May 12, 2000, 07:04
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OCC Fortnight #9: Discussion, Logs etc...
May 12, 2000, 07:48
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You've certainly got the bug - I told you it was seriously addictive didn't I?
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
May 12, 2000, 08:09
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I did up a scenario a few weeks ago which we could use. I can't remember now why I didn't consider it done yet. I probably wanted to tweak the names of the AI leaders, but that doesn't seem too important now.
I don't think it's been two weeks yet though, so we might be getting ahead of ourselves by starting a new game now. Thoughts? (p.s. Oldman, you can always play OCC 5 or 6 if you have the urge).
May 12, 2000, 08:32
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Yeah, i just checked the dates, and i am a little early!!! maybe i'll try occ5, i did 6 week before last!!  But i didn't do too well - Doh!!!
I always found civ addictive!!! but because the occ games are sooooo quick to play, i'm just lovin' it!!!!!
May 17, 2000, 00:16
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Now it's been a fortnight!!!!  anybody...
May 17, 2000, 15:39
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OK, I've just emailed Paul a scenario for OCC 9.
As mentioned in my above post, I created this scenario a couple of months ago, but didn't polish it up. Oh well.
An important note: you are IN CONTACT WITH ALL AI CIVS FROM THE OUTSET. I'd hate for someone to get a few dozen turns along and then realize that.
I don't remember much about the map, except for one important feature that everyone will discover soon enough. So I'm going to play the game too.
edited in the bold
[This message has been edited by Tom DeMille (edited May 17, 2000).]
May 17, 2000, 15:43
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Download here. Play as the Mongols.
May 18, 2000, 08:10
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Thanks Paul, I'm just bumping this thread so those OCCers out there will realize there is now a game available for OCC 9.
May 18, 2000, 08:17
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May 18, 2000, 08:21
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And Tom, The Mongols? The Mongols? i just know i'm going to get carried away and start charging across the land on horse back destroying anything that moves?!?!?! I'm going to forget about researching and take over the world, it's sort of like a london thing only with Mongols, if you know what i mean??
May 18, 2000, 09:11
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May 18, 2000, 21:46
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Henceforth let it be known that I will be known to all as Richard Head (Dick to my friends). I get my best ever OCC result (1769) and what do I do? I close Wordpad and blithely answer 'No' when it asks me if I want to save the log.
What a map! A great starting site, lots of food, and rivers and the ability to mine the grain squares for trade later on. Enough units to keep the population in order early on and still go hut hunting. (Tom, that 'tunnel beneath the world' was a Godsend.) Being in contact with all the other civs from the start let me get Alliances with all of them from turn 1 which, coupled with the decision to give away techs like they were going out of fashion, paid off in the long run. I never really had any problem with getting enough money to rush build as required.
Having said all that, I still think my result (AC in 1769) is going to look pretty poor compared with the rest of you. I screwed up big time by having my Trireme come all the way back from dropping off caravans when I was trying to grow the city with WLTPD. If I'd only disbanded it immediately, I could have cut several years off. I also miscalculated the number of shields I would get per turn at the end which meant I had to waste a number of freights to get structurals built in 1 turn until I could develop the squares properly. Oh well, you live and learn.
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by redbaron (edited May 18, 2000).]</font>
[This message has been edited by redbaron (edited May 18, 2000).]
May 19, 2000, 06:24
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May 19, 2000, 06:30
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Not by me you're not - an OCC takes me about 13 to 15 hours (and my machine is four or five times faster than yours) - maybe start this one with SG2 this evening - or better yet, pursuade him to have a go himself!
Good civin'
Scouse Git[1]
"CARTAGO DELENDA EST" - Cato the Censor
May 19, 2000, 06:43
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May 19, 2000, 08:00
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Yes I did it in one sitting. I've just got out of hospital after an op so I wasn't going anywhere. 
This one probably took about 10 hours which is longer than normal for me as I had to keep chatting to the AI. (Something I loathe doing).
I don't think you're being particularly slow, I'm probably being too quick (which probably explains why I'm always being beaten by you guys).
May 19, 2000, 08:08
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I hope you're back up and about soon man!!!! I don't know about us beating you?!?! i'm certainly not!!!!!!! but your 1769ad looks like a good time, by anyones standards!!! i'll have to let you know how i fare over the weekend!!!
May 19, 2000, 09:24
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I made this scenario back when I thought that large maps would be next to impossible in OCC. Hence the great starting location, which was supposed to compensate for the slower tech advances. As Redbarons arrival date has indicated, there was no need to be quite so generous. Oh well, I'm sure everyone will get a kick out of having a 1900 beaker per turn science rate.
May 19, 2000, 09:45
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May 19, 2000, 21:32
Well, finally had the time to play civ again, and since no one logged here: don't read this if you haven't finished yet...
sure you want to go on?....
Here she goes...
This was one of the weirdest games I've ever played. I got science from huts I never got before. Good thing too, since I almost gave up because advances took forever. "Next advance 36 turns" and it turned up in the next hut... I must have popped hundreds of them. Never saw so many huts before. Allied with everyone up to landing... Anyway, landing in 1755 
Techs from huts: Mysticism, Pottery, Trade, Mathematics, Polytheism, Seafaring, Literature, Philosophy, Enginering, University, Astronomy, Th of Gravity, Sanitation, Economics and Chemistry.
Monarchy -- 2350BC
Republic -- 1050BC
Democracy -- 325BC
Colossus -- 2100BC
Copernicus -- 525BC
Shakespeare -- 300BC
Isaac Newton -- 300AD
Darwin's Voy -- 760AD
Apollo Program -- 1460AD
1st trade -- 600BC
2nd trade -- 450BC
3rd trade -- 424BC
Trade -- 2050BC
Construction -- 1350BC
Sanitation -- 625BC
Refrigeration -- 620AD
Automobile -- 760AD
Computers -- 1160AD
Space Flight -- 1440AD
Alpha Centauri -- 1755AD
Size 12 -- 775BC
Size 24 -- 620AD
4000: hut $50, Karakorum founded
3800: warrior
3750: Alphabet
3700: hut $50
3600: hut Mysticism
3350: hut $50
3100: Code of Laws
2900: hut Horseman (supported)
2850: hut barbs
2550: hut barbs, hut Archer
2400: Monarchy, revolution
Americans: trade Mapmaking, Masonry, Writing, share maps
Russians: gave Mapmaking, CerBurial, Myst, share maps, $50
Babylonians: trade Currency, gave CodeLaws, Map, Monarchy, share maps
Vikings: gave Mapmaking, Bronze, share maps
Spaniards: gave Map, Bronze, share maps, allied
Greek: gave Map, Myst, share maps, allied
2350: Americans: gave Currency
2300: hut Chariot
2200: hut Archer, hut Pottery
2150: Russians: gave Pottery
Vikings: gave CerBurial
Spaniards: gave CerBurial
Americans: gave Pottery, allied
Greek: gave Pottery
2050: hut Horseman, hut Trade
2000: hut Horseman
1950: huts: $50, Mathematics, barbs
1900: Russians: gave Math
Babylonians: gave Trade
Vikings: gave Writing
Americans: gave Trade
Greeks: gave Math
1850: $150 barb king, hut: Archer (after 4 advanced tribes  )
Russians $25, Babylonians $50, Vikings $50
1800: Library, hut Horseman
1750: hut Archer
1700: Hides caravan, huts Polytheism, barbs
1600: Dye caravan, hut $100
Russians: gave Poly, Monarchy, share maps
Babylonians: gave Math, share maps
Vikings: gave Trade, Myst, share maps
Spaniards: gave math, share maps
Americans: gave Poly, share maps
Greek: gave Horseback, Poly, share maps
1550: Americans $25, Greek $50
1500: Silk Caravan, hut $50
Russians: gave Currency
Babylonians: gave Poly
Vikings: gave Monarchy
1450: huts Seafaring, Literature
Russians $150, Babylonians $100, Vikings $100
1400: Hides Caravan
1350: Americans: trade Construction, hut: barbs
1300: Marketplace
1250: huts: $50, Philosophy
1200: Russians: trade Warrior Code, Wheel
Babylonians: gave Lit, allied
Vikings: gave Constr
Spaniards: gave WarCode
Americans: gave Philosophy
Greek: gave Philosophy, Construction
1150: Republic, revolution
1050: Republic
1000: WLTCD (4) Colosseum
975: huts: Enginering, Horseman
Russians, Babylonians, Ameriacans: gave Republic
Spaniards: gave Construction
Vikings: gave Republic, allied, $50
Greek: gave Wheel, WarCode, Republic
875: Aquaduct
hut $50
Gave all to everyone, got back $75 
800: Sold Colosseum
775: End WLTCD (12)
750: huts $25, University
700: Babs $50, Viks $50, Greek $100
675: Hut Astronomy
650: Hut Gravity
625: Greek: trade Medicine
Huts: Sanitation, $50
600: Hides to Athens $226, hut barbs
575: Banking
550: Huts Economics, barbs
Babs, Viks, Ami's: $300 evenly spread
525: Cop's Obs, Horseman killed by barbs
475: Gold caravan, hut Chemistry
450: hut $50, Hides to Washington $456
425: Invention, Dye to Washington $196
325: Demo, revo, Demo
300: Shakes, Horseman killed by barbs
250: Dye Caravan
200: Coal Caravan, Iron Working
All Civs: gave all some techs, shared maps, cashed $200
175: Babylonians: $50
150: bank
125: Hut $25
100: University
75: Gunpowder, hut $25
50: Stock Exchange
1AD: Gave all techs to everyone except Gravity, cashed $650, allied with Russians
20: Explosives
40: Engineer
80: Engineer,
100: Bridge building, Gold to Athens $134
160: Navigation
180: Cash from allies: $625
300: Newton
320: Magnetism, WLTPD (10), hut $50
340: Sewer System, Dye to Atlanta $278, Coal to Atlanta $139
360: Steam Engine
380: Harbor
420: Railroad
480: Industrialization, hut Crusader
520: Dye caravan
Russians: trade Metallurgy
Cash from allies $650
600: sold Sewer
620: Refrigeration, sold Aqua, end WLTPD(24)
660: Electricity
700: Corporation
740: Refining
760: Darwin, Combustion, Automobile
800: Electronics, Superhighway
840: Conscription, Oil Freight
880: Feudalism
920: Chivalry
960: Leadership
1000: Tactics
1040: Machine Tools
1080: Miniaturization
1120: Mass Production
1160: Computers
1180: Research Lab
1200: Moble Warfare, Oil to Washington $400
1220: Factory
1240: Robotics
1260: Hydro Plant
1280: Flight, Dye to Washington $376
1300: Power Planr
1320: Radio
1340: Advanced Flight
1400: Rocketry
1440: Space Flight
1460: Apollo
1480: Supermarket  (Why can't they eat cake?)
1500: Plastics
1530: Athomic Theory
1550: Nuclear Fission
1580: Nuclear Power
1610: Laser
1650: Superconductor
1700: Fusion Power
1730: A sad moment, my faithfull settler who served me for almost 6 millenia sacrificed himself in order to get the spaceship ready... A moment of silence please...
1740: Launch!
1740-1754: the usual stuff
1755: Landing on AC
And only 8 hours on my old 486, 40Mhz, 12Mb 
Typing this log took me almost as much
May 20, 2000, 00:47
Local Time: 15:46
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I had my best game so far in this one.I also got a zillion techs from huts including Theory of Gravity,Medicine and Astronomy.I must have tipped 100 huts.That road was awesome!Any barb hut on it or close to it would disappear.It linked up to nearly every landmass.Most of which I was able to explore unopposed.
By the time Refrigeration was in sight,there was still alot of work to do so I built 3 engineers.
For the first time in OCC,I was able to manage 1 turn per tech (without caravans) for 2 techs(Robotics and Flight).The city was producing 1632 beakers at 100% and 5 scientists at that time.That is the highest I have ever seen.It could have been higher as quit growing at 26.
Never had any gold problems to speak of.Huts and gifts just kept rolling in.I also got a nice amount of tribute from non allies in the period of anarchy between Republic and Democracy.
Caravans paid good bonus in this game also.
Building wonders with caravans in OCC is great if you have the gold.You can produce 50 sheilds per turn towards a wonder.I had the first 4 wonders built before AD 1 with this technique.Thnx Scouse
deity 2.42
4000-gift Bronze to Russians-trade Burial for Horseback-alliance-gift Horseback and Burial to Babs-alliance-gift Horseback and Burial to Vikes-trade Bronze for Warrior Code-alliance-Bronze to Spanish-alliance-Burial and Warrior Code to Americans-alliance-trade Bronze for Alphabet-Warrior Code and Horseback to Vikes-alliance-allied with all...wonder how long that will last
hut-archer-found Karakorum-start Collosus
3950-gift all-takes 4 turns off 24>20
3750-hut-50 gold-whats this?a road on the pole...hmmm
3600-hut 25 gold-hut Code of Laws!
3400-hut 25 gold-gift Laws to all cept Yanks
3150-barbs appear-time to get some veterans
3050-archer repels attack but no vet
3000-Monarchy-revolt-trade Yanks Laws for Writing-receive Masonary-gift Mason to Russians-receive Poly-gift Mason and Writing to Babs,Vikes and Spanish-Poly and Mason to Greeks-barb leader 150 gold
2900-hut barb horse-disappears
2450-size 4-hut 50 gold-Babs gift 50-Vikes cancel alliance
2200-trade Babs Lit for Currency-receive Iron Working
2150-gift Iron to Russians and Greeks-trade Literacy to Spanish for The Wheel-trade Lit to Yanks for Myst-receive 50 gold
2100-library-hut elephant NON
2050-gift Iron to Yanks Myst to Babs
1950-size 5-hut legion NON->0 luxuries
1900-temple-hut -Philosophy!?-gift Wheel to Russia-receive 50 gold-Babs gift 50-gift Literacy to Vikes-gift Myst to Spanish who promptly cancel alliance-Yanks gift 50-Greeks cancel alliance
1850-silk caravan-Russia cancels alliance-gift Trade to Babs,Yanks-Wheel and Myst to Greeks
1800-Construction-gfit Philosophy to Babs and Yanks
1750-hut barb horse-disappears next turn
1700-hut 25 gold
1650-gold caravan
1600-Philosophy to Russia-Construction to Babs-gift all to Spain won’t ally-Construction to Yanks-gift all to Greeks won’t ally
1550-gift Monarchy to Babs and Yanks
1500-hut Map Making-gift to all-share maps with Babs and Spanish-alliance with Spain
1450-size 6-hut 50 gold
1400-hides caravan--hut-Engineering-Babs gift 50 gold -share maps with Yanks
1350-wheat>silk-hut-Bridge Building
1300-Yanks gift 50
1250-market-trade Russia Construction for Math-gift Bridge -Trade,Monarchy and Construction to Vikes-Bridge to Babs-Math to Spain-Bridge to Yanks-Math to Greeks
1050-Bridge to Spanish-Myst,Poly,Math,Currency,Iron and Bridge to Vikes-Bridge to Greeks-Wheel to Yanks
975-hut Astronomy-man this road has been awesome!
950-hut-horseman NON
925-colliseum-hut-50 gold-Spain gift 25-Babs 50-Yanks 50
900-size 7
875-hut-50 gold
850-aquaduct-Myst and Monarchy to Russia
775-caravan-hut 50 gold-hut barb horse
750-elephant KIA-Yanks gift 50
725-Republic-instant revolution-govt-Republic-gift Repub to Babs,Yanks and Spanish
700-caravan-start “we love” size 7-trade Mono to Spain for Banking-gift Mono to Babs
625-Yanks gift 50-hut-crusader-NON
575-end “we love” 12-trade Spain Engineering for University-gift Mono and Banking to Yanks-University to Babs-Repub,Mono and Engineering to Russia-University Mono,Repub,Banking and Engineering to Vikes and Greeks-hut 100 gold
550-caravan-start Cope’s
500-Cope’s-silk arrives in Washington 256 bonus-hut-crusader-NON-hut-Theory of Gravity
475-caravan-Babs gift 50-University to Russia
450-Sanitation-caravan-hut 25 gold-hut-Chemistry
400-caravan-hut-Economics-barbs are pillaging my land
375-gold arrives in Washington(demanded)620 bonus-hut 2 barbs..1 killed..
350-Invention-caravan-legion KIA-crusader KIA-hut 50 gold-sell colliseum-Yanks gift 50
325-Shake’s-sell temple-barb leader 150 gold-hut 50 gold
275-sewer system
225-caravan-hides arrives in Washington(demanded)246 bonus-Astronomy and Invention to Babs-Astronomy,Invention and Chemistry to Spain-Invention to Yanks-Invention,Chemistry and Astronomy to Vikes and Greeks-share maps-5 techs to Russia-share maps
200-Democracy-revolt-caravan-Russia tribute 75 gold-Babs gift 50-Vikings tribute 100 gold-Greeks tribute 150
175-caravan-Russia tribute 175-Vikings tribute 100-this is great!
150-caravan-hut 25 gold-hut 50 gold
100-caravan-start “we love” 12-Gravity and Sanitation to Spain
75-Sir Ike’s-Sanitation to Babs-trade Yanks Sanitation for Pottery-Pottery to all-Spain gifts 50
50-share maps with Yanks and Babs-Sanitation to Greeks and Russians
25-share maps with Spain
AD1-build university-Babs gift 50-Yanks 50-Gravity to Greeks
20-share maps with Yanks
60-Explosives-Spain cancels alliance-Yanks gift 50
100-hut 50 gold
120-Seafaring-stock exchange-end “we love” size 22-Babs gift 50 gold
180-hut-crusader NON
260-Physics-Gunpowder and Navigation to Babs-Democracy,Physics and Economics to Yanks-Nav,GP and Physics to Spain-share maps-Nav,Physics and Seafaring to Russia-share maps-Nav,GP,Physics and Seafaring to Greeks-share maps
300-Magnetism-barb knights land nearby
340-Electricity-Babs gift 50-Yanks 75
360-dye caravan-hut-50 gold
380-Refrigeration-Explosives and Magnet to Russia-Physics to Babs-5 techs to Vikes-share maps-Seafaring,Explosives and Magnet to Spain-alliance-share maps-Explosives to Yanks-Magnet and Explosives to Greeks-share maps
400-coal caravan
420-Steam Engine
460-Railroad-bribe barb crusader 82-frigate 102-hut barbs-disappear-disband galleon-much tech gifting to all-Yanks gift 75
480-caravan-disband crusader-hut-musket-NON
500-Feudalism-caravan-more tech gifting including 7 to Babs
520-Yanks gift 150
560-disband frigate “in the feild”-hut musket-NON
580-supermarket-start “we love” 19
700-Darwin’s-The Corporation-Steel
720-end “we love” 26-sell sewer
740-Refining-oil freight-gift Conscription and RR to all-sell aquaduct-dye arrives in Washington(demanded)278 bonus coal 139
780-silk freight
800-Combustion-dye freight-more gifting
820-freight-Babs gift 50 Yanks 75
880-Mass Production-freight
980-hydro plant
1080-Machine Tools-freight
1140-offshore platform
1160-Computers-dye to Washington(demanded) 824 bonus
1180-Mobile Warfare-research lab
1220-Flight-manufacturing plant
1280-freight-start wonder
1300-Advanced Flight
1380-Space Flight
1420-Plastics-trade Greece Industrialization for Atomic Theory
1460-Nuclear Fission
1500-Nuclear Power
1520-The Laser
1560-Fusion Power-oil to Washington-258 bonus-silk tp Philly(demanded) 528 bonus
1600-15 structurals
1630-Greeks steal Fusion Power
1660-6 components
1690-3 modules-launch
91-coastal fort
92-Recycling-city walls
94-Enviromentalism-armor-sell hydro plant
95-solar plant
96-mass transit
1705-Arrival AC
Sir ike’s-75BC
Trade Routes
size 12-575BC
size 21-100AD
Space Flight-1380AD
May 20, 2000, 11:02
Local Time: 18:46
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Join Date: Jan 2000
Location: Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 334
Hope people enjoyed the game. It took rather longer than usual for an OCC game, since there was so much exploration (and hut tipping) that could be done. Looking at other people's logs, I was rather unfortunate to get Invention in a hut before more useful discoveries like Astronomy and Medicine.
Still, I got alliances with everyone. I remember 2 months ago when I played a few turns that I was only able to form a couple of alliances. The stupid discovery of pottery from the 1st turn hut was probably a really good thing - it allowed me to gift enough to the AIs to have them ally with me.)
I left all other huts alone until I had researched Monarchy. Then the flood gates opened.
With spaceflight coming so early, I decided to be sneaky and launch a 15-1-1-1-1-1 spaceship. Sure, it took 36 years and only had an 80% chance of success (I figured what the hey), but with turns still going by at 10 years per turn, I shaved 20 years off my landing date. (Sorry, Paul, that's going ot screw up your year/turn calculations).
Deity, v242
Sir ike’s-50BC
Trade Routes
size 12-750BC
size 21-125AD
size 30-600AD
Space Flight-1110AD
4000BC - Pottery (hut), found Karakorum
Spanish - Alliance
Babylonians - Alliance
Vikings - Alliance
Russians - Alliance
Americans - Alliance
Greeks - Alliance
3800BC - built warrior
3550BC - Alphabet, built warrior
3400BC - chariot NONE (hut) (this hut was blocking my eastward progress, so I took the chance of getting a crappy tech)
3050BC - Code of Laws
2550BC - Monarchy, begin revolution
Russians - Horseback Riding, Masonry
Babylonians - Currency, 50 gold
Vikings - Warrior Code, 50 gold
Americans - Writing, 50 gold
Spanish and Greeks - gave me nothing, ungrateful bastards!
from huts - archer (supported), archer (supported), Trade, Feudalism
2450BC - switched to Monarchy
2400BC - 50 gold (hut)
2350BC - The Wheel (hut)
2200BC - built Colossus
2150BC - horsemen supported (hut)
2100BC - 25 gold (hut)
2050BC - chariot NONE (hut)
2000BC - 50 gold (Vikings)
1950BC - built Library, disband 2 warriors (archers have arrived in city), barbarians (hut)
1850BC - 50 gold (Russians, Vikings)
1800BC - Construction, built Marketplace, begin WLTKDs (pop is 4)
1750BC - Chivalry (hut), Polytheism (Greeks)
1700BC - 50 gold (hut), Archer NONE (hut), Literacy (hut)
1650BC - 50 gold (Babylonians)
1600BC - built Silk caravan, barbarians (hut), 50 gold (hut), disband archer
1550BC - built Temple
1500BC - 50 gold (Spanish), 25 gold (Americans, Greeks)
1450BC - 25 gold (hut)
1400BC - built Colosseum, Archer NONE (hut)
1300BC - Republic, revolution, end WLTKDs
1250BC - switched to Republic, built Hides caravan
1200BC - begin WLTCDs (pop is 5), barbarians (hut), Banking (hut), Mathematics (hut), 50 gold (Babylonians, Vikings, Americans), 25 gold (Greeks)
1150BC - built Aqueduct, barbarians (hut), 50 gold (Russians, Spanish)
1050BC - built Hides caravan, Knight NONE (hut), barbarians (hut)
1000BC - Engineering (hut), 25 gold (hut)
975BC - built Dye caravan, Invention (hut)
950BC - 50 gold (Russians, Babylonians, Vikings)
925BC - end WLTCD (pop is 11) - don't have mysticism yet
900BC - 25 gold (hut), 50 gold (Americans)
850BC - 50 gold (hut), barbarians (hut)
825BC - Mysticism, 100 gold (hut)
800BC - begin WLTCD (pop is 11)
775BC - 50 gold (Babylonians, Vikings)
750BC - end WLTCD (pop is 12)
725BC - Archer NONE (hut)
700BC - 1st trade route - 152 gold Silk to Athens (not demanded), sell Colosseum
650BC - Philosophy, Astronomy, 50 gold (Vikings, Americans, Greeks)
625BC - built Copernicus' Observatory, Knights NONE (hut), 50 gold (hut)
600BC - barbarians (hut), 50 gold (Babylonians)
575BC - Archers NONE (hut), Knights NONE (hut)
525BC - Medicine, 50+ gold (hut), 2nd trade route - 149 gold Hides to Athens (not demanded)
500BC - 50 gold (hut), 25 gold (Russians), 50 gold (Vikings, Americans)
450BC - Sanitation, barbarians (hut), barbarians (hut)
425BC - sell Temple, 25 gold (Russians), 50 gold (Vikings, Spanish)
400BC - built Shakespeare's Theatre
375BC - begin WLTCD (pop is 12), 3rd trade route - 152 gold Dye to Athens (not demanded), 50 gold (hut)
350BC - University, built Sewer System, 25 gold (hut)
300BC - built University, 50 gold (hut), 50 gold (hut)
250BC - Democracy, built Bank, 50 gold (Babylonians, Vikings), 125 gold (Greeks)
200BC - 150 gold (barbarian ransom), 50 gold (hut), 50 gold (hut)
150BC - Iron Working
125BC - end WLTCD (size is 21, 50 gold (hut)
100BC - 75 gold (Russians), 25 gold (Babylonians), 50 gold (Americans)
75BC - Theory of Gravity, 362 gold (Hides ot Washington), revolution
50BC - built Isaac Newton's College
25BC - switched to Democracy
1AD - Chemistry
20AD - Knight NONE (hut), 150 gold (Russians), 50 gold (Babylonians, Vikings)
40AD - Gunpowder, Musketeers NONE (hut)
80AD - Explosives, begin WLTPD (pop is 21), Musketeers NONE (hut)
100AD - built Engineer
120AD - Bridge Building, end WLTPD (pop is 21), barbarians (hut)
140AD - built Engineer
160AD - Economics, begin WLTPD (pop is 20)
Babylonians - Map Making, share maps
Americans - Leadership, share maps
Russians - 50 gold, share maps
Vikings - share maps
Spanish - share maps
Greeks - 175 gold, share maps
180AD - built Engineer, 125 gold (Greeks)
200AD - Metallurgy, built Stock Exchange, 150 gold (Vikings)
220AD - 100 gold (Russians, Americans), 50 gold (Spanish), 200 gold (Greeks)
240AD - Seafaring
260AD - built Harbour
280AD - Navigation
300AD - 50 gold (Russians, Vikings), 75 gold (Babylonians), 100 gold (Americans, Greeks)
320AD - Physics, end WLTPD (pop is 25)
340AD - 50 gold (Russians, Babylonians, Vikings, Americans, Greeks)
360AD - Magnetism
380AD - 50 gold (Babylonians, Vikings, Americans), 100 gold (Greeks)
400AD - Electricity
420AD - 50 gold (Russians, Babylonians, Vikings, Greeks)
440AD - Refrigeration
460AD - built Super Market, 50 gold (Russians, Babylonians, Vikings, Americans)
480AD - Steam Engine, begin WLTPD (pop is 25)
500AD - 50 gold (Russians, Vikings, Americans)
520AD - Railroad
540AD - built Darwin's Voyage, Industrialization, The Corporation
560AD - Refining
600AD - Steel, end WLTPD (pop is 30), sell aqueduct, 150 gold (barbarian ransom)
620AD - sell sewer system, 150 gold (Russians), 100 gold (Babylonians, Americans), 50 gold (Vikings)
640AD - Combustion
680AD - Automobile
Greeks - Conscription, 125 gold
700AD - built Superhighway
720AD - Electronics
740AD - 150 gold (Russians), 50 gold (Babylonians)
760AD - Tactics
800AD - Machine Tools
820AD - 100 gold (Russians), 50 gold (Babylonians), 250 gold (Greeks)
840AD - Miniturization
860AD - built Offshore Platform
880AD - Mass Production
900AD - Share Maps with all AIs
920AD - Computers, 636 gold (Hides to Ashur - not demanded)
940AD - Mobile Warfare, built Research Lab
960AD - Robotics
980AD - Flight, 216 gold (Oil to Washington - not demanded)
1000AD - Radio, built Factory, 1104 gold (Silk Aarhus)
1020AD - Advanced Flight, built Hydro Plant
1040AD - Manufacturing Plant, built Manufacturing Plant, disband 3rd Engineer (production is now 80)
1060AD - Rocketry
1100AD - Space Flight, 854 gold (Coal to Ashur)
1120AD - Plastics, built Apollo Program
1160AD - Atomic Theory
1200AD - Nuclear Fission
1240AD - Nuclear Power
1280AD - The Laser
(Guerilla Uprising - oh, oh)
1320AD - Superconductor
1360AD - Fusion Power
1440AD - Stealth
1510AD - Launch 15-1-1-1-1-1 Spaceship, should arrive in 1546 (79% chance of success)
build a bunch of units, a bunch of improvements, ignore the AIs (the americans brought a huge fleet to my shore, but no land units)
1546AD - Landing on AC
May 20, 2000, 14:21
Local Time: 23:46
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: May 2000
Location: Minneapolis, MN USA
Posts: 6
I haven't finished yet, but I've run into a small problem. My population is up to 40, but I can't manage to change the last 4 specialists to taxmen or scientists. They're just stuck on entertainers, which makes them effectively useless, as I've built Shakes and can't use a WLTPD anymore. Any suggestions, as I don't want to just turn them into engineers right now because of the support factor.
May 20, 2000, 14:27
Local Time: 15:46
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Jul 1999
Location: Civ2 Diehard
Posts: 3,838
after 36 you can't change Elvi'.I think you went too big for practical purposes.
May 20, 2000, 14:31
Local Time: 23:46
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Location: Minneapolis, MN USA
Posts: 6
Thanks. Had I but known, I would have dropped out of WLTPD 4 turns earlier. Now I can transform some of the terrain to boost my production and just let the Elvi slowly starve.
May 20, 2000, 14:41
Local Time: 15:46
Local Date: October 30, 2010
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Location: Civ2 Diehard
Posts: 3,838
I was thinkin you could starve them away but it will probably disband engineers first so I think you're stuck with em for this game.
May 21, 2000, 01:13
Local Time: 23:46
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2000
Location: Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Posts: 301
Tom, you dog. You beat me by the difference between a 15/1-1/1-1-1 Spaceship and a 15/2-2/1-1-1 Spaceship. I guess I should have chanced it, but considering this was my best game ever, and if that 21% comes up and bites ya, you're looking at 20 more turns plus flight time to send another one. I'll post my log later because I don't feel like it now.
I guess you can get discoveries every turn in certain conditions, but I never seemed to have the right formula... Even with 12 scientists, it was impossible for me to get them every turn after flight was discovered. Is there any enlightening you can give me on how you can get discoveries every turn after flight. that would have been awesome! thanks.
[This message has been edited by vik (edited May 21, 2000).]
May 21, 2000, 01:28
Local Time: 23:46
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2000
Location: Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Posts: 301
he's right. when your food box gets to zero, it will start killing your supported engineers/settlers before it starts dropping the population. If you can't afford for this to happen, i recommend getting a diplomat on a boat and finding some engineers/settlers from a poor nation to bribe.
the farther they are from their capital, the less it will cost you. Also, ask for a gift before you bribe them. if they give you money, then the price you have to pay to bribe will go down a little bit.
good luck, and welcome!
Edited to say the following: Even if you starve off the population, Elvis will still not be dead. If you look over at the Americans, who I believe are slightly to the East of you, in the southeast portion of their landmass, near the antarctic road, there is an American city there called "Kalamazoo." One of the city improvements there, along with a "temple," a "library," and a "marketplace," is one called a "donut shop." You'll be sure to find Elvis there. Hope this helps.
man, it is getting late.
[This message has been edited by vik (edited May 21, 2000).]
May 21, 2000, 07:55
Local Time: 18:46
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2000
Location: Kingston, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 334
The best way to get rid of the 4 extra pop might be to just build 4 engineers, and then disband them.
Vik, I imagine the only way to get a discovery a turn after flight is to deliver freight. Since all the AIs were quite far away, my caravans didn't reach their destination until right around flight. If you look at my log, you'll see that I got rocketry and advanced flight in 1 turn.
May 21, 2000, 13:18
Local Time: 23:46
Local Date: October 30, 2010
Join Date: Jan 2000
Location: Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Posts: 301
Last night it seemed you were getting some discoveries in one turn without the benefit of a freight. Now that I'm more awake this morning, I can tell that you were assisted by freights.
In this game, I only had 8 freights at the time I started my SS. Probably because I waited so late to build a factory. I normally build it sooner, but my settler had a hard time keeping up with the land improvements. I built 2 engineers and "hired" 2 more from the Americans to help out at the end, and I still didn't have 80 shields until after 4 SS Structurals were built.
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