"I have nothing better to do than play SMAC" - you mean there are
better things to do than play SMAC?
I've just finished my second SMAX Librarian game and am moving up to Thinker next game. I used the SMAX map of Planet, which always irritates me because there are no boreholes at the Borehole Cluster, just a load of monoliths!
I got off to a reasonably slow start because there was a fungal tower near my third base with fungus all around it which kept generating mind worms, and it was blocking my only route off my sub-continent (it was slap bang next to the Planetneck and I was to the south). Dee got off to the best start, taking the entire Freshwater Sea continent and spreading upwards into the Ruins. Domai was to my northwest and spreading like wildfire.
Well luckily I managed to get the Monsoon Jungle and was soon fighting for the techs I needed. I got the EG and started setting myself up as a tech bridge between the Domai/Roze camp and the Zak/Dee/Morgan/Lal camp.
I soon submitted Morgan - he had only four bases and captured two. I tried to maintain as many Pacts as possible, but someone framed me for a probe team action against Dee - only two turns before my completion of the HSA!
Anyway, I started attacking Dee, and soon she pledged a Blood Truce. However, two turns after the idiot woman declared Vendetta by sneak attack!
At the time she was pacted with both Domai and Roze, and even with Zak, Lal and Morgan on my side I couldn't've taken them all on.
The best idea? Probe team framing!!!
It only took one action to get Dee to declare war on Domai, and he started shipping troops to Autumn Grove, which I had captured, and transferring them to my control, where, after a few quick upgrades they went straight out to the front line.
However, it took three risky frames to get Roze in on the war. I pacted with Zak and Lal and dragged them in too, so all the other factions were helping me against Dee!
I ended up with 90% of the Gaian bases - Roze captured the others. Next to fall was Zak - I used Shard/Probability Tanks to force him into submission in only a matter of years. It was so incredibly easy!
And finally, I eliminated Domai, built the VoP and then the Ascent to Transcendence by rush-buying them - I was running Eudy, so plenty cash!
Final score: 275%. Book: Prime Function Aki Zeta-5's Critique of the Critique of Pure Reason!