July 22, 2001, 12:03
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Can someone help a newbie to modding files? I have the 1.1 patch installed and Modswapper and when I put the APv1.0 Pack in & try to start a game I get:
"APOL_capturecity.slc:26:No function named DestroyBuilding", the same with ln. 47,
"APOL_diplomod.slc:97:No function named GetPersonalityType", same for lns. 276 & 560, "No function named GetStopResearchAdvance"& "No function named GetAgreementDuration", respectively,
and "APOL_airunit.slc:75:No function named TileHasImprovement"
the files were put into my default/gamedata file.
while i was able to begin a game, i don't want to get hundreds of turns in before finding that these errors crash the program or something.
Any suggestions? So far the only mod I've been able to install successfully is the Frenzy AI which has made the Dutch delightfully agressive.
Please endeavor, and take great care, not to unnecessarily and hubristically obfuscate your present composition with florid and overtly purple episodes of sloppy logorrheic fancy unless your purpose is to NOT be read.
July 22, 2001, 15:39
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Are you trying to run both Apolyton Pack and Frenzy. They might not work together. Other then that it could be you don't have patch, but you said you do or you need to rename the line Debug Slic = Yes to no or something like that in the userprofile.txt file, but I thought that was fixed.
July 22, 2001, 19:35
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Thanks Guys - you'll be happy to know that the advice given was very helpful...
(Thought about thanking y'all by name, but stumbled over whether to address The Immortal Wombat as "Wombat", "Immortal" or "The" - all three at once seemed over the top)
Have now got the Med Mod II working, and am a little embarressed about the reason for my initial problem. I managed somehow to only install the texts file, none of the sprites or other files, and therefore the message saying that the spriteXXX was missing was perfectly correct. All that disk cleanup and defragging was a bit pointless. Should have checked the basics first.
I understand the difference between Apoloyton Pack and Med Pack better now. Nice to see I was at least on the right track with that one.
Will try out Craddle as well.
Am now going to set up a couple of games and verify the science rate thing. I found as soon as I got into the game that discoveries came much faster again - so it may just have been my initial city setup and location.
Anyway, am very very impressed with the mods.
I will also start changing all the message texts to replace the default Activision strings telling me about other civs progress on starting/stopping wonders and my own builds of units with something a bit more atmospheric. May also fiddle with the era change messages as well.
If anyone is interested, I'll put my text variations up here - it is about the only level of game change that I am competent to make!
Chris Horscroft
July 22, 2001, 19:52
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Wombat will do fine if you don't want to go over the top  #
Chris, while you're editing info_str.txt, can you let me know if you get aby problems with copying and pasting? When I'm using notepad, I can never copy-and-paste into info_str.txt or civilzation.txt, but most other documents are fine. For those two files I have to use EditPlus2, which is good, but always makes an annoying backup file, evern when you change just one character... Anyway, I digres, if you get any "out of memory" messages, (or even if you don't) could you let me know?
(The Immortal Wombat  )
July 22, 2001, 19:58
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Well, back from another great weekend off work.  Now to business.......
Yes, the Ultra-gigantic maps version contains ALL other Apolyton Pack changes.
Chris B:
I've made Fascism the same pre-reqs as in CTP1. Mass Media and Nationalism. It'll come out in update to 1.01 soon.
Chris Horscroft:
The only Med Pack II changes I've used, are as mentioned before. I have used AI scripts from Med Pack II and Cradle to try to make the best AI available for CTP2. No units, advances or other wonders have changed, only fixes for certain things (Leviathon movement, Aristotle's notifications, etc).
Thanks for the compliments on what we have so far.
The difficulty levels are imo a little too well defined. 4 vs 1 settlers on impossible is damn impossible 3 vs 1 would be good for hardest level
This is the point of my MOD. To make Impossible, really impossible.  Aristotle's twin will be fixed in 1.01 (already done on my machine). Thanks for the bug report about the AI's capitals. I'll take a look at it.
Doc Paradox:
Reinstall the CTP2 patch as every one of those statements were implemented in the patch.
July 22, 2001, 20:05
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Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
Wombat will do fine if you don't want to go over the top #
Chris, while you're editing info_str.txt, can you let me know if you get aby problems with copying and pasting? When I'm using notepad, I can never copy-and-paste into info_str.txt or civilzation.txt, but most other documents are fine. For those two files I have to use EditPlus2, which is good, but always makes an annoying backup file, evern when you change just one character... Anyway, I digres, if you get any "out of memory" messages, (or even if you don't) could you let me know?
(The Immortal Wombat )
Use Wordpad mate. If you use Win98, Notepad can't handle any text file can be more than 53kb in size (or something). You'll find that what you're pasting will make the file larger than this and Notepad don't like it. So the fix is to use Wordpad.
July 23, 2001, 00:04
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Dale- another suggestion about Fascism:
Since Fascism was moved to the Renaissance, so was the Fascist, so they're pretty weak, you may want to increase their ratings and cost
July 23, 2001, 03:57
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Ah, thats very cunning. The settings won't open it in wordpad unless its too big, but I can't make it too big in notepad... I guess thats stupid Microsoft making two programs where one would do.
July 23, 2001, 11:18
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I'm no modder, but I am somewhat of an amature historian. If you'll post (or email me) a list of GL entries you need I can start cranking them out a little at a time.
Any flames in this message are solely in the mind of the reader.
July 23, 2001, 11:54
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Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
Ah, thats very cunning. The settings won't open it in wordpad unless its too big, but I can't make it too big in notepad... I guess thats stupid Microsoft making two programs where one would do.
Ben you could put a wordpad link in your C:\windows\SendTo\ folder, then you will find a link to wordpad in the send to menue under file.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
July 23, 2001, 13:29
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I installed the Apolyton pack using Modswap and Winzip, and got the same SLIC error messages as Doc Paradox.
I had a game under way and found my Ramayana had been swapped for the Pyramids, an ancient civilisation behind me in science had somehow managed to build the Central Matter Decompiler and there was still no warning about the Lyceum.
Also, I get bizarre messages coming up on the "Messages" tab eg "Otto von Bismarck" or "2" rather than "Edinburgh has built a granary".
Is the problem that I installed part way through a game, or do I need to download this "1.1 patch"?
1st time I have dabbled in mods so I'm easily confused I guess...
July 23, 2001, 13:55
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You need the patch to play any or all of the CTP2 mods on Apolyton.
July 23, 2001, 16:00
Local Time: 13:36
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*OT mode*
Actually, you can turn EditPlus's backup feature off...somewhere (try Tools -> Preferences -> Files). I really recommend EditPlus users to experiment with all the features and preferences, they are innumerable and they are what makes EditPlus (IMNSHO) the best text editor in existance, for all files and not just for SLIC (waaaayyy better than NotePad or WordPad anyway).
BTW, EditPlus users can avoid NotePad altogether by checking the 'Associate in Explorer' box in that same Preferences screen, under Files -> Settings & Syntax, with Text selected as file type. Now all textfiles will by default be opened in EditPlus (all this goes for v2.10, it may work slightly different in other versions).
*/OT mode*
July 23, 2001, 16:46
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Rob_outram, when you install a new mod you should start new games with them. Some (but not all) of the data from the game's text files is saved with the game, which can (and usually will) lead to problems when you continue an old game with different game-files.
And of course you will also need to have the patch installed for most mods because they use some new slic functions that were added in the patch.
July 23, 2001, 17:24
Local Time: 05:36
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Originally posted by Locutus
*OT mode*
Actually, you can turn EditPlus's backup feature off...somewhere (try Tools -> Preferences -> Files). I really recommend EditPlus users to experiment with all the features and preferences, they are innumerable and they are what makes EditPlus (IMNSHO) the best text editor in existance, for all files and not just for SLIC (waaaayyy better than NotePad or WordPad anyway).
BTW, EditPlus users can avoid NotePad altogether by checking the 'Associate in Explorer' box in that same Preferences screen, under Files -> Settings & Syntax, with Text selected as file type. Now all textfiles will by default be opened in EditPlus (all this goes for v2.10, it may work slightly different in other versions).
*/OT mode*
Locutus, where can I get EditPlus? Plz post a link?
Any flames in this message are solely in the mind of the reader.
July 23, 2001, 18:53
Local Time: 12:36
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Originally posted by Locutus
*OT mode*
Actually, you can turn EditPlus's backup feature off...somewhere (try Tools -> Preferences -> Files). I really recommend EditPlus users to experiment with all the features and preferences, they are innumerable and they are what makes EditPlus (IMNSHO) the best text editor in existance, for all files and not just for SLIC (waaaayyy better than NotePad or WordPad anyway).
BTW, EditPlus users can avoid NotePad altogether by checking the 'Associate in Explorer' box in that same Preferences screen, under Files -> Settings & Syntax, with Text selected as file type. Now all textfiles will by default be opened in EditPlus (all this goes for v2.10, it may work slightly different in other versions).
*/OT mode*
Yeah, I mostly figured this out, but the backup is useful for SLICing, but not for text, and I like having wordpad as the default, so I only use EditPlus for SLIC. Its too complicated for just writing simple text files. (and its a trial version, so I always get that stoopid popup  )
Big Dave: Unsurprisingly, its http://www.editplus.com
July 23, 2001, 20:02
Local Time: 21:36
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You can thank Bill for the stupidity between notepad and wordpad. However, on W2K there's no filesize limit in notepad. Go figure eh?
Big Dave:
Thanks for the offer, but the GL is up-to-date now. I just had to modify a couple of entries due to Fascism's move.
Cuz a lot of things have been fixed/moved/changed, you'll need to start a new game if using Apolyton Pack. To go back to your old games, load Modswapper and select Original Game to play them.
Must admit, I've never used EditPlus. Does it support C++ (*.cpp & *.h) files at all? Then it would be usefull for me.
BTW: I've almost finished the 1.01 update. Just one more bug to iron out and we're there.
Last edited by Dale; July 23, 2001 at 20:12.
July 24, 2001, 07:35
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Originally posted by Dale
Must admit, I've never used EditPlus. Does it support C++ (*.cpp & *.h) files at all? Then it would be usefull for me.
Yep  As you download it, it supports text, HTML, C/C++, Perl, PHP, Java, JSP, JavaScript, vBScript, CSS. Then from Locutus website you can download a thingummy that lets it support and colour-code SLIC
What is the one bu that needs ironing out?
July 24, 2001, 16:21
Local Time: 13:36
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You can redirect backup files to a special backup folder, that could more or less solve your problem. Backup files sometimes annoy me as well but by having Editplus move them all to C:\Backup it's not much of a problem. In those rare cases where you actually need the backup weeding through all the useless backups is a small price to pay to get your precious files back (and you can even regularly remove all useless backup files in a couple of mouse clicks or even automatically do it with a small script or batch file).
I never cease to be amazed by people's inability to find their own hacks, cracks, keygenerators, etc. I mean, it's not like they're hard to find or anything... (no offense, to anyone)
Anyway, email me if you want and I'll send you a keygenerator (31 kB) for EditPlus 2 - or just a registration key if you'd prefer that (in which case you should tell me the user name you'd like to use as well). This offer is open for others as well of course (no, I'm not gonna post illegal software on my website).
What?!  You don't even use it for SLIC? You poor soul! You wrote all those hundreds of lines of SLIC code and didn't even have EditPlus to guide you? That must have been a living hell!  You should definitely at least try it some time, the color-coding feature for SLIC (that IW already mentioned) alone makes it well worth the download.
Actually, EditPlus supports pretty much all programming languages in existance. The ones IW mentioned are supported by default, other languages can be supported by downloading the appropriate (often fan-made) files from the Editplus website. In the unlikely event that you use a programming language that isn't supported yet, you can write your own language definitions within 15 minutes (presuming you have a full language specification at hand), like Olivier Daury and I did for SLIC.
July 24, 2001, 22:16
Local Time: 21:36
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Posts: 3,944
[OT talk]
Yeah, I've been using notepad/wordpad all along. But then I'm one of those people comfortable doing web cascading style sheets in notepad.
So how do I get the SLIC syntax into EditPlus? I downloaded both EditPlus and your SLIC files for EP. Also, rego key?
[/OT talk]
July 25, 2001, 07:20
Local Time: 11:36
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OK, I've made 50 or so changes to the text of the info_str file. (Wombat - I used notepad, and copy-pasted without trouble.)
I'll put these into a new thread, so people don't have to read through that list unless they want to.
Some of the changes are pretty minor, but I have always regarded the wonder notifications as especially annoying, and have "fixed" these, and made a few changes elsewhere as well.
Anyway, for anyone who wants it, have a look at the 'Revised Info_str' thread.
Chris Horscroft
July 25, 2001, 15:16
Local Time: 11:36
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RE: Morphing Nobles and Treaties.
Although this originally came up in the MedMod thread, it's presumably relevent here too.
I've never understood why you didn't use the Event:EstablishEmbassy. That's what I've used although the specific way I've done it won't work in a normal mod.
It seemed to me that the more advanced diplomacy system of CTP2 (compared with CIV2) makes Diplomats largely redundant. I've left them in the game: they can still throw parties, and if you really want to you can still move a diplomat across the map and physically establish an embassy but the way I've got it set up you don't necessarily need to do that anymore.
What I would have liked to do is to add a new New Proposal: Embassy Treaty. But I couldn't add a new Type string:
String name of a valid proposal type. These names are primarily used for debugging as well as SLIC scripting though they must be registered in the game to work correctly.
Couldn't find where to register it. Unless someone can overcome this, it means we've got 38 New Proposals, and no more. So, since I'm working on a Mod that's purely concerned with the Military side of things, I used the Pollution Pact entry for my new treaty:
Image "updi08.tga"
# Proposal slot, show when pact exists with foreigner
ImageSlot 7
# must have a peace treaty first
with new strings for the details. Next, to get the AI to send a request to establish mutual diplomatic relations, I used the ReactionMotivation event:
HandleEvent(ReactionMotivation)'NewDipProposal' pre {
if (!HasAgreement(player[0], player[1], 37) && !AtWarWith(player[0],player[1])
&& HasAdvance(player[0], ID_ADVANCE_BUREAUCRACY)
&& HasAdvance(player[1], ID_ADVANCE_BUREAUCRACY) ){
} |
So if they don't have embassys and aren't at war, then as soon as player[0] gets BUREAUCRACY (and player[1] already has it), player[0] will send a New Proposal to player[1] asking to establish diplomatic relations. Then I intercept this message in the NewProposal event:
int_t first_type; //initial proposal
int_t second_type; // 'in exchange' proposal
HandleEvent(NewProposal)'RespondToNewProposals' pre {
first_type = GetLastNewProposalType(player[0], player[1], 0);
second_type = GetLastNewProposalType(player[0], player[1], 1);
if ( first_type==37 || second_type == 37 ) {
if (!IsHumanPlayer(player[0]) ){
Event:Accept(player[0], player[1]);
} |
As it stands the default condition is to accept. But I want to work out some more responses so that if it's the human player who's sending the proposal, the AI player may counter with a demand for an advance or gold or something. Anyway, having accepted the proposal it only remains to establish embassys:
HandleEvent(Accept)'NewProposalHasBeenAccepted' post {//post
first_type = GetLastNewProposalType(player[0], player[1], 0);
second_type = GetLastNewProposalType(player[0], player[1], 1);
if (first_type == 37 || second_type == 37) {
} |
I've just tried this line of thought with the Alliance treaty. It seems to work: you can control when one AI civ will propose an Alliance to another. I guess it's just a matter of writing up the appropriate 'Response logic'.
(BTW, in ripping the above code out of the mire that is my Scenario.slc file, I hope I haven't left anything out.)
PS: How can I stop my posts from getting so 'wide'.
July 25, 2001, 17:12
Local Time: 13:36
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Yeah, I was such a person as well, until I discovered EditPlus...
Damn, you mean I still didn't put those instructions up? I meant to do that ages ago. Anyway, here they are. Reg key for username Dale Kent (I assume that is what you want) is 446F2-BFB48.
Damn, that s*cks if you can't add new proposal types. I was playing around with some ideas for new proposals as well (not that I'd ever have time to actually implement them  )...
July 28, 2001, 10:40
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Posts: 25
I am sorry about the spies - changed them a few week ago and forgot about it! Your Pack is fine! But the AI is still to weak!
July 29, 2001, 23:21
Local Time: 21:36
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Apolyton Pack 1.01 update!
Okay guys, the Apolyton Pack 1.01 update is now ready to download.
Username: hexagonia
Password: hextapul
- If you are already using Apolyton Pack 1.0 then you download update_1.01.zip
- If you are not using any Apolyton Pack file then you download apolyton_1.01.zip
Both files are unzipped to your Call to Power 2 folder. By default this is either C:\PROGRAM FILES\CALL TO POWER 2\ or C:\PROGRAM FILES\ACTIVISION\CALL TO POWER 2\. I recommend Winzip. http://www.winzip.com
For info on the changes in the Apolyton Pack and the submitters, read "File Credits.txt" and "Changes.txt" for a complete rundown.
Hope you enjoy it and post comments here.
July 30, 2001, 07:50
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Huh you are updating faster than we play...
July 30, 2001, 19:21
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August 1, 2001, 19:13
Local Time: 20:36
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Posts: 33
After a long time not playing CP2 I decided to try again with AP...Set up OK game started on Ultra gigantic map ......Played no problem...Until I got my first Air unit ...then when I tried to move it
Apol-airuniy.slc:111:array index 0 out of bounds the plane moved but not till after the EM and a return to desktop......Strangly if I moved the plane to a A/Field I had no problem...and equally strange just as these crashes stopped a new message appeared In object DIP Establish embassy function-Hasadvance:argument: is not an advance...and yes crash time again.........Help please
August 1, 2001, 20:31
Local Time: 21:36
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For those getting the APOL_airunit.slc:111 error, can you please try the attached file. I made one small change and want to know if it fixes the error message. Reason I'm doing it this way? I don't get the error msg.
August 2, 2001, 12:26
Local Time: 11:36
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Posts: 25
Hej Dale,
do you have a listing about the exact changes to the update 1.01?
Praise the Dale, Todesengel
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