OK, here is my log. Don't peek if you haven't finished yet.
Are you peeking?

Well, first off, Sten, it was pretty sneeky to give us a completely open tech tree. I didn't really realize until I was researching refrigeration, and thought "gee, that was a pretty direct path I took". At first I thought it was something I was doing. I was allied with all 6 AIs, and had given them all my science. I figured that the computer was rewarding me by not removing tech choices.
It will be interesting to see how people cope with the rapid arrival of space flight. I was madly trying to mine some of those hills (while fighting pollution) that had been cluttering up my city site, and was beginning to despair when Space Flight came and I had a production of only 50 (and had just finished my 9 caravans). I delayed rush buying Appollo for 3 or 4 turns, but even so I had to rushbuy temples (160 gold) and switch to SS-Structural to crank them out 1 per turn for a little while. But things fell into place nicely in the end (except for running out of money while I stupidly researched fundamentalism - I'm used to having two caravans per module, so I miscalculated the amount of money I would need - I ended up selling off science improvements to get the last module out the door).
This was the first game where I got a NONE settler by tipping a hut. It probably only happens if you don't have a NONE settler already.
The AIs were very tame. No one declared war on me or sneek attacked until I had my spaceship almost done. The city location was quite issolated. Only the Vikings sent someone over to take a look.
The trireme was a great help in ferrying over caravans.
OK, lets get on with the log. First is the abbreviated log which will fit into Paul's comparison table. I've added a couple of fields at the bottom to do with gifts/trade
AC 1705
>Establishing new goverments:
Monarchy -2650
Republic -1050
Democracy 40
Colossus -1950
Copernicus -675
Shakespeare -375
Newton 160
Darwin 800
Apollo 1380
>Trade routes
First -1050
Second -1050
Third -900
>Scientific discoveries - Turns between / (Date/turns from start)
Start-Trade 38 (-2100/38)
Trade-Cons 10 (-1600/48)
Cons-San 31 (-525/79)
San-Refr 43 (440/122)
Refr-Auto 16 (760/138)
Auto-Comp 12 (1000/150)
Comp-SF 12 (1240/162)
SF-AC 47 (1705/209)
>City population
size 12 -800
size 21 600
>gold acquired
gifts/tribute 3900
trade routes 1443
barbarians 300
Now for the full log:
4000 BC - archer NONE (hut)
3900 BC - archer NONE (hut)
3750 BC - horseman NONE (hut)
3650 BC - Mysticism (hut)
3650 BC - archer NONE(hut)
3650 BC - horseman NONE (hut)
3650 BC - found Kingston (corn was irrigated)
3550 BC - Alphabet (Vikings), Peace
3150 BC - Code of Laws
3100 BC - 100 gold (Romans), Peace
3050 BC - settlers NONE (hut)!!! (of course, they are half way around the world)
2900 BC - Writing (hut)
2750 BC - Alliance with Romans
2700 BC - Monarchy, revolution
2650 BC - switched to Monarchy
2650 BC - Alliance with Mongols
2600 BC - archer NONE (hut)
2600 BC - Currency, Map Making (Americans)
2600 BC - 50 gold, share maps, Alliance with Americans
2550 BC - Horseback Riding (Zulus), peace
2550 BC - share maps with everyone
2500 BC - archer NONE (hut)
2450 BC - 50 gold (zulus)
2300 BC - archer NONE (hut)
2200 BC - Masonry (Romans)
2150 BC - 25 gold (Zulus, Mongols)
2100 BC - Trade
2000 BC - 25 gold (Romans, Zulus)
1950 BC - built Colossus
1900 BC - 100 gold, share maps, Alliance with Aztecs
1800 BC - built Library
1800 BC - Literacy (hut)
1700 BC - 150 gold (Barbarian)
1700 BC - Alliance with Vikings
1650 BC - built Gold Caravan
1600 BC - Construction
1600 BC - 50 gold, Alliance with Zulus (that's everyone!)
1550 BC - built Coal Caravan
1550 BC - 150 gold (Barbarian)
1450 BC - built Hides Caravan
1400 BC - 25 gold (Aztecs)
1300 BC - Pottery (Vikings)
1300 BC - 50 gold (hut), 25 gold (Mongols)
1250 BC - built Marketplace
1150 BC - built Temple
1150 BC - Philosophy, The Republic, Revolution
1100 BC - 25 gold (Romans), 50 gold (Aztecs)
1050 BC - switched to Republic
1050 BC - 50 gold (Vikings, Mongols), 25 gold (Americans)
1050 BC - 86 gold (Gold caravan to Washington)
1050 BC - 66 gold (Coal caravan to Zimbabwe)
1000 BC - build Colosseum, begin WLTCD (size is 4), disband archer
975 BC - Mathematics
975 BC - built Aqueduct
925 BC - 25 gold (Zulus), 50 gold (Americans, Mongols)
900 BC - 156 gold (Hides caravan to Tenochtitlan)
875 BC - Astronomy
825 BC - 50 gold (Vikings)
800 BC - size 12, end WLTCDs
775 BC - 25 gold (Romans), 50 gold (Zulus, Vikings)
750 BC - Medicine
700 BC - sell Colosseum, disband Archer
675 BC - built Copernicus' Obeservatory
675 BC - 50 gold (Zulus)
675 BC - The Wheel
600 BC - Engineering
550 BC - 50 gold (Romans, Americans)
525 BC - Sanitation
525 BC - 50 gold (Zulus), 100 gold (Aztecs)
450 BC - 50 gold (Aztecs)
425 BC - University
400 BC - sell temple, disband chariot
375 BC - built Shakespeare's Theatre
350 BC - 50 gold (Americans)
325 BC - Iron Working
325 BC - 100 gold (Vikings)
300 BC - built University
250 BC - 100 gold (Mongols, Zulus)
225 BC - built Sewer System
200 BC - 50 gold (Vikings, Americans)
175 BC - Banking
175 BC - Seafaring (Aztecs)
175 BC - 50 gold (Aztecs, Zulus, Mongols)
150 BC - built Bank, disband archer
150 BC - built Harbour, begin WLTCD (pop is 12)
125 BC - Theory of Gravity
100 BC - 50 gold (Vikings)
25 BC - Invention, end WLTCD (pop now 16)
25 BC - 50 gold (Zulus, Aztecs), alliance disolved with Mongols
20 AD - 50 gold (Romans, Vikings)
40 AD - Democracy, revolution
60 AD - formed Democracy
100 AD - Economics
100 AD - 50 gold (Americans)
140 AD - Chemistry
140 AD - 100 gold (Zulus), 25 gold (Romans), 50 gold (Vikings, Aztecs, Americans)
160 AD - built Isaac Newton's College
180 AD - Gunpowder
200 AD - built Stock Exchange
220 AD - Explosives, Navigation (Americans)
240 AD - built Engineer
240 AD - 50 gold (Vikings, Zulus, Americans), 100 gold (Aztecs)
260 AD - Physics, share maps with everyone but Mongols
280 AD - built Engineer
320 AD - Magnetism, built beads caravan
360 AD - Metallurgy, built silk caravan
400 AD - Electricity
420 AD - 50 gold (Romans, Americans)
440 AD - Refrigeration
460 AD - Supermarket, begin WLTPD (pop is 14)
480 AD - Steam Engine
500 AD - Conscription (Aztecs)
500 AD - 100 gold (Aztecs), 50 gold (Americans)
520 AD - Railroad, built copper caravan
540 AD - 75 gold (Vikings)
560 AD - Industrialization
560 AD - 166 gold (Beads caravan to Texcoco)
580 AD - built wine caravan
600 AD - The Corporation
600 AD - end WLTPD (size now 21)
620 AD - 50 gold (Romans, Vikings, Americans)
640 AD - Refining
660 AD - 50 gold (Romans, Vikings), 25 gold (Aztecs)
680 AD - Combustion, 50 gold (Romans)
720 AD - Steel, 50 gold (Romans)
740 AD - 50 gold (Vikings, Americans), 25 gold (Aztecs)
760 AD - Automobile
800 AD - Darwin's Voyage
800 AD - Electronics, Feudalism
820 AD - Chivalry 148 gold (Silk caravan to Rome), 348 gold (Copper caravan to Tenochtitlan)
840 AD - Leadership, 385 gold (Wine caravan to Texcoco)
840 AD - built Hydro Dam
880 AD - Tactics, 50 gold (Vikings, Americans)
920 AD - Machine Tools
920 AD - Mass Production (Zulus)
960 AD - Miniturization
1000 AD - Computers, 50 gold (Vikings, Americans)
1020 AD - Research Lab
1020 AD - Mobile Warfare
1040 AD - Robotics
1060 AD - Flight
1060 AD - built Manufacturing Plant, disband archer
1080 AD - built Offshore Platform
1100 AD - Radio
1120 AD - built wine caravan, begin WLTPD (size 21)
1140 AD - Advanced Flight
1180 AD - Rocketry, end WLTPD (size 23), sell aqueduct
1200 AD - sell sewer system
1240 AD - Space Flight (production is only 53, oh oh)
1300 AD - Plastics
1340 AD - 88 gold (Wine caravan to Ulundi) oops
1360 AD - Atomic Theory
1380 AD - built Appollo Program
1420 AD - Nuclear Fission
1440 AD - finally have production of 80
1480 AD - Nuclear Power
1520 AD - The Laser
1550 AD - Superconductor
1580 AD - Nuclear Power
1580 AD - Communism, Genetic Engineering (Americans)
1580 AD - Monotheism, Polytheism (Zulus)
1610 AD - Stealth
1640 AD - Fundamentalism
1680 AD - sold University (running out of rush buy money)
1690 AD - Launch (arrival in 1705)
build a barracks, a bunch of tanks
1694 AD - Espionage
1700 AD - Recycling
1705 AD - arrival in AC
Well, I'm off to bed.
[This message has been edited by Tom DeMille (edited February 21, 2000).]