Man, I just listened to the 22nd news edition.... eek

It's cute!
It's got potential . why do I have the feeling you recorded it all at one blow??? (figure of speach)
Record yourself in RA, send the file my way, together with any music you want to cut in and I can edit everything
I've had mucho experience with radio since.. erm... well, I liked to play pretend with my radio tape
And later I got this cool program for audio editing that can save as real audio files
And I can even conver RA to WAV.
Once I manage to get a right plug for the mic, I'll be doing Civ shows myself.
Btw, if you want to have interviews with anyone, just send them the questions and let them record their answers. I'll edit it together.
Trust me, I'm good at this, and I'm eager to help.
Expecting RA files pouring at me e-mail