July 29, 2001, 17:25
Local Time: 06:56
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Next time there's a chat
next time we have an apolyton chat, can we make people use their real user names. Not mentioning any names but a certain israeli spammer tried to convince us that he was DanQ. Not mentioning any names though.
July 29, 2001, 17:49
Apolyton CS Co-Founder
Local Time: 13:56
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that is achievable only if you register your nick on DALnet
July 29, 2001, 18:49
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Only too bad that seemingly everyone's name is already taken...
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July 29, 2001, 18:58
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Well, no-one had taken MingleonarkosQ the Great.
July 29, 2001, 19:28
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Eli has now registered DanQ!!
July 29, 2001, 19:30
Local Time: 14:56
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And someone was using LTEC.
About the Israeli spammer : No comment. 
There was a guy, called DanQ with no op, though he was supposed to have one, and he started discussing with you about Poly's financial problems.
And you believed this!? God...
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
July 29, 2001, 19:32
Local Time: 14:56
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Originally posted by GP
Eli has now registered DanQ!!
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
July 29, 2001, 19:40
Local Time: 04:56
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Yes. I was using LTEC.
Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before.
July 29, 2001, 20:14
Local Time: 01:56
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Originally posted by Eli
Err...I made that up. You should do it...so that you can hold it over the admins' heads.
July 29, 2001, 20:21
Local Time: 14:56
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Yeah... But then I'll have to change my nickname on Poly to "settler forever".
"Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.
July 29, 2001, 20:34
Local Time: 01:56
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You are such a cute spammer. I like your avatar.
July 30, 2001, 02:37
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Originally posted by Eli
And you believed this!? God...
its not that i believed it, its just that it might cut down on spam in chat, maybe. the unnamed one will probably just go in there just to spite me
July 30, 2001, 06:49
Local Time: 13:56
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Location: Antwerp, Colon's Chocolate Canard Country
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Maybe we should assign post-counts to chatters as well, it wouldn't be fair to them if they’d be disadvantaged because they chose to spam elsewhere.
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July 30, 2001, 11:53
Local Time: 01:56
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I agree [/science advisor voice]
July 30, 2001, 16:04
Local Time: 11:56
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That chat was fairly confusing: Here's the log I copied (I'm getting my post count +1 for the chat... ARE YOU?  )
LTEC was masquerading as mtg
mirc Apolyton talk on DAL.net
*** Now talking in #apolyton
*** Topic is 'Apolyton.net Channel - Discussion on Civ games'
*** Set by ACS_MarkG on Thu Jul 26 13:13:25
<RED_DarkCloud> Hello!
<EliEli> What's up DC?
<RED_DarkCloud> Hi Eli. What has happened so far?
<king_Bill> hi
<Hueij> i could, just that. thing was i had all these people i owe money to knocking at my door at the same time
<Dugrik> hello DarkCloud
<RED_DarkCloud> Hi Dug- who are you at apolyton?
<Hueij> tnx to our system i can still call it my door
<RED_DarkCloud> How long has everyone been here?
<RED_DarkCloud> and how often is this chat room used?
<Dugrik> Dugrik -- just like it says
<Dugrik> I mostly play CTP Multiplayer
<king_Bill> a few minuits
<Hueij> no, unemployed from one moment to the other
<RED_DarkCloud> Oh, I only posted in CTP2 once...
<Hueij> unprepared :-(
<RED_DarkCloud> that would explain.
<EliEli> away
<GBP> Well, I guess the question is how deep should the safety net be?
<king_Bill> saftey net?
<Hueij> dc, please loose the colors
<RED_DarkCloud> Never!
<GBP> concur
<king_Bill> lol
* GBP slaps RED_DarkCloud around a bit with a large trout
<king_Bill> lol
<king_Bill> point and laught
<RED_DarkCloud> Eli are you still there: I just found this news article: Israel Says It Will Stop Extremist Jews
<RED_DarkCloud> From Laying Temple Cornerstone
<Hueij> i live in a poor neighborhood and there are a lot of people needing (without their fault) the net
<GBP> the colors are evil...
<Dugrik> l
<RED_DarkCloud> "Emperors" are evil too.
<RED_DarkCloud> only kings are pure
<EliEli> we already stoped them.
<EliEli> for many times
<Hueij> and now i can pay my share again, i gladly will
*** Locutus1 has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<RED_DarkCloud> How about this eli: "OCCUPIED JERUSALEM - Israel's supreme court ruled Wednesday that a small band of right-wing Jewish radicals could plant a symbolic first stone for raising Judaism's "third temple in Jerusalem's Old City, but not on Al Haram Al Sharif Mosque compound," public radio said. -- More"
<king_Bill> lol
<GBP> So would it be even better with a larger net?
<RED_DarkCloud> I have no idea why this is on a Sci-Fi news site?
<GBP> Does everyone react the way you did?
<EliEli> sci fi? lol
<RED_DarkCloud> Eli- do you know any more news about CGN?
<RED_DarkCloud> Yes, it was on a sci-fi/supernatural/ufo site
<EliEli> CGN? nope
*** Locutus has joined #Apolyton
<EliEli> link link link
<RED_DarkCloud> Welcome back locutus.
<RED_DarkCloud> Here: http://www.rense.com/
<Locutus> thnx, still having problems with my 'puter
<RED_DarkCloud> I've been on numerous UFO sites recently
<RED_DarkCloud> "This is just like the OT" 
<Hueij> gp, yep, they cut a lot during the 80's and 90's. people on wellfare are down 15% since 1985. And that's a lot when you have almost nothing
<RED_DarkCloud> It's about halfway down the page, Eli
<king_Bill> yummm yes quite
<RED_DarkCloud> King Bill- who are you on apolyton? Just wondering?
<GBP> Just because they cut doesn't mean it's bad. Depends on where you start from, no?
Depends on where you start from, no?
<Locutus> ouch, what a horible colors, DC!
<king_Bill> Supreme Master
<EliEli> DC: I'm Emailing honestreporting now. 
<Hueij> no gp. minimum wellfare is not enough for basic needs, even here
<king_Bill> i h8 money
<EliEli> what's AFP?
<RED_DarkCloud> okay, thanks bill
<RED_DarkCloud> Honest reporting- Eli?
<RED_DarkCloud> What is that?
<GBP> So...is that the way it should be? Or should welfare meet all needs (which we've already said is more than eating... )
<Locutus> well, you can give it all to me, Bill Or Apolyton...
<king_Bill> no
<EliEli> what's AFP?
<king_Bill> forible colours
<king_Bill> horible
<EliEli> yeah
<king_Bill> stop it u fool
<Hueij> it should include telephone, a washing machine, in short, basic living. nothing fancy
<RED_DarkCloud> What are you talking about Eli- AFP?
<RED_DarkCloud> Oh, just joined the 'elvis' club with you in Civ III 
<EliEli> AFP, it's a news agency. I need the fool name.
<EliEli> full 
<Hueij> at least not what i'm going to do now, getting beer :-))
<EliEli> I knew it! Damn French!
*** ^MtG has joined #apolyton
<king_Bill> hi
<Locutus> don't get too drunk Hueij! Tomorrow is Monday, you'll probably regret it
<EliEli> impersonator!
<^MtG> of whom?
<RED_DarkCloud> Mtg, of course
<EliEli> Mtg!
<RED_DarkCloud> Eli- who kicked you out of the chat
<^MtG> i gave myself away so easily?
<king_Bill> k i dont know whats going on here so im off. Bye
*** king_Bill has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
<EliEli> MArk 
<^MtG> ok.
<^MtG> i give up
<RED_DarkCloud> Oh, I should have guessed.
*** ^MtG is now known as LTEC
<LTEC> this is really me
<GBP> I prefer to think that it should include the bare essentials...i.e. food and shelter. You can walk to a payphone, you can use a laundrmat...I do that. It should not be a permanent setup (cradle to grave) but bare essentials that leave a strong incentive to change the situation.
<RED_DarkCloud> who here listens to the Apolyton Radio
<EliEli> LOL
<EliEli> Not me
<RED_DarkCloud> Aye do.
<Locutus> guilty as charged
<LTEC> radio?
<RED_DarkCloud> Eli- you have a lot of time, would you be interested in joining a AC-Fiction story?
<RED_DarkCloud> Apolyton radio LTEC, it was accessable from the main page.
<LTEC> my god
<LTEC> you guys have nothing to do
<Locutus> do you?
<RED_DarkCloud> yes. But it's not given by a diety. a mere king reads it- DanQ 
<EliEli> DC : No. I cant keep doing things that take lots of time for long, even if they are interesting. See my bad expirience with dip and the frontier
<LTEC> as if browsing the message board wasnt time consuming enough
<LTEC> playing civ, etc
<LTEC> add to it RADIO?
<RED_DarkCloud> 4,1 you can listen to the radio while on the board
<Locutus> yep, that's what I do
<RED_DarkCloud> Eli- have you noticed that despite the
<RED_DarkCloud> Eli- have you noticed that despite the fact more people are on apolyton, less posts seem to be worth commenting to?
<RED_DarkCloud> I don't think I'll ever get to Emperor at this rate.
<Locutus> who cares?
<EliEli> YEah... less ME thread,s 
<Hueij> gp, just back...
<Hueij> " You can walk to a payphone, you can use a laundrmat...I do that. It should not be a permanent setup (cradle to grave) but bare essentials that leave a strong incentive to change the situation."
<RED_DarkCloud> I do.
<Locutus> why?
<RED_DarkCloud> I've been hanging around with Jay Bee in the Spanish Civ II forums, learning spanish
<RED_DarkCloud> I know some hebrew.
<Hueij> these things are more costly than your own phone, yor own machine...
<RED_DarkCloud> Not much...
<RED_DarkCloud> Locutus- it's a status symbol
<RED_DarkCloud> I don't post in the OT as much because it isn't counting for anything anymore
*** Locutus has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
<Hueij> ltec?? of mtg fame?
<LTEC> fame?
<EliEli> LTEC - do you know something about Apolytons financial problems?
<Hueij> yeah? how would yoyu call it? :-))
<LTEC> stop bull****ting Eli
<LTEC> yes, Hueij. I'm Michaels best half
<Hueij> eli, that's up to dan and markos...
<Hueij> i know, you're the one prescribing cake :-))
<EliEli> I just wondered if she knows...
*** Snoopy has joined #Apolyton
<RED_DarkCloud> I know some of the phonetic words- or used to- an aquantiance of mine was learning hebrew.
<LTEC> good for the spirit
<RED_DarkCloud> I seem to remember "Shakah" means shut up
<Hueij> she wouldn't tell if she knew eli
<RED_DarkCloud> and the "sh'ma" was a holy book
*** Snoopy has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
<Hueij> but how's things in mexico
*** Noitcid has joined #Apolyton
<LTEC> nice and warm over here
<RED_DarkCloud> Oh well... thanks for the nice conversation- I had better go now. I could be back in a few hours?
<RED_DarkCloud> Goodbye.
-->Visit CGN!
-->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944
July 30, 2001, 21:08
Local Time: 04:56
Local Date: October 31, 2010
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: ...and ICE CREAM!
Posts: 514
Last time you see me on dat chatroom.
Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before.
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