OCC #04
We went for the alternative site: only two specials, but six river squares (including the city) and way less terraforming to do. When some Barb Leaders came our way, we were sure we had made the right choice
================================================== ==============
AC: 1556
Monarchy: -2850
Republic: -1250
Democracy: -25
Colossus: -2450
Copernicus: -725
Shakespeare: -275
Newton: 120
Darwin: 580
Eiffel: 840
Apollo: 1140
Trade routes: -1400, -1250, -950
Size 12: -900
Size 21: -25 (Size 23: 20)
Trade: -1850
Construction: -1600
Sanitation: -350
Refrigeration: 440
Automobile: 580
Computers: 880
Space Flight: 1120
-4000 Hmmm, we have 70 gold in our pockets.
Wouldn't it be a great stunt to take Mentos as our capital, btw?
Nah, is probably well-protected.
All good sites have non-river mountains and/or hills. Optimal trade bonus lies south, with the Silk and Wine and 2 Whales, but no less than 3 hills and a mountain. Still tempting though.
But - there is a nice 2 specialties/6 river site as well which is easy to defend and to develop. For something different, then ...
Horsemen go east to the Japanese, Explorer will have to make all the other contacts.
Chinese, Peace, no Ally, Masonry as tribute
REBMA founded by Sand - Gold, Buffalo, 6 river squares (including city), ocean access, easy defence!
-3650 Starting Pyramids, researching Alphabet
English, Peace, Mas<->Alphabet, Ally, <-Ceremonial Burial - wow!
-3500 Researching Code of Laws now
-3400 Barb Legion, Phalanx vetted
Japanese, Peace, we refused Horseback Riding, Mas+Alp+Cer->J, no Ally
Mongols, Peace, we refused Bronze Working(!), Mas+Alp+Cer->M, Ally
-3300 Buffalo ready, switching
-3200 "English develop Mysticism", Barb Archers land, Legion also on its way
-3150 S2 (Gold+Buffalo)
Aztecs, Peace, Mas<->Code of Laws
, Cer->Ally, they also have Writing and Pottery
-3000 Researching Monarchy (20 beakers to go), Barb Archers (Settlers on Gold survive!)
-2950 Barb Leader (150), Chariot vetted,
French, refused Mysticism, Peace, Cer+Alp->F, Ally
Alp+Cer+Cod->C (they have Bronze Working), Cod->E,J,M ----- beakers required down from 60 to 55
-2850 Monarchy,
MONARCHY, switching to Grassland(s)+Buffalo, Barb Archers
Mon<->Bronze Working(M), switching to Colossus, Mon<->Currency(C), Mon+Cur+Bro->F,A,E
-2800 Researching Trade (32 turns)
-2750 Barb Horsemen -> Horsemen vetted
-2650 50<-E for War(C) -> Reputation=Excellent, Barb Horsemen, Legion, Gold mined
-2550 Chinese boast about Map Making, Barb Horsemen
-2500 2 Barb Leaders (2x150)
-2400 Cease Fire(C), Cur->M, 50
, Bro<->Horseback Riding(J), Cur+Mon->J, no Ally
, 50
, Hor->F, Mysticism<-F, Mys<->Writing(A), Hor->25
-2350 Library
-2300 S3 (Gold+Buffalo+Grasss), Mys->M, 50
, "English develop Map Making",
Barbs take Tenochtitlan(A)
-2250 Marketplace
-2200 Wri<->Map Making(E), Hor<->50
-2150 Barb Archers
-2100 Barb Leader (150)
-2050 Diplomat
-2000 Wri->F, Map->M, Map+Mys+Wri->J, no Ally
, 50
-1950 Temple
-1900 "French develop Trade"
-1850 Map<->
Trade(F), French end Alliance
-1800 "English aquire Construction from the Chinese"
-1750 Salt, Literacy
-1650 Beads, Barb Horsemen
-1600 Lit<->Pottery(A), Map+Tra<->50
, Peace(C), Lit->C, Maps, C won't trade and break off
----- Lit<->Construction(E), Tra+Pot->E, 50
, Con->M, 50
, Map+Con+Mys+Pot+Lit+Tra+Wri->J, Maps, Ally, no gift
-1550 Trireme
-1500 Tra+Pot->C, Pot->M
-1450 Hides, Lit+Con+Pot->F, Maps, 50
Salt to Paris (d,92)
-1350 Gold
-1300 We Love
, Lit+Tra+Wri->M, no gift
, Mys+Hor->C, Maps, worshipful Chinese declare war!
-1250 The Republic,
Beads to Paris (d,108)
-1200 Colosseum, S4, Rep->A,E,J, 150,50,50
-1150 S5, Peace(C), Chinese refuse science, Rep->F
-1100 Aquaduct, S6, Rep->M
-1050 S7
-1000 S8
-975 Banking, S9, Ban->C, Ban->E, 50
(they just caught the Barb Leader we were chasing
-950 Bank, S10,
Gold to Sjanghai (d, only 216 - can't be right, checked: Hides also gave 216 - what gives??), Barb Legion
-925 Mathematics, S11, Mat->J,E,M, 50,100,50
, Con+Ban+Mat->A, Maps
-900 Wool,
S12, Hides to Beijing (d,215)
-875 Food, Astronomy, We Love ends
, Hills/r mined
----- Ast->E, 50
, Ban<->Seafaring(F), Ast+Mat->F, no Ally
, Sea+Ast+Mat->C, Sea->M,J, 25,100
-850 Food
-800 Food
-750 Food, Ban->M, 50
, Sea->J, 100
COPERNICUS' OBSERVATORY, Philosophy -> University, Phi+Uni+Sea->A, Maps
-700 Wool to Paris (128), Phi->J, 50
-675 University, Sea+Phi+Uni->E, Maps, Phi->M, 50
-650 Economics
-625 Sold Colosseum
-600 Stock Exchange, French: GREAT LIBRARY
-575 Medicine, Phi+Eco+Uni+Med->F, no Ally
, Uni+Eco+Med->C, no Ally
----- Uni+Med+Ban+Eco+Ast->J, 50
, Ast+Eco+Med->A, Uni+Med+Ast+Eco->M, all Maps, Med->E, 50
-550 Food, Barb Legion, Chinese: MARCO POLO'S EMBASSY
-525 Eco->E, 25
-500 Harbor, The Wheel, 2 Barb Archers
-475 Barb Leader (150) (Trireme vetted)
-450 Food
-425 Engineering
-400 Food
-350 Food, Sanitation, San<->Navigation(F), Whe+Eng->F, Nav+Whe+Eng+San->J,A,E, Maps, 50,-,50,
----- Nav+Whe+Eng+San->M,C, Maps, cordial Mongols cancel Alliance
, Chinese no Ally
-325 Ally(F) for War(M) -> Honorable, 50
-300 Food, di Trireme, Explorer
-250 Invention, We Love
-225 Sewer System, S13
-200 S14, Inv->M, Inv->J,A, 100,50
-175 Food, Theory of Gravity, S15
-150 S16
-125 Food, S17, Tog->F, 50
, Tog->A,M,J, Tog+Inv->C,E
-100 Physics, S18
-75 Food, S19, Chinese boast about Chemistry
-50 S20, Phy->F, 50
-25 Food, Democracy,
1 S22
20 Food,
S23, Dem->F, 50
, Phy+Dem->A,M,J,E, Peace(M), War(C)
40 Warrior Code (nobody had it!
), We Love ends
, stole Chemistry (C)
60 Food, Wco->F, 100
, Wco+Che->J,A,E,M, Wco+Phy+Dem->C, Cease Fire, Maps, "French develop Steam Engine"
80 Iron Working
100 Food
ISAAC NEWTON'S COLLEGE, Gunpowder, Iro<->Steam Engine(F), Gun<->100
, Barb Horsemen
140 Gun+Stm+Iro->J,A, Maps, 50,50
, Gun+Stm+Iro->E,M, Maps, English end worshipful alliance
160 Food, Explosives, 2 Barb Horsemen
200 Engineers -> S22, Bridge Building
220 Bri+Exp->F, 100
, Bri+Exp->J,A,E,M, War(Chinese)
240 Engineers -> S21, Railroad
280 Food, Industrialization, Chinese: LEONARDO'S WORKSHOP
300 Rai+Ind->F,J, 150,100
, Rai+Ind->A,E,M
320 Factory, Magnetism, Jungle into Grassland(s)
360 Food, Metallurgy
380 Met->F, 50
, Met+Mag->J,A,E,M
400 Food, Electricity, Jungle into Grassland
440 Food,
480 Supermarket, The Corporation
520 Gold, Refining
560 Transport, Steel, Ind+Stm+Bri+Exp+Ref+Met+Mag+Ele+Ste+Cor+Rfg->C, Peace
----- Stl+Ref+Ele+Cor+Rfg->J,A,E,M, Maps(J,A,E), 100<-J
, Ally(E)
DARWIN'S VOYAGE -> Combustion,
Automobile, disbanded N-Horsemen
600 Superhighways, Electronics
620 We Love
, Aut+Com->J, Ele+Aut->A,E, Ele+Aut+Com->C, War(M)
640 Gems, Mass Production, S22, Gold to Barbarian Tenochtitlan (d,612), "French develop Feudalism"
660 Conscription, S23, Con<->Feudalism(F), Mas+Ele+Ref+Cmb+Aut+Ele+Stl+Rfg+Cor->F, Maps, worshipful French cancel Alliance
680 Wine, S24, Con+Mas+Feu+Ele->J, Maps, Japanese cancel Alliance
, Con+Mas+Feu+Com->A,E, Maps, 50<-A
, English cancel Alliance
700 Chivalry, S25
720 Hydroplant, S26
740 Leadership, S27
760 Gold, S28, Lea->J,E, Lea+Chi->A
780 Tactics, S29, Con+Tac+Mas+Lea+Feu+Chi->C, Cease Fire, Maps, Gems to Tenochtitlan (d,612), sold Sewer System
800 Mass Transit, Machine Tools, We Love ends
, sold Temple, Tac+Mac+Chi->J, Tac+Mac->A, Tac->E
EIFFEL TOWER -> excellent (dumping gold), Miniaturization, Min->A, 50
, Min+Mac->E,C, di N-Archers,
----- Con+Tac+Aut+Mas+Chi+Min+Lea+Com+Ele+Feu+Mac->M, Maps, Peace, Tac+Min+lea+Mac+Chi->F, Min->J
860 Offshore Platform -> 50+ shields
880 Computers, Wine to Tenochtitlan (204)
900 Research Lab, Mobile Warfare, sold Aquaduct, Gold to Tenochtitlan (d,612), we are spotless
920 Robotics -> 60+ shields, Grassland/r into Hills/r
960 Food, Flight, Hills/r mined -> 70+ shields
980 Food
1000 Radio
1040 Advanced Flight
1060 Grassland(s)/r into Hills/r
1080 Rocketry
Space Flight, Hills/r mined -> 80+ shields, hunger=7
1160 S#01, Plastics
1180 S#02
1200 S#03, Atomic Theory
1220 S#04, Plains into Grassland -> hunger=6, di Transport
1240 C#01, Nuclear Fission, di Engineers -> hunger=4
1260 C#02, Mongols: WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE
1280 S#05, Nuclear Power
1300 S#06
1320 S#07, The Laser
1340 S#08, Ally(J), 200
for War(E) (still spotless!)
1360 S#09, Superconductor
1380 S#10
1400 S#11, Fusion Power
1420 S#12
1440 S#13
1460 S#14
1480 S#15, di Engineers -> hunger=2
1500 M#01, di N-Phalanx
1510 M#02, Recycling, di N-Chariot, Chinese boast about Genetic Engineering
1520 M#03,
LAUNCH 15-1-1-1-1-1, Chinese: SETI PROGRAM
1521 City Walls
1522 Environmentalism
1523 S28
1524 Solar Plant, sold Hydroplant
1525 Barracks, Stealth
1526 Armor
1527 Coastal Fortress
1528 Communism
1529 Airport, French: STATUE OF LIBERTY
1531 Stealth Bomber, Espionage, Barb Pikemen
1532 Spy
1533 Barb Pikemen
1534 F#01, "Japanese aquire Flight from the French"
1535 Barb Pikemen
1537 F#02, Barb Pikemen
1538 UNITED NATIONS, Peace(E), English destroy Mentos
1540 F#03, Peace(C)
1541 French: Radio, Mongols: Flight, MAGELLAN'S EXPEDITION
1542 "English aquire Flight from the Mongols"
Barbs build Armor in Tenochtitlan!
1547 "Mongols acquire Radio from the French"
1552 F#07
1553 ORACLE, bribed C Armor (528)
1554 French: Advanced Flight
1555 GREAT WALL, F#08
Score=478 (62%)
Note: I had to play 2500 BC - 2200 BC again (copying every action) because our Settlers went on strike. Luckily they were obedient the second time.
If you have no feet, don't walk on fire
[This message has been edited by Ribannah (edited October 25, 2000).]