July 21, 2001, 22:19
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Why was my thread re punishments deleted, was it against the rules, if so please PM me and let me know, I read the FAQ and ddint see anything covering that aspect, not bweing funny, just trying to make sure I dont do it again ... whatever it was !!!
PS.. please no one psot here I just want a PM from markG...
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 22, 2001, 03:19
Apolyton CS Co-Founder
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first of all, you make a thread about the deletion of a thread and expect me to reply by pm??
i dont know what thread you are talking about. i dont recall deleting anything like that....
btw, your 10% pcr was not for one post, it was for the 200 posts you made in a period of one month in the apolyton forum....
July 22, 2001, 03:28
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Yeah Rasputin... we do keep track of things
I deleted it... it was pure spam, and your choices for the poll were rude... in the rules it says use common sense.
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July 22, 2001, 17:57
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Originally posted by MarkG
first of all, you make a thread about the deletion of a thread and expect me to reply by pm??
Thought you might want to keep it private re what i did wrong..
i dont know what thread you are talking about. i dont recall deleting anything like that....
Apparently ming did it and he explained below why, thanks ming for that explanation, if the choose of words was the min problem could not you as mod alter the topic ?? Not sure if you can do that ... It wasnt "pure spam" it was a legitimate question i had about publishing the penalties handed out so that the mods would appear to be consistent and serve as warning to other problem people ...
btw, your 10% pcr was not for one post, it was for the 200 posts you made in a period of one month in the apolyton forum....
So it doesnt matter that all my posts were on topic IMHO and relevant to the thread i posted to, (certaninly no less relevant as to everyone elses posts in those threads). All that matters is there is some number of posts per month I shouldnt exceed?? Well I guess you have the right to use "common sense" to decide when to do these PCR, I just wish it was made clearer as to what we can and cant post, including how many times per month we can post here. I always felt that provided you didnt just keep repeating the same thing over and over again , you were free to add your comments and opinions to any threads at apolyton. If this is not the case please say so. It seems to me that people are assuming that because someone posts 200 times in a month it must all be spam....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 22, 2001, 18:00
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I'm with you Raz.
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
July 22, 2001, 18:12
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dont spam here
pleae dont turn this into another spamfest... I jsut want some serious answers so I know how to post here in a safe manner, I enjoy the forums and the debates and discussions that go on. I spend most of my time over in Multiplayer section , but also peruse this section after i noticed people were having fun here too. If there is a rule of thumb for what constitutes a reasonalb epost limit per month, I want to know so that i dont exceed it.... I dont want to be banned or put on vacation for indiscretions against the mods/admins .....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 22, 2001, 19:01
Apolyton CS Co-Founder
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ras, when you post such a big number of posts in such a small period, with a large part having tiny to none contribution to the discussion, yes, that can be considered spam
July 22, 2001, 20:37
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Well I guess as they are your threads Mark, the ultimate choice of what is Spam and what isnt is upto you, but I never post for spam sake, i always try to make my posts witty , amusing , funny, informative, or express my opinion in one shape or another. I thought that this was what the forums were for. Whilts I tend to agree that some one doing lots of posting may be regarded as a spammer, i hope that this doesnt prevent me from continuing to express my opinions and adding to the fun of the forums.
In the interests of not getting any further PCR I will try to control my natural tendency to sprout my opinion to all....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 22, 2001, 20:40
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Rasputin- I think what Mark means, is that you should contribute more to threads than just,
"I agree" or "This topic should be discussed because..."
Now, while you didn't quite say either of those statements, I believe that Mark thought most of your posts were of that quality.
However, Keep posting  ! Post 400 times in a month to show mark who's boss!
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July 22, 2001, 23:06
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Originally posted by DarkCloud
Rasputin- I think what Mark means, is that you should contribute more to threads than just,
"I agree" or "This topic should be discussed because..."
Now, while you didn't quite say either of those statements, I believe that Mark thought most of your posts were of that quality.
I guess it is all in the eye of the beholder. spamming is obviously a very subjective matter not easily discernible to some. Mar thinks my comments were spam, i didnt ...
However, Keep posting ! Post 400 times in a month to show mark who's boss!
no its not in my character to go for a direct challenge for no reward....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 23, 2001, 05:53
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It wasn't that you posted too much. It was that you posted too often compared to other users. There were times when it seemed like you were replying to every post in the thread. Try waiting for a dozen or so others to post a reply before you post again to the same thread. This allows your posts to be longer - because you have more opinions to comment on, and fewer - because instead of posting one or two lines immediately after someone responds to your comment, you save them up into one big post (which looks much more scholarly and impressive  ).
BTW, I'm not trying to pontificate, (Stefu's "prof" smiley would be perfect here  ) just trying to answer your question honestly.
Peace, Wisdom, and No Karma
July 24, 2001, 09:56
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problem is spekter, that the times i login during the day at work, not many people ar ehere, so to fill in time i look at and read all threads, if i was to wait for 14 people to repsond i would have nothing to do for hours on end and may fall asleep, my boss wouldnt like me sleeping, (not that he necessarily approves of my posting here either)
My sole point with all this debate, is to say the fact i post lots shouldnt make it spam... if someone came to me and said all my psots are crappy and just repeating over and over, i could understand , but most times i continue the topic already started and add to it my opinions. I know this goes agaisnt the grain with some people as the "I think Rasputin is a Spammer" crowd is growing everyday....
thanks to you all for being a littel understanding of my desire in this world to have people take notice of my little opinions...
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 24, 2001, 11:45
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All your psots are crappy and just repeating over and over.
Really, for someone who hasn't had anything useful to add to any thread that I've come across, you post an awful lot Rasputin.
Your pcr was well deserved. The sad part is you don't seem to get the message even now. Post when you have something to add to an ongoing topic or discussion, otherwise don't bother! How hard can it be??
You're destroying the pleasure of visiting this and the other on topic forums for a lot of people. Go to the OT if you must, but stop spamming on topic forums.
Harsh, I know. So shoot me.
July 24, 2001, 11:54
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And your posts are all good ???
Enough said on all this.... This thread was a simple question, it was answered and I am happy, The mods responded to it in an apropiate manner. Now let this one die Winston, why is it you feel the need to berate me in all my threads, surely that can be regarded as spam too.
To please people such as yourself I have limited my postings, I am taking longer coffee breaks and playing cards....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
July 24, 2001, 20:10
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Raz breaks all records
Originally posted by MarkG
btw, your 10% pcr was not for one post, it was for the 200 posts you made in a period of one month in the apolyton forum....
And we never saw you here that.
July 25, 2001, 06:08
Local Time: 21:43
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Re: Raz breaks all records
Originally posted by Alexander's Horse

And we never saw you here that.
I guess you meant you never saw me here before that...
but i certainly was, i been around most fourms , and it wasnt that i was only posting here, i maintained my usual nigh level of input at all my usual forums such as civ 2 MP , civ 3 , civ 2 General...
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
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