Ok, I have asked for help before, and have received many good suggestions, but these are often hampered by a lack of sufficient information about my play style....
What follows is a log from my most recent OCC attempt, up to the year 220 A.D. As you will see, I am at the point where I am beginning to fall behind, IMO.
What I do know: Maybe I should have researched Mapmaking at some point, but I thought I was going to build Marco's and be able to trade for it (see log).
I was offered Trade twice before I finally chose it as a research path, but I felt I was in a race for Copernicus, and we all know the SSC path must be followed in an OCC game...
All the same, the inability to build caravans and trade with the AI has been detrimental. Besides that, is there anything else I'm doing wrong, given my situation?
Game log
4000 BC Large world, small land, archipelago, temperate, wet, 5 billion yrs, raging hordes, deity, 7 civs, I'm the Sioux. Start with bronze working
3950 - Hut - Archers.
3900 - Likely city site chosen. Whale, rivers, ocean access, good food/production mix. Settler begins mining a rivered grassland that will likely yield a special, if this site is indeed a 4 special location.
3850 - Hut - more archers. Good! Two (none) archers, this will help later to pacify the masses without depleting production.
- Little Bighorn founded. Begin Colossus production. Fish spotted to the north, whales (previously seen) to the east. both in line with the 4 special pattern. Maybe my hunch about the rivered grassland will pay off! Hmm. There's a shielded grassland to the southwest that would be the fourth special. Maybe I'll send the settler there after he finishes his current task...
3800 - Begin researching Alphabet.
3600 - Hut - Ceremonial Burial.
3400 - Gamble pays off! The rivered grassland has been transformed into rivered silk! High hopes for the shielded grassland to the southwest!
3350 - Hut - Alphabet, lost beakers... oh, well.
3300 - Begin mining shielded grassland to southwest.
- Begin researching Code of Laws.
3150 Code of Laws.
3100 - Begin researching Monarchy.
2850 - Success again!!! The shielded grassland to the southwest has been transformed into pheasant! The city site is indeed a four-special!
- The two (none) archers are at home now to impose martial law. I hope the Colossus is completed before too long!
2800 - The settler begins to irrigate the river squares. Still no contacts with other civ's...
2750 - Barbarians appear to the north (archers). It will be three turns before they are in striking range of Little Bighorn. I hope that I can ransom the leader and buy the rest of the Colossus!
2550 - The barbs waited for reinforcements... Now one archer and two horsemen. The settler must suspend his work for now...
2400 - The horseman with the barb leader threw himself against my fortified archers and was destroyed, leaving the leader open to a strike, but I may lose an archer in the attempt...Still, I gotta go for it.
- Got him, but still not quite enough $$$ to rushbuild Colossus. Maybe in two or three turns. The other barbs still lurk, and there is still one more leader. Come on...just a little bit closer!
2350 - The second horseman threw himself at Little Bighorn's fortified archer rather than the one out in the open (unfortified), and suffered death for his misjudgement. The barb archer and leader continue to sniff around my borders.
- Monarchy! Went ahead into revolution, although I don't know if it is the proper Odeo year..
- Begin researching writing.
2250 - Now in monarchy.
- The barbs act as if the will not attack. Maybe I should provoke them.
2150 - Colossus rush built.
2100 - Begin warrior production. More crowd control, and cheap, too. Barb archer and leader still running, though they will soon run out of land and be forced to turn and fight!
2050 - Barb archer tries to take my archer (who is on a hill). He fails. Barb leader flees into the darkness... I hope he is still around. My archer gains vet status, but is severely wounded.
2000 - Begin temple production.
- As I feared, the barb king escaped, oh, well.
1750 - Writing discovered. Begin researching Masonry (path to Astronomy...plus city walls don't hurt!)
1700 - Temple completed. Begin library.
1200 - Masonry discovered. Begin Currency.
1150 - Library finished. Begin city walls.
1100 - Heavy barb uprising to the east. Chariots! I hope I can rushbuild the walls in time. Why, oh why didn't I choose to buid a diplomat?
1000 - Damned Babylonians just switched from Oracle to Marco's! I don't even have currency yet, let alone trade. Grr!!
975 - Rushbuild walls. Barb chariot in striking distance! I hope the defenders hold.
950 - The walls scared them off. They now proceed to the northwest, away from Little Bighorn!
- Begin diplo construction.
925 - Discover Currency. Begin researching Mathematics.
850 - Diplo completed. Begin market.
- Diplo begins pushing back the darkness (exploration).
825 - Damned Bab's complete Marco's. Hope to hear from them soon!
700 - Math discovered. Begin researching Literacy.
600 - Market complete. Begin Great Wall - will switch to Copernicus when available.
500 - Civil disorder (expected) but I can afford the Elvis for now. Will try to bump the lux rate up to 10% and see...
475 - Literacy discovered. Begin Mysticism.
- Lux bump works. Barb horses appear to the east, diplo is close.
425 - Barb horse bribed. Barb leader captured.
250 - Mysticism discovered. Taking a gamble and going for philosophy - will hopefully pick up Astronomy with the bonus...
50 - Barb chariots to the east. Diplo in position. Takes one, who attacks another and gains vet status. I don't know if I will be able to get the leader (protected by a third chariot.)
1AD - Philosophy pays off! Get Astronomy as bonus, and follow up with beginning research on Republic (twinges of guilt about not taking Trade at this point...)
200 - Copernicus is built. Begin diplo due to lack of choices.
220 - Republic discovered. Trade research begun. Revolution started, and it IS an Oedo year. Instant Republic.

All units back to Little Bighorn to fortify and lux up to 20% to prevent unrest.
-End log for now-
So you see my problem... Here I am at 220 and I am just getting Republic. The city area is good terrain with four specials, and I've worked with what I have to the best of my ability. Is it the trade factor?
I've attached a JPG of my city radius, if you're interested.