July 16, 2001, 04:37
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Apolyton Pack v1.0! CTP2 the way it should be!
Apolyton Pack v1.0 is now released!
Login: hexagonia
Password: hextapul
The file apolyton.zip is located in the Apolyton Pack folder. Download this one file and unzip to your Call To Power 2 directory. You MUST have the CTP2 patch and Modswapper installed (or use the Modswapper alternative instructions if using Win2K).
There are 2 setups in the Apolyton Pack.
Apolyton Pack V1.0! CTP2 the way it should be. - for the standard setup and uses the standard map sizes.
Apolyton Pack V1.0! Ultra-gigantic map! - contains new map setups whereby Gigantic is now 4 times bigger! Also contains updated City Thresholds for all govs to accomodate the larger map.
Download and play! I hope you enjoy this Pack. Please read "File Credits.txt" to see who contributed. Post comments here.
July 16, 2001, 04:52
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July 16, 2001, 06:04
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Thanks Markos.
And thanks to yourself and Dan for letting us use the name Apolyton for the pack.
July 16, 2001, 08:28
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and thanks to: - Celestial Dawn, for letting Dale use "CTP[2] the way it should be played"tm
- Dale for compiling it
- Everyone who helped make it
 Thanks Guys!!
Last edited by Immortal Wombat; July 16, 2001 at 08:55.
July 16, 2001, 13:08
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uuu that is great...
*You guys have actually made a game out of CTP2*
what do I do now... I think I have to try this pack as well, especially the gigantic one
One question though... which is not totally on topic... when you load map (premade binary one, eg Omnis world map) in the editor. How do you play from there? Do you have to save it as a scenario or is there another way? And a tip to how place starting places for civs correctly (not that only half of them show up) or where is the readme for that (if it exists)?
Just an example, if I want to play with just 8 civs of my choice, (I would be one of them)and if I want them to start on particular places too. Any tips?
July 16, 2001, 16:45
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Originally posted by OneFootInTheGrave
Just an example, if I want to play with just 8 civs of my choice, (I would be one of them)and if I want them to start on particular places too. Any tips?
Go into the editor (either via cheat or pick the option before launching the game after launching the scenario) and use it to place your civs and to pick which civs you want to use.
Hey Dale
Did you move Fascism to a more 'historically relevant' place on the Tech Tree???
Looks good - Now I have to get my rear in gear and load Modswapper - Boy I've been dragging my heels on that...
Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
July 16, 2001, 17:29
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This mod doesn't work either
Yeah, I just downloaded and installed the Apolyton Pack, and I get the same good ole' "guXXX.spr not found in asset tree" error. I'll stand by for any bone willing to be thrown by some kind soul out there.
July 16, 2001, 23:38
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I had that happen once and just reinstalled everything again manually and it worked fine. What program are you using to unzip the files, I know someone here once said one the the zip programs did not work that well.
July 17, 2001, 03:03
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July 17, 2001, 08:11
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As far as I can understand, this requires having the MedMod pictures & sounds.
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July 17, 2001, 09:15
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I know that winzip works OK, I am not sure about the others, like Gozilla doesn't work.
July 17, 2001, 09:40
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As far as I can understand, this requires having the MedMod pictures & sounds.
No Solver ModSwapper is only a tool that allows you to change mods easily. MedMod was the first big mod that needs this tool and therefore it was only located on Wes' homepage. OK there is also a small mod my CityMod2 (now it enrichs the ApolytonPack), that can only be found on my homepage.
And I thought I filled out the modify a file page and sent MarkG a email that told him were to find English and German versions of my mod, so that can replace Citymod1 in the Apolyton Database by CityMod2, but this is the way call a modPack Apolyton and you will find it soon in the DataBase. Maybe everyone should put Apolyton in the name of his mod like ApolytonCraddle, ApolytonCityMod2 and ApolytonSoundfix. Ok I didn't send MarkG a notification about the soundfix, because I wanted to see how it works - so far no problems. And what happend with my screen capture packs I have the feeling MarkG hoped that if he waits long enough we don't need them. He is right, because Martin the Dane released his ReadZFSFile. It allows us to view *.rim files within the *.zfs files, so no need for theese screencaptures any more. And what about Dale's mods in the Apolyton CTP2 DataBase. I read MarkG promisse to Dale that his mods will up next weekend. And this weekend was if I recall it correctly a May weekend.
OK now back to the topic ModSwapper is now not a MedMod2 exclusive tool and you don't need to have any stuff related to the MedMod2 in order to run the ApolytonPack.
By the way I made a German version of the ApolytonPack, unfortunatly it is a little bit to huge therefore I sent the file to Dale today.
I missed in the pack the CityMod2 Great Library, therefore this file contains also a English version of the Great Library (I improved it a little bit) and I also saw something that had to be fixed Klaus Kaan's Zero Ignored wonder was shown up in the Great Library. I modified the file in this way that this bug fix wonder is now GlHidden.
The second small bug that I fixed is about the Leviathan unit. It has now 10 move points as in CTP1 instead of 1/10.
And the last thing that I added to the was my little soundfix it will enrich this pack.
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July 17, 2001, 20:55
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Apolyton Pack works completely independantely of Med Pack 2. I know, I didn't even have Med Pack on when I made this.
That's a problem I remember someone else had months ago where his version of unzip wasn't reconstructing the directorys. I use Winzip from http://www.winzip.com
No, I left Facism where it was for the time being. I did think of moving it, but decided against it at the last second. Where would you put it?
Thanks for the German version. Also for adding the sounds fix and Klaus wonder fix. I completely forgot that.
Needed changes:
1. Great Library - I know I know. Things need updating.
2. Submittors names - I apologise to those folks I mispelt their names.
3. Facism - ????? Maybe? Where to?
4. Popup msg - I'll disable it since it only causes those wierd double messages. It's pretty obvious you're playing AP anyways.
5. I'll wait to hear what other bugs you guys can find.
1. How do you find the flow of the game?
2. How is the AI performing?
3. Anyone tried an ultra-gigantic map?
4. What's everyone think so far?
July 17, 2001, 23:25
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I haven't had a chance to play the Apolyton Pack yet, but I think Fascism should get the prereqs it had for CTPI: Nationalism and Mass Media. I think as it stands in CTP2, Fascism is actually a prerequisite for Nationalism
July 18, 2001, 07:38
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I am realy impressed! You have made the game playable - played the whole night. Things I noticed:
Spies produce a lot of "bad strings" can´t find their slics and don´t work at all.
Aristoteles Lyceum has a twin. Didn´t change it because I thought the AI needed it or something...
The AI trys to defend itself! Yeah!
Tech comes much to fast, so I changed the advance-file and put the tunnels back in place [see file]
Also changed the terrain-file back to normal and did a few other things not worth telling...
Why do bombers always try a direct attack instead of...äh...bombing?!
The AI is indeed very good, but I think it should build more terrain improvements.
Praise the Dale!
July 18, 2001, 08:24
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does that Med Pack 2 fix that bug, that allows u to built every round a unit u want? i mean that trick (cheat) that makes onlinegaming boring if someone is using it?
July 19, 2001, 13:28
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How can i get the advance and the unit chart for the Apolyton Pack?
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July 19, 2001, 15:05
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How can i get the advance and the unit chart for the Apolyton Pack?
New units in the Apolyton Pack? I didn't find a modified unit.txt in the pack. I tought the Apolyton Pack combine the best mods on Apolyton without changing to much, therefore I guess there also no changes in the tech order.
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July 19, 2001, 17:12
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Originally posted by Gsmeagol
does that Med Pack 2 fix that bug, that allows u to built every round a unit u want? i mean that trick (cheat) that makes onlinegaming boring if someone is using it?
That is a multiplayer cheat only I beleive, so the MedPack does not deal with it, it only changes gameplay issues and AI balancing in singleplayer. Sorry
July 19, 2001, 20:20
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Originally posted by Pedrunn
How can i get the advance and the unit chart for the Apolyton Pack?
The big colourful poster that came with CTP2.
Failing that, the advances chart is in the files database somewhere (can't remember which section).
The only thing I'm changing in regard to units and advances is this:
- Leviathon gains correct amount of move points (10).
- Fascism is moved so pre-reqs are the same as CTP1 (Nationalism and Mass Media).
These changes will flow through in update 1.01 which I'll have ready next week.
What did you do with the spy to create errors? I did a lot of testing with it last night and couldn't reproduce any errors at all. Thanks for the vote of confidence on the pack though.  Thanks for the advance sheet. I'm intergrating it with some of the changes that are in the current one.
July 19, 2001, 23:11
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Just for clarification, does the Gigantic Maps mod also include all the other mods? So it would be the Apolyton Pack on Gigantic Maps?
July 20, 2001, 10:32
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Originally posted by Dale
No, I left Facism where it was for the time being. I did think of moving it, but decided against it at the last second. Where would you put it?
Simple (I made this change long ago to the Original game files)
Theology can be a direct Prerequisite of Nationalism and then Facism's prerequisites can be changed to Electricity and Explosives. No advance has Facism as a Prerequisite so doing this will not corrupt the tech tree.
July 21, 2001, 07:22
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I've put the Modswapper, the Apolyton Pack and Wes' MedMod onto my CTP2, and am having some troubles - perhaps someone can help?
I can get the Apolyton Pack to work, and the city graphics for the Egyptians are fantastic. Haven't yet had enough time to see the other changes, except that the science rate seems to me to be much much slower than the original, and the game does not appear to have the tech changes listed as part of Wes' MedPack II. My question is whether the Apoloyton Pack is supposed to contain the Med Pack II changes in this regard, and whether the basic science rates have changed. If science has slowed, is there documentation on what strategies to use in the game to compensate?
I have also attempted to paly Wes' MedPack II, using the modswapper, to try and see the 60 new advances, new govts, extra units etc, but no matter what I do, I get the "guXXX.spr not found" error. I have rebooted, defragged and scan-disked as per the troubleshooting file without any impact on the problem. Anyone know how to fix this?
Chris Horscroft
July 21, 2001, 11:20
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Okay let me try and help.
First Apolyton Pack and Med Mod II are seperate mods. Apolyton Pack just improves CTP 2 "vanilla" style. No extra units or graphics. It mostly fixes bugs and add slic program files to help the A.I. dipomacy, etc...
Med Mod II is a complete mod that changes CTP2 throughout the ages. It moves things around, new units, graphics, different game play rules, etc...
Now both work off of the Modswapper program. It's an either or choice. If you are playing Apolyton pack you have to save and exit on the Med Mod choice and load CTP 2. BTW try Craddle, too.
Modswapper just renames the files you need to play.
The guxxx.spr not found error happens for about one of three different reasons if I remember right.
1.) A lot of errors happen because users don't have the CTP 2 patch which adds a lot of new slic functions, but I'm pretty sure that is not your problem
2.) You don't have all the newest updates with the newest sprites, but Wes hasn't updated the graphics part in a long time so that is probably not your problem
3.) I believe your problem is your zip program. Some users have reported that some unzip programs don't place the files right. Try a different zip program or put the new files in place manually. I have had to do this once or twice before. Sorry.... Let me know what worked. Good Luck and enjoy.
July 21, 2001, 11:26
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I can get the Apolyton Pack to work, and the city graphics for the Egyptians are fantastic. Haven't yet had enough time to see the other changes, except that the science rate seems to me to be much much slower than the original, and the game does not appear to have the tech changes listed as part of Wes' MedPack II. My question is whether the Apoloyton Pack is supposed to contain the Med Pack II changes in this regard, and whether the basic science rates have changed. If science has slowed, is there documentation on what strategies to use in the game to compensate?
The science rate should be faster than normal, Dale put in a file with 80% advance costs. 
The Apolyton Pack does not add any techs, units, wonders or buildings. It does not include the MedMod changes on anything other than game balance and AI behaviour.
I have also attempted to paly Wes' MedPack II, using the modswapper, to try and see the 60 new advances, new govts, extra units etc, but no matter what I do, I get the "guXXX.spr not found" error. I have rebooted, defragged and scan-disked as per the troubleshooting file without any impact on the problem. Anyone know how to fix this?
The easiest way to solve it would be to download both sprite zip files from Wes' site and install them again, but this is time consuming and possibly not the fastest.
An alternative way is more complicated, but means you only need to download one sprite rather than 40...
Check the sprites directory to see if the sprite is genuinely missing. If it is, then copy any sprite, say number gu002.spr (settler) and rename it to whatever sprite is missing. Then go into the cheat editor, and place down on the map, every single unit. The one that comes up as a settler when it shouldn't do is the missing sprite. Then, to save yourself from downloading the entire sprites section again, email someone (Loads of people have all the sprites) requesting they send you the sprite, or I think if it is zipped it could be posted here even.
July 21, 2001, 12:02
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Originally posted by ENGINEER
BTW try Cradle, too.
Thanks for the plug.
Engineer, have you ever considered creating a Mod??? Between all of the available mods and graphics available, the framework is now there to create a good one that is different.
I do have the leaders and Martin's CityMod bundled together at my site set up for Cradle. You need to install the Cradle text file first and then install the leader_city.zip, allowing it to overwrite the existing files.
Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
July 21, 2001, 12:12
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I get the "guXXX.spr not found" error.
If I get such a error I would look into the ..\ctp2_data\default\graphics\sprites folder to check if there are the missing guXXX.spr files. Now if they aren't there maybe you unzipped the unit sprites into the wrong folder, I would search for a new folder. Therefore unzipping the sprites again into your CTP2 folder may help. I guess you saved the *zip files and obviously your unzipper works fine, because you managed to get to work the ApolytonPack.
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July 22, 2001, 01:10
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ya I thought about it. I know a few old computer langs. from back in the day and I'm a real big history buff. I would love to do a total world war II mod (like the one in civ II plus Japan), but that would be so hard and probably too big for most people to play. Maybe a world war IV. The trouble with CTP 2 is getting the AI civs to stay allied with each other and against you. No fun if you are playing the US and form an alliance with Germany.
I don't know, what would people want to see?
July 22, 2001, 03:33
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job well done so far!  i see lots of improvements.
The difficulty levels are imo a little too well defined. 4 vs 1 settlers on impossible is damn impossible  3 vs 1 would be good for hardest level
One thing i'd like to see is progressive max cities. Nice (and necessary) touch in upping max cities to 300 in ultra-gigantic but still 60 aint enough in the regular gigantic and huge maps. Each sized map gives progressively more cities.
I also got aristotles twin, something like wonder0_not_defined...
I took over the capital of an opponent and it was real close to two of my other cities so i stuck on a lot of scientists and wore it down. When i went to disband it gave these errors:
But everything looked ok after that.
of course if at all possible id really like multiplayer bug fixes but i dont think this is in the mod realm, is it?
oh, and flicking over this thread i see someone saying science is slower - well thatd be coz of the one settler start. i started a medium then hard game to see the differences in science in 2 vs 1 initial cities and its substantial
July 22, 2001, 10:57
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On second thought, maybe not.
Last edited by Peter Triggs; July 22, 2001 at 11:13.
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