da smokes survey 2
da smokes got bored so he decided ta put up his second survay early, if y'all don't care. now, on wit da survey: 1). which of da following early game strtegies is da most effeective; build all da cities you can, ignore where ya build them, jes build them; build fo trade and defense(rivas, hills, and grassland with 3 defenders or more) and get rich; do da same as the prev. strategie, jes go fo tech sted of cash; spend as much time as you need, irrigate and road every square in da radius, den build; none of these. 2). did anyone else make weed a special resorse in a scenario, and if so, what'd it do? 3). when create a map, do ya like to; make it manly wter wit a few big islands and a lot of 1 square islands; laots of land, maybe one ocean, and a lot of rivers fo irrigateing; make the whole thing desert cept fo one perfect island in the shape of the city radius, and put y fav pepps thre (its actually pretty funny, but gets boring fast, in da smokes opinion). this is da smokes last survey fo a while. oh yeah, i almost fogot. the ansa ta #3 in da last survey is...
sometimes, mainly when i'm relaxed and not being serious, and i am high, but i can still type. when da smokes starts talking normal, he's angy or he's in a fancy place. chill, peeps and pimps.