Scott F,
thanks for help. I must admit that though I remembered
that NP can't be built without factory, I quite forgotten
about that it doesn't give You any production bonus alone

You see, I tried it before, I built a factory, put a proper
prerequisite to the NP (nil) and still nothing!
You know what turned out? My rules got a bit mixed;
nil=no and never=nil

(that's nothing that strange. "Insufficient memory"
stands in my event editor for "delete", delete for edit,
and edit for add, somehow.)
Dumb dumb me. I should have noticed it.
Than You very much, again
William Keenan,
thanks for help too.
It can be changed. Alter it in the MENU.TXT file and copy the file
to the civ2 main directory.
Can I ask scenario=players to do that?
They do not blow up, so don't plan your scenario arround it.
But they do!
Everything works fine. The problem is that the text about
contamination, it has the icon of Manhattan project attached.
And in my scn, Manhattan Project is changed to something quite
unsuitable for such event.
The solar plant is the only plant that CAN go with others. You can
only build one of the following in your city: Nuclear Plant, Power
Plant, Hydro Plant. In addition, you can build a Solar Plant. Another
reason you may not be able to build a Nuclear Plant is because you
have the Hoover Dam, which counts as a Hydro Plant in every city.
Aha. Thanks very much, Jorrit

I'm not up to anything special. I don't want to cause any catastrophe,
just to make it possible. There is a tragedy that will happen to the
players of my scenario anyway; they'll have to read my readme, he he he.
Once again thanks everyone for their help.