July 26, 2001, 22:24
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I say this, lets get a nice big flame topic going. No talking about interviews and other stuff. Those who think this is bull**** and don't really care about getting an interview be on my team. We'll put the computer geeks with AH as their leader on the other team. Solver will have to be his own team since nobody wants him.
July 26, 2001, 23:33
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Originally posted by Colon
Actually, I can think of only one major OT'er that has never been active in the On-Topic forums, namely Iain Lindley (aka *End Is Forever*) who arrived here via Stewart Spink.
He's the most famous. I remember when he first came on and they were arguing about what girl Stew liked.
Some others:
Newsmax crew:
"Charlies Angels":
July 27, 2001, 01:43
Local Time: 21:45
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Not much civ representation
This faces series should be re-named "Solver interviews his friends."
Real civ hasn't even been covered and its all from within the CTP/SMAC ghettoes.
July 27, 2001, 01:50
Apolyton CS Co-Founder
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Re: Not much civ representation
Originally posted by Alexander's Horse
Real civ hasn't even been covered and its all from within the CTP/SMAC ghettoes.
i'm sure you are willing to wait a little more and judge the effort after more than 2 "issues", right???
July 27, 2001, 01:54
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Mark. Civ2 is the primary game interest on this site. It should have been the subject of the first interview. Or the OT...
July 27, 2001, 02:00
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Ya GP is right
Civ is THE game. Solver just interviews his friends. Civ should have been first.
Also, it might help if the person running these interviews had more than a tenuous grasp of English.
July 27, 2001, 02:03
Apolyton CS Co-Founder
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perhaps from now on, when we are about to post something on apolyton, we should call the comittee of the representatives of apolyton and have a vote on it....
July 27, 2001, 02:10
Apolyton CS Co-Founder
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and yes, our choices were terrible. who cares if velocyrix wrote the should-be-official strategy guide for smac? horsie would be much better...
July 27, 2001, 02:13
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Not a bad idea
Originally posted by MarkG
perhaps from now on, when we are about to post something on apolyton, we should call the comittee of the representatives of apolyton and have a vote on it....
Maybe Darkcloud should do a poll about it.
I have no beef with Velochrome being interviewed but CIV should have come first.
July 27, 2001, 02:41
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The way I see it, this FoA section is a great way for us all to see people and personalities that we would not have ordinarily have seen. Therefor wasn't it great to have for the first two issue, two people that contributed a great deal to ACS but at the same time did it with two games that do not get that much attention?
I never had heard of them. Much the same way, most people would not have heard of Korn or Yin if they don't post in Civ III. Keep the variety so that we can see all members of this forum.
And in my opinion the only reason this thread is so long with so much flaming is that a mod said something he should never have said in the publc, I WILL NEVER INTERVIEW... Why would you tell everyone that? Simply say I am taking in all suggestions and then never interview him if you have a problem. Then on top of that two mods fought it out on the board. In my opinion, just plain lunacy.
Now there are two possible moves:
a) interview AH, which would go against what you said will never be done and look like a push over
b) don't interview AH and look like a whinning childish mod that is still upset at getting called a name and has no open mindedness to him.
Either way, it doesn't look good. In the future Sover, post things like that in the Staff Room. We want to see you guys fight, but when you do it does not reflect that well on you and your positions.
July 27, 2001, 03:30
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*Clap, clap, clap, clap*
July 27, 2001, 03:48
Apolyton CS Co-Founder
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it's so damn easy to sound right when you're talking last, isnt it?
c) say that if we ever decide to do a FoA on horsie, it wont be done by Solver. everyone happy....
July 27, 2001, 07:04
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I'll start with the not knowing me issue. I'm one of the, I suspect, not so much ACS members, who has played each and every Civ game there has been. I played Civ for DOS, then for Windows, Civ II, SMAC, and both CtP's. Next, of all you, I could name guys whom I have never or close to never seen before I dealt with the interviews - DarkCloud, GP, Father Beast, Bugs, Immortal Wombat. Apolyton is too large for everybody to know everyobdy.
I guess I have to surrender. I already have prepared questions for #4, and almost for #5, so they will be what I initially thought. However, if somebody (and I think Bugs here, specifically), makes an Interview with A Horse, this will be published as number 6. So, what you need is to make questions, send them to him, cc to me, and forward the answers to me, then I'll edit it as needed, and post as #6. Volunteers needed then.
Markos, thanks for defending my point.
Immortal Wombat, I'm one of PBEM admins, too  .
I have never changed name, for I have used Solver even before Apolyton exists at all, and I see no reason to change.
GP, I am also one of big on-topicers. For example, the PBEm ratings systems are purely my invention  . (Stefu, where's that tie-adjusting smilie)?
Also, you know guys, you have seen nothing! You've only seen 2 interviews, while I have seen five.
True, first three are CtP and SMAC. But, 4 is Yin, with his Civ 3, and 5 is Civ 2. 6 will be Horsie, is somedoby makes him.
I haven't quite interviewed my friends. I never spoke to Vel and WesW before I made the interviews, even though I did speak to Tau Ceti! IO haven't spoked to Yin26, either. If I interviewed persons I talk to really much and that re my best forum friends, these would be most boring interviews.
The c choice said by Markos is exactly what will take place. If somebody wants him, lift your butt over the PC, and make that damned interview. You here are just a bunch of people with one intention to offend me, as this really now is a purely flaming thread. Markos looks to be a supporter for me, huh. So, I'll keep my promise, by not doing the interview with AH, and at the same time, keep you happy by having that interview posted under FoA.
People posting in this thread are basically the same guys. Before I at all started work on FoA, I did some polls on ICQ, and found that the SMAC community would like to interview Vel, and they enjoyed the interview. Markos, tell them that this is a civ site  .
I see that you most have no wish to learn about more people. You're stuck at a number of forums, and only want to read interviews with people of that forums. Vel will sell his guide, this will be the official SMAC guide, while you'll never know about him.
And AH, you're one of the rare OTF posters I know, but I only know you as a spammer, haven't heard anything good about you before this thread.
Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man
July 27, 2001, 11:01
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Originally posted by MarkG
perhaps from now on, when we are about to post something on apolyton, we should call the comittee of the representatives of apolyton and have a vote on it....
That's OK, Markos. We trust you. Feel free to post what you want on the site.
BUT....it might be a good idea if you had an advisory body. At one point in time, we had votes for senators going around. This is when I hacked in 40 votes for Ming!  Now maybe we should go back to such an idea. It could be like the English Pairliament. Starting out as an advisory body and gradually evolving so that you and Dan become figure heads. Dan already being a little further along the process!
So whatya think? It's been a while since we had tha hustle and bustle of an election. Things were even tame during the moderator April Fool's joke. We need something to get the animals riled up a little. Trust me, I know how to acheive this. (First we start with some requirements that only 1970ers are allowed. That will PO the PH's in the crowd. Then we introduce a little cronyism into the process. Believe me, we can get this place humming!)
July 27, 2001, 11:07
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Originally posted by tniem
The way I see it, this FoA section is a great way for us all to see people and personalities that we would not have ordinarily have seen. Therefor wasn't it great to have for the first two issue, two people that contributed a great deal to ACS but at the same time did it with two games that do not get that much attention?
I never had heard of them. Much the same way, most people would not have heard of Korn or Yin if they don't post in Civ III. Keep the variety so that we can see all members of this forum.
Well, with that kind of thinking sportspages would put tiddleywinks and curling on the front of the sportspage.
Originally posted by tniem
And in my opinion the only reason this thread is so long with so much flaming is that a mod said something he should never have said in the publc, I WILL NEVER INTERVIEW... Why would you tell everyone that? Simply say I am taking in all suggestions and then never interview him if you have a problem. Then on top of that two mods fought it out on the board. In my opinion, just plain lunacy.
Now there are two possible moves:
a) interview AH, which would go against what you said will never be done and look like a push over
b) don't interview AH and look like a whinning childish mod that is still upset at getting called a name and has no open mindedness to him.
Either way, it doesn't look good. In the future Sover, post things like that in the Staff Room. We want to see you guys fight, but when you do it does not reflect that well on you and your positions.
Very good analysis. Solver needs to be a little more dispassionate if he's going to accupy positions of authority.
July 27, 2001, 12:19
Local Time: 14:45
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*cough*. Still here.
We're all in some passion now.
Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man
July 27, 2001, 12:34
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Originally posted by Solver
I'll start with the not knowing me issue. I'm one of the, I suspect, not so much ACS members, who has played each and every Civ game there has been. I played Civ for DOS, then for Windows, Civ II, SMAC, and both CtP's. Next, of all you, I could name guys whom I have never or close to never seen before I dealt with the interviews - DarkCloud, GP, Father Beast, Bugs, Immortal Wombat. Apolyton is too large for everybody to know everyobdy.
Of course it is, Solver. Yet in 7 months I have gotten to know all of them, and also know of vel, having read his guide.
And the only game you play that I dont is CTP, in any form.
I guess I have to surrender. I already have prepared questions for #4, and almost for #5, so they will be what I initially thought. However, if somebody (and I think Bugs here, specifically), makes an Interview with A Horse, this will be published as number 6. So, what you need is to make questions, send them to him, cc to me, and forward the answers to me, then I'll edit it as needed, and post as #6. Volunteers needed then.
Markos, thanks for defending my point.
Don't see it as surrender, but instead, as adhearing to the wishes of the membership.
I haven't quite interviewed my friends. I never spoke to Vel and WesW before I made the interviews, even though I did speak to Tau Ceti! IO haven't spoked to Yin26, either. If I interviewed persons I talk to really much and that re my best forum friends, these would be most boring interviews.
Yes, but you did go to an area that you knew well, and have ignored that Apolyton is the first Greek CIVILIZATION site, not SMAC site.
The c choice said by Markos is exactly what will take place. If somebody wants him, lift your butt over the PC, and make that damned interview. You here are just a bunch of people with one intention to offend me, as this really now is a purely flaming thread.
No, it's more in the nature of kidding then flaming, Solver. I have answered without flaming.
Markos looks to be a supporter for me, huh. So, I'll keep my promise, by not doing the interview with AH, and at the same time, keep you happy by having that interview posted under FoA.
Well, I started this really, as I requested AH first, but he's not my buddy, if that what your alluding to. As I recall, the first thing the guy said to me was along the lines of "Hey F*ckwit"  I just felt he would be interesting to hear from. The Rah thing was because you never left your own areas, so , in effect, it's YOU really doesn't know most of Apolyton, not us.
People posting in this thread are basically the same guys. Before I at all started work on FoA, I did some polls on ICQ, and found that the SMAC community would like to interview Vel, and they enjoyed the interview. Markos, tell them that this is a civ site .
I'm sure your ICQ contact lists matches your SMAC list, so how is this a revalation?
I see that you most have no wish to learn about more people. You're stuck at a number of forums, and only want to read interviews with people of that forums. Vel will sell his guide, this will be the official SMAC guide, while you'll never know about him.
That is a ridiculous assertion. As a number of us have said, we want to hear from all the people here, not just 3 forums. The MP forum and scenario forums are just as active and vibrant, if not more so, then the SMAC and CTP boards. And I didn't even mention the Civ-2 Strat and general boards, which are still active, dispite the assinine statements to the contrary by an old timer with a massive ego problem.(No, not GP)
And AH, you're one of the rare OTF posters I know, but I only know you as a spammer, haven't heard anything good about you before this thread.
He's rotten to the core, but a hell of a lot of fun to listen to.
I believe Saddam because his position is backed up by logic and reason...David Floyd
i'm an ignorant greek...MarkG
July 27, 2001, 13:10
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I don't pretend to know all the Apolyton. I plan to take more look at Civ 2 forums now.
As for my ICQ, there are only a few SMACers, and not much Apolytoners at all, so you're waaay wrong here, lol.
And again I say that you haven't got enough material to judge. I know the first seven FoA now, and it includes CtP er, SMACer, Civ2er, Civ3er, OTer  .
Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man
July 27, 2001, 13:21
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BUT....it might be a good idea if you had an advisory body. At one point in time, we had votes for senators going around. This is when I hacked in 40 votes for Ming! Now maybe we should go back to such an idea. It could be like the English Pairliament. Starting out as an advisory body and gradually evolving so that you and Dan become figure heads. Dan already being a little further along the process!
So whatya think? It's been a while since we had tha hustle and bustle of an election. Things were even tame during the moderator April Fool's joke. We need something to get the animals riled up a little. Trust me, I know how to acheive this. (First we start with some requirements that only 1970ers are allowed. That will PO the PH's in the crowd. Then we introduce a little cronyism into the process. Believe me, we can get this place humming!)
ROFLOL! Make the Deities have mod power too
“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
- John 13:34-35 (NRSV)
July 27, 2001, 14:45
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For a change, I'm not going to b*tch!
Solver, I want to make sure - in your Yin interview, are there enough questions about the Civ3 List and The Essential Civ3 List? I mean, it's easy to build entire interview based on Yin's pessimism, but I see Civ3 List and Civ3 Essential List as something truly large. (well, considering Civ3 List was over 500 pages long...  )
"Spirit merges with matter to sanctify the universe. Matter transcends to return to spirit. The interchangeability of matter and spirit means the starlit magic of the outermost life of our universe becomes the soul-light magic of the innermost life of our self." - Dennis Kucinich, candidate for the U. S. presidency
"That’s the future of the Democratic Party: providing Republicans with a number of cute (but not that bright) comfort women." - Adam Yoshida, Canada's gift to the world
July 27, 2001, 15:14
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I just want to say that I have throughly enjoyed the first two FoA. I had read nothing of either of those featured in the articles and it was great to learn more about those that drive ACS.
As for me, I came to Apolyton for one reason - Civ III. It was a site that would allow me to impact the game. And although I joined too late to contribute, having read both lists I am proud of what members of this site did for the genre.
Since joining the site I have posted primarily in Civ III, Apolyton/Community, and other games. As of late I have begun to read some in the OTF simply because the talk in the Civ III site has become boring, repetitive, and many times simply spam. The people I have come into contact with are different those that you have come into contact with.
Therefor, me, you, and everyone else is going to have different prespectives on who is important to this community. Short of interviewing mods all the time someone is going to always feel that they are more important or the game choosen is not important. But you should be able to just let that criticism fall off your back and it will go away. The public is fickle, one minute we will hate Firaxis and the next beg for a little more information. Like I said before your mistake was not in who you choose to interview (or who you choose not to) but in saying your intentions. That is always a mistake in a position of power unless you give some wiggle room.
You said that a poll showed that many would want to hear about Volycrix, well if a post was given at the time I would have said, "Who's Volycrix?" Now, though, I would say, "Yes definitely interview him." That is exactly what FoA should be and what I believe you wanted when starting. For me it has worked, good job.
July 27, 2001, 15:51
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AH already has the questions. He's taking his time with his reply, presumably because he's rehearsing his ad-libs.
Solver- thanks for reconsidering. I appreciate that. I've attempted to pitch questions that will appeal to both On and Off-topic posters, whilst providing a good laugh in the process. If His Majesty gets the response sorted I'll send it across to you.
July 28, 2001, 04:50
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I wish to say that Just because I didn't know you doesn't mean you're a nobody.
I also wish to say that I appreciate the FOA series, from whatever part of apolyton they hail. I enjoyed the first 2 I've never heard of before, and look forward to another never heard, and some people I have talked with before.
I look forward to more.
Hmmnn... Must be my optimists club influence rubbibg off on me
Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST
I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn
July 28, 2001, 07:44
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Stefu, if you want to ask Yin some questions, go on. Ask anything, I'm not to send them for several days now. I already have questions from Markos and Mark, so yours would be nice then  .
And Bugs, thanks for that one.
Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man
July 28, 2001, 09:06
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Solver, thanks for the interesting interviews.
I'm mostly an OT person, but I enjoy playing Civ and reading about folks who have contributed to the game or Apolyton. I would suggest that focusing on those that volunteer here would be of interest to everyone on and off topic. You might consider eventually getting around to having someone interview you...
Whatever though, I think the most important thing is that you enjoy what you're doing as much as many of us do.
Keep up the good work.
If you're looking for an OT person to interview, I suggest SuperSneak, (I think everyone likes him) Sten, Zkribbler, GP, or Stefu. Ming has a thankless job, we don't hear enough from him these days.
Narck would be a great one to do. His volunteerism lasted a long time and he quitely did a heck of alot around here until his job and family took all his time. Great guy, still drops by.
Flip a coin, there's plenty of really decent people in the OT, if you look past the few that make the most noise.
Good luck!
I'm not profane, I type the stars.
July 28, 2001, 09:57
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The hardest overall thing to do is to keep balance. There are many good off-topicers, many good civers, SMACers, etc. So I must keep the balance here, and also not forget the civ 3 guys. Ahh.
Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man
July 28, 2001, 10:01
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Focus on having a good time Solver, let the rest sort itself out.
I'm not profane, I type the stars.
July 28, 2001, 10:59
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{makes life harder for Solver}
in the Other Games Forum, I nominate:
LightEning (gotta love his sig)
Shadowstrike (done some good civ3 stuff, too)
as if you didn't have enough forums to consider already.
Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST
I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn
July 28, 2001, 11:20
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maybe they should keep that forum alive after all
I think they should interview me to represent the earth2025 forum.
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July 28, 2001, 13:23
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Actually, I can think of only one major OT'er that has never been active in the On-Topic forums, namely Iain Lindley (aka *End Is Forever*) who arrived here via Stewart Spink.
Doesn't that make me suitably unique and worthy of interview?
Don't forget that I first came to Apolyton before the Off-Topic Forum even existed... I have posted on-topic although not regularly; being only a social player of Civ, most of it goes right over my head.
Also, remember that there are many groups within the OTF. I would like to think of myself as one of the more distinguished posters... however unsound you think my views on the EU are.
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