da smokes only no nuke srategy
that's right, da smokes has finaly come up with a way to win WITHOUT NUKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hold your applause, cause it ain't great, but it somethin. ok, first, reserch to republic and monarchy. stay with monarchy untill ya got like 10 cities established and at size 3 at least. next, go to republic, and start hittin up all yo neighbors for cash for about 3 turns in a row ( if ya don't no nobody, da smokes says, give up his strategy) stay with repub fo about 15-25 turns, or until ya gots atleast 2500 g. then go ta crapism ( commie fo anyone who didn';t figga that out) then, go a waring against thae nearist weak civ( atleast try ta get a continent to ya self) if all the otha civs be strong enuf ta kick yo ass, then buy sum cities (dats what all ya money is fo, spies is the best unda commism)then, go ta demo, and research straight ta space flight and all the otha space parts. get all the units you can in ya cap, den fliy ( and cripple yo strongest rival) make sure to have:hova damn, manfu plant, factory in every city. good job uncle sally you won. yeah. now give da smokes his payment: weed. lots o weed. spank you.