View Poll Results: What civ from Civ2 shouldn't be in Civ3?
7 |
9.21% |
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3.95% |
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2.63% |
24 |
31.58% |
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1.32% |
13 |
17.11% |
12 |
15.79% |
4 |
5.26% |
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2.63% |
8 |
10.53% |
July 30, 2001, 19:37
Local Time: 01:49
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Originally posted by The Greek
wow...geek instead of greek.... it must have taken you some time to come up with that one. You must be ****ting yourself laughing so hard. Just a bit more arrogance there. U.S.Arse (ha ha that was so funny i am proud) and that is sarcasm for you mr, incase i confuse you
Oh geez, you don't know how to play, little guy!  Does it really chap your ass so much if we think we're great? I could actually care very little how you feel about the US or mother Britannia. It's kinda amusing really. In a nice way...
Well, go back to your Coke and Civ2. We will corrupt with consumer products!
(I'm not even trying to troll you and you rise to the bait like an overanxious pickerel...relax and have fun, dude!)
July 30, 2001, 20:57
Local Time: 21:49
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Posts: 59
Originally posted by LaRusso
i actually like them very much. many of my flatmates were slovenians. come the ski season, had to watch every slalom there is untill their football picked up....hehe
I propose a new poll to determine exactly what part of Mitteleuropa LaRusso is located in, and his ethnic background.
Nah, just kidding. That would be a waste of time, much like the underlying line of discussion...LaRusso's entitled to his privacy.
Diplomacy is the continuation of war by other means.
July 30, 2001, 23:46
Local Time: 04:49
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Calm down, my english friend... those silly Americans seemed to have forgotten that we burned down their White House
But seriously, if people from the States think they live in a great country, they are entitled to that... (even if you and I disagree).
Most of the americans here only seem to freak out if someone makes fun of their country. Which I suppose I would do to, if someone from outside of Canada made fun of it... (except for Toronto, I don't much like Toronto).
What if your words could be judged like a crime? "Creed, What If?"
July 31, 2001, 00:12
Local Time: 01:49
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Originally posted by November Adam
Calm down, my english friend... those silly Americans seemed to have forgotten that we burned down their White House
But seriously, if people from the States think they live in a great country, they are entitled to that... (even if you and I disagree).
Most of the americans here only seem to freak out if someone makes fun of their country. Which I suppose I would do to, if someone from outside of Canada made fun of it... (except for Toronto, I don't much like Toronto).
All your babes are belong to us!
*GP still missing the French Canadian hottie who liked him at Mont Tremblant*
July 31, 2001, 00:45
Local Time: 05:49
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ya but don't all u canadaians live in igloo's?  that must suck!  Nah US is great, Canada is great, and almost every where else is great(except Cuba DAMN THAT CASTRO! lol). The point is we all live on the same earth so no matter where we live it is still on land which mean that we are all have that in common. The only thing i don't like about Canada is Celien Dion. OMG would someone shoot her. Besides u guys brought us Stu Hart and his dungeon along w/ Y2J an numerous other great wrestlers. So in the eternal words of an American "can we all just get along"
July 31, 2001, 03:58
Local Time: 13:49
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Originally posted by The Greek
Bush quotes:
'Holland? Which state is that in'
'If we dont use more energy we are facing a dark future...'
As much as I like mocking The Brightest President on the Western Hemisphere', he's right. Holland is just a western part of the Netherlands.
Kenobi, if you really want to know, ask me on PM and promise not to tell...I am really starting to enjoy the so-called privacy 
July 31, 2001, 04:49
Local Time: 04:49
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One of the reasons why America is so great is because everything is here. That's right everything. Don't try to deny it either. I can go no farther than 3 miles from my house and find so many different type of restaurants and other places. There's pizza, bar and grill, mandarin food, mexican food, a bunch of fast food places (Taco Bell, Wendy's, Burger King, McDonalds, and many others) I could go on and on about how many different restaurants there are. There's grocery stores around here, video stores, movie theatres, great parks, residential, Osco Drug Store (like a Walgreens), and many other places. Yet this suburb I live in is around 100,000 people for pop. About two hours away I could go camping in the forest (yes there's more than desert here). I could go do anything. I could go to many museums, libraries, small amusement park, and again many other places to do something. Now tell me where you could go that is fairly close to you? That's just one reason why America is so great. Now you give me a reason why you country is so great.
This post was intended to those people who are against the US.
However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.
July 31, 2001, 05:06
Local Time: 13:49
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Originally posted by TechWins
One of the reasons why America is so great is because everything is here. That's right everything. Don't try to deny it either. I can go no farther than 3 miles from my house and find so many different type of restaurants and other places. There's pizza, bar and grill, mandarin food, mexican food, a bunch of fast food places (Taco Bell, Wendy's, Burger King, McDonalds, and many others) I could go on and on about how many different restaurants there are. There's grocery stores around here, video stores, movie theatres, great parks, residential, Osco Drug Store (like a Walgreens), and many other places. Yet this suburb I live in is around 100,000 people for pop. About two hours away I could go camping in the forest (yes there's more than desert here). I could go do anything. I could go to many museums, libraries, small amusement park, and again many other places to do something.
yet you sit in front of the computer, arguing with pesky europeans who are jealous of your K-Marts and Ben&Jerrys.
the best cities in the us are very european - nyc, sf, new orleans...
fyinfo. two hours away from my city (nice fast drive) i have 2 other european capitals. on 4 hrs drive i have 4 more. now that does not sound like an oslo drug store but well, i manage somehow
July 31, 2001, 05:30
Local Time: 12:49
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Posts: 86
Originally posted by TechWins
One of the reasons why America is so great is because everything is here. That's right everything. Don't try to deny it either. I can go no farther than 3 miles from my house and find so many different type of restaurants and other places. There's pizza, bar and grill, mandarin food, mexican food, a bunch of fast food places (Taco Bell, Wendy's, Burger King, McDonalds, and many others) I could go on and on about how many different restaurants there are. There's grocery stores around here, video stores, movie theatres, great parks, residential, Osco Drug Store (like a Walgreens), and many other places. Yet this suburb I live in is around 100,000 people for pop. About two hours away I could go camping in the forest (yes there's more than desert here). I could go do anything. I could go to many museums, libraries, small amusement park, and again many other places to do something. Now tell me where you could go that is fairly close to you? That's just one reason why America is so great. Now you give me a reason why you country is so great.
This post was intended to those people who are against the US.
Read the LaRusso's post again.
Half of your post was about getting food, people could think you just don't anything else. WE, we do other things, too. I'm in Slovenian capital now. It's very nice here (and we have many foreign restaurants, too  ). One hour from here I can find a beautiful nature with a lot of mountains higher than 2000m. Ski resorts, hotels and even the biggest ski jumping hill in the world fit in the nature, they don't ruin everything, like Americans allways do. A little more than an hour (I'm talking about a car or a train, not the plain) from where I sit I can find large plains with a very low altitude and completely different clima (ask LaRusso). One hour in the other dirrection I can jump in the sea. To the North of that we have Karst (from our Karst comes the word Karst used all over the world). To the east, low hills where the best wine in the world is made (it's the best for me). And between these regions there are all possible variations. Everything in one hour. You eat, we live.
July 31, 2001, 06:16
Local Time: 12:49
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quote: short history, based on killing,
The U.S. doesn't just go out and fight for no reason. It (usually) is there at the request of an ally or in response to a direct threat to either itself, an ally, or an underdefended nation.
What???!!!! Who are you kidding? What's that? Are you serious, are you normal?! Have you ever heard about the word 'politics'? What about, let's say, SUDAN? Ah? You came and bombarded a country who didn't do anything to you. Even the responsible for that admitted, that Sudan is not an enemy of USA. Have you ever heard about African wars, Indonesia,.... Why do you act different here if you are SO good. Listen, I could write a book about that, so I propose : Don't, don't talk about the good intentions of American politics and war machine. Deep in your heart you know the truth, all of you Americans know the truth.
quote: slavery
Along with most of the world.
Khm, khm. Heard of word 'based'? You thriving economy and huge power is BASED on slavery, based on blood of people who were not guilty, mean or anything like that. They were black. Tell me only one more succesful country like that. When you were exploiting slaves, hiding with DEMOCRACY (???!!!!) other countries tried to do it different.
quote: endangering the whole planet.
How is that? Our president might not be very bright and our other leaders make mistakes, but we're hardly endangering the entire planet. We're endangering ourselves at best.
Leave the president, let's talk about you. Have you ever heard of word 'global'. Than you know, what means the word GLOBAL???!!! No further comment.
quote: When will USA sign Kjoto(the only one remaining), children protection(just USA and Nigeria haven't signed it, I think), anti-biological weapon (again, only USA need biological weapons) and other treaties?
I don't know when, or even if, but that's a part of democracy. Things like that are discussed for months, sometimes years.
Democracy? So you have heard this word? Strange, because... hmm, if only one country of all the other rejects sth, that's democracy? Nice. And if they reject the Children rigths agreement, that's democratic, isn't it? It is and it's soooo nice. You can be proud on yourself, you are facing the whole world. We are just so primitive, aren't we? We don't understand you, don't we? You, the brain of this planet. You know everything the best. If you say global warming is not caused by CO2, than it is so. You are soooo smart. I think the day will come soon, when you will pack your things and fly to the other planet. You will leave us, primitives on Earth, dying in the filth you are making now.
quote: Without these basic human concepts, USA are not in the civilized world even TODAY.
Right, but the U.S. does have a firm grasp of these concepts, whether it signs the treaties or not. The U.S. has always been against biological and chemical weapons and, to my knowledge, does not use them today.
Oh, you are so smart. Why would they use it now? Other countries would like to sign an agreement, they won't use them EVER. But you, not you. That would hurt your 'national interests', wouldn't it? And then, when the new Vietnam will come, you will use those weapons all over the country.... again.
quote: Karantanija was more democratic than USA today and you can view on democracy from any angle you want.
Yeah, right.
You know nothing about Karantanija and very little about USA politics, so... Americans are very bad informed about things their government does or is planning to do. That can't be democracy, or it is some higher sort of democracy?
quote: Americans don't have ANY culture at all, comparing to European countries
Just because it's different from the cultures in Europe doesn't mean there isn't any. Americans (some) like to be fat, eat junk food, and watch football (American football). This is as much a culture as anything in Europe.
No comment.
quote: I really don't understand what are they doing in Civilisation?
The U.S. has had the biggest impact on the world economy, and without it (to name one example) WWII would've gone on much longer, if it ended at all.
Well, I could tell you many things, which would be better without USA. About WWII, if there woudn't be WWII, USA wouldn't be half that strong than it is today. Last week I watched on TV, how Americans charged everything they could. The extremly high payments for using American monitor technology caused Churchill to order big research in other technologies, but the right technology was found many years later (LCD monitors).
My last point: Don't talk bad about a country unless you live there (and have lived there long enough to really understand it)
Well, I think you just live there too long. I really can't understand, how so many Americans are brainwashed.
July 31, 2001, 06:18
Local Time: 04:49
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I'm trying to state how vast our culture is here. There are so many different things to do. I mean most of the stuff I stated is basic stuff to most people in America. I can't say I can do all the things that you can do primarily because my state sucks because it's almost all desert. Although, there still is many great places for me to go to that involves nature. I'm not actually referring to most of the places out of your city, I'm just wondering what things are in your city. You came back and told me a few foreign restaurants are in your city. Wow, that's amazing. I can do the same great nature outgoings as you and still live have all these luxuries right by me.
yet you sit in front of the computer, arguing with pesky europeans who are jealous of your K-Marts and Ben&Jerrys.
I'm here on my computer because well it's really late here. I'm on summer vacation so I've been staying up late. During the day I rarely go to those places because they're lame to me. I've been around stuff like that all the time. I don't really care too much about a K-Mart and a whatever because I expect that stuff. You don't and I do. Yet, I can still do the all the great outdoor stuff. Lets take today for example for me. Well, it was typical. I played basketball for about three hours at a very nice park (about a 5 minutes away from my house when riding a bike). I also went up to a movie theatre (about 15 minutes away from my house when riding a bike) to watch a movie. I went shopping for some new clothes after the movie at a store called Miller's Outpost (about 10 minutes away from my house when riding a bike). So in my day I was able to play basketball, go to the movies, and shop for clothes. I could have even gone fishing if I wanted to even but I didn't want to. I also could have gone golfing today but again I didn't want to. What did you do today? My whole point here is that the US is so great because we have so much to do.
However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.
July 31, 2001, 06:25
Local Time: 12:49
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Posts: 86
Originally posted by TechWins
I'm trying to state how vast our culture is here. There are so many different things to do. I mean most of the stuff I stated is basic stuff to most people in America. I can't say I can do all the things that you can do primarily because my state sucks because it's almost all desert. Although, there still is many great places for me to go to that involves nature. I'm not actually referring to most of the places out of your city, I'm just wondering what things are in your city. You came back and told me a few foreign restaurants are in your city. Wow, that's amazing. I can do the same great nature outgoings as you and still live have all these luxuries right by me.
Oh, God. You don't understand sarcastic things, don't you? I'm not really in the mood to tell you sth more about that post, because I think, it should be very clear what did I mean with it.
July 31, 2001, 06:35
Local Time: 12:49
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I don't understand why you think that these sorts of facilities are not available in any modern city, TW. While there are cultural differences to what sort of restaurants thrive in a country (Indian and Chinese being far more universal in the UK than Hungarian, for example) I'm simply staggered that you don't think places outside the US have shops, parks, amusements, pubs, clubs, museums, theatres, sporting facilities etc.
To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection. H.Poincare
July 31, 2001, 06:37
Local Time: 13:49
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there is a scene in 'bullworth' where warren beaty, already flippin and telling everyone what he really thinks (and he is running for the post of CA senator) comes to a fundraising event organized by hollywood producers.
since he went mad, PC is out of the window, and, while gobbling on food plates, he shouts with his mouth full:
"i mean, you people, you are very smart and very nice, and yet you produce SO much crap in hollywood that its simply unbearable" or something along those lines.
tech, i bet you have a 'main street' and 'broad street', right? see, the town i am in has a sucky nike store (out of dri fit in the middle of july) and i use public transport instead of the car....strangely, streets are full of american tourists and i bet there are no europeans taking photos of your shopping mall or basketball court  . we like decay, old things and impractical things
now tech, join the dark side and say it: "american civ should be out"
July 31, 2001, 06:52
Local Time: 12:49
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 . Listen, LaRusso, have you ever been to Ljubljana?
July 31, 2001, 06:53
Local Time: 12:49
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I hear alot of rants about how great/bad different nations/civs are and im wondering, if you havent been to these countries how could you possibly know how it is/was? Especially this war about the US, how much of your opinions are based on solid knowledge?
It's candy. Surely there are more important things the NAACP could be boycotting. If the candy were shaped like a burning cross or a black man made of regular chocolate being dragged behind a truck made of white chocolate I could understand the outrage and would share it. - Drosedars
July 31, 2001, 07:04
Local Time: 13:49
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trdi: i surely was 
wille: was in the us. was fine.
July 31, 2001, 07:05
Local Time: 12:49
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Originally posted by The Greek
It is a clear case of ignorance. Have you ever seen a european saying North America, Canada and mexico make up the USA?
Maybe not, but I have also never met a European who actually knew that North America is actually more than just Canada, the USA and Mexico. It in fact includes all of the so-called Central American countries and all of the Carribean island nations. Oops, The Greek opens mouth and inserts foot...
July 31, 2001, 07:15
Local Time: 04:49
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I don't understand why you think that these sorts of facilities are not available in any modern city
I do undertand that these places are in foreign major cities. I doubt that they're in fairly small cities like mine (Gilbert, 100,000 pop.). What I said is only the tip of the iceberg. They are probably even in moderate size cities as well.
tech, i bet you have a 'main street' and 'broad street', right?
No, there is a lot of major streets. The main city in my state is Phoenix (about 3 mil, used to only be under 1 mil about 15 years ago). There are many suburbs and towns around it, Gilbert (where I live) is one of them.
now tech, join the dark side and say it: "american civ should be out"
So you admitt it, you people are evil.
However, it is difficult to believe that 2 times 2 does not equal 4; does that make it true? On the other hand, is it really so difficult simply to accept everything that one has been brought up on and that has gradually struck deep roots – what is considered truth in the circle of moreover, really comforts and elevates man? Is that more difficult than to strike new paths, fighting the habitual, experiencing the insecurity of independence and the frequent wavering of one’s feelings and even one’s conscience, proceeding often without any consolation, but ever with the eternal goal of the true, the beautiful, and the good? - F.N.
Last edited by TechWins; July 31, 2001 at 18:56.
July 31, 2001, 07:42
Local Time: 12:49
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Originally posted by fittstim
Maybe not, but I have also never met a European who actually knew that North America is actually more than just Canada, the USA and Mexico. It in fact includes all of the so-called Central American countries and all of the Carribean island nations. Oops, The Greek opens mouth and inserts foot...
Well, I do know that, and I'm a european.
Even Cuba is part of North America!
July 31, 2001, 07:47
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 Nice one.
July 31, 2001, 09:18
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Isn't that taught in Swedish schools? It was back in my day. Okay, so it wasn't that long ago.
Celts - If some indigenous populations should be in, a European one wouldn't go amiss. That means either Celts or Finno-Ugric tribes, the latter of which only traces remained after the Indo-European invasion (The most "Civ-Like" Finno-Ugric tribe, the Magyars, invaded thousands of years later from the east).
Japanese - A culturally and ethnically separate entity as well as one of the longest-lasting as a power of the ones listed.
Zulus - Really not much justifying their existance, except for the fact that they're just so cool.
Americans - Definate cultural difference, as well as being the dominant power today.
Aztecs - Bad choice of Latin American civilization, the Mayans (bigger) or the Incas (More Geographically differentiated) would work better. Oh well.
Sioux - Interesting indigenous population. Not good from a "Civ" viewpoint, perhaps.
Carthagians - Offshoot of Phonecians. Perhaps more famous, though.
Mongols - Does "The largest empire the world has ever seen" mean anything to the person who voted for them?
which leaves me voting for...
Vikings. Nothing whatsoever justifies their existance: They lasted as a power for a few dozen years, and a minor one even then. No great leaders or scholars (Alcuin excepted) ever emerged from their midst. Their technical advances were mostly of a military nature, even their amazing work with accurate optics, and much of it was derivative of other cultures. In fact, they were very much "behind" neighbouring nations at the time. As a barbarian tribe, yes, but not as a civilization.
July 31, 2001, 09:43
Local Time: 07:49
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Originally posted by November Adam
Calm down, my english friend... those silly Americans seemed to have forgotten that we burned down their White House
But seriously, if people from the States think they live in a great country, they are entitled to that... (even if you and I disagree).
Most of the americans here only seem to freak out if someone makes fun of their country. Which I suppose I would do to, if someone from outside of Canada made fun of it... (except for Toronto, I don't much like Toronto).
Right. I never said anything about the U.S. being perfect, I just like living here. There's nothing wrong with me defending my country. (lol  ) Every nation has its problems. The people here need to lighten up. NO, not all Americans are arrogant and stupid. The U.S. isn't out to destroy the world. And Adam: you're going to pay for that damn White House
Side note: to greek and other who insist on flaming: go read the FAQ and rules.
Last edited by Sabre2th; July 31, 2001 at 09:53.
July 31, 2001, 09:50
Local Time: 07:49
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Originally posted by Trdi
Blah Blah Blah Blah
I'm at work, so I can't analyze your post right now, but you and some of the other people need to stop flaming. If you can tell me what is so perfect about your country, I'll believe everything you say. I'll even stop my rampage in which I'm trying to destroy the world.
Just to poke a little fun:
if there woudn't be WWII, USA wouldn't be half that strong than it is today
So, in a way, it's all of the rest of the world's fault that America is so powerful now? In that case, all of the stuff you flame America about is actually your own fault
July 31, 2001, 09:58
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if there woudn't be WWII, USA wouldn't be half that strong than it is today
Originally posted by Sabre2th
So, in a way, it's all of the rest of the world's fault that America is so powerful now? In that case, all of the stuff you flame America about is actually your own fault
Yeah, lets blame Hitler for it. At least that is one scapegoat that almost everyone can agree to revile.
To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection. H.Poincare
July 31, 2001, 10:03
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don't forget it is the US who is engaging in massive cover up of UFOs and aliens  and staging a fake moon landing 
July 31, 2001, 10:26
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Originally posted by fittstim
Maybe not, but I have also never met a European who actually knew that North America is actually more than just Canada, the USA and Mexico. It in fact includes all of the so-called Central American countries and all of the Carribean island nations. Oops, The Greek opens mouth and inserts foot...
Don't forget Greenland.... (Is Greenland still a part of Denmark?....just curious)
What if your words could be judged like a crime? "Creed, What If?"
July 31, 2001, 10:32
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Originally posted by Sabre2th
. And Adam: you're going to pay for that damn White House 
I think we already have.... it's name is Lord Stanley's Cup.. something we poor Canucks will never see again (pout).
(That Cup has to be worth one White House  )
What if your words could be judged like a crime? "Creed, What If?"
July 31, 2001, 10:32
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it's autonomous region of denmark
July 31, 2001, 10:33
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LOL LaRusso. So how are things in Yurip? (Bush-speak)
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