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Old July 23, 2001, 02:28   #1
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Local Date: October 31, 2010
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My secret war
You'd think that with a whole weekend gone by I'd have done more than play SMACX...sigh...I didn't even watch the DVD's I rented!

Roze now joins the ranks of factions that have to be killed if they're anywhere near me! Huge map of planet and me, the UoP as usual. Who ends up being ight next to me? Roze! Taking up half of the monsoon jungle that I wanted for myself! But we signed a treaty and I left her alone. Five turns later she mind controls my base at her border. I had to switch production from some of my bases to churn out some rovers. When I had about eight rovers and several probe teams to go with them I massed at the border to rush her. Roze gives in and returns my base before a shot is fired, but it was too late after that. I had to break the truce because I knew I couldn't trust her and with the UoP's probe easiness I'd be at her mercy if I let her get to powerful. So I stormed her and took four of her five bases in three turns or so. She wanted to surreneder, but the hell with that.

Roze is worse than Miriam in that respect. At least Miriam is honest about it. If she hates you she just says it.

As the game went on I found myself at war with everyone, but primarily Diedre. Dee is a queen b**** when she gets some power. I pacted with Domai to fight her, but because of my short war with Roze a lot of my bases needed more facilities to stop rioting. Dee was out teching me and I had to play catch up by upgrading my troops using all of my money. And Domai is a moron! (no wonder they call him brainless) I noted that he had a large air force moving through my territory. Still Dee managed to take a lot of his bases. What the hell was he doing? With all of those missile jets he should have been able to wipe out her land forces at the border! The dummy didn't and Dee began eating him alive. I tried to help but Dee literally had almost every square near Free Drone Central crammed with troops. And they were tough troops too! They killed all of my guys I sent to aid Domai. Then global warming (mostly due to the drones) st in and I lost a lot of the monsoon jungle. Cities starved, bases rioted, I gave up. It was obvious that Domai was going to be greened to death and that Dee was way to strong for me to stop. I had no money, Dee was kicking my but, Miriam was picking away at my north and Yang was picking away at my south.

Tried again. Ended up at the borehole cluster near Lal. I take back defending him in another thread. The jerk attacked me and then wanted peace when my battle ogre destroyed one of his bases. But then Miriam arrived in full "Jihad against everyone that isn't me" mode. She was tough, too. Looked like a long hard battle from the start but then my computer crashed. When I restarted the base names weren't visible. I had to reinstall the game from scratch.

New game, still going on. Dee again is my enemy. Well, everyone is my enemy. I have NO friends. Yang wiped Miriam off the map long time ago and the only reason he's at bay now is because I keep bombing his nearest bases with copters and needlejets. Cha Dawn keeps landing forces at my flank, requiring me to bulk up forces there. Morgan and Lal are duking it out on the other side of the world. (Every turn I see one or the other lost or regained a base.) and that damned Lal stole the governship from me. I bribed morgan during the vote with 3 techs and 600 EC and he still voted against me. (He will die slowly for this!)

I don't get it. I've done nothing to anyone. Yet I have not ONE ally? I only get offered truces for energy, and I'm not paying anyone to stop a war they started! Seems to me that Dee is going to make my list soon.

Well, gotta go. Any comments?

"I know nobody likes me...why do we have to have Valentines Day to emphasize it?"- Charlie Brown
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Old July 23, 2001, 06:36   #2
Clear Skies
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"I have nothing better to do than play SMAC" - you mean there are better things to do than play SMAC?

I've just finished my second SMAX Librarian game and am moving up to Thinker next game. I used the SMAX map of Planet, which always irritates me because there are no boreholes at the Borehole Cluster, just a load of monoliths!

I got off to a reasonably slow start because there was a fungal tower near my third base with fungus all around it which kept generating mind worms, and it was blocking my only route off my sub-continent (it was slap bang next to the Planetneck and I was to the south). Dee got off to the best start, taking the entire Freshwater Sea continent and spreading upwards into the Ruins. Domai was to my northwest and spreading like wildfire.

Well luckily I managed to get the Monsoon Jungle and was soon fighting for the techs I needed. I got the EG and started setting myself up as a tech bridge between the Domai/Roze camp and the Zak/Dee/Morgan/Lal camp.
I soon submitted Morgan - he had only four bases and captured two. I tried to maintain as many Pacts as possible, but someone framed me for a probe team action against Dee - only two turns before my completion of the HSA!

Anyway, I started attacking Dee, and soon she pledged a Blood Truce. However, two turns after the idiot woman declared Vendetta by sneak attack!
At the time she was pacted with both Domai and Roze, and even with Zak, Lal and Morgan on my side I couldn't've taken them all on.
The best idea? Probe team framing!!!

It only took one action to get Dee to declare war on Domai, and he started shipping troops to Autumn Grove, which I had captured, and transferring them to my control, where, after a few quick upgrades they went straight out to the front line.

However, it took three risky frames to get Roze in on the war. I pacted with Zak and Lal and dragged them in too, so all the other factions were helping me against Dee!

I ended up with 90% of the Gaian bases - Roze captured the others. Next to fall was Zak - I used Shard/Probability Tanks to force him into submission in only a matter of years. It was so incredibly easy!

And finally, I eliminated Domai, built the VoP and then the Ascent to Transcendence by rush-buying them - I was running Eudy, so plenty cash!

Final score: 275%. Book: Prime Function Aki Zeta-5's Critique of the Critique of Pure Reason!
"Love the earth and sun and animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants, argue not concerning God, have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown . . . reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your own soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency" - Walt Whitman
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Old July 23, 2001, 15:12   #3
Local Time: 11:45
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Jul 2001
Location: Minnesota
Posts: 82
No Friends huh? That always happens to me. Now I have all my bases making 2-3 nukes to have on hand. If every one has vendetta, then *&^* 'em. Use nukes to take out thier bases with special projects, try to totally eliminate the faction closest to you, or least keep thier border futher down the road. Use nerve gas, use probes to commit attricities also. Burn down there bases. If you cant have them why should they. Then you dont have to try to hold on to them bases. Nerve stable allyour citizens and get em making more minerals for those nukes. -- Then start building pressure domes in all your bases, youll need em.
I have seen the truth, and it makes no sense.
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