View Poll Results: Favorite Fluff?
Elvis! Elvis! Elvis! 10 17.54%
City Views 8 14.04%
Newspapers (ala Civ1) 13 22.81%
Palace (ala Civ1) 9 15.79%
Throne Room (ala Civ2) 1 1.75%
Monuments (ala SMAC) 4 7.02%
Other 10 17.54%
None, I want only hard-core gameplay 2 3.51%
Voters: 57. You may not vote on this poll

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Old July 28, 2001, 08:11   #31
Alex 14
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Originally posted by UberKruX

i don't know if u would consider them fluff, but a nations GNP wasn't really VITAL to the game, but it helped a bit.

and if ure not considering that fluff, then the ADVISORS always gave me a lot of laughs, without providing any inciteful information.

BUILD MORE UNITS. (my 10 stacks of 1 legion and 2 catapults in caravels isnt enough)

EXPLORE. (i already have 20 cities and met all the other civs)

BUILD SCIENTIFIC SHEEIT. (3 turns is too slow, i know)


and now, for the NEW stuff...


That piece of advice isn't going to be in the game! 'Make more culture' - Firaxis got far enough to be smarter than that...
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Old July 28, 2001, 17:15   #32
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What the heck is going on? I stop posting for two days and I get freakin newspapers taking over the King. Now where would such pinnacles of journalism as the Star, the National Inquirer and other such examples of the "finest reporting on the planet" (according to Men in Black ) without Elvis?

You can't have newspapers with the journalistic integrity that Civ3 requires without Elvis!!

Long Live The King
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