Contact, this isn't the place for game ads (chuckles)..someone will respond to your offer of a game on the general MP threads. I'd volunteer, but I've 3 games going and 2 major Smac projects, not to mention Reality.
Group: I didn't check here before posting over in the strategies section. I ran the game in a window and took notes, which I hope you will enjoy as much as I did. Here they are again, since they're in my clipboard anyways! Well, you must have probed 'ol Morgan to death before b/c the battle of 2188 was our first planetary victory supposedly. I think he'll be fine if you keep tabs on his attitude in the right-click (control click on mac) menu in the comm-links. I think the AI tries for it's own bases more than yours, but in 20 years or so, our sole remaining Morgan base will be fully assimilated and he'll forget about it. We need that base as a staging area, so I wouldn't give it too him. We'd most likely get the Governorship if we went for it now. Lal is trapped with only 3 bases. Overall the AI has been terrible in this game! I suppose I've gotten used to both Transcend and my additional modifications to the alphatext, but still!
Have fun mopping them up...turns are 10 years each for this round, then 5 after that, unless anyone suggests something different. We're going to have to start agreeing on overall strategies as the turns get shorter..or not! It was fun to see three bases making sea-formers. Been awhile since I've even used the buggers..I just raise land and terraform usually. Rant rant...good luck, turn sent. -Smack
So damnably interesting to receive a game like this!
2180: I switched 2 of the 3 sea formers to formers…I used to form the sea, but it’s expensive and dangerous..would rather have a few formers done for IA in two years…good job aiming for that!
2181: Have started moving the vast worm army (8 or 9? Great work!) toward Morgan. We’re going to have to take him out pronto. If he doesn’t submit, I’ll keep his bases to give to Zak, who I WILL make submit. I suppose, by 2190, when I turn it over there should be 1-3 crawlers per base, we’ll be nearing gene splicing, and the worms will be on the way BACK from Morgan. I can’t believe you guys didn’t finish the job with that nosy capitalist pig! Rushing a couple childrens creches and a rec commons to get ready for IA…about 8 out of 14 bases will be ready for crawler-making
2182: Ah, IA….need I say more? I’m glad those SP’s are cooking, but need them done, done, done! Tempted to send some crawlers in to finish the job, but in my book, getting each city to 14 minerals takes first precedence..I’ll be saving monies in case an AI gets up the nerve to try to get the VW or HGP before us. I don’t care about the command nexus..will switch possibly to the Empath Guild to hopefully get the Governorship and final infiltration. Switched to Wealth, and that shouldn’t hurt the worms about to crush Morgy..I’m guessing Morgan will be cooked in 2187. Again, great job getting so many worms! We’ve all but won in my book.
Busted one of Morgy’s probes near the Mesa..
Ah, wealth is good for industries…SP’s in 5-8 turns respectively..wonder what planned would do? Na, let’s keep green
2183: Ah heck, Planned didn’t make any drones! So I’m running Dem-Plan-Wealth to cook up a bunch of SP’s and crawlers..will switch back to Green hopefully before long as I hope we double our bases when we have the HGP and VW. Oh boy oh boy! Crawler production looking to be good, knocked off yet another Morgan probe team..sending a CP you were building in the ruins to ‘fill the gap’ between Morgan, Zak, and ourselves. Drones will be an issue, but with the HGP and VW, we should fill this continent without too many problems…go Succession team!
2184: will get the EG next turn, and a mess of crawlers. Got one worm in position, 2-3 more on the way for a Morgan Mauling in 2186-7.
2185: Well well well! The Empath Guild is always good to have, and its sure helping me catch up on the intel-game. I was concerned about our vendetta with yang, but, though he’s 20-30 squares from the ruins, he does not yet posess a single ocean-going vessel. We can forget him for a long while. Morgan has 4 bases..2 of which I can’t yet see, but his garrisons are weak, 1 in a base xcept for Industries, which I hope to take first to cripple him. My attack force for Morgan is 4 worms and 2 probe teams. Should do handily. Santiago just started on the Superconductor, which she always has a penchant for, but she has 25 more turns to get it. Nonetheless, let’s steal it from her rather than develop it ourselves…that means getting a probe foil or transport with team in the water in about 10 turns...Lal, poor island bound bugger, is about to develop polymorphic software, which, combined with Zacs recent ‘Optical Computers’ will be useful. Note: Let’s not take these till we have at least started the third restriction-lift…too many techs slows us down in our research. Zac’s researching Cyberethics, which we’ll need to steal to beat him out of THAT project. We’d better finish up our SP’s so Zak gets stuck with the ME and has no minerals going when he gets Cyberethics…all looks good…
2187: Well, I ran into a few hostile worms on the way to Morgan, and not being Green, they fought tooth and nail. They were dispatched, but caused a turn delay. I’m all set for invasion next turn. I only wish that I was playing 20 turns instead of 10..we’re really rocking now! HGP done..VW next turn..I’ll switch back to Green either then, or very soon to increase our eff..for labs. Formers going bonkers making enough forest for the crawlers.
2188: Morgan Rolls over! I only took one base..what a wimp. Well that’s good as it’ll let me get the worm brigade back north for the upcoming (I hope..up to you guys) demolishing of Zak. With the Southern Flank sterilized, I’ll encourage Morgan in any way I can..his commerce will boost our to remember to get my wormies outta there BEFORE I turn over the base..I’ll have to give him some tech too, start feeding him bases. With this big map, that won’t be hard at all.
2189: Have to love the Instant Transport afforded when you cede a base back to a submissive…troops in the base radius are magically sent to your nearest this case, 3 worms back 20 squares to Morgan Studios..Well, this was my last full turn. Zak’s due to get the Command Nexus, which is great, cause we’ll steal it from him at Univ Base…Lal got the ME, which is fine, silly project. We’re working on one SP, but all that’ll be left is the PTS, which is actually great for us in this game. I recommend building it, even sending crawlers over to finish it, while setting up everyone else to build CP’s after they build some Creche’s for pop-booming. We’ll coat the continent in bases, give Morgy a few, maybe even Lal old chap…while we demolish Zak. When Zak’s pacted, our continent is ‘safe’, and we’ll be getting some more restrictions lifted. With the WP, I think it’s a good game for an energy park: Borehole, E-mirror, Solar, then raise the land to 3500m. But that’s a ways off. Considering how slow our tech has been, we’ve done well. I’ve nurtured the worms a bit, and Zac should roll over, even with the Command Nexus, quite handily. Might want to bring along a 1-3-1 or two to be sure. Smack Out!
2190: Got this turn wrapped up. Might want to play with the Planned-Green switch some more…we’re still at the point where the efficiency kick only yeilds 12 labs per turn running green, and with the few childrens creches out there you might want to stay in planned and do a couple mini-pop booms. That was a fun fun 10 turns! 8 turns of IA and all but 3 bases are producing 14+ minerals! The ecodamage is good..we need a couple pops to initiiate the damage reducing effects of tree farms…I think it’ll be possible to trade and feed Morgan to cause him to do half our research for us..I gave him Morgan Collections and IA so far..probably give him whatever he’s studying till he’s studying something we need. Well, off to get my tech tree worked out for my upcoming game. –Smack
P.S. spotted a Zak probe on the east side..not in our turf, so leaving alone..found one more unity rover—upgrade to 4-1-1? Prototyping 4-1-1 near Zak for the war. Oh, and I’ll leave it to you whether to go for the governorship or not…we don’t need it, but it’ll nicely inflame the already pissed AI factions, possibly into ganging up on us! Fun!