July 21, 2001, 09:47
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Star Wars Insurrection IS HERE
Talked a bit about my latest work in other threads (ZWK2.0 and Dominon War Crash) but I guess its time the scenario had its own thread.
Last edited by kobayashi; July 29, 2001 at 01:18.
July 21, 2001, 20:10
Local Time: 21:42
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Kobayashi, those pictures don't seem to be working - all I see is that damn red X
'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
July 21, 2001, 23:26
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i can see the pictures just fine. awesome pics!
July 22, 2001, 01:02
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They seem to be working now. The scenario is looking great!
'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
- Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon
July 22, 2001, 01:06
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And for good measure, here is an example of an event.
^^ Han Solo, a smuggler of ill repute even among fellow smugglers, offers his
^^ services to the Republic as it serves as a refuge to him from bounty hunters.
^^ The Han Solo action hero comes complete with the Millenium Falcon strike craft
^^ but batteries are not included. Chewbacca sold seperately.
^^ If you are not the New Republic you should try to capture the elusive Solo for
^^ his bounty. (New Republic player is not allowed to disband this unit)
unit=M Falcon
owner=Rebel Alliance
unit=M Falcon
defender=Rebel Alliance
^^ Han Solo is captured and after his captors torture the hell out of him, he is
^^ encased in carbonite. What a waste of a beautiful ship.
^^ (The power that has captured Solo receives a 250 credit bounty.)
July 22, 2001, 04:00
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Time frame?
is your scenario going to cover the entire star wars trilogy (phantom menace sucked so it doesn't count), just one of the movies or will it involve the all the books written too? i'm hoping some creator ou there will finally add events that not only come from the movies but from the books too.
July 22, 2001, 06:49
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The scenario starts about 2 years before A New Hope but doesn't follow the triology timeline exactly.
To be honest, I'm more a Trek fan and I have read over 100 Trek novels and not a single Star Wars novel. But I've done extensive research on the internet and got most of my info from
1. The Completely Unofficial Star Wars Encyclopedia ver 2.04
2. The Star Wars Planet Guide ver 2.5
3. Galactic Empire Data Bank
4. The Star Wars Technical Commentry
plus the Star Wars Rebellion game.
Things that come to mind from the books and non-movie sources are:
Dozens of planet names
Prince Xizor and the Black Sun Syndicate
Corporate Sector Authority and Epos
Admiral Zaarin
Centerpoint Station
Eclipse Battleship
Byss and the Deep Core
Valley of the Sith Lords
TIE Defender
TIE Phantom....etc
Half the wonders like:
Calamarian Knowledge Bank
Corellian Merchant Guild
Catalogue of Intelligent Life
Shadow Academy
Ace of Sabres Casino
Kuat Yard Drives...etc.
Some of the trade goods like:
Dragon Pearls
Illumination Fabric,
Durindfire Spice....etc
There are some Phantom Menace units (like naboo fighter) in the early stage but thats about all.
Last edited by kobayashi; July 22, 2001 at 23:23.
July 22, 2001, 09:24
Local Time: 07:42
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Another Kobayashi Space scen.  This should write off a couple or three days off.
The pictures look great,  but I'm not a fan of flippant messages
When are you releasing it? If you need a playtester, I'd be happy to give it a bash.
July 22, 2001, 23:21
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We are already at the last round of testing so you can sit back and wait for the release version. If you really want to play it now I'll send you the current beta (which shouldn't be too different from the release version) but you'll need a mailbox which can hold 3 Megabytes.
With respect to the flippant messages, don't worry, the Han Solo one is the only set that's like this - to inject a little humor. I usually have one tucked into every scenario. It wouldn't sit well if the entire scenario was like that.
July 24, 2001, 10:37
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July 24, 2001, 10:38
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July 24, 2001, 13:24
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Looks good. I'm really lookin for this scenario  The only thing I don't like from what I've seen is the Executor. It just doesn't look right for a Super Star Destroyer...
"Reflection. Surprise. Terror. For the future."
July 24, 2001, 18:31
Local Time: 06:42
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I want to play now! I love the units, and if the scenario's anything near as good as your star trek one, its going to be awesome! when can those mortal souls who missed the tremor in force about playtesting get their hands on the final release?
July 24, 2001, 22:12
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Originally posted by kobayashi
We are already at the last round of testing so you can sit back and wait for the release version. If you really want to play it now I'll send you the current beta (which shouldn't be too different from the release version) but you'll need a mailbox which can hold 3 Megabytes.
I don't think my mailbox will handle that, so I'll just have to wait for the release. Any idea when that will be?
With respect to the flippant messages, don't worry, the Han Solo one is the only set that's like this - to inject a little humor. I usually have one tucked into every scenario. It wouldn't sit well if the entire scenario was like that.
 Sounds reasonable.
July 24, 2001, 23:34
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Originally posted by Tallincourt
Looks good. I'm really lookin for this scenario The only thing I don't like from what I've seen is the Executor. It just doesn't look right for a Super Star Destroyer...
Can you be more specific about the executor (like the front partshould be longer etc.). It is often viewed from the front or side and appears very slim from those angles but as far as I know, thats approximately what it looks like from this angle. I'm going to adjust it so that it looks more diamond shaped and less arrow shaped.
As for the timing of the release - I am mostly constrained by the pace at which my testers are playing. I estimate about two weeks.
Last edited by kobayashi; July 25, 2001 at 00:35.
July 25, 2001, 05:29
Local Time: 11:42
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I think the shape of the ship is right. I'm just used to see it from a different angle. The aft end of the ship is that long according to this picture. The color of the ship could be more grey than that brown/red it is now (it looks dirty and imperials can't look dirty  ).
Oh, and I don't know if you have spotted this, but in the wonders pic is KYD Shipyards, which should be KDY (Kuat Drive Yards) Shipyards.
"Reflection. Surprise. Terror. For the future."
July 25, 2001, 10:49
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OK Kob, I have the latest update, and I have installed them.
No problems yet, in fact, this one is the smoothest you've done yet.
I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
July 25, 2001, 14:56
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Originally posted by Chris 62
OK Kob, I have the latest update, and I have installed them.
No problems yet, in fact, this one is the smoothest you've done yet.
Chris 62?
When did you change your handle?
presumably you are the gobi-visto chris?
Regarding the 'smoothness' factor. I still think Dominion War is better. Of course the fact that you had to play DW twenty times before I got the balance right while this one seems to work well the first time may have something to do with your opinion.
In some way this one seems better because I have lifted the self-imposed size limit of one diskette for sound files I used in my previous scenarios.
Last edited by kobayashi; July 26, 2001 at 00:41.
July 26, 2001, 12:40
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Paging Grothgar, paging Grothgar....
Final Call for play-test comments.
July 29, 2001, 01:25
Local Time: 19:42
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Star Wars Insurrection is now officially released. Its 2.66 Mb but I can assure you its well worth the download time. You can get it from civfanatics.com - the link is provided here:
Comments are welcome.
For those of you who do not frequent civfanatics, Willemvanoranje a friend of mine has authored an excellent Star Trek scenario, Kappa Quadrant, and is just releasing version 2.2 right now. It is located nine scenarios down from SW Insurrection.
Last edited by kobayashi; July 29, 2001 at 04:07.
July 30, 2001, 12:04
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A thousand apologies to people who has already downloaded the scenario. I (stupidly) forgot that units which can carry aircraft cannot have holds. I have sent an update for posting.
In the meantime, if you are already playing the scenario or have downloaded a game file where the readme doesn't indicate version 1.1, just don't try to ferry ground units with any carriers or battle-stations. You can play as per normal except for this restriction.
Last edited by kobayashi; August 4, 2001 at 08:43.
July 30, 2001, 22:23
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OK, the ameded version is up.
Most of you probably already know this but just in case: If you are updating from version 1.0R, you need only download the game zip.
August 4, 2001, 03:57
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i've been busy!
sorry, yeah i've been playing a little but i've been busy with scotF's turtledove scenario and case's cruel sea scenario. i love the unit graphics but i haven't gotten through more than a few turns.  Too much work, not enough sleep and civ suffers from insomnia
August 6, 2001, 11:51
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Thoth has sent in a wonderful set of comments which are just to detailed not to post here.
.....Thanks once agian for your hard work, I've gotten many hours of enjoyment from your scenarios.
Bugs and Tweaks for SW: Insurrection
The role of the Headhunter and A-Wing fighters should be set to "3" (Air superiority).
 true - fixed that now
Ships should have their ranges set to 0. Non zero values have no effect except to add confusion to the display.
 I was wondering what all those funny numbers were - fixed that now
Holds should be removed from carriers. (Exception: Death Star and Worldship, which should have the carrier flag removed.)
 Implemented in version 1.1 - the rush update
The descriptions of "special effects techs" ie Mysticism (Rev-eng Dreadnaught) do not show up in the Civilopedia. I don't know how to fix this one.
 I can see it - "increases the effect of holo suites" in my FW version
The "Cant' built fortifications" message needs the appropriate tech added to the message.
 true - fixed that
The description of the effects of The Tarkin Doctrine in the events file is incorrect.
 Tarkin is the Hanging Gardens - the pedia say correctly that there is "one extra happy citizen in each planet" . There was one typo if thats what you meant.
Tweaks: I'd give the Imperial powers Probe Droids (with diplomat capabilities) and make R2 units spies.
 AI does not know how to use non-ground diplomatic units. I tested that.
There are no pure transports in the game.
 true, is there anything wrong with that?
Bounty Hunters: I see from the Rules.txt that you were toying with the idea. I'd suggest their inclusion, with a few changes: Put them in the Fanatics slot, free support for Pirates, make them smallish ships with the Fighter flag set. Set up an event so that a small reward (50g?) is collected every time a bounty hunter kills another unit.
 I'm saving that slot for a barbarian of some kind - to be implemented later. My few experiments didn't work out too well.
Terraforming: There are listings in the civilopedia for the effects of engineer transformations on each planet type, but there are no engineers in the scenario. Given the levels of technology in the Star Wars universe, I don't think it's unreasonable to have an engineer unit available.
 It was my intention to have terraforming slow. WHen you have engineers you get rail and fortresses everywhere given the limited amount of land in an island game.
The Millenium Falcon does not have the Fighter flag set. This ship was highly effective against Tie fighters in the movies, it seems reasonable to set the fighter flag.
 the fighter flag is on in my version. Did I change that after I released version 1.1
Wonder Obsolescence: Rather than making the inital wonders obsolete when the pirate craft are destroyed, I'd rather see the obsolescence tech given when the planet changes hands. Perhaps Xigor could be made a barbarian, and a monetary/information reward given for his destruction.
 I reasoned that if you killed the right planet - you would make the defending power much weaker when you should already be much stronger. Also didn't want the location of the trigger to be fixed for second time players.
Governments and Techs: If the pre-requisites for tribe specific techs are changed to "Rob, no" instead of "Rob, nil", these techs will not be available for trades. They still show up on F6, so I assume they are stealable. This prevents an early and easy democracy by the Rebublic or Imperial powers after contacting the Corporate SA. It also reduces the amount of clutter in the build options menu after some aggressive early game trading and stealing.
 This is the BEST suggestion - I have implemented it completely. It stops the AI from researching down two trees at the same time.
I'd like to see a few more events to give the scenario more of a plot line. As it is, SWI is a fairly straightforward "build and conquor" scenario. It's fun, but I think that with a little more effort this could be an excellent scenario, at least on par with Dominion Wars.
 the special thing about Dominion War was that it was a single race scenario. That allowed me to do lots of things. In this case, I have to make sure the three major races play the same. In any case the scenario is built on FW and I have used up 99% of the event space. Honestly, I do not think I can ever make a scenario as great as Dominion War. That was due to the confluence of the right people, ideas, inspiration and knowledge - never to be repeated.
Last edited by kobayashi; August 6, 2001 at 12:16.
August 9, 2001, 05:19
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Final call for feedback before I release the final version 1.2.
August 10, 2001, 07:24
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Originally posted by kobayashi
The descriptions of "special effects techs" ie Mysticism (Rev-eng Dreadnaught) do not show up in the Civilopedia. I don't know how to fix this one.
I can see it - "increases the effect of holo suites" in my FW version
Interesting, I'm using MGE and it doesn't show up.
Tweaks: I'd give the Imperial powers Probe Droids (with diplomat capabilities) and make R2 units spies.
AI does not know how to use non-ground diplomatic units. I tested that.
 They don't have to be air units. In the movies, Rebel spies were critical to the success of the Rebellion. I thought giving the Rebels R2s with spy capabilities and the Imperials "Probe Droids"
(or interrogation droids) with diplomat abilities would be an easy way to model this.
This does tip the balance in the Rebellion's favour somewhat, I'm not sure if it's enough to warrant some form of tweak for the Imperials (perhaps cheaper Tie fighters?)
There are no pure transports in the game.
true, is there anything wrong with that?
Not necessarily, but I like having the option, especially as a Republic or Democracy.
Terraforming: There are listings in the civilopedia for the effects of engineer transformations on each planet type, but there are no engineers in the scenario. Given the levels of technology in the Star Wars universe, I don't think it's unreasonable to have an engineer unit available.
It was my intention to have terraforming slow. When you have engineers you get rail and fortresses everywhere given the limited amount of land in an island game.
The time required for mining/irrigating can be set directly in the terrain section of the Rules.txt.  I *like* my engineers.
The Millenium Falcon does not have the Fighter flag set. This ship was highly effective against Tie fighters in the movies, it seems reasonable to set the fighter flag.
the fighter flag is on in my version. Did I change that after I released version 1.1
I downloaded 1.0, no fighter flag for the MF.
Wonder Obsolescence: Rather than making the initial wonders obsolete when the pirate craft are destroyed, I'd rather see the obsolescence tech given when the planet changes hands. Perhaps Xigor could be made a barbarian, and a monetary/information reward given for his destruction.
I reasoned that if you killed the right planet - you would make the defending power much weaker when you should already be much stronger. Also didn't want the location of the trigger to be fixed for second time players.
 I think we crossed wires on this one. I meant when Coruscant is taken (by anyone) the Imperial Centre wonder stops working, when Kuat is captured, the shipyards are destroyed in the fighting, ect ect. This makes the starting wonders only available for the civ that starts with them.
Governments and Techs: If the pre-requisites for tribe specific techs are changed to "Rob, no" instead of "Rob, nil", these techs will not be available for trades. They still show up on F6, so I assume they are stealable. This prevents an early and easy democracy by the Republic or Imperial powers after contacting the Corporate SA. It also reduces the amount of clutter in the build options menu after some aggressive early game trading and stealing.
This is the BEST suggestion - I have implemented it completely. It stops the AI from researching down two trees at the same time.
It also stops the Human from doing it.
Have you considered picking up TOT? The possibilities for scenario makers are considerably expanded, and you get 100k of event space (and the possibility of multiple maps)
August 11, 2001, 00:40
Local Time: 19:42
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You're reallygoing through the whole scenario with a fine toothed comb. I salute you.
Yeah some of your ideas are good but I am constrained by event space ( I already used all the available space and had to cut some text out just to fit in the energy module storyline) and unit slots (I already used all the available slots except the knight slot which is quite dangerous to use except for barbarians).
The sound-unit slot mapping is also a major constraint. Most unit changes will require a complete swapping of the entire game arrangement (without guarantee of a more efficient combination).
I don't have TOT and I heard that makng a scenario using TOT is a nightmare. ALso Tot will reduce the potential audience exponetially. I am not even using MGE cause I know of many players who are still using only FW. Valdez even makes his scenarios in the form of modpacks so that Civ classic owners can play but that is too much for me.
Last edited by kobayashi; August 11, 2001 at 01:39.
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