techs->J,Az,I 50,-50

, Maps(Az,i), Peace(G), 2 techs->G, 4 techs->Am, Maps, Ally, 150

-750 Hides
-675 Harbor, Economics, Theory of Gravity(h),
Salt to Teotihuacan (152), 1 tech->G, Maps, 4 techs->J, Maps
-650 2 Barb Chariots
-625 University
Construction, S8, 1 tech->J,Az,Am,I, 50,25,-,-

-575 Bank, Navigation(h)

- disturbs tree
-525 Bridge Building, 1,4,4,4,6 techs->J,Az,Am,I,G -,25,50,-,x Maps(Az,Am,I,G)
-500 Food
-450 Food
-425 Physics, 1 tech->J,Az,Am,I, 50,50,50,50

-400 Food, 100(h)
-350 Food
-325 The Wheel, 1 tech->J,Az,Am,I, 50,-,100,25

-300 Food
-250 We Love

-225 Aquaduct, Engineering, S9, 1 tech->J,I, 50,-

-200 S10
-175 S11, 1 tech->J, 50

, Barb Horsemen
S12, traded for Magnetism(Az), 1 tech->Az,Am,I, 50,50,-

, 5 techs->G, Maps
-125 Sewer System, S13, Barb Horsemen, Leader disappears again

-100 S14
-75 Gems, Invention, S15, no Democracy

, 1 tech->Az,Am, 50,50

, Barb Horsemen
-50 S16
-25 Gold, S17
1 Gunpowder, S18, 4,1,1,3 techs->J,Az,Am,I, -,50,50,50

, Maps(J,I)
20 Food, S19
40 S20
60 Stock Exchange, Democracy,
S21, 1,1 tech->Az,Am, 50,50

, 3 techs->G, Maps
80 Barb Legion, S22
100 Food, Metallurgy, S23, 1 tech->J,Az,Am,I, 50,50,50,25

120 We Love ends

140 Food, Electricity
180 Food, Steam Engine, 1 tech->J,Az,Am, 50,50,50

220 Food, Refrigeration, Gems to Teotihuacan (156), 1,1,2,3,4 techs->J,Az,Am,I,G, 25,-,50,-,x

, Maps(I,G)
ISAAC NEWTON'S COLLEGE, Chemistry, Gold to Teotihuacan (156)
260 Conscription
280 Supermarket
300 Explosives, 4,4,3,1 techs->J,Az,Am,I, 100,-50,25

, Maps(J,Az,Am)
320 Engineers, S22
340 Railroad
360 Food
380 Feudalism, 2,2,3,5,5 techs->J,Az,Am,I,G, -,75,50,25,x

, Maps(G)
400 Food
420 Industrialization
440 Factory, We Love

, 1 tech->J,Az,Am, 50,75,50

460 The Corporation, S23
480 Gems, S24, di N-Horsemen
500 Engineers, Refining, S24, di N-Horsemen, traded for Atomic Theory(Az) and Polytheism(Am), 1,1,1,2,5 techs->J,Az,Am,I,G, 50,50,50,-,x

, Maps(G)
520 Food, S25, di N-Legion, sold Sewer System
540 Steel, We Love ends, no Combustion

, sold Aquaduct, 1,1,1 tech->J,Az.Am, -,50,-

, Maps(J)
DARWIN'S VOYAGE -> Electronics, Combustion, sold Temple, di N-Horsemen
580 Hydroplant,
Automobile, di N-Horsemen, 1,1,1,3 techs->J,Az,Am,I, 50,50,50,-

, Maps(I)
600 Superhighways (64 beakers short of 1 advance/turn)
620 Mass Production, Gems to Teotihuacan (253)
640 Gold, Chivalry, Grassland/r into Hills/r, 5,5,3,2,6 techs->J,Az,Am,I,G, 50,-,50,-,x

, Maps(J,Az,G)
680 Mass Transit, Leadership
720 Food, Tactics, 5 techs->I, Maps, 50

740 Plains into Grassland(s)
760 Food, Machine Tools, no Miniaturization

, taking a risk selecting Flight

780 3,3,3,1,3 techs->J,Az,Am,I,G Maps, 50,50,50,75,x

800 Food, Flight, Hills/r mined
820 Diplomat
840 Miniaturization, Plains into Grassland(s)
860 Offshore Platform -> 58 shields
880 Food,
Computers, Bribed Barb->N Musketeers (61), di N-Archers, Gold to Leipzig (d,282)
900 Research Lab, Radio
940 Advanced Flight, Plains into Grassland(s)
980 Rocketry, no Space Flight

Space Flight, Plains into Grassland -> 55 shields, di N-Legions
1100 S01, Plastics, buying Granaries,
Indians develop Flight
1120 S02
1140 S03, Mobile Warfare
1160 S04
1180 S05, Nuclear Fission
1200 S06, 1 tech->J,Az,Am, 100,100,50

1220 S07, Nuclear Power
1240 S08
1260 S09, The Laser, selecting Monotheism, traded for Monotheism(G)
1280 S10, Br Barb Riflemen (82), Barb Riflemen
1300 S11, Superconductor, Barb Leader (150)
1320 S12
1340 S13, Fusion Power
1360 S14
1380 S15, di N-Horsemen
1400 C01, di N-Archers, 1 tech->J,Az,Am,I 100,150,50,100

, sold Mass Transit
1420 C02, di N-Settlers, sold Hydroplant, buying Oracles
1440 M01, di N-Musketeers, sold Research Lab
1460 M02, di Diplomat, we have 27 gold left

+ 2 Engineers, 1 Riflemen
1480 M03,
LAUNCH 15-1-1-1-1-1
1481 Barb Riflemen
1482 Research Lab
1484 Mass Transit, Robotics
1486 City Walls, Recycling
1487 Barracks
1488 Environmentalism
1489 Solar Plant
1490 Espionage
1491 SAM Missile Battery, Barb Artillery
1492 Alpine Troops, Stealth
1493 Barb Rif
1494 Manufacturing Plant, Genetic Engineering
1496 Theology
1498 Guerilla Warfare
1499 Barb Art
1500 LIGHTHOUSE, Amphibious Warfare, Barb Rif, di Engineers
1501 Stealth Fighter, 2 Barb Art, 2 Barb Rif
1502 Labor Union
1503 Barb Rif
1504 MARCO POLO'S EMBASSY, Combined Arms, Barb Art,
Aztecs develop Space Flight
1506 Fundamentalism
1507 Aztecs: S01
1508 Future Tech 1,
Americans: Space Flight
1509 Americans: S01
1510 ADAM SMITH'S TRADING CO., Future Tech 2,
Americans: S02, UNITED NATIONS
1512 Future Tech 3,
Americans: S03,S04
Aztec: S02
1514 Future Tech 4
Score: 418 (54%)
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire