August 3, 2001, 09:28
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I kind of forgot about stacked combat. Who tell me that civ2s one againt one combat is better than the CTP2s army againt army combat is a lunatic.
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand
August 4, 2001, 01:53
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wow! posts acumulate quickly when people defend a game that they follow fannaticaly, sorry if i dont answer all posts.
stacked combayt is good, but the ai sucks so bad it wont even attack with stacks, so that blows. EU'S combat is very realistic and stacked.
settlers vs pw is just old  pw is easier but it is sooooo limited, in civ you can build outside your borders AND you actually have to defend the settlers, in EU there aren't even tile improvements if thats what you dont like.
civ may have obsolete graphics but you play the game not the graphics (plus they are soooo easy to mod) EU has nice graphics AND great gamplay.
your armys in ctp would be alot more interesting if they weren't samuri, catipult, infantryman, hoarse archers, and hoplites (what a motley crew!)
gee you dont like civ2 becouse you cant play it apparently, you rather have a game where the AI dosen't attack, dosent defend, and you don't have to use strategy.  how very sad
im off to play a game that has sold more than 35,000 copys. (civ sold like 4 million  )
welllllllllll, im just waiting for the classic, "if you mod CTP 2 to the point were none of the original files exist it becomes almost playable" reply (funny, sad but funny  )
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
August 4, 2001, 02:31
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i read thrue the posts and have a few more answers
the rules are retarded becouse
1. horses cant go over mountains (gee, why dont they find a valley or just WALK up)
2. 255 may be the limit on cities in civ2 but you cant build more than 70 or so without intense unhappy'nes in ctp
3. you dont like settlers? well your gona HATE corprate branches, lawyers, televangelists, abolitionists etc...
4. samuri spys, nuff said
5. unhapiness far away from the capital, thats realistic (hawai-washington, moscow-far eastern russia)
6. the AI wont accept maps for gold but it will accept gold for maps (same thing, just backwards)
someone (apparently on drugs j/k) said ctp can be modded moore than civ2, only the ai files, civ is much easier in every other department.
i always thought it was realistic selling crabs or the almighty glass, how exciting-NOT
i can find civ 2 and EU in stores i CANT find CTP2/1, that says enough right there.
NO one should buy this game, these people have tricked themselfs into beleiving its good, they are clearly insane (by the way, i played both wesses mod AND the appolyton mod and, in my oppinion, they suck  ) they can continue thrue the valley of craptivison, we must walk the path of the true civ. (by the way CTP is just coppying civ1's success, and everyone knows it, ask in the civ 2 gd forums) your all just kidding yourselfs, if you want to pay for this, i have a rock i can sell you
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
August 4, 2001, 02:34
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by the way, most of the mean sounding things i said were jokes, so no need to become offended
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
August 4, 2001, 07:47
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When was the last time you play it. Try again with the new updates.
No! better you would like to see the AI really attacking? Play Craddle. I want to see you saying that again.
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand
Last edited by Pedrunn; August 4, 2001 at 09:03.
August 4, 2001, 08:00
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Originally posted by splangy
by the way, most of the mean sounding things i said were jokes, so no need to become offended
Offense not taken. we are just discussing differents points of view and tastes. We are defending the game we love and you did not like it.
Once when i was still part of the ci3 community i heard a line from someone. CTP2, either you love it or hate it. I guess thats kind of true. Well, but it always worth a try since the low prices of it.
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand
August 4, 2001, 08:29
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1) Funny i always thought it was realistic. Since Valleys are land between mountains. And horses have difficults to walk in hardstone and and they are not adapted to walk on high slopes. Get this from someone who has farm. Unless you are practicing horse-back climbing
2) and 5) The idea behind this is that in history nobody ever kept a big empire so long. Civ3 is getting this thought, It is one of the features of Culture Points. And you are think in terms of today, at the past there were the need to be close to the administration/economic center(in CTP2 modern govs distance unhappiness is almost inexistent)
3) Settlers are a building unit, and those units you mentioned are a way of Warfare. Still is to attack the others civs.
4) Samurai Spies? You mean the cyber ninja. I thought ninjas were a kind of spy. arent they?  :
6) Every strategy game has problem with AI, But in CTP2 we already solved most of it. Anyway, i never heard about that one.
i always thought it was realistic selling crabs or the almighty glass, how exciting-NOT
What is the problem about selling crabs? It is one of the exportation product of my city Natal here in Brazil. And glass was a fine product in the past.
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand
Last edited by Pedrunn; August 4, 2001 at 09:06.
August 4, 2001, 09:44
Local Time: 06:50
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Originally posted by splangy
i read thrue the posts and have a few more answers
the rules are retarded becouse
1. horses cant go over mountains (gee, why dont they find a valley or just WALK up)
2. 255 may be the limit on cities in civ2 but you cant build more than 70 or so without intense unhappy'nes in ctp
3. you dont like settlers? well your gona HATE corprate branches, lawyers, televangelists, abolitionists etc...
4. samuri spys, nuff said
5. unhapiness far away from the capital, thats realistic (hawai-washington, moscow-far eastern russia)
6. the AI wont accept maps for gold but it will accept gold for maps (same thing, just backwards)
someone (apparently on drugs j/k) said ctp can be modded moore than civ2, only the ai files, civ is much easier in every other department.
i always thought it was realistic selling crabs or the almighty glass, how exciting-NOT
i can find civ 2 and EU in stores i CANT find CTP2/1, that says enough right there.
NO one should buy this game, these people have tricked themselfs into beleiving its good, they are clearly insane (by the way, i played both wesses mod AND the appolyton mod and, in my oppinion, they suck ) they can continue thrue the valley of craptivison, we must walk the path of the true civ. (by the way CTP is just coppying civ1's success, and everyone knows it, ask in the civ 2 gd forums) your all just kidding yourselfs, if you want to pay for this, i have a rock i can sell you
1. Build a road...No problem there, and that seems to be more historically accurate.
2. I guess you are an ICSer, which in my opinion is a tactic that plagues ALL of the civ-style games - not only CTP2. Large empires should have difficulty maintaining happiness - especially the early ones.
3. Again a preference issue - I like those features. These can also be shut down easily through the files.
4. Preference again...
5. See point 2. Actually, as you get into the more advanced governments, the unhappiness factor is less due to capital distance. Plus, if you do not like the settings you can go into the files and adjust it.
6. Civ2 has its share of one-dimesional diplomatic problems.
As for modification, I cannot say one way or another which is easier to modify. What I do know is that I had no experience in modifying files before I started with CTP2 - but I found the modification process to be very easy.
And as for trade goods, civ 2/TOT has its share of lame ones too. (C'mon pheasants, or whatever that bird was in TOT...)
To compare CTP2 with EU is comparing apples and oranges - they are different games in terms of style.
I do admit to the shortcomings in CTP2 as it was released - or I wouldn't have modded it in the first place. Nevertheless, I am happy with what I have done and am convicted that my Mod makes the game a real challenge. (and it looks like you haven't tried it, judging from your post)
Personally I enjoy it, and if you do not care for it, thats your preference. But to come in and call us a bunch of idiots shows that you are rather petty as a person (even if you say you are joking) .
Its only a game, after all...
And I've said it before and I'll say it again - the quality of players have far outstripped the gamemakers ability to keep up in the Civ-style series. You can safely bet that when CIV3 is released, the better players will be complaining about how easy it is to beat...
Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
August 4, 2001, 10:06
Local Time: 13:50
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If you're short on money: DO NOT buy CTP2
Why give the money to them who doesn't deserve the money!
The people who made the game (don't remember the company name) made a crappy system, where the interface is unuseable, and they put in the PW (Oh, that sux bigtime). The AI be hornest, most things in the game sux...To make the game anjoyable you need to download the mods! This means it's the mod makers who deserves the money for the game, not the gamemakers
But on how good the mods are I can't tell you, since I don't want to pay for the game from a store...if I ever is going to buy the game I will buy it from some other one who is tired of the game...I just haven't found that person yet...I don't know anyone around where I live who actually has bought the game
This space is empty... or is it?
August 4, 2001, 10:35
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Originally posted by ADG
Why give the money to them who doesn't deserve the money!
The people who made the game (don't remember the company name) made a crappy system, where the interface is unuseable, and they put in the PW (Oh, that sux bigtime). The AI be hornest, most things in the game sux...To make the game anjoyable you need to download the mods! This means it's the mod makers who deserves the money for the game, not the gamemakers
ADG I agree with you. I dont think Activision deserves any money. My copy is also pirated. Although i had no problem installing the mods. I think i was going to be as pissed of as you if i didnt had play moded.
Originally posted by ADG
But on how good the mods are I can't tell you, since I don't want to pay for the game from a store...if I ever is going to buy the game I will buy it from some other one who is tired of the game...I just haven't found that person yet...I don't know anyone around where I live who actually has bought the game
But is there where the magic is. The frog becomig the Prince (should i say the king of civ games). Sorry about the your copy. try to set up the mods again. It Worked with me, maybe was just something wrong you did. Are you sure you got the
DeBugSlic = NO in the user Profile?
Either way try the Craddle when it did not use modswaper (ask to it to Hexagonia). I think it is the one with less chance to have problem.
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand
Last edited by Pedrunn; August 4, 2001 at 10:42.
August 4, 2001, 10:59
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This is a pretty humorous read, all said. It reminds me of the time I spent with the Red Baron community on Delphi. Same thing - game released and dumped. Same result - different groups got together, developed a common mod swapper, and started cracking the code. End result - a lot of comradery, a lot of interesting knowledge (I learned to use a hex editor, and made a couple of breakthroughts and I was proud of), and now I've got a game I still enjoy playing.
And we had the same stupid discussions. In ours, it was the WW2 or Jet jockies complaining about why they didn't like WW1 dogfighting. How stupid is that whole discussion, when you think about it. You like something becuase you like it. And someone comes along and argues why you shouldn't like it.
My pop is a big TOT fan. He plays it nonstop in retirement, and is pretty good at it at this point (goes beyond where I ever went). I bought him CTP2 for Christmas when it first came out and boy, was that a big flop. But now, when he snowbirds back down in the fall, I'll get him to reinstall the game and put in the mods - I think he might actually like it now. I sure do.
This all reminds me of a very-un-PC statement I saw on a base a few nights ago. "Arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olymics. You might win, but you are still a retard."
August 4, 2001, 11:36
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No offense taken splangy
I agree with you that EU is a great game. I've enjoyed many hours playing EU. However it is limited to about 350+ years of play. Civ, Civ2, CTP1, and CTP2 span many thousands of years. I prefer playing in the modern era however there is enjoyment watching your empire grow from the ancient age to the future.
As far as the AI goes, the base game is a little weak. I have downloaded all the mods including cradle but haven't installed them yet. I don't want to spoil a saved game I'm playing now but once I have modded I can't wait to see what the AI can do!
Bottom line........Keep playing everything to pass the time until Civ3 comes out.
August 4, 2001, 13:26
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damn! its hard to keep up with you guys!
these are the reasons im so against CTP
1 activision released a ****y game, if you can pirate it than do so!
2 in my beleif, its a ***** to get one of the mods in, but thats just me
3 unmoded, the units are stupid, televangelist-abolisionist-slaver
IF you can pirate it or get it real cheap, then its worth it, buy civ2 as well, infact buy EU as well, altogether they dont cost more than 50$
however its still my beleif that you should wait for civ3 OR EU 2.
by the way, horses may have trouble climing mountains but troops need supplies wich come from pack animals like donkey and horses, so animals already do climb mountains
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
August 4, 2001, 13:32
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by the way, i dont want to sound like n a-hole, but can someone tell me EXACTLY what med mod changes, ive got apolyton but its still pretty easy.
im my thread i said that i had played it and thouhgt it sucked, but i made that at 3am so i could have made a mistake.
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
August 4, 2001, 13:41
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double post
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
August 4, 2001, 13:42
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Originally posted by hexagonian
Personally I enjoy it, and if you do not care for it, thats your preference. But to come in and call us a bunch of idiots shows that you are rather petty as a person (even if you say you are joking) . 
why call me petty, i WAS joking
by the way, everyone here seems to think that i dont like ctp, witch i dont, BUT i still payed for it so i play it. i like 2 things about this game 1- the ability to play with like 16 empires in it 2- the easy to enter multiplay, however thats over since the games mp died long ago  but i still play with it from time to time.
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
August 4, 2001, 15:50
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It does not really bother me all that much if you do think CTP2 is a crappy game. If you do not like the interface, units, PW vs Settlers and so forth, that's your choice. There are games that I play that bother me because of the fact that there are aspects of the game that I hate. (I can think of the AI in SMAC sending waves of probes against my cities when I have Hunter-Seeker, for instance)
The point I am trying to make is that most of the problems you have with the game regard preference issues - things like PW vs Settlers ARE a preference issue. The one valid point you make regards the passive AI, which (at least I feel), has been addressed in the Mod community. You may not feel like that is the case, and you are entitled to say so, but to flat out state that we here in the CTP2 Mod Community are 'insane' because we are doing this is insulting. I may disagree with your viewpoints, but I do not imply that you are 'intellectually challenged' either, and then come back and say that it was all a joke when called to the carpet for it...I am sorry for my own comments, but I am reacting to comments that you initially made.
Regarding Activision's role in all this - yes, it is a shame that they did not support CTP2, but I had already bought it before the bad reoprts started filtering in. If it wasn't for the fact that there was a community of Modmakers here, the game would of been in the dustbin for me. But I enjoy the game immensely now (part of the creation process)
Personally, in looking at the files between MedMod/Apolyton Pack and Cradle, I believe that Cradle's files are more aggressive. If it's not aggessive enough for you, so be it. (Since there are so many features in CTP2 that you cannot stand from a preference standpoint, you probably will not like my mod either.)
But I had a civ2 modmaker (Kull) who has tried my Mod and his comments do speak for themselves...
Originally posted by Kull
Cradle1.1 was an eye opener. First two games the Barbarians just wiped me out before 5000 B.C. Suffice it to say that single units wandering around looking for ruins will meet an ugly end right quick, and you better keep a few units in the home city....militia alone won't help. The third game lasted longer, but the result wasn't much different. Can you say AGGRESSIVE?! I'd played the first iterations of Cradle, and knew how dangerous the Barbarians are....but now it's the AI Civs too! Unlike normal games of CTP, starting "behind" is not a temporary situation! In my case, I was absolutely last on the power graph, and shared a continent with a nasty group of Mongols and a supposedly pacifist bunch of Indians. Of my 10 or so cities, the Mongols took one, the Barbs took my capital, and the Indians (with great huge smiles on their diplomatic faces) surprise-attacked me TWICE and took another five cities. Oh...and these guys were only 4 and 5 on the Power Graph! The only reason I even lasted this long is that I paid the Indians for some Bronze Age techs, but now they are coming at me with Legions and Composite Bowmen (I still have slingers for God's Sake!) and Heavy it's basically over. I could probably whine and play dead and last for another 500 years, but the idea of somehow winning this thing is laughable.
So, if you're a warmonger type and like plenty of action, you BETTER download the Cradle and take it for a spin! Oh.....and in this mod....."Impossible" means just what it says!
Time for a new game on an easier setting.....and if I EVER bump into those ^%&*#@ Indians again, they will be SUCH roadkill!!
Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
August 4, 2001, 18:20
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Originally posted by splangy
by the way, horses may have trouble climing mountains but troops need supplies wich come from pack animals like donkey and horses, so animals already do climb mountains
Usually these supply animals use roads. And one thing is to make a single animal climb (what already is dificult) other thing is to make a whole unit/army.
Hey, sprangly. Thanks for spice thing ups in the community. One thing i miss since i left the civ3 community are the great debates like this one.
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand
Last edited by Pedrunn; August 5, 2001 at 00:04.
August 4, 2001, 22:38
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I don't about the rest of you guys, but the one major thing I miss from the Civ games is moving caravans around to establish trade routes.
Waiting on a Sunday afternoon, for what I read between the lines, your lies. Feelin' like a hand in rusted shame, so do you laugh or does it cry, reply?
August 5, 2001, 09:37
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Originally posted by rooboy
I don't about the rest of you guys, but the one major thing I miss from the Civ games is moving caravans around to establish trade routes.
In my last Civ2 game I had I rhuled the world I only left one or two AI civ alive, because I wanted to get the score. So my cities had nothing to build left and I started to establish trade routes. At first I had to find a city on the other end of my empire that desired that trade good, that was not very easy because the trade manager was not effective enough for 200 cities. The second step was to move the caravan to the other city over the map I allready improved very tile with railroad, because these path finding routine wasn't able to find the best path, so if you did not take a look on that caravan unit it moved very fast on an unimproved tile. So establishing trade routes without moving around caravans is more effective and saves a lot of time. Moving around caravans is wonderfull if you have only to do it one, two, three or ten times. But if you have to do it for hundrets of times, it just gets boring.
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
August 5, 2001, 12:12
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Actually, I think trade is handled great in CTP2. First, it makes more sense - that scarce good is not just a free tile improvement - its something that you TRADE (that feels wierd to go back into Civ and see a good and realize that it only has an indirect role in commece). Second, I like to "Make it so" approach. If you have a tiny fronteer city that has a valuable trade good, IT dosn't have to build its entire trade network from scratch. Transportation will find IT. So, being about to build caravans elsewhere and use them to ship out a product is far more reasonable.
Trade is great in CTP2 - I've said it before, but I've always been fascinated by the Phonicians building up a trading empire on their famous purple dyes. In Civ, its nice, but it CTP2, its critical. When you get that first route going, you get a welcome cash flow.
August 6, 2001, 04:03
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Originally posted by hexagonian
It does not really bother me all that much if you do think CTP2 is a crappy game. If you do not like the interface, units, PW vs Settlers and so forth, that's your choice. There are games that I play that bother me because of the fact that there are aspects of the game that I hate. (I can think of the AI in SMAC sending waves of probes against my cities when I have Hunter-Seeker, for instance)
The point I am trying to make is that most of the problems you have with the game regard preference issues - things like PW vs Settlers ARE a preference issue. The one valid point you make regards the passive AI, which (at least I feel), has been addressed in the Mod community. You may not feel like that is the case, and you are entitled to say so, but to flat out state that we here in the CTP2 Mod Community are 'insane' because we are doing this is insulting. I may disagree with your viewpoints, but I do not imply that you are 'intellectually challenged' either, and then come back and say that it was all a joke when called to the carpet for it...I am sorry for my own comments, but I am reacting to comments that you initially made.
Regarding Activision's role in all this - yes, it is a shame that they did not support CTP2, but I had already bought it before the bad reoprts started filtering in. If it wasn't for the fact that there was a community of Modmakers here, the game would of been in the dustbin for me. But I enjoy the game immensely now (part of the creation process)
Personally, in looking at the files between MedMod/Apolyton Pack and Cradle, I believe that Cradle's files are more aggressive. If it's not aggessive enough for you, so be it. (Since there are so many features in CTP2 that you cannot stand from a preference standpoint, you probably will not like my mod either.)
But I had a civ2 modmaker (Kull) who has tried my Mod and his comments do speak for themselves...
calm down! i said NOTHING about your mod! i already said that i do like ctp2 and the only reason im in this debate is A-im bored B-i hate craptivision, infact id love to try your mod, your getting all worked up over nothing  .
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
August 6, 2001, 04:09
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"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
August 6, 2001, 04:12
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Originally posted by rooboy
I don't about the rest of you guys, but the one major thing I miss from the Civ games is moving caravans around to establish trade routes.
agreed  !!! in CTP2 you never really interacted with what you were doing, i miss that, settlers, and the gold ole diplomat (that could be a spy AND a ambassador at the same time  )
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
August 6, 2001, 04:20
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by the way, someone mentioned me not likeing the passive AI, well ive fiddled with the scripts myself and came to the conclusion that the AI could
be really carefull and only attack when its odd were like 10-1
be very agressive and attack a city with a 10% chance of winning
have a nice median were it was like 50/50 and thus it would EASILY be outsmarted by the human ( flanking unit armys attacking from behind and sloughtering attack armys)
so, from my messin with the system, ive concluded that there will never be a ABOVE average AI that can beat you, and, not to be mean, but that quote musthave come from a REALLY "not good" player
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
August 7, 2001, 08:49
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"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand
August 7, 2001, 13:05
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were are all the other people !!!! i like getting an average of three posts off this thread  !!
umm ill start a new debate,
uhhhh, civ3 more goodly than ctp2.
there we go  a nice intellegent debate should spring up from that one
"Nuke em all, let god sort it out!"
August 7, 2001, 16:31
Local Time: 08:50
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uhhhh, civ3 more goodly than ctp2.
I started a new thread about it in this forum.
Col Bigspear, after hearing the two sides what have you decide? I know this is not my business but i got curious to know your honest opinion. Dont need to answer though.
"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand
Last edited by Pedrunn; August 7, 2001 at 19:50.
August 11, 2001, 03:14
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Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Apr 1999
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand
Posts: 952
CTP 2 vs Civ 2 poll
Why not voice your opinions on the Civ 2 vs CTP 2 poll located at
Avoid COLONY RUSH on Galactic Civlizations II (both DL & DA) with my Slow Start Mod.
Finding Civ 4: Colonization too easy? Try my Ten Colonies challenge.
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