May 20, 2000, 15:24
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I was wondering about game loyalty
I was just wondering...I visit the Alpha Centauri forums and the Civ2 forums, and I noticed that although some people visit both forums, there seems to be a distinct separation of people who play Civ2 and those who play Alpha Centauri.
Some of the regular people who post on the Civ2 forums don't post on the Alpha Centauri forums, and vice versa.
I myself play both games and like them both ALOT, but I was curious if there were guys out there who are pure Civ2 fans that won't touch AC or if there are guys who think that AC completely demolishes Civ2 and they haven't touched there copy of Civ2 since AC was released..
To site a couple of examples...I know about the Velociryx in the AC forums, but never see him in the Civ2 forums....and I don't recall ever seeing Venger or War4ever or Oldman in the AC forums..
If I am incorrect because I haven't browsed the forums thoroughly enough please tell me.
Are there really guys out there that love either AC or Civ2 so much that they don't ever play or feel the want to post on the other's forum?
May 20, 2000, 16:12
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I play SMAC, Civ2 and CTP and read and post in the forums for all three games (although my SMAC posts are mostly PBEM turn updates). But most people here seem to play only one of these three games, or at least they only seem to post in the forums of one game. I guess they find their favourite game so much better than the other games that they don't play those other games.
May 20, 2000, 16:51
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I have to agree with what Paul said. I own civ civ2 ctp tot smac fw smacx etc..... they are all interesting games with smac and civ being my favorites.
However, i dont' post in the SMAC section because the game doesn't hold the same value for me. I like SMAC but i prefer civ and thats generally where i post. It took me months to post in the off topic forums.
And while i have knowledge of many things about the other games, my true passion and knowledge again lies with civ2
May 20, 2000, 17:23
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perhaps cuz I got Civ2 first those others are just cheap copies to me.Might have been the other way round if I'd got CTP or SMAC first.
But,for now all civ type games are compared to civ2 in my mind.
Is it like civ2?
Is it as good as civ2?
hmmm..maybe I don't want civ3
May 20, 2000, 23:32
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Yes you do. You know you do.
Mono Rules!
May 21, 2000, 04:17
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I've never played ctp, smac etc. Only civ2
May 21, 2000, 07:03
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I played SMAC and CTP but never really posted to their forums. When I have posted to the SMAC forums it seems to be fourteen year olds that find a virtue in being fourteen that reply. I think SMAC is a more challenging game but it has no atmosphere. I only post to the CTP forums to dis the game. I supposte your right really.
Finbar- hows it going? Austraila still fun?
May 21, 2000, 16:12
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One explanation is that the SMAC forums were once a seperate forum, it's still 'unfamiliar ground' to us conservative old civvers..
May 21, 2000, 19:02
The Empress
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I am a pure civ II fan. While I have played SMAC, I hated it. I haven't even botherd to buy TOT or CTP either. I'm a civ II kinda gal  although I might give civ III a go..
Apolyton Empress
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May 22, 2000, 06:26
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Me & my girlfriend have both Civ2 (GE) and SMAC : it happens that though we both like those games, I prefer the "historical" taste of Civ2 - I'd rather play with CiC, non FW -, and she appreciates the differences between the 7 SMAC characters.
She also enjoyed Colonization, I didn't, I've played a lot with Railroad Tycoon, she found it too repetitive, we both played Imperialim, etc...
Mostly, whether we appreciate a strategy game does not depend on the game engine (which has to be good, at least :-) ), but mainly on the atmosphere...
May 22, 2000, 08:35
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I played the SMAC demo and felt like it's probably a better game; I've never tried CTP. My problem with playing those games is the same one I run into in playing scenarios in Civ2: learning curve. I've been playing Civ for something like 7 years, and I know the game inside and out. I don't really have the time or desire to learn another game as intimately, and I'd be frustated playing at a lower level. Plus, I'm a cheapskate. Why spend more money when I haven't exhausted the capabilities of this game?
I also enjoy interacting with the online community here. The challenge games and new ideas keep me interested in the game. If traffic died out on the Civ forums, I'd be tempted to move to SMAC, but things always seem to keep perking along...
May 22, 2000, 09:29
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I began with civ I, loved it, got cvi II, became an addict about six years ago. I like SMAC, because of the easier micromanagement, the better diplomacy, and the four different ways of winning, just to name some reasons. what I dislike most about SMAC is the DesignWorkshop because there´s too much possible Units and too much work maintaining your existing units. I like civ II most, because it has the perfect balance of simple, straight game-principe and complex strategy.
I gave CtP two weeks to persuade me, but it didnt do it...
May 22, 2000, 11:22
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I've only played Civ and Civ 2 and have never played any of the branch games. Not that I don't want to, my PC has a small hard drive so I take what I can get. And what I can get is Civ 2. DaveV pretty much said it all. This game is enthralling. Somehow it continues to suck me in and keep me up too late at night. MP is great, but slow too, so I still get a kick out of playing SP. The folks in the Civ2 forums all cool enough to talk to and don't put you down just because you "discovered" something out about the game that someone brought up two years ago.
I'd love to play SMAC. When I first read a pre-release review, I almost fainted. It looks awesome. When I end up playing it, I'll most likely post to the forum as well. But, Civ2 is king. It always will be.
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May 23, 2000, 00:44
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For me, a simple answer really. I hate anything to do with scifi and fantasy (gee, I wondered if I've said that before  ), and SMAC, ToT, CtP all appears to be based on those premises. (Actually CtP seemed to be based on a pile of crap, but that's another thread). I know people have played those games thinking that 'units are units' and focus on strategy, but I can't do that. The minute that I see robots, drones, aliens, monsters, spaceships, etc. in a game, I lose all interest.
May 26, 2000, 08:42
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Steve, you must be out of your mind. DISLIKE FANTASY AND SCI-FI?!??!?!?!
Thats impossible! I mean, real life is so dull and blank. Nothing fun, such as magic or robots (okay, we have robots, but they are not really that advanced. I heard they had built a robot that had the equivalent of a 2-year olds intelligence. I want better) or anything. For me, the most boring game would be a Civ game without any fantasy elements.
May 26, 2000, 11:44
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"Life dull and blank"????? Remind me not to go to Finland.
May 26, 2000, 16:02
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I think it was daveV who stated something about familiarity..... and i think thats a major one for those of us who don't have the time to learn a new game. Alot of gamers tend to follow a loyal pattern to games.... Many of us started off with civ way back in 91 or later so the switcy to civ2 wasnt that difficult. Those are the same people who will go out and buy and be VERY LOYAL to civ3 if it is even half as good as civ2....
I don't speak for everyone and i am sure you will let me know, but i know there are some of you there that will drop civ2 for awhile, while you learn to master with joy or with pain the next installment of this brilliant series brought to us by the man who created the origional.... (yes i know some of the best guys left the team but we can still hope that Sid hasn't sold out)
May 29, 2000, 21:31
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Let's face it: CTP, SMAC and the zillion others are mere clones of our beloved game. Some of them are o.k. (SMAC), but most of them are dowright crap. If I venture out to play other games, they have got to be different. Like Pharaoh, or the Sims. None have ever quite caught my imagination like CIV has, though. Usually, I go through a phase where I'm into an other game for about a month or two, and then get back to CIV. It just can't be beaten for sheer depth of gameplay.
Furthermore, I have to agree with Steve: Sci-fi and Fantasy are just not my cup of tea. (Maybe if I was from Finland, I'd need some escapism too).
Ceterum censeo Romanem esse delendam.
May 30, 2000, 18:06
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Finland is a pretty good place. But I'm down with Steve. Space ships are too dull to be bothered with beyond what I can see at the cinema. I can't relate to them closely enough to play a game around them (well, maybe Freelancer...) and fantasy elements don't even have the appeal of believing that they ever could happen.
Bring on Civ III with crusaders,moors et al but leave the dragons at home.
Time for bed now.
May 31, 2000, 16:56
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[quote]Originally posted by vee4473 on 05-20-2000 03:24 PM
I myself play both games and like them both ALOT, but I was curious if there were guys out there who are pure Civ2 fans that won't touch AC or if there are guys who think that AC completely demolishes Civ2 and they haven't touched there copy of Civ2 since AC was released..
well, i was addicted to civ2, but then i got smac, and haven't played civ2 since. we got CTP too, but i played that once and haven't touched it since, i hate the interface! tried it again yesterday, it's just icky.
but then again, i'm not a guy, so i'm not sure my reply fits into your poll...
May 31, 2000, 18:26
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I play both CivII and SMAC Planetary Pack. I love CivII for the great depth of gameplay and the historical settings (hey, there is a scenario for just about every period in history - how's THAT for a GREAT game system).
I'm a strategy and history junkie - most games I play HAVE to be historical or a wargame.
Now SMAC is the ONLY SciFi game I have EVER bought. Why? Great graphics, indepth gameplay, fantastic diplomacy model, and the fact that I can at least stretch my imagination to believe that yes, perhaps some earth colonists did escape earth (after all one of the objectives in CivII IS to get to Alpha Centauri), and landed on a distant planet. So I have fun with it from that perspective. But ALL other SciFi/fantasy games turn me right off - just can't get into them...
As far as Civ III is concerned - my gut feeling is that this is going to be a great game. Why? No other game is so clearly identified with Sid Meier, strategy or with gaming excellence. I just cannot imagine Sid allowing Civ III to be released without being perfect in every way... Man when that game hits the stores there will be a stampede, the likes of which we have never seen before. The Civilization games have defined the terms "fun", "addictive" and "strategy".
Long live Sid and Civilization...
Go tell the Spartans, passerby:
That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.
May 31, 2000, 18:36
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Hey there KMadeleine!!!!
Of course your reply fits into my poll!!!!
Sorry if I sounded like i only wanted "guys" opinions....
I meant everybody. Like girls like you.
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