July 23, 2001, 10:52
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Drone rioting bases
Slow day in the office. Both my coworkers had to leave early. No one came in here for anything. I just spent the last hour reading the forums on Civ 3. A discussion on whether civil wars will be in the game reminded me of a SMACX question I wanted to ask.
I've heard that if a base goes into intense drone riots they might break off from the faction in question and join the free drones, but I've never seen that happen! Has anyone seen it happen? It would be cool!
Although the game isn't very good I once took over the scots in CTP (1 or 2 I can't remember which....) without doing anything much. I had built the Egalitarian Act, the scots had cities going into revolts and bam, they all joined my nation! Cool. If the Drones have this power than it makes them pretty powerful if they can sneak enough probe teams into enemy territory. Just incite riots at certain bases a buncha times and watch as they fall into your clutches. (eek...especially if the base has a vital wonder!)
Anyone ever try it or am I totally worng about this?
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July 23, 2001, 11:02
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D4, it only happened to me once... and the LAST time.
What happened was that the base had rioted... and I simply was in the middle of a war with someone, wasn't paying much attention to home.  Big mistake. Unfourtunately, the faction I was at war with was... guess? The drones... sigh... took the base back, but it cost a bit too much.  Never again.
I've never managed to provoke a base into joining the Drones with probe teams. I've incited riots and then mind-controlled them... I think that theorically, it's possible to do that.
July 23, 2001, 11:44
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You gotta put those drones in cages :banned:
July 23, 2001, 11:46
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what about playing as drones? has anyone had any luck obtaining rioting cities that way? the manual says there's a 75% chance, but I've never seen it happen. I guess it must be rioting for more than one turn in a row.
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July 23, 2001, 19:10
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as free drones you cannot get revolting AI cities (hehe works both ways ).. there's some requirement, IIRC, that can pretty much never be achieved.
And it's happened to me a lot when playing against the drones. Just keep a city in disorder a few turns.
July 24, 2001, 07:27
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The drones managed to take 3 (!) bases from me this way in my recent SP (I didn't pay attention to all of my bases, especially as I - by mistake - had switched of the popup warning). No other faction did get any base from me by riots.
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July 24, 2001, 09:22
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You will never ever ever get a base controlled by the AI to revolt and join another faction. You can do whatever you like - incite as many drone riots as you like, destroy Rec Commons and Hologram Theatres, and so on. The AI will never allow one of its bases to revolt. It just doesn't happen.
On a lighter note, I have never had one of my bases revolt. How many turns do they have to be in riots for?
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July 24, 2001, 09:58
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I'm not sure, but I think it depends on by how much the number of drones exceeds the number of talents.
July 25, 2001, 02:32
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I am not sure how many turns they have to revolt. But at least more than one. I think think that they have taken over a city after just two turns of "Horus way of handling society" .
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July 25, 2001, 05:05
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It's happened quite rapantly in LAN games of SMAX I've played, mainly because of the very limited time per turn, if a base stays in riots for more than 1 turn it has a chance of defecting to the nearest faction, and it has happened several times, once I gained a base from another player, (then let him take it back). Another time a very important base of mine defected to the drones, this was BAD because a good number of my crawlers surronded the base, and bam, they all went with it (I think all units in territory which change sides also change allegiance...) a quick vendetta and probe action and I had the base back, but still lost all the crawlers, grrrrrr.
I believe the 75% chance means "If a base is going to switch sides, it has a 75% chance of going to the drones".
July 25, 2001, 11:20
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That's correct: IF the base will shift owner, then 75% of Drone takeover. Not 75% chance that the Drones gets a rioting base.
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July 25, 2001, 11:30
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I guess it works better on MP
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