July 21, 2001, 02:05
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Age of Constantine
New version coming (very) soon...
In the meantime feast your eyes on this selection of units selected/made by me.
They are...
Unique unit= Constantine
Legion, maybe it will become a Unique unit
Germanic infantry
Light cavalry
Imperial cavalry
Unique unit= Persian Shah
Unique unit= Magister Militum
Unique unit= Western Tetrarch
Unique unit= Eastern Tetrarch
Unique unit= Pope
July 22, 2001, 04:19
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Currently there is 189 turns in the scenario, but I am not sure if that is enough!
Last edited by Masis; August 5, 2001 at 00:28.
July 22, 2001, 04:26
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The Title
The man to the top left is the Western Dyarch Maxentius below him is the Arch of Constantine, the man to the top right is the Eastern Dyarch Licinius below him is a map of Constantine's "New Rome" with the buildings that existed/were built during his time, in the middle is Constantine with the Chi Rho monogram above him.
Last edited by Masis; August 11, 2001 at 23:33.
July 22, 2001, 04:48
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The Players
The civs included are...
Romans (Constantine)
Persians (Shapur II)
Germans (Ermanerikh)
Romans (Licinius)
Romans (Maxentius)
Armenians (Tiridates)
Huns (Atilla)
July 22, 2001, 04:54
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Quote for the scenario...
"With such impiety pervading the human race, and the State* threatened with destruction, what relief did God devise?....I was the instrument He chose...Thus, beginning at the remote Ocean of Britain, where the sun sinks beneath the horizon in obedience to the law of nature, with God's help I banished and eliminated every form of evil then pervading, in the hope that the human race, enlightened through me, might be recalled to a proper observance of God's holy laws." Constantine the Great, quoted by Eusebius, De Vita Constantini, II 28
* The Roman State or Romania
July 22, 2001, 05:05
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The Plot
Here is the Plot of the scenario...
July 25, 2001, 16:41
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 sorry, i can't help you right now with your Title.bmp. Ask Bernd... he's a master in doing such things.
PS less desert on northern Caucasian and Kazakh region, Masis. Add more forests in southern russia ( and just a little more in Carpathian basin, too ).
Last edited by Prometeus; July 25, 2001 at 16:48.
July 25, 2001, 23:20
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It was not my map originally, but that of Joaquin Vano Gea.
Hmmm, yes, maybe if I make the north Caucasus fertile this will encourage Hun expansion...
July 26, 2001, 07:57
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... and more forests in southern russia will encourage their trek to West.
July 29, 2001, 01:32
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Black Gate unit
Here is a new Unique unit, the Porta Nigra (Black Gate), to be based at Augusta Treverorum (Trier)...
August 5, 2001, 00:36
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Snap Shot
Here is a zoomed-in image of the starting scene as Constantine lands in Gaul to do battle against the usurper Maxentius. The city of Londinium is shown as is the city of Lutetia...
August 5, 2001, 00:44
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Difficulty levels
Duke (Easiest)
Augustus (Hardest)
August 5, 2001, 05:22
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Very cool!
You're probably finishing the scenario, when will it be done?
August 5, 2001, 08:43
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Originally posted by Juggler
Very cool!
You're probably finishing the scenario, when will it be done?
Well, I was going to post the likely release date of it, and as you ask...
Things to be done still;
Pedia info for wonders
People icons for Germans and Huns
Some more events
1 more day.
Probably released tomorrow to Das Civilization Universum, Apolyton Scenario League, Spanish Civilization II Site and later (when Tom's back from Holiday) The European Civilization II Site, and any other decent sites out there...
Sounds great eh, nope-have to create 3 more scenarios of higher quality (Age of Romulus, Caesar's Gallic War and Age of Aurelian), edit Age of Justinian, Age of Heraklius and fix the Age of Osman sceanrio before Jan 2002 at the latest!
August 11, 2001, 02:50
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Last edited by Masis; August 11, 2001 at 23:28.
August 18, 2001, 08:21
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This scenario is now up at the Spanish Civ Site. An outstanding piece of work imho
August 18, 2001, 23:19
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Many Thanks
Thank you J. Balsinde, I hope the scenario adds to the quality of that excellent web site. Now to get working on a new version of 'The Age of Arturius'.
August 19, 2001, 06:47
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Masis, that's a very nice scenario. I really like the map and the way you've implimented the road network and slave camps - you've clearly put a lot of thought into the scenario, and done a lot of research, and it really pays off.
BTW, you wouldn't believe how tempted I am to use this picture as my Atavar
'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
August 19, 2001, 18:07
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Many Thanks Case
However, today I purchased an Osprey book about the Late Roman Army.
It shows a lot of interesting depictions of the costumes of the period, this can be implemented in a later version.
One 'bug' I found in the scenario is that the GIVETECHNOLOGY event formula does not work, even though the DEBUG program did not find any errors...
That means that Constantine does not gain the Christian Faith tech!
However, The Pope appears in Rome.
Engineers appear to found New Rome/Constantinople.
And in history the Age of Constantine saw no supression of Pagan beliefs and he was baptised on his death bed to cleanse himself of worldly sins...
"It's Hard to tell because of it's Vagueness"
August 19, 2001, 20:08
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Masis, very nice scenario. GIVETECHNOLOGY events have been used successfully in dozens of scenarios, so there must be something that can be fixed. Are you sure that no one else has this tech or can research it? Why don't you post the event (and related ones) here?
August 25, 2001, 03:29
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The Event
Originally posted by techumseh
Masis, very nice scenario. GIVETECHNOLOGY events have been used successfully in dozens of scenarios, so there must be something that can be fixed. Are you sure that no one else has this tech or can research it? Why don't you post the event (and related ones) here?
Thank you for the comment, have you completed it? If so how did it go?
This is the Event...
On Route to defeat Maxentius once and for all, Constantine sees a radiant image in the sky like a Greek X (chi) and P (rho) and the words 'Hoc Vince' (with This conquer)...
September 2, 2001, 01:18
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Originally posted by Case
Masis, that's a very nice scenario. I really like the map and the way you've implimented the road network and slave camps - you've clearly put a lot of thought into the scenario, and done a lot of research, and it really pays off.
BTW, you wouldn't believe how tempted I am to use this picture as my Atavar
In my rush to produce these Roman era scenarios I clearly did not put enough thought into them...
4 bothces you will note.
The Germans have been given a Mediteranean style city-this is replaced with the intended style, a Germanic style!
Scroll down the Wonders of the World and you will come across the word @Diplomat, this is from the Game text!
In the intro to the scenario the recommded players says Maximian when in fact it should be Mexentius.
The Magister Militum unit was too stron on defence so I made it a little weaker.
The amendments are attached to download and replace the old files with.
The scenario would be very tough at Diety level, it is intended to be fun and a learning exercise-play it at a moderate level.
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