"The U.N. in New York had you escorted from their premises after you arrived there with your suitcase asking to board the Unity. "
Damn, and I missed my chance to be cryogenically frozen next to Deidre ::sigh::
"You cannot understand why no universities offer courses about Ethical Calculus. "
Yeah, that is wierd, considering how I've already taken all the prerequisites so they must be refusing me for some other more sinister reasons (The dean is Chairman Yang

"You have received a caution from the police after trying to nerve-staple your brother."
No officer, I wasn't trying to abuse my poor wittle brother, just trying to turn him into a nice productive citizen
"You kill red-haired Christian women on sight. "
She's a fundy I tells ya! A fundy!!!!! ::Wriggles around in his handcuffs::
"You're leaving mowing the lawn until you've finished building that terraformer. "
Just one more fuel rod for the fission reactor hon and I'll get back to mowing the lawn!
"Your college tutor would not submit your application to the University of Planet. "
But my grades are 4.0 and I've scored a 1600 on my SAT's! They should be good enough to get me in
"The reason the world does not obey your every command is that your position as Planetary Governor is nominal only. "
Yes, but that's only until I finish growing my mindworm army in my backyard, bwahahahahahahahaha!
"You were gutted that you could not find a copy of 'Spartan Battle Manual' at your local library. "
Darn, and I've searched all of NY to find it
"All of your girlfriends must look like either Aki or Deirdre. "
::Puts ad in personals again since he scared away his last girlfriend::
"Your loyalty is to the Chairman and the state. (They're watching you know.) "
Yes, not only to the state but to the college that he's the headmaster of too
"Your attempts to turn your garden earthworms into your Gaian army failed miserably. "
Damn, there goes my plans for world domination. :sigh:
"You go to sleep every night fearing the singularity planet buster."
But only until Bush builds that missile defense shield he's been promising
"You have been to a local factory and tried to get the workers to revolt and join the Free Drones. "
Join the Free Drones! Down with the Dean! Join the free Drones! Down with the Dean!
"You visit the recycling centre to pay your respects to your dead grandparents."
Sorry, I can't afford another trip back to China this year