September 15, 2000, 09:45
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Lonfistking - What version are you running? The repeated unsuccessful naval bombardment was mainly fixed with the 2.42 patch.
SG (2)
September 15, 2000, 09:52
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Originally posted by Scouse Gits on 09-15-2000 09:45 AM
Lonfistking - What version are you running? The repeated unsuccessful naval bombardment was mainly fixed with the 2.42 patch.
SG (2)
I think this happened before the patch went in. Since then the AI doesn't really know how to use a navy. This was just one of the more glaring errors I remember from past games.
October 9, 2000, 07:42
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The abandoned forts, that the AI always produces, is the absolute top dumb strategy it has.
Seems that their is some algorithmn, that say: "forts means security". But it missed a algorithmn
that say: "forts are only usefull, if you put a troop in it".
Sometimes it makes me angry  see how easy I can flood into it's land in use of this damn forts....
bloodlust, the horrible
October 10, 2000, 18:54
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very true bloodlust. the AI never uses their forts in the correct manner. Although this does help with pre-railroad warfare... they always put the fort 2-3 squares away from the city.
October 11, 2000, 17:00
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I always find it amusing when the AI builds a ton of caravans and surrounds my city with them before declaring war on me allowing me to wipe whem all out with a couple of Cavalry units. 
Also the AI seems reluctant to change to democracy, even after I bribe half its cities...
October 12, 2000, 07:59
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Originally posted by Caligastia on 10-11-2000 05:00 PM
Also the AI seems reluctant to change to democracy, even after I bribe half its cities...
Yes! In a recent game I played, I took every city the French had by buying them, one after another in rapid succession (thanks for building those railroads, guys). Then, when only Paris was left and bribery was no longer an option, what message do I get? Yep: Joan of Arc has been declared President (and now, of course, has to waste shields supporting her units). I laughed out loud.
I would add to this that the AI seems equally reluctant to rebuild its capital, even when it has the money. In the last game I played, I had sent a ship to AC only to have the Sioux fire off a faster one a few years later (I got greedy -- mine had more colonists). In a panic, I threw everything I had at their capital, including sending my hard-earned stealth bombers on suicide runs. I sacked it -- just barely -- and, inspite of having several thousand in the bank, the Sioux chose to go capital-less -- and there ship came back, and I landed on AC and won my first Prince-level large-map game. Of course, they may not be dumb; maybe they're just cheap!
But there must be a war! I've paid a month's rent on the battlefield!
-- Rufus T. Firefly
October 12, 2000, 09:07
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Posts: 184

Originally posted by Caligastia on 10-11-2000 05:00 PM
Also the AI seems reluctant to change to democracy, even after I bribe half its cities...
This has to be my favourite!
Yesterday, I started a game with the sole intenetion of Space Flight, I wasn't planning on fighting anyone but barbs. The Romans had other ideas though, and kept annoying me until I decided to wipe them out (the extra cities wouldn't do any harm, after all!). Not having much of an army, I sent dips and spies to sabotage and bribe their towns. When they only had about 2 or 3 left, I got the message "Romans discover Democracy", swiftly followed by "Spies report: Roman government overthrown". Damn, I think, they're goign to change to Democracy so I can't bribe the rest. What do they pick - Fundy!
October 12, 2000, 13:04
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I was playing my first deity level game on the Alaska map. Its just two large pieces of land with a large amount of water in between. My thriving democracy had taken over most of the piece I was on, but the french who were on the other piece had had plenty of room to grow and were about equal with me in tech but I had jsb and mc so I was growing faster. I had a transport with spies heading for the ONLY city they had on the coast when they discovered genetic engineering before I did and started building C4C. They were a democracy too, so I knew I wouldnt be able to bribe their city. I desperately wanted to steal ge so I could build C4C before they did. As soon as my spy landed however, their government obligingly collapsed and I was able to bribe the city (the only one where they could produce ships) and get ge for free!
October 12, 2000, 18:54
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This happened in my recent OCC18 game. The Barbs landed next to a Persian city, had it's attacking units destroyed and the Barb Leader was left tantalisingly just two squares north of the city. The Persians did not send an attacking unit to capture the Barb Leader but only an Explorer. And what did the Explorer do when it was adjacent to the Barb Leader? It fortified itself!
October 13, 2000, 08:36
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The most dumbest thing the AI actually had done in one of my scenarios was, that he didn't want to build any units (he really was able to, I tried this civ out, and I was able to build units), so I marched into his citys without any problems.
October 14, 2000, 00:06
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Originally posted by Pol Pot on 10-13-2000 08:36 AM
The most dumbest thing the AI actually had done in one of my scenarios was, that he didn't want to build any units (he really was able to, I tried this civ out, and I was able to build units), so I marched into his citys without any problems.
PP: I've seen that in ToT/SciFi game, with the Ilhabi (or whatever) tribe of aliens.
But the finest example of AIdiocy I have seen was the five tiles of irrigated desert ... with farmland! After all, (0+1)*1.5 = 1.
October 18, 2000, 21:07
Come on, anymore last minute entries before I announce the dumbest ai exploit ever?
In other words, BUMP
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