July 24, 2001, 16:30
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So, what’s in for the statistics lover?
I think I’ve made a thread like this once or twice before, but I suppose there’s no harm in starting another, especially since most of you won’t remember. (I can hardly remember them myself)
We have received a reasonable amount of info about civ3 already but I haven’t seen much of the statistics yet, which was a pretty much neglected feature in civ2. (the demographics screen, the civ score and the power graph, that was about it)
So what I’d like to have is a wide range of clear cut, precise statistics and charts representing all features of your empire and the others, ranging from economic to military.
Ever seen CIA’s world factbook? I think the game ought to have such one to view your empire and others and charts comparing the figures of each empire.
It’s not only practical, the easier it is to oversee your empire in a single sheet, the easier it is to govern, it is also plain fun for stats lovers like me to compare your empire against other or against the past, to view your progress or decay.
I don’t think it’s too much to ask since, the data is already present in the game, it just needs to be covered and any 8 year old with some grasp of MS Excel can make slick, precise graphs.
And related to this, why not provide us with some good maps for change? We had the main screen but the only way to view a political map in civ1 or SMAC was by retiring from the game, which wasn’t very practical. Other maps might be a little harder but not impossible, such as population density, altitude, pollution, transport networks etc
Sim City had it, so why not civ3?
Featuring good data screens and maps alone would be a large incentive for me to buy the game. (though not nearly as large as a good AI and diplomacy model but that's another issue)
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July 24, 2001, 16:36
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I love statistics, but I think that they should be totally customizable. Not everyone wants to see all that stuff. Personally, I wouldn't mind a report of every single battle in the game, just to analyze statistics and so forth...
July 24, 2001, 17:22
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If stats are included, they should really focus on the ones that effect the gameplay rather than just there for fun. Knowing land areas, populations, gold income/gdp meant more in Civ2 than knowing length of military service or literacy rates. A definite must, for example, is a stat graph for pollution levels of different civs.
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July 24, 2001, 17:32
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They need to make it possible to see all sorts of statistics, on anything the player wants. That way, nobody will be disappointed, and if someone hates stats, they can just turn them off...
July 24, 2001, 17:44
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Originally posted by death_head
They need to make it possible to see all sorts of statistics, on anything the player wants. That way, nobody will be disappointed, and if someone hates stats, they can just turn them off...
I agree with you, but you don't want to be overloaded with stats.
On the more practical side how much time are Firaxis going to be able to spend on peripherals. In a trade off between a good bug free game and stats up to your neck, I know what I would choose.
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July 24, 2001, 17:48
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There actually has been some threads that are like this one recently.
I want to be bormaded with stats from the demographics. It just adds a certain feel to the game. I love it when I find out that I only have the second biggest pop., so I have to work really hard to get that number one pop again. It kind of gives me motivation to be number one in all categories. There needs to be a more extensive demographics and top five x.
However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.
July 24, 2001, 17:51
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Originally posted by Big Crunch
I agree with you, but you don't want to be overloaded with stats.
Which is why I said that people could have the option to turn the stats off...or mix and match for that matter..
July 24, 2001, 18:38
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I'm not proposing pop-ups or something similar, I'm proposing data reports, as there's the current demographics screen in civ2 but including a much wider range of data.
If you don't want to view such reports, then simply don't it.
Techwings, another thread won't harm I suppose?
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July 24, 2001, 18:55
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Originally posted by TechWins
I want to be bormaded with stats from the demographics
darn right!!
i want as many statistics the championship manager series have. and more!
July 24, 2001, 19:35
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The "ledger" in Europa Universalis sets new standards for presenting tons of statistical goodies in the game, 30 or 40 screens IIRC. I hope the Civ 3 people take a look at that and match or improve it.
July 24, 2001, 19:38
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Excellent idea! Not to mention it feels good to know that I am not the only stat-freak on the planet! Kautilya's right the EU ledger is simply sublime...
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July 24, 2001, 20:06
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I'm not so much interested in statistics inside the game as OUTSIDE the game. Can stats for various civs be logged in a file that can be imported into excel or another program? Program's like Civ always have some sort of debug mode so that means they should be able to log the gameinfo.
That's what I would like to see.
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July 24, 2001, 20:32
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whats IIRC stand for?
thanks in advance.
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July 24, 2001, 20:33
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I cant seem to find the Palestines on the CIA list, are they not recognized by the U.S?
July 24, 2001, 21:01
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Originally posted by UberKruX
whats IIRC stand for?
If I Recall Correctly
July 24, 2001, 21:02
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Originally posted by UberKruX
whats IIRC stand for?
thanks in advance.
IIRC="If I recall Correctly"
you're welcome in advance (or would that be retrospect?)...
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"I hate my hat, I hate my clubs, I hate my life" -Marcia
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July 25, 2001, 02:47
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I liked the "Top 5 Cities." I hope they keep that.
SimCity 2000 was good with statistics. You had lots of them if you knew where to look. You would usually not look at them and indeed some were completely irrelevant and/or pointless, but in certain circumstances tey would really come in handy.
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July 25, 2001, 06:59
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Here's another stats freak!
I want stats, graphs and maps of literally everything. It is always one of my favourite moments in a game: sitting back with a cup of tea, and just browsing through the stats of my empire/city/footy team. It helps me to identify myself with the game.
I know that most people couldn't care less about statistics -  - but then, why would the adding of some stats under a pull-down menu for us freaks to gaze at all night harm anyone?
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July 25, 2001, 07:09
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"I cant seem to find the Palestines on the CIA list, are they not recognized by the U.S?"
What you refer to as Palestine (ie: the West Bank and the Gaza strip) isn't recognised as an independent nation by anyone and they have never declared independence either.
Most of what historically was Palestine now consists of Israel, the West Bank is formally a part of Jordan and the Gaza strip is formally a part of Egypt although they're both occupied by Israel.
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July 25, 2001, 07:13
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I'd love lots of stats, particualrly if you got bonuses for having the best educated civilisation and stuff but basically just for fun. However I'm a little concerned that after orifinal announcements that certain goodie screens like the history replay would be making a comeback nothing more has been said. While resources etc may be meing beta-tweaked it should not be impossible to announce by now whether the palace/throne room was in game in some form. Only having the city view to chat about gets boring
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July 25, 2001, 07:14
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Well, more stat freaks here. And as many people say, it doesn't harm anyone if it is in a separate menu. If you don't like it, don't look!
The only problem may be that it gives away information. So in MP people can may be benefit from it?
July 25, 2001, 07:29
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"I want stats, graphs and maps of literally everything. It is always one of my favourite moments in a game: sitting back with a cup of tea, and just browsing through the stats of my empire/city/footy team. It helps me to identify myself with the game."
Exactly. From time to time I just want to stop playing and just see what I've build, and statistics hugely enhance that experience.
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July 25, 2001, 07:29
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Originally posted by campmajor!
Well, more stat freaks here. And as many people say, it doesn't harm anyone if it is in a separate menu. If you don't like it, don't look!
The only problem may be that it gives away information. So in MP people can may be benefit from it?
Any stats should only compare with nations you have embassies or alliances with, except basics like which cities have wonders of the world.
To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection. H.Poincare
Last edited by Grumbold; July 25, 2001 at 08:08.
July 25, 2001, 07:49
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Good idea, but what about top 5 cities? Just leave the ones out of civs you dont't have an embassy with?
July 25, 2001, 07:49
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Give me a mountain of stats and I'll climb it.
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July 25, 2001, 09:55
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I'll beat you to the top and then push you off...
July 25, 2001, 10:15
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Originally posted by Grumbold
Any stats should only compare with nations you have embassies or alliances with, except basics like which cities have wonders of the world.
hopefully not only in MP but also in SP, the stats shouldnt reveal information you wouldnt or coulndnt possibly know.
I hope the stupid little popups also go, the ones that say "you are the 3rd richest in world" when you havent even met anyone yet...
Increase the stats by all means (I love them too) but make sure they dont give anything away. Even the knowledge of wonders or top 5 citys is too much. Why should i be told the Carthos are building a Wonder or completed it, it might influence where my armies head... Once i find carthos and exchange embassies then fine tell me all that...
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July 25, 2001, 13:58
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I look at that basic information 'leak' as being part of living in a real world where communication did exist. It doesn't make sense for someone in South America to know about the Pyramids being built in Egypt, but it does make sense for tales to spread all around Eurasia and Africa. Trade and traders were always looking for profit and spreading news, even between warring nations. That it is always accurate, happens instantly and cancels any identical project you are working on is part of the game mechanics. That is the price you pay for having something like "Pyramids" be a game bonus open to any race that discovers a tech advance rather than a huge drain on Empire resources undertaken for religious or prestige reasons.
To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection. H.Poincare
July 25, 2001, 14:02
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If everybody could build pyramids, there wouldn't be any point.
July 25, 2001, 14:10
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Originally posted by death_head
If everybody could build pyramids, there wouldn't be any point.
why not, in terms of the game , would be good if all could build the same wonders , i like to play no wonders because it makes it more fair, but maybe if there was a way to make all wonders avaialble to all not just one it could be fun too.
I look at that basic information 'leak' as being part of living in a real world where communication did exist. It doesn't make sense for someone in South America to know about the Pyramids being built in Egypt, but it does make sense for tales to spread all around Eurasia and Africa. Trade and traders were always looking for profit and spreading news, even between warring nations.
this would be ok , but you can get information without any contact, the game has its own trade system built in, so the idea of traders passing information doesnt set with caravans in game. i think till you make some form of contact no info should be given....
GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71
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