I've found a serious flaw in my copy of SMACX. All alien units fight at 1/2 strength! This poses some serious problems for my nearly complete mod.
I'm wondering, is this something that has always been this way, and I've never noticed, or has my terranx.exe gone corrupt? Has anyone else noticed this before?
I've replaced the alphax.txt with a fresh copy, but it didn't fix the problem.
I'm pretty much stuck until I can address this problem. If anyone knows anything, please respond! Even a "it works fine on my computer" type response would help. Thanks.
i enjoy your scenario a great deal . Getting ones ass whooped by the AI is humbling (and a ton of fun)
Describe the problem you have / provide numbers. Are you possibly basing your observation on units with fusion reactors ? (the battle odds are displayed incorrectly in that case - by a factor of 2).
Nevermind. I answered my own question. It turns out that in the early years of the game, alien units fight at only half strength. By setting the year higher, you can fix this.
Hey! Thanks for the complement! I hope you'll like the sequel, too.