July 21, 2001, 21:59
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Which civ should be deleted from civ3?
I'd say the Aztecs. Those names are just wacked. too long. Not distinctive or memorable. And too many t-towns!
July 21, 2001, 22:04
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you dot rename them all then GP?? i hardly ever leave the civs suggested city names, i much prefe my own ...
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 22, 2001, 00:30
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You just opened Pandora's can o' whupass there, GP. I'm bumping you just to observe the sh#itfight that ensues...
My personal vote: [N.B. deliberately provocative for the target CivIII market...] Americans - if you don't have your own language you don't qualify as a civilization.
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July 22, 2001, 01:01
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I like all the civs, Aztecs must be in!
July 22, 2001, 01:07
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Originally posted by Kenobi
You just opened Pandora's can o' whupass there, GP. I'm bumping you just to observe the sh#itfight that ensues...
My personal vote: [N.B. deliberately provocative for the target CivIII market...] Americans - if you don't have your own language you don't qualify as a civilization.
they ignored you kenobi, typical american reaction to a fellow colonist
but you are right, if firaixs re going to limit which civs are in , then perhaps the easiest criterium is only civs that have their own languages....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 22, 2001, 01:21
Originally posted by Kenobi
My personal vote: [N.B. deliberately provocative for the target CivIII market...] Americans - if you don't have your own language you don't qualify as a civilization.
Oh but we do have our own language.. Every Indian will tell you so. Since My Great Great Grandmother was 100% Cherokee see you.
July 22, 2001, 01:25
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Originally posted by joseph1944
Oh but we do have our own language.. Every Indian will tell you so. Since My Great Great Grandmother was 100% Cherokee see you.
exactly , the cherokees or sioux should be in , but not the Americans... I mean who are the amaricans are they anybody from the Two American Continents ....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 22, 2001, 01:52
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Originally posted by Kenobi
My personal vote: [N.B. deliberately provocative for the target CivIII market...] Americans - if you don't have your own language you don't qualify as a civilization.
According to the Académie Française, American is a separate language from English  I agree the Americaans should be out but that way Firaxis wouldn't sell as many copies in America (sigh)
P.S. I love all the new smilys  :banned: :banned:
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July 22, 2001, 07:41
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FIRAXIS, don't even think about deleting any Civs from the game, there's to few of them already...And defently the Aztecs and the Americans should be in
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July 22, 2001, 08:56
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Aztecs must be in! I know a lot about ancient civs, especially Egypt & Aztecs. I can pronounce any of their geographic names with ease.
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July 22, 2001, 09:23
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Originally posted by Rasputin
then perhaps the easiest criterium is only civs that have their own languages....
Well that would mean no Aussies too.
I think the main criteria is the influence the nation/empire has had on the world. Which ones have influenced history the most.
The most likely criteria will be which countries the game will be sold to most, or which are the most well-known.
"Everybody knows you never go full retard. You went full retard man. Never go full retard"
July 22, 2001, 09:26
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Ceterum censeo....delete Americans
July 22, 2001, 11:19
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The Indians....or are they already out ? I really should check this forum more often.
July 22, 2001, 12:11
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Originally posted by Solver
Aztecs must be in! I know a lot about ancient civs, especially Egypt & Aztecs. I can pronounce any of their geographic names with ease.
This coming from the guy who thinks web-page users should have to be puzzle-solvers to figure out the different features of a page...
July 22, 2001, 15:06
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Native Americans should either consolidate the Sioux, Iroquis, Cheorokee or not have any native american indians in the game at all. (Native Canadians would be good too  )
American IS a seperate language from English.
If you have ever met an american who knew what a
"Loo", or "Water Closet" is... that American must not be a true American.
other phrases: "Wizard!" As in great
... I'm sure PH could tell you some more differences.
Kick the Celts out of Civ III.
We don't need Celts...
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July 22, 2001, 16:54
Local Time: 07:43
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Why kick any civilization out of Civ3? I liked the way that more were added from Civ1 to Civ2. It made the game more versatile. Now, if they could continue the trend or at least maintain the status quo of number of available civs, then that can't hurt the game, right?
If anything, I would have thought that a "which new Civs should we ADD?" thread would be more suited to the game.
Have I missed something? Has Firaxis dropped a hint that a Civ has to be axed?
"lol internet" ~ AAHZ
July 22, 2001, 17:37
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apparently latest info is only 16 civs in civ 3 not the 21 like in civ 2 ....
so apparently 5 civs have gone....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 22, 2001, 18:30
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The problem with this thread for me is that Firaxis has not completely made clear what unique civs means. If it means that each civ has different art and one or two special units than by all means pick the 16 biggest world empires.
But if it also directs how the A.I. plays the game than most of those 16 are going to be expansionists that fight a lot of wars. China, Spain, Russia, England, and all the rest had great cultures. They traded, they flourished but the reason that they are great is that they conquered large trecks of land.
For the game to balance under these situations, if unique civ directs strategy, then we may have to take some civs that are may be not in the top 16 like the Phoenicians or the Incas. In the end it would seem that the game would play better.
July 22, 2001, 18:45
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Originally posted by Alinestra Covelia
Why kick any civilization out of Civ3? I liked the way that more were added from Civ1 to Civ2. It made the game more versatile. Now, if they could continue the trend or at least maintain the status quo of number of available civs, then that can't hurt the game, right?
If anything, I would have thought that a "which new Civs should we ADD?" thread would be more suited to the game.
Have I missed something? Has Firaxis dropped a hint that a Civ has to be axed?
They lowered the number of civs
A number of civs have to be eliminated
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-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
July 22, 2001, 19:35
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All you people who are saying kick the Americans out of the game are only saying that because you're jealous. You're jealous that you weren't born in the US so you could have the privilege of being called an American, you're so bitterly angry that you can't immigrate over here so you bad mouth country you so desperately want to live in, and you know that if even all other countries declared war on the US that the US would still be able to kick everybody's ass. For you being deprived of a great country like US I will let you continue you endless rambling about why the Americans shouldn't be included.
However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.
July 22, 2001, 19:44
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Why the sudden panic? This is old news, and provided it doesn't take an expert to create custom files, within a month or two anyone who is webwise enough to find Apolyton will be able to download any number of extra Civs.
Oh, and get real, TechWins. We're very upset in the UK at the moment because the number of armed incidents have gone up and in the last five years our police have had to shoot ten people. That's considered bad
To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection. H.Poincare
July 22, 2001, 20:57
Local Time: 07:43
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Originally posted by TechWins
All you people who are saying kick the Americans out of the game are only saying that because you're jealous. You're jealous that you weren't born in the US so you could have the privilege of being called an American, you're so bitterly angry that you can't immigrate over here so you bad mouth country you so desperately want to live in, and you know that if even all other countries declared war on the US that the US would still be able to kick everybody's ass. For you being deprived of a great country like US I will let you continue you endless rambling about why the Americans shouldn't be included.
Crikey. It's at times like this that I really understand why the outer world holds such a low opinion of the Americans at times. Despite the high standard of living in America and the state initiative to provide effective universal education, specimens like this can still slip through regardless.
So much for enlightenment. Looks like TechWins proves that the American educational system can still result in arrogance, xenophobia, and an inability to recognize these traits in oneself.
It's people like you who give our country such a bad name. You ignorant American introvert.
"lol internet" ~ AAHZ
July 22, 2001, 21:47
Local Time: 11:43
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Originally posted by TechWins
All you people who are saying kick the Americans out of the game are only saying that because you're jealous. You're jealous that you weren't born in the US so you could have the privilege of being called an American, you're so bitterly angry that you can't immigrate over here so you bad mouth country you so desperately want to live in, and you know that if even all other countries declared war on the US that the US would still be able to kick everybody's ass. For you being deprived of a great country like US I will let you continue you endless rambling about why the Americans shouldn't be included.
Man, I am ashamed to have you be a part of America.
July 22, 2001, 22:32
Originally posted by TechWins
All you people who are saying kick the Americans out of the game are only saying that because you're jealous. You're jealous that you weren't born in the US so you could have the privilege of being called an American, you're so bitterly angry that you can't immigrate over here so you bad mouth country you so desperately want to live in, and you know that if even all other countries declared war on the US that the US would still be able to kick everybody's ass. For you being deprived of a great country like US I will let you continue you endless rambling about why the Americans shouldn't be included.
Well gentlemen I'm not ashamed of Tech.
I'm also a 57 year old person who believe that "America may she always be right, but right or wrong America." Since you two kids will not give an age or the city where you live, I'm not sure you are in fact American.
I was serving in the Military during the Cuba Missile Crises and the start of the Vietnam War. Have you served? I think not.
July 22, 2001, 23:21
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Hey dude, I was stationed near you on a sub at Mare Island.
July 22, 2001, 23:25
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All of you all who said to eliminate the American civ, just failed marketing 101. Don't screw up the big market--screw up the little markets.
July 22, 2001, 23:45
Originally posted by GP
Hey dude, I was stationed near you on a sub at Mare Island.
I worked at Mare Island from Aug 9, 1965 to Nov. 3, 1995, so what boat were you on, and when. You and I may have met in passing. I was a Shop 11 Tank Coordinator for a while and a Test Foreman for a while.
July 22, 2001, 23:47
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Originally posted by TechWins
All you people who are saying kick the Americans out of the game are only saying that because you're jealous. You're jealous that you weren't born in the US so you could have the privilege of being called an American, you're so bitterly angry that you can't immigrate over here so you bad mouth country you so desperately want to live in, and you know that if even all other countries declared war on the US that the US would still be able to kick everybody's ass. For you being deprived of a great country like US I will let you continue you endless rambling about why the Americans shouldn't be included.
i may not agree with you on other things tech, but i totaly agree with you there. Plus firaxis=american so they will be in. if they lived in Puerto Rico they would be in the game, wouldn't they?
 . i love america (probably becouse i live in the N.E. part of it) and becouse its so big and rich it MUST be in the game.
one thing tech wins, they aren't jealous becouse they dont live here, there jealous becouse they know that america is rich and could kick all there asses easily.
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
July 23, 2001, 00:08
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I think there is a valid reason not to include America in the game - it did not exist until 300 years ago and there is no American ethniticity. It is a reason not include my nation in the game.
I would not even be disappointed, how many times did you really get a kick out of winning as your own nation? Instead I enjoyed kicking good old Abe right off of North America with one of the Native American tribes. Revenge is fun,
I have pride in this country, I may only be 18 but I value my rights in this country. (I have had only one chance to vote and have used it.) Instead of bashing other nations saying we are so much better, why can't we instead tell the homeless down the street how great they are by living in the states? Why don't we vote at a higher rate than 50% for President of our country? Why don't we help poor nations in Africa that are dying due to AIDS? Why don't we abide by Kyoto and help the entire world?
God, if you can't see the problems that this country has and the problems are in your own backyard, we are doomed. We have problems as do all nations.
Are we the best? I would say yes, but I would hope that all Brits would say the same about the island. Or all Greeks singing the praises of how great Athens is. Or the Australians telling us that we are dumb for not knowing that a koala is not a bear  .
Just don't tell me that I am unAmerican for understanding that there are problems in our nation and need to fix them. Until that is done, for goodness sakes, please stop saying to the rest of the world that we are better than them.
July 23, 2001, 00:11
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I think the reason people are mad at America is because they think we are Amerocentric. But you know what I have to say about that? Its called patriotism people. I consider myself a patriot and would fight and die for this great land in an instant. The fact that people insult America all the time actually makes me sick. Many Muslim nations hate us why? Cuz our most prominent religion is Christianity. Despite the fact we supply aid to many countries in the terms of money and food. Even though we ourselves are in debt (that part isnt so smart). Sure our government has messed up. Sometimes we send our fighting forces to places where they shouldn't be but thats not Americans thats just some bad leaders and politics. Also, because America is the most prominent nation on Earth it is the most criticized. All our faults are pointed out and seem to outnumber the good things we do. While many smaller countries make just as many if not more mistakes but because their small few criticize them. The one thing we do have badly is crime but its only bad compared to some other nations. The former USSR right now is extremely unsafe but few people talk about that. Its great that the UK and many other countries have low crime but that doesnt make the US any less of a country. God Bless America.
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