I first bought Apha Centauri right after it first came out, while I was living in Japan. I loved the game right away. It kind of reminded me of the old "Empire" game. Anybody know of that one?

I never had the chance to play against anybody...only my computer, never had anybody I knew who also had the game. Still, when Alien Crossfire came out... I bought it right away. I really enjoyed it... and still like playing it. I took a break from the game for quite awhile...but am back playing again. I would love to try out the multiplayer functions... either via an email game with someone.... or over the internet. I tried looking until I found this website/forums. I hope that I can find a few people who would like to play some games. It may be hard to co-ordinate a live game via the internet, so I would be willing to play an "By Email" game first. All I need is somebody to help get me started.