Again overcompensated for slow tech research and cost me 8 turns end game. Combine that with failing to disband my supported settler after irrigating (I never did use him again and was constantly fighting off famine) and going the economic tech route before i could take advantage of it, and I think I could have gotten an early 20th century landing, if not late 19th century... I might just try it again sometime and try and fix my mistakes. Just read through this thread and maybe I had an advantage playing OCC 12 just a day ago, but I built the UN and, while I only got an alliance with 1 of the 3 living AI, I did get several key techs (feudalism, chivalry) in the dawn of flight, and quite a bit of gold (was able to get 100 every 3 turns for a while out of the Indians), allowing me to get 3 turns/tech instead of 4, and later 4 turns instead of 5, not to mention the ability to dump older techs and get my advances down, especially late in the game. My early showing at republic was wasted by keeping my settlers, and changing my tech focus midstream... Classes are starting up soon, doubt I'll be doing 1 OCC a day much longer
diety, 2.42
AC 1961
monarchy: -3850
republic: -1550
democracy: 1620
colossus: -2000
copes: 780
shakes: 1520
newton: 1770
darwin: 1862
apollo: 1922
size 12: 420
size 19: 1840
size 20: 1855
size 21: 1898
-3900 hmm, have monarchy, in anarchy... nothing for settlers to do... start mining home square
-3850 Monarchy (gack! 48 turns and nothing to build?) - join settlers.... warriors should come in to prevent disorder... 8 turns - thats a little better
-3800 bronze or map...consult high council

comes down to i just eliminated my settlers so bronze, warriors
-3700 warriors
-3600 warriors
-3500 warriors
-3450 bronzeworking, disband warrior (can afford to wait on other 3)
-3150 barbs take out greeks
-2950 map making, techs to 13 - lets grow
-2800 size 3
-2450 barb uprising in sight, don't see them now - guess they disbanded
-2400 writing
-2000 colossus, bump up luxuries
-1950 WLTKD, lower lux.
-1900 literacy
-1750 babylonians taken out by persians
-1550 republic, revolt
-1500 heh, always seem to be in anarchy at this council meeting

-1450 disband warrior for library
-1400 disband other 2 warriors towards temple
-1250 buy temple for WL
-1200 temple, WL
-1150 size 4
-1100 size 5, cancel WL
-875 masonry
-850 marketplace
-750 trireme (parks him outside the city as per advice)
-700 mystism
-675 WL
-625 Settlers, cancel WL
-500 Philosophy, pottery
-350 start WL
-325 cancel WL (6)
-300 city walls, seafaring
-225 WL
-200 cancel WL (7)
-100 harbor, construction
1 Top 5 Cities 1) Atlantis, 2) Ankara (Barbarian), 3) Athens (barbarian), 4)Persepolis (persian), 5) Babylon (persian)... GL and MPE may not be worth it... (doh, MPE lost)
40 Trade
140 aquaduct
240 mathematics
320 colliseum, WL
420 size 12, cancel WL
440 caravan
460 sell temple
480 caravan (hmm, with a trireme, I'll only be able to deliver 4 caravans/turn)
560 caravan
580 University
640 caravan (4)
700 Another one bites the dust (Greeks)... *bass rhythm in the background

* (any restarts?)
720 caravan (5)
780 Cope's, Medicine
880 Banking
980 Economics
1060 caravan
1080 Horseback Riding
1180 Wheel (simply no money to do anything...)
1220 caravan
1280 Theory of Gravity
1300 caravan (3)
1380 caravan (4), Engineering
1460 caravan (5)
1480 sanitation (should have disbanded second settlers almost 1500 years ago)
1520 Shakes
1560 Invention
1600 Democracy, revolt
1620 Democracy
1630 Sewer System, WL
1650 Bank
1680 Size 17, cancel WL
1690 Stock Exchange
1710 Chemistry
1720 caravan, disband settler...
1730 caravan (2)
1750 caravan (3)
1754 caravan (4), Warrior code
1758 caravan (5)
1762 caravan (6)
1764 Iron Working
1766 caravan (7)
1770 Ikes, disband trireme
1772 caravan, Navigation
1776 caravan
1778 Gunpowder
1780 caravan
1784 caravan, Explosives
1788 caravan
1790 Metallurgy
1792 caravan
1796 caravan (7), Physics
1798 heh, i'm 4th most powerful, and all i've got is 7 caravans

1800 caravan (8)
1802 Magnetism
1804 caravan
1808 caravan, Electricity
1812 Galleon (can do 12/turn, all i need), barb uprising again vanishes from my shores...
1814 Refrigeration
1816 Engineers, WL (never understood how the AI can consider an ordinary forest better (or even equal to) silk...)
1820 supermarket
1824 Engineers, bridge building, cancel WL (18)
1828 caravan
1830 Steam engine
1832 caravan
1838 start WL
1840 caravan, cancel WL (19)
1844 caravan, Industrialization
1850 caravan, Communism
1852 UN (only 3 other civs..., guess no restarts) peace, alliance, 100 gp (indians) for war with persians, peace, feudalism (egyptians)
1853 caravan, Corporation, share maps (indians)
1855 caravan, cancel WL (20)
1857 caravan
1860 caravan, Steel, 50 gp, polytheism (indians)
1862 Darwin's Voyage, Combustion, Automobile
1865 Superhighways
1866 Electronics, 50 gp (indians, still have 744)
1867 freight
1869 freight, Mass Production, 100 gp (indians)
1871 Factory (hey! no hydro plant option?, well at least I only have 3 more forest railroads to lay down)
1872 Conscription, Chivalry (indians)
1875 Leadership, 100 gp (indians)
1876 power plant (grumble, and only 46 production...)
1877 49 production (i really need 1/round freights about now...)
1878 freight, tactics
1879 100 gold (indians)
1880 freight
1881 Machine tools
1882 freight (production 50

1883 freight
1884 Miniaturization, 100 gp (indians)
1885 Offshore platform (66)
1886 freight
1887 computers
1888 research lab
1889 Mobile Warfare (hmm, not enough food still to grow to 21, already back down to 3/turn techs)
1890 freight
1891 freight
1892 Robotics, 100 gp (indians)
1893 Manufacturing plant
1894 freight
1895 freight (12), Atomic theory, 100 gp (indians)
1896 freight (going for 21 now while i can still spare the science - will prolly lose an engineer post launch) - should have irrigated a silk...
1897 freight, Nuclear Fission, going for NP now while i can still get 3/turn (WL)
1898 freight (15), size 21, cancel WL (can get over 1000 beakers now), 100 gp (indians)
1899 freight (16)
1900 freight (17)
1901 freight (18), Nuclear Power
1902 freight (19)
1903 freight (20) (really seems to be helping that the 3 AI's are discovering and trading about the same rate I am discovering, and not going for anything spaceflighty...)
1904 freight (21), Laser (going for flight now)
1905 freight (22)
1906 freight (23)
1907 freight (24), Flight (784 max - 4 turns, looks like i'll have time to build a miltary pre spaceflight)
1908 freight (25) (they traded my gifts, back down to 3, barely, will see), 100 gp (indians)
1909 freight (26)
1910 freight (27), Radio
1911 armor, gifted nuclear fission (fingers crossed), computers, and mobile warfare in hopes for 1 more 3 turn tech
1912 coastal fortress, it worked with 3 beakers to spare

should be able to land with 4 turn techs in min time i think
1913 fighter, Advanced Flight
1914 fighter
1917 Rocketry (explored fighter's range now)
1921 Space Flight (good thing too, 1 round left on wonder shields), Indians cancel alliance
1922 Apollo Program, sell sewer system (hey! I recognize this map

1923 Structural #1
1924 #2, sell aquaduct
1925 #3
1926 #4
1927 #5 (persians capture barbarian city of Ankara!)
1928 #6
1929 #7 Superconductor (looks like didn't need nuclear power or laser pre-flight)
1930 #8
1931 #9
1932 #10
1933 #11, Fusion Power
1934 #12 (barbarians rebel! persians capture athens) thats the last of the 4 barb cities i think
1935 #13
1936 #14
1937 #15
1938 Module #1
1939 #2
1940 #3 (352.8 years flight time and fusion powered

1941 Prop Component #1 (375.2), Combined Arms
1942 #2 (397.6)
1943 #3 (420.0)
1944 Fuel #4 (40.2) (Amazing what a little fuel will do

1945 #5 (22.1 ) (hmm, can't build air bases when you already have a fort...), Steath
1946 #6 (Launch) (1961AD)
1949 Espionage
1953 Amphibious Warfare, Indians threaten to use their mighty non-flying armies to drive out my bored steath bomber

1955 persians develop flight, grant them all 3 spaceship techs, build battleship for the heck of it
1959 persians build half a spaceship in about 3 turns

1961 AC
April Cantor: Sire, in order to expand further we must first gain favor of the King
SCG: darn, I've never really got the hang of that tribute thing, guess it will be a long time until i make prince
*goes off and starts gifting gold and techs*