July 16, 2001, 01:14
Chiron Chronicles History and Summary
General Timeline:
2119-2120: Spartan War (Pks vs Spartans) Spartans declared war on the PKs over a Unity Pod and territorial disputes. Peacekeepers alsmost practicly left the continent for an island to the south
2120-2121: University War (Cyborg, Morgan, Data Angels vs University)
2121-22: Formation of the Trade Alliance by the Peacekeepers, Data Angels, Pirates and Cyborgs.
2122-2125: Believer Crusade
2123-2126: Spartan's Hive Campaign
2135-36: War for Unity Sea[/i]Hive navy disrupting trade routes and trying to take control of Unity Sea[/i]
2137: Formation of the Chiron Alliance due to common enemy threats, they transformed their Economic Alliance to a Military Alliance aswell.
2141-2146: Second Believer Crusade
2156-2160: Hive War Hive done some surprised attacks against various Chiron Alliance seabases. War ended with Alliance signing a Blood Truce with Hive
2159-2163: Third Believer Crusade
2160: Planetary Council formed Lal was elected as the first Planetary Governor
2162: Planetary Council base established
2170: Lal was re-elected as Planetary Governor
2171: Global Trade Agreement signed
2174-2176: Morganite-Angel War
2178-2181: Trade War small scale economical war between Pirates and Morganites
2180: Lal was re-elected as Planetary Governor again
Free Drones and Hive sign a Blood Truce ending war that lasted since the Free Drone independence
2181-2182: Second Spartan War(Alliance vs Spartans)
2181-2183: Second University War(Alliance vs University, Morgan)
2183: Global Trade Summit improvement in global trade, free trade discussions, various trade agreements between faction companies, etc... talks about establishing an Planetary Stock Exchange either at the Planetary Council Base or Morgan Industries or other possibilities.
2183-Present: Believer-Cult War
2183-2189: Demeiara War (name of the northern island which is mispelled) A Morganite Exploration Team discovered an old Alien Center in the middle of the island, not as big as the Manifold Nexus, but bit newer. the place and surrounding area was covered with mindworms, so the team was lost...but they sent an un-encrypted message to Morgan Industries, which the Data Angels, Pirates and Free Drones easily intercepted. other faction soon found out aswell right afterwards. There soon was a "gold rush" like attitude as various factions race to get to the Alien Center first, where small scale warfare happened. Factions also fought over the abundance of Unity pods and some Monoliths on the island. it ended when a faction succeeded in gaining control of the alien center where they discovered that it was a subspace communication array or whatever which automaticly sent a message into space to who knows whom... (Proginator Homeworld)...then, somehow, the Center was lost in some mysterious way. The whole war on the Island was quite a mystery, as no one seriously knows what happened...
2190: Lal got re-elected again (default for now, but should be someone else to make things interesting...maybe Morgan?  )
2191: Nessus Incident tensions increase between the Pirates and Believers in nessus sea...some conflicts has happened which almost lead to a declaration of war... Pirates and Believers never had any previous official relations, treaties, etc
2195: Planetary Stock Exchange established (location will be decided...)
2200: (who should be the governor?)
Last edited by ; July 19, 2001 at 13:54.
July 19, 2001, 14:03
Thats how the timeline goes for now and I added some ideas. The Antimind and Planetmind sentiently playable are removed as factor, so things may went differently in some wars, and so on.
This is just a General Timeline and something to should discuss about the details, agree, add some new ideas or remove. We should do this before we start writing up our personal faction timelines in this thread and before i update the map.
Discussions are to be done in the Discussion thread please.
I will do simply summaries of some currently no players factions like Free Drones and so on.
July 26, 2001, 13:19
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University History
OOC: I could do Morgan as well... since I have been playing him I probably should... I'll wait to do him until you have posted other histories.
2192- Celeste Delilah Anderson-Xanderson loses to Prokhor Zakharov in the elestion because of a vigorous new campaign by Zakharov against the globalization of the University.
Also, she was indited in scandals that she was a member of and was helping the 'evil' forces in the university. Zakharov hints that she is a member of the Howellites.
He pushes to make the University friends with all other factions, still maintains hate for the Cyborgs- but works for peace and alliances with everyone, however, he refuses to go to any
trade summits or other things.
- He abolishes the advisors, but retains the High Councilors and works to destroy the
'undermining' forces in the University (AKA Perfect Society, Howellites)
2193- Dr. Kyle Fitzben, Leader of the Planet Health Services movement dies in prison
Celeste imprisoned along with other Perfect Society members for alleged involvement in the Howellites
2195- The Planet Health Service movement dissolves when Zakharov announces a new campaign
to create a healthier state. He will force all Universites to walk or run for at least an hour each day.
2197- Daniel Jakhobs-Howell enters into a dialogue with a Cyborg and discusses his past wrongs.
His people cry for leadership against the evil Cyborgs. He has become a cult figure.
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July 29, 2001, 12:16
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Data Angel Timeline
2120-2121: University War
2121-2122: Formation of the Trade Alliance. Zakharov found guilty at the Data DeCentral War Crimes Tribunal. Sentenced to imprisonment. First Data Angel election, Roze elected Datajack by an overwhelming majority.
2123: Data Angels sign Sexetential Faction Treaty to ensure peace on the continent.
2128: Cyborg-Angel Highway Completed. Data Angel and Conciousness formers complete the roadway providing a direct route between Alpha Prime and Data DeCentral. The longest existing roadway on Chiron.
2135-2136: War for the Unity Sea. Data Angel ships aid in the defence of the Trade Alliance against the Hive fleet.
2136: Secret Pact with Nautilus Pirates Roze signs a pact with Svensgaard that allows the Angels to provide training of covert ops, while the Pirates help the Angels establish a respectable fleet.
2137:Formation of Chiron Alliance After the War for the Unity Sea, a need was seen to forge the Trade Alliance into not only an economic, but a military alliance as well. All members sign a formal pact and agree to adopt Democratic governing practices and Environmentaly friendly, green economic policies.
2140: Datajack Roze supports Lady Deirdre's application to join the Chiron Alliance. Knowing that Deirdre would oppose Morganite policies, Roze becomes a strong backer of Deirdre.
2145: First successful breeding of a native lifeform in captivity. The mindworm, bonded to a Data Angel Infantry-man, reproduces to create a second boil. It is the first mindworm boil born into faction citizenry.
2151: Mindworm Attack on Coder's Pit Mindworms attacked the garrison at Coder's Pit, causing minimal damage and a big scare. Roze begins organization of a Citizen's Defence Force.
2156-2160:The Hive War The Data Angel fleet once again assists the Chiron Alliance in fending off the Hive Armada. Minimal Data Angel losses occured thanks to superior Pirate training. Chiron Alliance agrees to sign a Blood Truce with the Hive.
2160: First Planetary Council Chiron Alliance proposes a Planetary Council, where all factions can voice opinions and make decisions that affect the whole Planet. Roze supports Lal in his election as governor.
2162: Planetary Council Base Established. A permanent base was established for the Planetary Council, creating a neutral facility. The base is defended by all factions, and is considered entirely neutral.
2170: Lal Retains as Planetary Governor
2171: Roze supports motion for Global Trade Pact.
2171: Tensions rise between Morgan and Roze when Roze backs the Pirates in the Morganite-Pirate trade dispute.
2174: Morganites Declare Vendetta on Data Angels. CEO Morgan officially declares war on the Data Angels. Data Angel army is already mobolized due to a leak from Morgan Industries. Data Angel's end up with the advantage of surprise.
2175: Morgan Bank falls to the Data Angels. Data Angel forces overwhelm the garrison at Morgan Bank, and the base is captured.
2176: Morgan-Angel Peace Accord Morgan agrees to end the vendetta and Roze agrees to return Morgan Bank to Morganite control. Data Angel troops withdraw, however a fee is exacted from Morgan in reparation.
2178: Roze does not actively participate in the questioning of Captain Svensgaard's activites. Roze assists Pirates by convincing Prime Function Aki-Zeta Five and Lady Deirdre to calm down a little.
2179: Citizen's Defence Force Completed. All Data Angel bases are equipped with a Perimeter Defense and Flame squadrons, primarily to defend against mindworm attacks. Rumours abound of renewed hostilities with the Morganites.
2180: Lal retains as Planetary Governor
2181-2183: Chiron's Great War The Data Angels join their Chiron Alliance allies in battle when the Spartan Federation once again declares war on the U.N. Peacekeepers. The University of Planet and Morgan Industries join their Spartan Allies creating the most encompassing conflict Chiron has yet seen.
2181: Second Fall of Morgan Bank Data Angel operatives, planted within the base after it's first capture, successfully organize a coup within the base, capturing it with minimal loss of life on either side. Morgan Industries are forced into a peace agreement and cede the base to the Angels.
2183: Global Trade Summit
2183-2189: Denairia Incident A Morganite Scout patrol discovers a strange alien facility on the island shared between Morgan Industries, the Data Angels, the Free Drones and the Spartan Federation. Not wanting Morgan Industries to benefit from any alien technology, a covert commando group is dispatched from Data DeCentral to gain control of the Alien Centre. Initially cooperating with their Pirate allies, it was deemed important that no more factions were able to expand their influence on the island. The Data Angel team secretly sided with the Free Drone expedition, hindering the Pirate advance. Unfortunately, a second Morganite team reached the centre successfully, activiating a strange pulse that shot up into the sky. Not knowing what the beam was, but fearing it was a weapon that could be used against them, the Data Angels covertly rigged the Alien Centre with explosives, and detonated the structure, causing it to implode mysteriously.
2187: Atlantisville Riots Data Angel security were forced to put down a series of riots in Atlantisville, where an organization known as the Cult of War was feeding propaganda to drones. Shortly after the riots began, certain key leaders began to commit ritual suicides, leaving their followers confused and lost. Rumours abound that an encrypted message arrived from Sparta Command, where the Cult was believed to have it's origins. It was unclear what the message contained, but there were speculations that fowl play was in fact involved with the alleged suicides.
2190: Morgan Elected Planetary Governor Roze chooses to run for Planetary Governor, instead of supporting Lal again, citing the need for "a new perspective". As a result, the Alliance votes are split, allowing Morgan to make his way into office, with some rumours of bribery. Roze conspires to ensure this does not happen again.
2195: Planetary Stock Exchange Established
2197: Datajack Term Set for Life A motion was passed allowing Sinder Roze to continue as Datajack of the Data Angels for the rest of her days. The only way the Datajack position can be surrendered is by: a.) own free will, b.) a 75% majority in a vote of non-confidence within the Council, or c.) death.
"Work like you don't need money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening."
Last edited by Argonaut; August 3, 2001 at 18:07.
July 31, 2001, 12:52
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Morganite History
2184- Morgan declared the businessed run by (the Perfect Society) to be a monopoly and breaks them up. He is allowed to do this after several bribes to influential leaders.
2185- Morgan reasserts himself as the supreme leader of the Morganites with his new campaign for Free-Market Capitalism across all factions; Global Stock Exchange ideas move forward after he evaluates that the Morganites, with their supreme knowledge of money can move forward into the future.
2189- Morganite soldiers Accidentally activate the mechanism on the Isle of Deidreania
2190- CEO Morgan elected planetary Governor after proving that he can resolve crisies in his country without bloodshed... And after bribing Zakharov, Santiago, and others.
2195- He finally makes the Global Stock Exchange and the Morganites dominate it.
2196- The Perfect Society attempts to assassinate him, he is shot in the arm, but the gunman is gunned down.
2197- The Perfect Society is neatly put down in the Morganite lands.
2200- Morgan plans to run for Governor again, this time pushing a proposal of rotating trade where the Planetary Governor no longer has power over trade between factions- there will be a trade council where all faction leaders can decide whom to trade with without fear of reprisal from the Planetary Government... Thus they can trade with an enemy of the Government without reprisal.
*Morgan's huge wealth accumulated from his wise investments, has made it impossible to vote him off of CEO'ship considering he can buy any vote and owns 1/5 of the council vote wealth, thus someone must own 1/10 to take over from him on the council.
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August 1, 2001, 01:24
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Spartan History
2180 Probe teams under the direction of rogue elements within the Militiary Junta attack UN Sea Quest with explosives. Tensions between Sparta and the UN increase.
2181: Second war with the PK and Chiron Alliance. War begins with a strong Spartan push into UN terriory. The Combine Army succedes in taking UN Data Acquisition after heavy fighting. Data Acquisition is renamed Ruby Ridge Memorial after in memory of the right to bear arms.
2182: Spartans and PK enter into a cease fire and hold positions. Colonel Santiago is forced to step aside for unspecified reasons. Two children are born in Sparta Command but are not registered with the Office of Family Planning. Marcus Kessel is elevated to the new leader of the Spartan Federation and revamps the government structure. General Von Halzburg refuses to recognize Kessel and leads units against the new government. Blast Rifle Crag declares independence from Sparta and invites Alliance forces to enter the base.
2183: Spartans and Hive enter into exchange programs in order to counter power of the Chiron Alliance. General Von Halzburg is killed at War Outpost at the order of Marshal Kessel for mutiny. Peacekeeper units arrive at Blast Rifle Crag at the request of Governor Pontas. Marshal Kessel arrives at UN Safe Haven to negotiate an official end to the PK war. Kessel and Lal agree to establish joint border posts along the border between them. Data Acquisition is returned to PK control in a special ceremony.
2184: Sparta sends military advisors to the Believers to help in their war with the Cult of Planet. They are forbidden from engaging in battle unless fired upon. Some Spartan units. They work as Spartan representatives to the Believer faction.
2183-2189: Denairia Incident. Word of a discovery on the Island of Denairia provokes attempts by the each faction to send out scouting parties to determine the secrets. Members of the Cult of War send out scouting units and meet up with units from another faction (probably Data Angel). The units skirmish and each are forced to withdraw. Another Cult of War unit is present at the alien center when some kind of beam is activated. They arrive too late to learn any of the secrete and are all killed in an explosion that consumes the complex. Material collected later at the scene is sent to Sparta Command and immediately locked away in a vault. All information concerning the incident is classified at the highest levels.
2185 Spartan navy enters the crusier age with the compleation of the SNS Spartan. The Spartan becomes the center of the first Spartan Task Force. The SNS Sovereign is under construction and three more are tentively planned.
2186 Sparta transfers military hardware to the Believers as a continuing effort to help in the distruction of the Cult of Planet. Kessel urges Miriam once again to concentrate on Cult forces and reassures her that Sparta will back the Believers.
2187: Cult of War tries to infiltrate Data Angel faction by inciting riots. **unofficial** Marshal Kessel is enraged that the Cult is causing trouble. he arranged for a list of Cult members, their leaders and meeting locations to be sent to Data Angel Headquarters. Execution lists are also drawn up in preparation for a purge.
2188 Sparta issues concerns that the Pks are treading on dangerous ground. Kessel once again assures the Believers that Sparta will continue to support their war effort if they remain focused on the Cult. New advisors arrive in the Believer capital, but most are mearly replacements and not a significant buildup.
2189: Members of the Cult of War are rounded up all around the Spartan Federation. Leaders are ordered to commit suicide and members are told to renounce the Cult or be executed. Temple of War is renamed Bunker 118.
2190: Sparta supports Morgan as Planetary Governor with the promise of credits and an easing of intrusions into factional internal matters. Sparta completes its efforts at infrastructure building. Efforts are redirected towards the modernizations of the military.
2191: Last members of the Cult of War are rounded up around Bunker 118 and are eliminated. Blast Rifle Crag is readmitted to the Spartan Federation after Kessel promises on no reprisals. Pks are allowed to establish an embassy there.
2192: Sparta establishes its first seabase when Fleet Anchorage is founded to the west of Commanders Keep. Sparta begins a naval build up as tensions with the Pirates grow more tense. Sparta once again sends more advisors to the Believer faction. Material and technology are also sent along with them. Yang and Kessel agree on a combined stratigy to use retailate covertly against those that supported Kane and his followers.
2194: Parade Ground is founded on the island to the east of Assissan's Redoubt. Plans are formed to lauch a new Spartan Fleet. Sparta denies any part in guerilla forces operating inside PK territory. Spartan probe teams are put on high alert to counter any possible strikes.
2195: Colonel Santiago returns to power as Marshal Kessel steps down. Kessel keeps his post as Military Governor of Inner Sparta which makes him the second most powerful person in Sparta. Santiago formalizes the changes made in her absence. She reestablishes the Spartan Junta but with only five members. Civilian administration is place under Marshal Kessel while Santiago is named Junta leader for life. Santiago vows to continue the current Spartan policies and assures Miriam that she will continue to support their war.
2196 Sparta ignores PK protests about Spartan support for the Believers. Santiago states that Sparta is just excersing it's rights to conduct foreign policy in supporting another faction. She also threatens to send Spartan combat troops to aid the Believers if any outside power moves against the Believers. After PK soliders set up base inside Cult territory, Santiago sends limited number of Spartan troops to Believer territory. She first asks and receives permission from Sister Miriam.
2197 Hawk of Chiron is founded near the Drone border.
2198 At the request of Colonel Santiago, Marshal Kessel approaches Lal in order to calm down the situation on the Western Continent. Since Lal is already moving in that direction, things proceed without many delays. Santiago assures Chairman Yang that she will support him if PK forces continue to violate his borders. Angelina and Leonides Santiago enter Spartan War College.
2199: Preparation begins for the upcomming Planetary Governor election. Santiago would like to consider a third choice for governor.
Last day of 2199Santiago calls for Lal to remove the PK base inside the war zone as a sign of good faith.
Last edited by Sprayber; August 7, 2001 at 18:28.
August 2, 2001, 01:58
Quick Free Drone and Gaians Summaries
Free Drones 2183-2200
Free Drones still have a "treaty" with the Hive and with the Spartans, but they seriously don't like them, especially the Hive. So by 2185, free drones resumes its support of the people who are spreading free drone propaganda in hive territory. they also started doing that in spartan territory aswell in 2188. And they succeeded in infiltrating Morgan Industries with help from the Data Angels and started spreading their propaganda there too...
Free Drones interested in maintening strong relations with the Data Angels and the Pirates(despite svensgaard annoying domai at times), aswell with the Peacekeepers for freeing Drones reasons, human rights, freedom, etc 
Free Drones colaborated with Data Angels against the Pirates for abit at Deniara during the Alien Center and Unity pod race on the island.
since they acquired Air Power from the pirates in 2182, they been focusing on building the biggest air force on chiron, which they do even now, aswell as the most moralled Air force after completing their Cloudbase Academy. They army is a decent size too, enough to properly defend all of their bases and their borders with the Hive and Spartans.
Yes, Domai doesn't like the pirates establishing their outpost near their borders (now, on their border after establishing some more bases along the northern coast) and attract Spartan attention. Domai is quite annoyed by receive constant reminders from the Kessel and Santiego about the pirates, chiron alliance, their propaganda, hive, etc....and about their big arse air force which can reach Sparta Command and The Hive 
Free Drones don't expect their "treaty" with the hive will last not to much longer, especially with the increase of hive activity along their borders.
Free Drones currently has the biggest Industrial might with Hive as second.
Gaians 2183-2200
They been pretty quiet in the last 17 years. They have observing the Believer-Cult war since the beginning and keep their military ready for any possibility that the believers succeed in breaking through Cult lines and ransack their bases. Gaians also was busy furthering her research in various Green/Explorer/Ecology techs and completing their Pholus Mutagen. they have establish a seabase or two close to their coasts so they can maintain their small fleet of IoDs and other naval units. They never had much trouble throughout their history, but yet cautious still as they observe other factions via their Empath Guild. Gaians don't like the morganites and they refuse to trade with them. so Deirdre wasn't pleased when Morgan got elected Planetary Governor. Along with Lal, she wants to make sure Morgan doesn't get reelected. during the late 80s and practicly all of the 90s, she been encouraging mindworm attacks on Morgan.
Gaians are interested in maintening the Chiron Alliance...especially relations with the Data Angels and Peacekeepers. They are also sort of please with the Pirates, has they operate a Green Economy and still able to maintain a strong Economy and Industry. So they have helped the pirates breed some IoDs in exchange for some of their techs.
August 2, 2001, 10:54
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The Hive, 2183-2200
2184: Morgan, with his eye towards the plantery governorship, transfers Planetary Economics technology to The Hive. A shipment of slave laborers is sent to to Morgan territory.
2186: Hive sends guns and slave laborers to Believer territory, as well as a number of advisors. Hive acquires Mind-Machine interface technology, and sends prototype helicopters to aid the Believers and to develop Hive helicopter tactics.
2187: General Kane, the renegade Hive commander, leaves his encampment in Peacekeeper territory and heads north towards Sparta, where his army raids Spartan bases and bunkers to seize supplies. His army also picks up a number of Spartan citizens along the way, mostly the descendants of Hive POWs made slaves during the the war, and inducts them into the army. General Kane's control over the force weakens however, and the Spartan armed forces mount effective counter-insurgency operations.
2188: General Kane, seeing that he is losing control over his force, completes the division of his forces. In the south, Major Kurita controls a medium sized band of guerillas operating in the mountain range of south-west Sparta, with his losses being replaced by Peacekeeper volunteers eager to spill Spartan blood. His army is relatively ineffective at causing actual damage to the Spartans, but it achieves its primary goal of surving as a military force, planting crops and establishing crude defensive bunkers, but no permanent housing and no industrial capabilities. In the North, a former peacekeeper who migrated north along with the original force now goes by the name of Colonel Nwaseme, and commands a group of ex-slaves and a cadre of Kane's troops in the area around Jannisary Rock, at the border between the Spartans, the Drones, and the Pirates. Kane himself leads a large group of soldiers back to the Hive in a fleet of makeshift, commandered, and hired boats, where he commences guerilla warfare against Yang in the central highlands region of the Hive. The Hive responds by starting a campaign of "ideological purification" known as "the Ascetic Virtues," and by starting helicopter patrols to find and eliminate Kane's forces. Meanwhile, the Hive shifts the resources of the Human Genome Project to a new project, the Cyborg Factory. The Cyborg Factory recieves only very limited resources, however, because the Hive is focused on defeating Kane, building a good-sized defense force, and completeing The Ascetic Virtues.
2190: The Hive succeeds in driving Kane from the highlands. Kane withdraws the surviving elements of his Army into the Monsoon Jungle. The Hive's communal society provides little support for Kane's men, making their task difficult. It is suspected that volunteers from the Data Angels, Pirates, and Free Drones have been joining the ranks of Kane's forces. The Hive helps elect Morgan as plantary governor.
2192: Yang meets with Santiago, and decides to retalitate against factions which have supported Kane's renegades. Copies of the works of Chairman Sheng-ji Yang begin to appear in the bases of such freedom loving factions as the Peacekeepers and the Pirates. They develop a small cult following, which Yang begins to hone into a fifth column. The Hive and the Spartans enjoy military successes against Kane's guerillas.
2193: Kane's forces attempt a break-out at a beach in the Monsoon Jungle between Sheng-ji Yang base and Hive Swarm. Pirate vessels come to aid in their withdrawl, and a battle ensues. Hive coastal defense vessels manage to defeat the Pirate task force, crippling two cruisers and destroying a foil and a transport, but lose two foils and a chopper unit. The Pirate fleet is forced to withdraw. A few brave soldiers swim to the transports and are evacuated, but most of Kane's army is caught on the beach and pounded by Hive naval and air bombardment. As the Hive rovers advance, Kane sees the writing on the wall and surrenders, submitting himself and his forces to the rule of Chairman Yang. The Hive is then able to identify foriegners amongst his troops, creating an international incident. The Hive demands international sanctions against the PKs, and plantery governor Morgan issues a sharp rebuke to the PKs for allowing their citizens to participate in the conflict. No sanctions are implaced, but the Peacekeepers are deeply embaressed.
2194: Major Kurita is discovered in PK territory waging guerilla warfare in the southern portion of the mountains around UN Data Acquisition. It is strongly suspected that Sparta and the Hive have played a role in enabling him to do so. After repeated re-education attempts fail, Kane is executed, and it is announced that he died of a heart attack. The rest of his troops are either killed or re-educated and sent to slave labor camps.
2197: Secret negotiations between the Spartans, the Hive, the peacekeepers, and the Free Drones. The goal is to achieve a deal by which both Major Kurita and Colonel Nwaseme will withdraw their forces and cease military operations. Negotiations break down, and a number of traders, mostly Morganites, Data Angels, and Pirates make a good profit trading with guerillas on both sides. Despite this, both major Kurita and Colonel Nwaseme suffer harsh setbacks throughout the year.
2199: Ascetic Virtues secret project completed, and the Hive begins to get back to work on the Cyborg factory, expected to be completed in some ten or fifteen years. Negotiations on ending the proxy-conflicts in PK and Spartan territory start again, and all factions prepare for elections to the post of planetary governor. It is expected that many factions will try to use their influence over Kurita and Nwaseme to gain an advantage in the elections for planetary governor.
OOC: Sorry about all this, I just started writing and all this came out. I think it sort of makes sense that Kane tries to fight his way North, probably towards the Free Drone border, but that his operations run out of steam. Then, everyone sees an advantage to be had by promoting unrest in various factions. I know it's a departure from normal SMACX, but I did get rid of Kane, and I've left the door open so that we can either terminate Kurita and Nwaseme's operations, or continue them. As always, thoughts, comments etc. are welcome.
August 2, 2001, 16:42
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Peacekeepers' History:
2119 - 2120: Spartan War.* The Peacekeepers are caught unprepared and fall back in disarray. They probably could have put up more of a fight if they had tried harder, but Lal & Co are unwilling to fight a prolonged and bloody war over territorial rights when there is plenty of room to grow and prosper elsewhere. This decision leads to a massive PK exodus from the Eastern Continent. About 25% of the original PK population stay behind. The rest head south across the ocean to what becomes known as PK Island and start new lives there. Atrocities committed by Spartan forces under the command of general Von Halzburg at U.N. High Commission (War Outpost). Much bitterness among surviving Peacekeepers. Santiago believed responsible. Braddock begins his military career after losing wife and kid at High Commission. The war never officially ended. The fighting simply petered out as the Peacekeepers withdrew or went underground and the Spartans sent their forces elsewhere.
2121 - 2122: Trade Alliance formed between Data Angels, Cyborgs, Pirates and Peacekeepers. Zakharov put on trial and convicted for atrocities against the Cyborgs. Sentenced to imprisonment.
2135 - 2136: War for the Unity Sea. Hive Navy disrupting trade routes and trying to take control of Unity Sea. U.N. Navy involved in the struggle to keep the sea lanes open and secure safe passage for all.
2137: Chiron Alliance formed. The original trade alliance is renegotiated, resulting in the formation of the Chiron Alliance. All members required to run democratic governments and green economics.
2140: Gaians join Chiron Alliance. Peacekeepers support the Gaian application to join the alliance.
2151: Braddock faces Lal in live talk show on the U.N. News Network. The discussion gets a lot of attention. Braddock accuses Lal of making "ostrich policies", hiding his head in the sand and not dealing with major problems, serious threats and atrocious human rights violations because "people might get hurt" if he tries to do something about it. Braddock argues that
People are already getting hurt, Brother. Every single day people are getting hurt while we just sit around a table saying "Oooh, this is SO bad, oooh, it's terrible, oooh..."
-And you know what, Brother? Things can only get worse unless the U.N. gets itself a spine and starts doing what it's supposed to be doing; enforcing the U.N. Charter. -Enforcing the Charter, Brother, NOT just talking about it!
(*Lal just sits there shaking his head sadly*)
The show leads to widespread controversy amongst the Peacekeepers and increased support for Braddock and his hard line followers, which in turn triggers a wave of migration back to the Eastern continent where preparations are already underway for the next war against Sparta...
2154: Braddock's followers begin construction of Defense Line along Spartan border.
2156 - 2160: Hive War. By 2156, the Hive had rebuilt their navy and was once again attempting to establish themselves as a major naval power. Chiron Alliance navies once again moved in to counter this threat, and the war broke out when Hive forces launched a series of attacks against various Chiron Alliance sea bases. After once again defeating the Hive navy at sea, the Chiron Alliance forces (effectively the Pirates with some allied support) proceeded to enter Hive coastal waters and attack their naval support facilities. The Nautilus Marines were sent in and launched a series of amphibious assaults on Hive coastal bases. They took heavy losses, but their mission was a success: the Hive's ability to support a strong navy was thoroughly destroyed.
U.N. naval forces supported these operations, but played a minor role compared to the Pirates. The Peacekeepers were also fighting the Hive on land on and around the Planetneck, where General Braddock's followers were up against the Hive's Southern Army, commanded by General Kane. The battle raged back and forth across the Planetneck for four whole years, but at the end they were right back where they'd started. After four years of struggling to keep up with each other's moves and counter-moves, Kane and Braddock had developed a mutual respect. After the war, which ended with a Blood Truce , the two generals met once at the Planetneck, shook hands and talked for several hours. This was the beginning of an unlikely friendship, and the two men have stayed in touch with each other ever since. (Of course, Yang wasn't too happy when he found out about it...)
2160: Planetary Council formed. Lal elected Planetary Governor.
2162: Planetary Council Base established as a permanent neutral facility for use by the Council.
2170: Lal retained as Planetary Governor.
2171: Peacekeepers support motion for Global Trade Pact.
2174 - 2176: Morganite - Data Angel war. Peacekeepers officially at war with Morgans due to their alliance with the Data Angels. They send a naval group and a couple of infantry regiments as a token show of support, but never really get directly involved in anything. Braddock wanted to send more forces, but also had Spartans and Hive to worry about...
2180: Growing tensions with the Spartan Federation. Braddock & Co are getting geared up for the war that they've been waiting for all these years. Lal is still trying to restrain them. There is another crisis between Braddock and Lal, + some internal turmoil amongst the Peacekeepers in general ("Pro-War" vs. "Pro-Peace"). The U.N. never quite tears itself apart, but there is much confusion.
2180: Lal retained as Planetary Governor.
2180: U.N. Sea Quest incident. Rogue Spartan probe operatives ship in a boatload of explosives and proceed to blow the stuff sky high when they realize that they can't escape. The explosion causes significant damage and loss of life. The incident convinces a majority of the Peacekeepers that Braddock has been right all along and that peace with the Spartans simply is not possible.
2180: General Mobilization. Those bases who haven't already done so begin full scale mobilization for war against Sparta.
2180: Temporary alliance formed with the Cult of Planet. Braddock agrees to supply the Cult with technology in return for military assistance. The agreement is made without Lal's knowledge or consent. Also, Braddock and Kane make secret arrangements to bring the Hive into the war on the Peacekeepers' side.
2181: Lal makes one final attempt to prevent the outbreak of all-out war... -and fails... All hell breaks loose on the Eastern Continent.
2181: Second Spartan War.
Pirates attack Spartan Fleet near Fossile Field Ridge. Spartans launch a massive land attack across the PK border. Yang decides not to honor the agreement made between General Kane and Braddock, choosing instead to ally with the Spartans. Kane still keeps his word, takes those units who are 100% loyal to him and crosses the Planetneck to aid the Peacekeepers. The border is then immediately closed as the Peacekeepers realize that they are also at war with the Hive. On the Spartan front, there is fighting all along the Defense Line, but most of the action is taking place north of Haven City and north of Data Acquisition. This goes on for the better part of the year, and for the most part it is a bloody stalemate along the Defense Line. However, north of Data Acquisition, the Spartan Combine Army under General Weiss manages to punch through the Defense Line. PK reinforcements are on the way, but arrive too late to stop the Spartans pushing south towards Data Acquisition, taking the base after bombarding it with nerve gas, causing significant civilian casualties. News of the loss of Data Acquisition and the atrocities committed there make the Peacekeepers furious to the point where some really nasty things happen when U.N. Forces under Colonel Christopher move to take back positions the Spartans captured in the Defense Line. Although little was known about this incident at the time, sub-sequent investigations revealed that U.N. Forces literally went rampage and committed several atrocities of their own against the Spartans they encountered. They also sent a truckload of mutilated Spartan bodies back to the Spartans at Data Acquisition along with a message saying that they themselves would be in similar conditions by the time they left the base.
2182: More War...
The bloody stalemate along the Defense Line continues while the Spartan Combine Army is trapped at Data Acquisition. They spend the whole year cooped up inside the base, surrounded by the Peacekeepers and their allies. Meanwhile, Sparta is plagued by internal turmoil. Sensing that his allies might not be as powerful as he thought they'd be and that there is little to gain by continued war, Yang offers peace to the Peacekeepers and officially withdraws the Hive from the war. Later in the year, Yang tries to act as a mediator between the Spartans and the Peacekeepers. Tensions threaten to flare out of control once more as the Peacekeepers fail to go along with his scheme. Meanwhile, Santiago chooses to take Yang up on his offer and tries to reason with Lal, who is not receptive because he does not believe a word she says. Kessel takes over and immediately sues for peace. Much confusion among the Peacekeepers. Finally, a cease fire is agreed upon just in time to prevent a massive attack on the Spartan Combine Army at Data Acquisition. In the hours just before this happens, a U.N. probe team stumbles across classified information that goes a long way towards clearing Santiago's name from atrocity charges. In spite of the cease fire, the Peacekeepers remain on a full war time footing for the time being, as they do not trust neither Sparta nor the Hive. Negotiations are underway, but not much progress is being made. Tensions remain high...
2183: Resolution. Peacekeeping Forces dispatched to Blast Rifle Crag at the request of Governor Pontas. Marshal Kessel arrives at U.N. Haven City to negotiate an official end to the war. The Peacekeepers are extremely suspicious at first and things look pretty nasty until Kessel and Lal get to sit down together. Even then it doesn't look too good at first, but somehow they manage to pull it off. They sign a permanent peace treaty and agree to establish joint border posts along the border between them. Data Acquisition is returned to PK control in a special ceremony, whereupon the Spartans leave and the war is finally over. Peacekeepers attend Global Trade Summit. Former Spartan general Weiss receives a public trial for crimes against humanity at U.N. Criminal Tribunal, is found guilty of all charges and sentenced to imprisonment. The Tribunal then proceeds to conduct a public and extremely thorough investigation of the atrocities committed by their own forces. Colonel Christopher is court martialed and sent off to the same prison as Weiss (although he did get a shorter sentence). Other men who were involved receive shorter sentences and/or are sent off to various rehabilitation programs. -And of course, all of them are dishonorably discharged from the Peacekeeping Forces.
[OOC: Wow, did I write THAT much?!  Well, as you can see, I'm not done yet either! Now, there isn't enough room left in this post, so look further down for the more recent stuff...  ]
Last edited by Guardian; August 7, 2001 at 08:36.
August 4, 2001, 06:18
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Cult of Planet History Summary:
2180. The Cult signs a temporary alliance with the Peacekeepers. This is the first operation outside Cults own territory. A heavy taskforce is sent to combat the Spartans on the eastern continent.
2183. The remains of the battle hardened taskforce quietly leaves back towards home after the treaty between the Spartans and the Peacekeepers is reached. Meanwhile, Miriam once again starts rallying her followers against the heretic Cult and declares war on the Cult of Planet, thus starting the third crusade, later remember by Cult Chronicles as the Endless War. The taskforce arrives home just in time for another war, this time to defend their homes against the just beginning third and biggest Believer crusade.
The Global Trade Summit begins, and the Cult participates in it. There they make the deal with Morgan, about trading arms for credits.
2183.5 The first massive Believer attack begins. Cult forces are literally blasted out of their positions, and pushed far back near Invictus. The siege of Spore Runner Sanctum begins.
2184.The Cult launches an effective counterattack, gathering all possible troops and aimed at key points of the massive Believer army. The Cultists barely manage to push the Believers back enough, to end the siege of Spore Runner Sanctum, with tremendous casualties from both sides. After five months of siege the wealthy and well populated base is turned into a pile of rubble. The Believers are kicked back from where they started, and thousands of Cult formers quickly start to replant fungus in the areas cleansed by the Believers.
2188. After a prolonged and bloody station war, the Believers begin yet another attack. This time they attack begins with the help of heavy air support. Huge squadrons of needlejet bombers are sent against the Cult. Spore Runner Sanctum and Invictus are heavily bombarded. Fortunately, the Cult was barely able to complete their newest weapon, the Locust of Chiron, and launched series of air attacks from the newly established secret base, Nest of Fear. The locusts catch the believers completely by surprise, and smash their air armada in a decisive air battle over Spore Runner Sanctum. The ground troops then push the decisively weakened Believer army back out. People start to call the third crusade as the Endless War.
2191 The Nessus Incident occurs, between the Believers and the Pirates. The Cult watches the happening with huge interests, hoping the situation to degrade into a war between the two factions.
2192 The battle for deep isle shoals occurs. The Cult native fleet is helped by some nearby pirates and peacekeepers. This was probably the bloodiest battle on Chiron to date.
2193.After five years of raids and attacks in smaller scale made either by the Cult or Believers, Miriam rallies her people for a third push into Cult territory. This time the attack is lead by empath troops, and behind the scene, Believer probe teams are at work. The perimeter defense and a multitude of other important buildings of Spore Runner Sanctum are sabotaged. The Cult is once again pushed way back, and after a bloody battle Spore Runner Sanctum is lost to the Believing forces. This time Cha dawn administrates a radical change to Cult doctrine, and establishes the first units, composed out of the best human soldiers and mindworms. The mixed units, as they are called, quickly show their strength on the battlefield against empath and trance units, stopping the Empath spearheads leading the Believer army. Only days after, Cha Dawn rallies the exhausted Cult troops for a daring counterattack, which he personally leads. The counterattack, supported by all available air support, succeeds and the believing army is smashed, its remnants either surrounded and destroyed or imprisoned, or chased all the way back to Far Jericho. Spore Runner Sanctum is liberated, but base is once again just a pile of rubble. Rumors say that the Cult used some new and very powerful weapon of alien origin in the counterattack, but that is never confirmed.
2195 The Cult of Planet faces inner turmoil in many of its bases. Enemy probe teams are suspected to be involved. The rioters are quickly subdued by the now human police force, as most of the police mindworms were sent a long time ago on the front. The incident is kept quiet about, and nothing spreads out of Cult territory. Cha Dawn realizes that Cult counterintelligence is inadequate to face the current Believer covert attack, so he starts to greatly increase Cult counterintelligence and probe teams, and begins a faction wide morale campaign.
2199 The Cult is preparing for the upcoming Governor elections. None of the current candidates seem worthy for voting.
Last edited by Cyber; August 10, 2001 at 04:39.
August 7, 2001, 08:30
Local Time: 13:36
Local Date: October 31, 2010
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Location: Bergen, Norway
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Peacekeepers' History, volume 2 (2183 - 2200)
(Not enough room in the other post, so I'm making a new one...)
2183 - 2185: Cyborgs not too popular amongst Peacekeepers.
PK - Cyborg relations suffer in the wake of an ill-timed Treaty of Friendship between Cyborgs and Hive. The treaty was signed at a time when the Hive had quite recently committed several atrocities (including the use of nerve gas against PK troops) and was technically still at war with the Peacekeepers. The Peacekeepers felt betrayed by the Cyborgs, who were supposed to be their allies. Aki's explanation (that she felt compelled to enter this treaty and get on Yang's good side in order to save the Peacekeepers from his wrath) only makes matters worse, as the Peacekeepers take this as an insult. Consequently, anti-Cyborg sentiments start gaining ground in PK territories. This culminates in an incident where a major news service airs a piece in which the Cyborgs are described as "inhuman monstrosities". The agency is brought to court by the PK government, accused of slandering and of racial discrimination. The court initially rules that nothing offensive has been said because Cyborgs, who are not emotional, can not feel offended. The government appeals to a higher court and argues that the previous verdict is illegal because the U.N. Charter with all its' articles and all the rights therein apply to ALL human beings, without distinction of any kind. So, the question the court has to answer is; are Cyborgs human? The court rules that they are, and so have a right to be protected against racial discrimination, even if they do not have feelings that can be hurt. In other words, it IS illegal to describe them as "inhuman monstrosities". News agency gets a fine. Case closed.
At about the same time, the Peacekeepers start taking an interest in how the Cyborgs go about bringing new members into their Consciousness. The main question that arises is; can the Consciousness be forced upon unwilling minds? If so, and if such a thing ever happened, it would atrocity second to none.
2183: New naval expansion program announced. The AAA Missile Cruiser U.N.S. Unity is commissioned in a special ceremony at U.N. Sea Quest. This is the first full fledged cruiser of the U.N. Navy. Two more cruisers of this class, the Guardian and the Liberty are already under construction and 6 more are scheduled to follow within the next 10 years. The navy will also be receiving several armed merchant cruisers, which are more powerful than foils and also have the ability to act as transports. Some of these new vessels are already entering service.
The U.N. Marine Corps is formed.
2183 - 2189: Denairia Incident. Peacekeepers not directly involved as they have no presence on the island. Attempts are made to get involved diplomatically as a mediator, but this proves an impossible task because nobody seems to know what the hell is going on up there. -Or if they do know, they are not talking to the Peacekeepers about it! There is much confusion and no action is taken. Later, the U.N. Navy is sent into the area, but only to observe and report. They immediately report that the Pirates are acting strangely cold, as if they're not too excited about having Peacekeepers snooping around up there for some reason... The Peacekeepers try to get their friends the Data Angels to let them in on what is going on, but the Angels insist that they know only what has been publicly stated. The Peacekeepers take their word for it although the PK intelligence suspects that the Data Angels know something they are not sharing. No action is taken.
2184: The Peacekeepers begin taking an interest in the Cult/Believer war, but no solid action is taken yet...
2185: Council discusses Cult/Believer war. Frustrated by the lack of results from their diplomatic efforts, the Peacekeepers bring the matter before the Council. However, nobody else seems to care much, except the Gaians, who are concerned about all this fighting going on so close to their border.
2186: First troops sent to the Western Continent. The Peacekeepers send a limited number of troops to help watch the Gaian border and assist in handling refugees, etc. They are lightly armed and stay on the Gaian side of the border at all times. Miriam is annoyed with what she sees as Peacekeepers and Gaians "providing sanctuary" for her enemies. Peacekeepers dismiss all such notions as "ridiculous", stating that only civilian refugees are allowed to take shelter behind their lines and that the border is closed for the armed forces of the Cult as well as the Believers.
2187: Increased military spending spurs popular protest. The "Pro Peace" people are gaining some ground again and they're asking why military spending is still increasing now that the war with Sparta ended years ago. General Braddock has to defend high tech command facilities, his new cruiser-based navy, his reinforced air force and his special forces assault regiments in public. He gets some unexpected assistance from a very charismatic female Chief Warrant Officer Johnson of the U.N. Special Forces. This turns out to be the same individual who became something of a celebrity back in 2182 - 2183 when she was a young PK corporal involved in the siege of the Spartan Combine Army at Data Acquisition. She appears honest, straight forward and intelligent, and her opinions are well reflected although strongly pro-military and perhaps a little bit paranoid. The media love her and give her lots of positive attention, making her look good. Pro Peace politicians never quite manage to discredit her and mostly end up making themselves look bad instead. Braddock is delighted by this unexpected turn of events and clearly proud to have inspired such a loyal and resourceful follower. In a live interview on the U.N. News Network, he remarks that "Seeing people like her in action makes me proud to be a Peacekeeper."
2187 - 2191: More action on the Western Continent. The Peacekeepers run an ever-growing humanitarian aid operation from across the Gaian border. In addition, a naval task force is stationed off the coast near the Cult/Believer border with a contingent of U.N. Marines on hand. The Hive condemns this new "aggressive posturing" by the Peacekeepers and Miriam is increasingly pissed off, to the point of threatening to ignore all borders and seek out "enemies" wherever they can be found. Chiron Alliance warns Miriam that sending troops across the Gaian border for ANY reason will be considered an act of war. As an afterthought, it is hurriedly added that this also applies to the forces of the Cult.
2190: Morgan elected Planetary Governor. The Peacekeepers are outraged. There are rumors of bribery and foul play. Peacekeepers demand an official investigation, then begin conducting one on their own when the Council won't do it. Peacekeepers are also annoyed with their allies, and especially with the Data Angels because Roze elected to run on her own rather than supporting Lal, thus causing the Alliance to split up and allowing Morgan to "sneak in". However, this does not severely impact on the overall relations between Peacekeepers and Data Angels. On a different note, relations with the Cyborgs are improving again, as there have been no further "unfortunate incidents" of any kind.
2191: Improving relations with Sparta. Blast Rifle Crag is readmitted to the Spartan Federation after Kessel promises no reprisals. Peacekeepers are allowed to establish an embassy there. In return, the Peacekeepers decide to allow a Spartan embassy at U.N. Sea Quest. Meanwhile, in a special ruling, the U.N. Criminal Tribunal officially clears Santiago of all atrocity charges, saying that her only crime was that she failed to stop them. Technically, as Commander-in-Chief of all Spartan forces at the time of the atrocities, she could still be held accountable, but the Tribunal finds that being dishonored and discredited in the face of the world ought to be punishment enough for someone like Santiago and assumes that she will have already learned her lesson. All charges against Santiago are dropped and the U.N. issues an official apology for raising false accusations against her. (She was originally thought to be personally responsible for quite a lot...)
2192: Copies of the works of Chairman Sheng-ji Yang begin to appear in PK bases. The Peacekeepers make a point out of not attempting to prevent the spreading of such material in their territories, but publish their own versions of several of the works, including "Essays on Mind and Matter". The PK versions contain complete and uncensored copies of the original texts, but with added comments reflecting the PK view of Yang's politics. The comments do occasionally support Yang's views in part, but never in full. The PK security forces discreetly monitor the spreading of the original works.
2192 - 2194: Tensions rise on the Western Continent as Believing troops attempt to block routes used by refugees and U.N. Aid convoys. A number of minor incidents are reported. Peacekeepers start sending armed escorts along with their convoys. There are also reports of PK Marines operating in the Cult/Believer border area. Peacekeeping Forces in the region start receiving significant reinforcements. They are no longer lightly armed and do occasionally cross the borders. Gaians are getting a little concerned about these new "aggressive" Peacekeepers operating out of bases in Gaian territory.
2193: PK citizens captured in Hive territory. In an embarrassing international incident, the Hive produces several PK citizens from a group of guerillas captured in Hive territory and proceeds to go after the Peacekeepers in the Council. The PK government denies involvement, stating that they do not control General Kane and have not in any way supported him since shortly after the end of the Spartan War. In other words: Those PK citizens were on their own, acting as individuals, not as Peacekeepers. Accordingly, the Peacekeepers plead not guilty, but can not change the fact that those guerillas were PK citizens, and so they are still embarrassed.
2194: Guerillas discovered in PK territory. Major Kurita is discovered in PK territory waging guerilla warfare in the southern portion of the mountains around U.N. Data Acquisition. It is strongly suspected that Sparta and the Hive have played a role in enabling him to do so. Peacekeepers bring their suspicions to the Council, but have no solid evidence and end up being discredited by Hive officials claiming that the Peacekeepers are merely trying to "get even" with the Hive after last year's incident. Attempts are made to negotiate with Kurita. When this fails, the U.N. Air Force begins a major bombing campaign and the Special Forces are sent in. General Braddock and his followers are annoyed, but publicly welcomes this opportunity for "more realistic target practice".
2195: Shooting incident between Believing troops and U.N. Convoy escorts. Tensions rise sharply as Miriam refuses to accept the U.N. explanation that her troops started it, breaks off all diplomatic contact with the Peacekeepers and refuses to receive a special envoy. Gaians and others are concerned that the PK force buildup in the region might only provoke Miriam further and make matters worse. Peacekeepers insist that any and all such notions are totally unreasonable because they're Peacekeepers. Also insist that they have a right to defend themselves and their operations and a duty assist people in need and enforce the U.N. Charter any time, anywhere, any way they can. In their opinion, they are not the ones who are provoking and escalating the conflict, and they are definitely NOT going to stand down and let a fanatic like Miriam have her way. There are several discussions in the Council, but no agreement is reached. Peacekeepers request permission for the U.N. Air Force to use Gaian base facilities. Gaians hesitate and seem reluctant. Two wings of interceptors are flown in anyway. Gaians let them land, but are somewhat annoyed and make it clear that no further PK planes are wanted at their bases unless the Peacekeepers soften up their current "hard line" policies. Meanwhile, the Peacekeepers accuse the Hive of shipping supplies to Miriam's forces while the Hive accuses the Peacekeepers of preparing an "amphibious invasion" in the Cult/Believer border region.
Santiago officially returns to power in Sparta. Lal extends his apologies for the way he treated her when she attempted to negotiate with him back in 2182. He realizes now that she was probably being quite sincere with him at the time, and it must have been a frustrating and painful experience not to be believed under such circumstances. In an official comment, Lal and Braddock both agree that "If we had known then what we know now, then things might have been different." On a different note, the Peacekeepers express "concern" about Spartan involvement in the Cult/Believer conflict.
2196: The Planetary Council again discusses Cult/Believer war. Believers condemn the Peacekeepers and then proceed to leave the Council before the PK get to speak. Peacekeepers condemn Spartans, Hive and Morgans for "fanning the flames" of the war. Yang condemns Peacekeepers for sticking their noses in other people's business and (in his opinion) not being truly neutral. In a surprise move while the Council discussions are underway, PK Marines carry out an amphibious operation in the Cult/Believer border region, while other PK forces swarm across the Gaian border, driving south to join up with the Marines. They proceed to take control of an area inside the war zone, in Cult territory, but near the border. Here they declare a "safe haven" for civilian refugees. They also establish a military base and a staging area for further humanitarian operations. Peacekeepers argue that this solves their little "problem" with the Gaians. However, the Gaians are somewhat shocked that such an operation was launched from their soil. Yang comdemns this "aggression" by the "self-appointed Planetary Police Force". Peacekeepers utterly reject his objections, pointing out that they have attacked no one. Yang then files a complaint about Peacekeepers violating another faction's territory, to which the Peacekeepers respond that they reserve the right to go anywhere they need to be in order to enforce their Charter, regardless of who's territory it is. Hive, Spartans, Believers and University insist that the Peacekeepers do NOT have any such right, and that any attempt to exercise such a "right" on their land will be considered an invasion of their sovereign territory. Peacekeepers insist that their sovereignty is only good as long as they do not violate the U.N. Charter. Yang furiously accuses Lal of being involved in a dirty scheme to set himself up as Emperor of Chiron as well as judge, jury and executioner over all his "subjects". Yang also states that if the PK don't recognize his sovereignty, then he will not recognize theirs. As usual, the Council fails to agree on any resolution worth passing.
2197: PK air patrols intercept Hive helicopters on the Western Continent. Tensions reach a new all time high as a flight of Hive helicopters is intercepted by PK air patrols, who refuse to let them cross the border into Cult territory. Hive and Peacekeepers have another go at each other in the Council. The U.N. Navy moves to intercept further Hive shipments to the Western Continent. Meanwhile, the Peacekeepers and the Hive are also getting into trouble a little closer to home, as a flight of PK interceptors "accidentally" cross into Hive airspace north of the Planetneck. A furious Chairman Yang threatens to attack PK air bases if they ever do anything like that again. In a testy response, General Braddock practically dares him to "go ahead and try it!" Lal intervenes and offers an official apology to the Hive for illegally violating its' borders. Yang demands to hear that same apology from Braddock, which he gets, whereupon Yang is still angry but somewhat satisfied that he has managed to discredit Braddock. Meanwhile, the secret negotiations concerning Major Kurita and Colonel Nwaseme have broken down. Utilizing heavy air support, the U.N. Special Forces launch a renewed offensive against Kurita's forces near Data Acquisition, inflicting heavy losses and driving their enemies ever deeper into the mountains.
2197 - 2199: New Hope? On the Western Continent, the Peacekeepers continue working out of their new base of operations, known as New Hope. Some additional reinforcements arrive, including ground attack jets, "just in case"... Believers and Hive are pissed off as usual. There are a few more minor and a couple of not so minor incidents, including one where a PK rover regiment (commanded by a certain Captain Johnson...) calls down an air strike on an artillery battery that's giving them trouble. Towards the end of 2199, things have calmed down a little and the Peacekeepers try to re-establish diplomatic contact with the Believers and get a new round of negotiations going. Also trying to ease tensions with the Hive.
2200: Back to neutral? On the Western Continent, the Peacekeepers are trying to play neutral mediators again, but realize that they may appear to be somewhat biased against the Believers. This is mainly because the Believers are the ones who have been giving them trouble though... PK forces at New Hope remain on high alert, but no "aggressive" moves are made against either side.
Preparations are underway for the Planetary Council session with the election of Planetary Governor, where Peacekeepers will attempt to rally support for Lal.
Last edited by Guardian; September 10, 2001 at 07:40.
August 10, 2001, 02:13
Pirate History
Nautilus Pirates History:
2118: First Contact with the Cybernetic Consciousness.
2120: Aki Zeta-Five introduces Captain Svensgaard to Datatech Sinder Roze of the Data Angels.
2120-2121: University War Pirate Battle Dragon units disguise as Cyborg units help fight University, resulting in the Pirate's first Military Action against another faction. Pirates also helped the Cyborgs in capturing Inspiration Point from University.
2121: Captain Svensgaard contacts Commissioner Lal of the Peacekeepers after intercepting some messages.
2121-2122: Formation of the Trade Alliance with the Data Angels, Cyborgs and Peacekeepers. War Crimes Tribunal concerning Zhakarov at Data DeCentral. Battle near Privateer Quay Privateer Quay detects a Hive Foil and sent foils to intercept, resulting in the capture of the Hive ship after a small battle. It is also considered to be the first Naval battle with another faction on Chiron.
2130: University, and later the Morganites, discovers the Nautilus Pirates.
2135-2136: War for Unity Sea Hive Fleet started its invasion of Unity Sea by cutting off trade routes. The combine fleets of Pirate, Angel and Peacekeeper ships were able to fight them off and cripple the Hive fleet.
2136: Secret Pact with the Data Angels Svensgaard signs a pact with Roze where the Pirates help the Angels establish a respectable navy while Angels provide training for Pirate probe teams.
2137: Formation of the Chiron Alliance After the War for the Unity Sea, a need was seen to forge the Trade Alliance into not only an economic, but a military alliance as well. All members sign a formal pact and agree to adopt Democratic governing practices and Environmentaly friendly, green economic policies.
2139: Pirates secretly establish a Prison on a small island in Chiron Sea. Island soon becomes known as Prison Island.
2140: Pirates discover and contacts the Gaians. Gaians later joins the Chiron Alliance.
2156-2160: Hive War The Hive as rebuilt its fleet, this time comprising of more ships. They started attacking various Pirate, Data Angel and Peacekeeper Sea bases and trying to take control of Unity Sea again. The Chiron Alliance ships, lead by the Pirates, eventually decimated the Hive Armada. Pirates went as far as amphibious assault on various Hive coastal bases along the west shore with their new Gatling Marines. The Pirates succeeded in almost crippling the Hive naval capabilities, but with major losses. Chiron Alliance and Hive agreed to a Blood Truce.
2158: Pirates discovered and contacted the Free Drones. Chiron Alliance more information about the Hive and Spartans from Domai.
2160: First Planetary Council Chiron Alliance proposes a Planetary Council, where all factions can voice opinions and make decisions that affect the whole Planet. Pirates voted for Lal, where he becomes the first Planetary Governor.
2162: Planetary Council Base Established A permanent base was established for the Planetary Council, creating a neutral facility. The base is defended by all factions, and is considered entirely neutral.
2164: Secret Pact with the Free Drones Svensgaard proposed to Foreman Domai a secret pact. Pirates will help the Free Drones build up a naval fleet while Drones allow Nautilus Probe Teams to traverse their territory. Pirates also willing to help the Drones defend their territory with their Nautilus Battle Dragon units, aslong they are disguise as Drone units and that Domai tells no one about it.
2166: Nautilus Probe Teams succeed in infiltrating the Spartan Federation.
2168: Larionov Rebellion Larionov Merchant Company (connected to the Supplying resources to University and leaking info to Morgan-University on the Chiron Alliance) as been secretly building up an small military at (island north-east of Gaians) in past decade or so. they took control of all three bases on the island and declared Independence. The Marine Corp was quickly sent to retake the island from the Larionov Forces, before other factions finds out about it. After retaking the island, the Larionov Merchant Company was disbanded. all involved were prosecuted/interrogated and shipped to Prison Island. Various Larionov members and supporters succeed in emigrating to Morgan Industries.
2169: Marinetime Control Center completed at Safe Haven.
2170: Lal retains as Planetary Governor
2171: Global Trade Agreement
2172: CEO Morgan accuses the Pirates of "monopilizing" the seas after recent Pirate harassment of Morgan merchant ships.
2174-2176: Morganite-Angel War Pirates secretly help the angels with various covert actions against the Morganites.
2178: Chiron Alliance questions the Nautilus Pirates past activity.
2179: Trade War The economical and trade warfare between the Pirates and Morganites.
2180: Lal retains as Planetary Governor again
2181-2183: Chiron's Great War war breakouts in the eastern and central continents after some high tensions. The war was pretty much kicked off when the Pirate Fleet in Chiron Sea bombarded the Spartan Fleet.
2183: Global Trade Summit Trade summit was located at Morgan Industries. Nautilus Probe Team help Morgan Security to fight eliminate Larionov terrorists. Cult of War discovered and arrested at Eryption Base. Pirates secretly establishes the Athen Outpost, where Battle Dragon units are based.
2183-2189: Denairia War not is known about what happened at that island, except for the lost of Nautilus Marine platoons and a probe team.
2185: Athen Incident Spartans discovers the Pirates Athen Outpost north of the Upland wastes. The whole thing almost got into a all out battle. A Cold War between the Pirates and Spartans as started.
2187: Pirates discovers the spartans sneaking stuff to the believers.
2188: Pirates secretly supports Kane's Forces.
2190: [b]Morgan becomes the new Planetary Governor
2191: Nessus Incident Believer ships discovers the Pirate's Nessus Base in Nessus Sea, which resulted into a skirmish with Pirate ships. skirmishs between Believer and Pirate ships continue until Miriam mention it in the Planetary Council. Skirmishs later stoped, but tensions are is formed between the believers and pirates, especially in Nessus Sea.
2192: Battle for Deep Isle Shoals Believer attempted in capturing the Cult's naval base Deep Isle Shoals, surrounded by fungus. Has a Pirate base was located not to far, Pirates sent ships to find out what was going on, but ended up being part of the battle. Pk ships also showed too. It was the most the bloodiest naval battle on Chiron.
2193: Kane Beachhead Evacuation Pirates receive a message from Kane, requesting evacuation. Pirates quickly forms a task group and moves in to evacuate them. Due to high resistance by Hive ships and coastal artillery defences, Pirates only succeeded in rescuing a few people with some losses.
2195: Planetary Stock Exchange established at Planetary Council Base.
still some final touches to be done, but i am simply to tired to finish
August 10, 2001, 12:50
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Location: Aperture Science Enrichment Center
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I was a little lazy  and decided to loan some text from other histories and just changed the PoV a little bit.
Believer History
2122: The First Crusade against the Cult of Planet. The Cult's worship of native lifeforms and alleged situations where human life was sacrificed to sustain natives create much hatred at the Believer bases. Sister Miriam decides to launch an attack, a Holy Crusade, which later on took the name "The First Crusade".
2123 - 2125: Fighting on Cult - Believer border continues for three more years. No major advancements are made by either side; Massive Believer armed forces suffer heavy casualties on psi attacks. As the war settles down, no military operations are made but a truce is not signed. Interfactional relations between the participants remain cold.
Early 2141: Plans on Second Crusade. Sister Miriam and the Order of Christianity engage a debate concering Cult of Planet affairs. Miriam, Control Police commanders and most of the Order wish to launch the Second Crusade, whereas some members of the Order want to sign a Peace Treaty. These members attempt to contact Cult behind others' backs, but are discovered and trialed before success.
Late 2141: Second Crusade launched.
2142-2146: Heavy fighting insues, but again no major development occurs. Believers start to seek methods to overcome native lifeform units. In 2146 Believer assault resources are running out; Believers hide this fact carefully and decide to sign a hasty blood truce. The truce is set to expire in fifteen years. Peacekeepers respect this act, though they are very sure that once the truce ends there will be a new war.
2147: Believer internal turmoil. The returing crusaders are revered as heroes, and Miriam declares to her citizens that the Believers are not yet finished with the Cult. Some members of the Control Police and the Order resent this, and plan to overthrow Miriam.
2148: Servant rebellion. The rebelling faction starts to call itself the "Servants of Righteousness". Miriam decideds that all bases must start producing military hardware. Two bases, Righteous Sentence and Hallow Ground, are under heavy Servant influence and revolt. The Believers hide the coflict very carefully, and quell the uprising violently.
2161: The Reproductional Campaign. The Order offers substancial support to families with several children. All citizens troughout the faction are urged and some even forced to produce future soldiers for the upcoming Third Crusade. Population grows quickly.
2183: Third Crusade. After a long wait, the Believers decided that they were ready for a new attack, and the right situation presents itself as the Cult is at last engaged in a war on the other part of Planet.
late 2183 The first massive Believer attack begins. Cult forces are literally blasted out of their positions, and pushed far back near Invictus. The siege of Spore Runner Sanctum begins.
2184 The Cult launches an effective counterattack, gathering all possible troops and aimed at key points of the massive Believer army. The Cultists barely manage to push the Believers back enough, to end the siege of Spore Runner Sanctum, with tremendous casualties from both sides. After five months of siege the wealthy and well populated base is turned into a pile of rubble. The Believers are kicked back from where they started, and thousands of Cult formers quickly start to replant fungus in the areas cleansed by the Believers.
2188. After a prolonged and bloody station war, the Believers begin yet another attack. This time they attack begins with the help of heavy air support. Huge squadrons of needlejet bombers are sent against the Cult. Spore Runner Sanctum and Invictus are heavily bombarded. Unfortunately, the Cult was barely able to complete their newest weapon, the Locust of Chiron, and launched series of air attacks from the newly established secret base, Nest of Fear. The locusts catch the Believers completely by surprise, and smash their air armada in a decisive air battle over Spore Runner Sanctum. The ground troops then push the decisively weakened Believer army back out. People start to call the third crusade as the Endless War.
2189: The Denaeira Incident culminates. Because occupied in a war, and since they had no interest towards the Alien history or native lifeforms - this is their promised land - the Believers take no part in the incident except sending a small scout unit to observe after capturing the Morganite team's message.
2191: The Nessus Incident. The Pirates and the Believers have an argument over the Nessus Sea as the Pirates stick up a base there. Some shots are fired, and battles are fought, but no change in the situation occurs, Nessus Base remains in Pirate hands. Pirate - Believer relations calm down as the battles do, but technically they are at war.
2187 - 2191: More action on the Western Continent. The Peacekeepers run an ever-growing humanitarian aid operation from across the Gaian border. In addition, a naval task force is stationed off the coast near the Cult/Believer border with a contingent of U.N. Marines on hand. The Hive condemns this new "aggressive posturing" by the Peacekeepers and Miriam is increasingly pissed off, to the point of threatening to ignore all borders and seek out "enemies" wherever they can be found. Chiron Alliance warns Miriam that sending troops across the Gaian border for ANY reason will be considered an act of war. As an afterthought, it is hurriedly added that this also applies to the forces of the Cult.
2192: Battle for Deep Isle Shoals. Believers attempted to capture the Cult's naval base Deep Isle Shoals, surrounded by fungus. As a Pirate base was located not too far, Pirates sent ships to find out what was going on, but ended up being part of the battle. Peacekeeper ships also showed too. It was the most the bloodiest naval battle on Chiron.
2193: After five years of raids and attacks in smaller scale made either by the Cult or Believers, Miriam rallies her people for a third push into Cult territory. This time the attack is lead by empath troops, and behind the scene, Believer probe teams are at work. The perimeter defense and a multitude of other important buildings of Spore Runner Sanctum are sabotaged. The Cult is once again pushed way back, and after a bloody battle Spore Runner Sanctum is lost to the Believing forces. This time Cha dawn administrates a radical change to Cult doctrine, and establishes the first units, composed out of the best human soldiers and mindworms. The mixed units, as they are called, quickly show their strength on the battlefield against empath and trance units, stopping the Empath spearheads leading the Believer army. Only days after, Cha Dawn rallies the exhausted Cult troops for a daring counterattack, which he personally leads. The counterattack, supported by all available air support, succeeds and the Believing army is smashed. Spore Runner Sanctum is liberated, but base is once again just a pile of rubble. Rumors say that the Cult used some new and very powerful weapon of alien origin in the counterattack, but that is never confirmed.
2195: Probe team actions. Believer Probe teams launch a wide covert assault to make Cult bases revolt. The campaign is not a success, but the Cult attains no evidence to accuse the Believers.
End of 2199:
- The Believers are technically at war with the Cult and the Pirates.
- As the Planetary Council voting approaches, the Believers are deciding whether to vote Roze, Morgan or Santiago.
- The only faction the Believers currently have un-cold relations are the Morganites, Spartans, the Hive and the Angels. However, because the Morganites supported the Cult in the Crusade(s), they are regarded as unworthy of trust. Thus, the Lord's Believers are seeking for allies - probably the Hive and Spartans. Spartan military advisors and Hive hardware have been found very useful
Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the test. Thank you for helping us help you help us all!
Last edited by Kassiopeia; August 10, 2001 at 19:38.
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