August 8, 2001, 05:43
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Hi Wes,
I would like to report a bug I am having with Med Mod 1.1. At a random time during the prgress of the game it ends up hanging on the Barbarian player and nothing I do can unhang it. When I shut down the game and restart the computer and reload a game saved previously to the Barbarian hang, the game will again hang around the time of the last hang. I do not know how to resolve this issue. I did not have a problem with this in previous Med Mods so I am asuming that it is something related to this version. I am also wondering if it is related to the crash to desk top somebody else reported. I know with W2K things that used to crash to desktop now just hang the system.
Any suggestions would be very helpful.
Timothy Pintello
August 8, 2001, 05:48
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Hi Martin,
Your screen shot looks really nice! I am glad that somebody has finally figured out how to add production, food, etc... to the good tiles. I am all for your finishing your goodmod and getting it out there. I certainly will use it.
On another question, where did the bison, lobster, and fish come from. Those look like they are left over from CTP 1. Are additional goods a feature of your new mod? If so I say go for it!
As to the graphic to use, how about the same graphic as the good? That way it will all look the same.
I really look forward to seeing the finished product of this mod.
Timothy Pintello
August 8, 2001, 09:35
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Obscure Bug:
It seems that, at least in the Ancient Age, The Middle City style is skipped and at Population 5 the city looks like it should at Size Large (Sorry if I'm not the first person to reprt this I Haven't been following this thread very closely).
August 8, 2001, 15:04
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Concerning the Goods Improvements, how about an outline of the original goods (so you see a difference once it's been pillaged). That is of course assuming you can create a different sprite for each Good/Improvement.
I'm digging into the terrain and improvement files now myself and expect to come up with more realistic values (from my point of view). If it works I will eventually make the files public so people can use them in the regular game or withing a mod. One important thing is that you don't have to go by 5 point increments for those values, so more variation is possible without drastic differences etc. I will also adabt river and city values to each trrain type (not generic as it seems to be now). The same again for improvements and I may add a few as well.
I will have to look at how the random maps are created to determine whether there is a simple way to add new terrain types as well (mountain pass and volcano maybe). Otherwise someone might have an idea how to do that with SLIC after the map is created, I have no clue when it comes to programming anything more then a short cript or macro.
My changes will also include varied movement costs at sea and varied movement costs over roads and rivers (probably multiple road types which I believe is possible). Of course I will have to figure some more things out about how the ai works too.
Bah..., to think I only wanted to add production to beaches and food to forests at first and now I am once again passing all my time modyfing the game instead of playing it.
August 8, 2001, 15:09
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to delete
Last edited by Caranorn; August 9, 2001 at 07:09.
August 8, 2001, 17:35
Local Time: 04:58
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ctp2.exe bug solved
I know what caused my previous bug in the ctp2.exe file. I Started playing over again from 500ad, It didn't take that long to get to 780ad, One evening three or four hours tops. At this time I decided to go where the Poles(plural of Poland) were until they got conquered by barbarians, they only had 3 cities and very few units. One of their cities was conquered and the others were destroyed. I moved the map over there and the game crashed. So the problem was caused by the barbarians. I was trying to move my cog over there in my previous game(850ad) and the computer must have gotten confused because I think the barbarians don't have a greeting message, and it crashed.
I had to restart from 500ad again, becuase on 780ad I noticed that I could still build a blacksmith in my cities even though I had discovered flintlock. It seems that I had forgoten to change the obsoleting advance from electro-magnetism to flintlock. Don't bother locking for blacksmith, becuase it's a building I added along with the electric plant and skyscrapers. I might post them here if I get permission from Wes, after all it is his mod I edited.
I have noticed by using the cheat tool that the AIs are building too many horse archer units, and since they have 17 upkeep each they have very little production left, some of them even have negative production. I think this might have to do with the fact that I moved up calvary tactics alot in the mm2_advancelist.txt. Is this why it was up so much, in the medeval(spelling) age. Wes I think you should look at the advance list becuase many advances are before their prerequisites.
I heard someone complain that the AI doesn't terraform. so I edited the MM2_ImprovementLists.txt file and added the terraform tile improvements (the ones that start with TILEIMP_TERRAFORM). Now I just have to see if it works, and the AI knows how to terraform. in my current game I have an AI sorruonded by forest and jungle tiles,v and I'm going to see if It terraforms them.
Last edited by Cube; August 8, 2001 at 21:00.
August 8, 2001, 18:30
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. Note that tileimp.txt use decimal numbers.
Originally posted by Pintello
Your screen shot looks really nice! I am glad that somebody has finally figured out how to add production, food, etc... to the good tiles. I am all for your finishing your goodmod and getting it out there. I certainly will use it.
It is a sollution but a very slow one. After I emplemented the code for the different good my comp needed for that Barbarian turn two or three minutes instead of ten seconds. And I am using an Athlon 1333 Mhz with 256MB RAM. I did not tested it on my old computer (K6 233 Mhz with 64MB Ram). And I have the feeling that the code is not faster after I removed the graphics from my good tile improvements. (Using TilesetIndex 2 instead of TilesetIndex 100)
I also noticed that it slowed down the AI turn as it tries to create some of my good tile improvements. And I thought the AI is to stupid to build to the game added tile improvements. But now the enabling advance is Subneural Ads only availabe for the Barbarians. 
But fortunatly it is only neccessary that the code runs once at the beginning. And may be I will find a way to speed up the code a little bit.
To avoid another slow down you cannot get a city in the first two rounds, so explore your surroundings to find a good place or wait.
Originally posted by Pintello
On another question, where did the bison, lobster, and fish come from. Those look like they are left over from CTP 1. Are additional goods a feature of your new mod? If so I say go for it!
Those look like they are left over from CTP 1.
Actual I only used the beaver, sugar and poppy sprites from CTP1. For the other graphics I ask Nordicus for the *.tif files of his Alternative Goods for CTP1, because his sprites didn't look good. Unfortunatly these files were already gone before a long time. So his advice to me was to shrink down the images for the Great Library of his mod. So I did that, I added shaddows and made borders of the good graphics more or less transparent. I didn't that for peat and the metall ore stuff, because I think these goods already looks good enough. So the lobster, buffalo and tuna are created on my computer and based on the GL images of Nordicus' mod.
Originally posted by Caranorn
Concerning the Goods Improvements, how about an outline of the original goods (so you see a difference once it's been pillaged). That is of course assuming you can create a different sprite for each Good/Improvement.
If you put the cursor on such a good tile or on any tileimprovement you can see if a tile has an improvement or not right under the control pannel, you can find the status text tile type, owner, units on it etc...
But it would be possible to create such a tile improvement graphics. But I like the idea that you can't see it on the first look whether it is be pillaged or whether it is not be pillaged.
A last note for the Barbarians I don't know if Barbarians pillaged unowned tileimprovements if they do I have to write a small piece of slic to prevent them from pillaging good tiles.
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August 9, 2001, 02:09
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Ok....I need help.
I am running Win2K. I followed the directions for the Win2K instructions and copied the files over, etc....
I can play the game but I am unable to build several units...important units like settlers. I entered cheat mode to see if the settler was listed and it was, but it was marked as excluded (I think this is correct, cant remember) along with all the units I was unable to build. I went through and included all of the units that where not elite and everything appears to be working.
What am I doing wrong?
Help! :banned:
August 9, 2001, 11:51
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I must comment on a wonderful game I'm playing. I'm playing on a normal sized map on the impossible level of difficulty with five other races. One of them is an "evil genius" and has been out researching me for several centuries now. He has only a handful of cities, yet he is a half dozen research titles ahead of me. I'm amazed by this and really enjoy sending out spies to steal from him. Another element that makes this game so grand right now is that it's hard to keep gold in the treasury. Even after building the London exchange I still have difficulty keeping science high enough to keep the time below 10 turns and make the 2000 gold needed to steal advances. Fantastic!
Some of the other races or completely intractable when it comes to piracy. Which is annoying as I sorely need the gold. There seems to be a point where cities reach about size twenty, they have their hospital and their sanitation, but have not discovered television yet where the economy and science just grind to a halt. I expected easy sailing once I had the london exchange, but since I also started building other expensive to maintain buildings seems I just broke even. At first I was afraid the exchange wonder hadn't worked then I looked at the maintenance costs on factories and oil refirneries, mass transit etc, and I got the picture.
Lovely game. It's nice to actually be challened by your own empire even when the other races are more or less nothing now. Makes you want to play all the way until the end. Takes on a bit of the sim city appeal for me.
August 9, 2001, 12:25
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I'm having a blast on my new 1.1 game. In the information age, soon to be genetic age. I have some suggestions and some questions.
Q: Is it possible for you guys to change the graphics of the sea cities so they look like in CTP1?
Suggestions and "bugs":
1: I'm a big fan of the cruise missile usually. Latest MedMod updates has been causing me... grief when dealing with Cruise Missiles. In the original CTP II, cruise missiles used normal attack when being used, they did not use bombard. They sucked of course, due to their stats and very high cost. Now, damage is fine and all that, but, what's bugging me is:
a: only 400 move points (4 squares). This makes it very hard to get them to an airfield. If I want to send the missiles to load them onto ships, I need to load them into a bomber and so on and so forth.
b: Can someone please explain why you changed from normal attack to bombard? The side-effects of this are annoying 
b1: After attack, the missile is still present and has not been destroyed.
b2: You can move the missile after the attack (like an aircraft) or you can just skip it's turn and let it crash. Problem with this is, if I do a big attack with cruise missiles, I have a hell of a lot to order to wait, and the following turn I need to wait for all the missiles to crash 
What I did to fix this was:
Changed back to the original attack, removed bombard capabilities, added attack; sea, shallow, mountain, land. Now they work fine 
Side note: They should be a bit more expensive than 375 prod. 500, 750 or 1000 would be better.
As for movement, I say atleast 800 or 1000 would be sufficient, (currently using 1000).
Suggestions for Dreadnaught and Kraken subs.
They are both submarine vessels, and in their description it says they are supposed to be able to bombard Land AND Sea. I dunno if this is unchanged (the description) from the original. If it's a part of MedMod, then it's wrong  Neither the Kraken nor the Dreadnaught can bombard sea units. I don't really care if they can bombard land or not, just wanna know about why they shouldn't be able to bombard sea units. I've asked this question a few times and never really gotten an answer.
A little note on the AI:
They own 
They expand like crazy now, since urban planning. I started on a fairly large island, alone, and there are only 2 continents, my island, and the big one. The AI's have settled ALL avaliable land on that continent, except for the area I conquered and sealed off (arctic anyway).
Game's great so far, very nice work.
August 9, 2001, 13:54
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I gotta say that I don't see the point of playing on a large map. For me, I love playing on the regular map with 15 races. After all, early empires realized the dangers poised by their neighbors and developed militarys.
The game I currently playing had me, the Brazilians, the Assyrians, and the Canadians on a mid-sized continents. We had armies of spearmen moving back and forth. When the Assyrians came at me with Chariots, I knew fear. And, like reality, ALL land is valuable. I don't just leave big gaps in my empire.
I'm also growing more comefortable with the ideas of borders. There is a subtile shift you learn. Boarders are great - diplomats take a long time drawing them out, I suppose. But if you don't keep an eye on your own borders, its your own fault when settlers slip across. Now, those "older" units turn into national guard units, spaced out to keep a watch on my neighbors.
Yup, I'm really happy with the end result of all this. Thanks again to all the Modders!
August 9, 2001, 19:31
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I have been trying to make the AI terraform by editing the mm2_improvementlists.txt file. Well I have had the file edited for a while now about twenty turns or so and the AI hasn't terraformed yet. So i'm going to edit the part that says transportation and put in terraform grassland and terraform plains after tileimp_road, and see if it works. I know the AI can terraform because it cleans up dead tiles, does anyone know what code it uses to do this, and what file it is.
Some one said they are in the information age did the population boom slic work. If so how much was growth affected. I was Just thinking wont this happen before you discover sewers, and won't this cause it to have little affect. Even if you do have the sanitation advance it still takes 20 turns or more withouth using laborers to build sewers.
August 10, 2001, 01:04
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Jurisprudence... The best advance in the beginning.
1. Learn that
2. wait few centurys.
3. Then give 100 moneys to AI
4. Next turn suggest cease fire/peace to AI(optional)
5. Next turn request advance and offer Jurisprudence
6. You just got the advance
Continue steps 3-6 with all AIs and after that you are equal(or quite near) on science with other players.
This works every time because AIs do not usually learn Jurisprudence.
Maybe this would need a changes? This really works every turn and player gets advances too easily this way.
August 10, 2001, 01:15
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I am back with my war whining...
I am continuing to play my last game. I am now about in year 500AD. I have not seen other city captures after turn 100
It seems that all others are seeing a lot of enemy troops and citycaptures(is it so?) because anyone do not want to answer to my whinings anymore
But now I am just asking have anyone with slower computer seen aggressive AIs(city captures etc)? I have 300MHz and that is the only reason I can figure out why I have not seen many city captures.
Or is it always so that players with faster computer see aggressive AIs?
Or when do you see city captures? In early games? Or maybe after 1500AD?
And if you see city captures is it always so that it is a "war of one city"? I mean does AIs capture many cities from other AI or is the war like "AI1 capture one city and no other captures is not seen".
Have you ever seen AI to destroy the other country completely? Or is it always human who destroys other AIs?
PS. What are the original slider settings for water-land and continent-islands?
August 10, 2001, 01:28
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I have seen a computer AI take another one out. Its actually pretty funny. In my current game, I ran into the germans and wondered what had got into their city-naming until I realized that they were taking cities from the Zulus. So it happens.
The sliders (I think) all start in the middle.
August 10, 2001, 01:55
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Originally posted by Cube
Some one said they are in the information age did the population boom slic work. If so how much was growth affected. I was Just thinking wont this happen before you discover sewers, and won't this cause it to have little affect. Even if you do have the sanitation advance it still takes 20 turns or more withouth using laborers to build sewers.
I don't think my population boom SLIC went into the v1.1 release. It's being saved for the Crusade version of Med Mod, along with a lot of other nifty new features.
The way it will work is you get a 10% bonus to food when you discover Germ Theory, then another 10% when you get Immunization. Once your civ possesses both Contraception and Equal Rights, the bonuses get taken away.
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August 10, 2001, 02:07
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Originally posted by Bluevoss
I have seen a computer AI take another one out. Its actually pretty funny.
I want to see that too!!!
How fast is your computer?
Do you remember what was the year when this happened?
I just do not figure out why other players' AIs are more aggressvive than mine?!?
August 10, 2001, 02:45
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Tried the pack and enjoying it but have a few questions...
Well, from what I've played of the pack so far, it's great. It definitely feels a better game. Much more enjoyable than the standard.
Is the idea of some buildings becoming obsolete something that's been added? I'm pretty sure it wasn't in the original. More realisitic, makes it harder to play though. So, will the buildings simply collapse when they reach obsolescence, or will I have to manually sell them?
Also, will there be a version with bigger maps like in the Apoyton pack?
Also, is there anyway I can switch off the goodies huts permanently and thus avoid that horrible delay bug that was taking my enjoyment away? I don't think the game needs it anyway. It's different from Civ 2.
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August 10, 2001, 02:56
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Re: Tried the pack and enjoying it but have a few questions...
Originally posted by Russell
Is the idea of some buildings becoming obsolete something that's been added? I'm pretty sure it wasn't in the original.
I am not sure but I would guess that it was in the original game.
More realisitic, makes it harder to play though. So, will the buildings simply collapse when they reach obsolescence, or will I have to manually sell them?
I am not sure about this either but I have always thought that it is obvious that they will be automatically be destroyed when they become obsolete. I am 99.999% sure about this.
Also, will there be a version with bigger maps like in the Apoyton pack?
Check what "Large civs" version have eated. (From Wes's site).
Also, is there anyway I can switch off the goodies huts permanently and thus avoid that horrible delay bug that was taking my enjoyment away? I don't think the game needs it anyway. It's different from Civ 2.
I do not know but I can say that there is seldom more than 10 delays per game. I would say there is about 5-10 of them per game. And delays are always at the beginning of the game when most of the huts are found. So the delay is actually a very minor harm and you can get used to it quite fast
August 10, 2001, 03:47
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Originally posted by janilxx
But now I am just asking have anyone with slower computer seen aggressive AIs(city captures etc)? I have 300MHz and that is the only reason I can figure out why I have not seen many city captures.
I'm playing on a Celeron-processor with 333 MHz and I've seen a lot of city captures (from the ancient to the modern age (never played further on so far)) and even AIs being extinguished by another AI (This happend sometimes in the 19th century).
Only a guess, but perhaps it is dependant on the difficulty level. I'm always playing impossible.
August 10, 2001, 04:01
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Originally posted by Der PH
I'm playing on a Celeron-processor with 333 MHz
Have you changed AI_TIME_SLICE settings somehow?
Only a guess, but perhaps it is dependant on the difficulty level. I'm always playing impossible.
I am playing on impossible(the hardest) too.
Umm could it somehow be so that my impossible settings is not effective. Maybe my difficulty level selection is somehow gone wrongly. I have text "impossible" in level selection but maybe it is not actually set up correctly.
This sounds so far-fetched... BUT I WANT TO SOLVE THIS DAMN PROBLEM!!!
What is your barbarian settings?
Could any other settings affect this way(does the AI too kind)?
August 10, 2001, 04:03
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Re: Tried the pack and enjoying it but have a few questions...
Originally posted by Russell
Also, will there be a version with bigger maps like in the Apoyton pack?
It's easy to modify the map size yourself.
You have to change only two TXT-files.
In the MM2_CONST.TXT there are four lines defining the size of the different map sizes (small, medium ...). For example the original gigantic map is of size 70x140.
Just change this to the size you like (I'm actually playing on 110x220).
After that you will have to change the file MAP.TXT. In this file there are some settings for map-generation. The content of this file is divided into four parts for the different map sizes. At the beginning of each part the size (e.g. 70x140 for gigantic) is mentioned. Change this to the same size you chose in MM2_CONST.TXT and start the game.
In the settins menu choose the size of the map you adjusted (e.g. gigantic) and voila!
A little warning:
After discovering this feature I started a 20-civ-game on a 140x280-map and my processor (333 Mhz) and RAM (128 MB) went mad over this. It has been a nice game, but at about 300 BC the Ais needed 5 minutes for one turn. I didn't want to find out, how long a turn gets in the modern age (Other players reported 15 minutes and more), so I stopped the game and lowered the settings a bit.
August 10, 2001, 04:10
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Originally posted by janilxx
Have you changed AI_TIME_SLICE settings somehow?
Originally posted by janilxx
What is your barbarian settings?
I played a lot of games so far and cannot remember one without AIs fighting each other.
I've only made minor modifications to Wes' files myself and surely nothing, which could affect the AI-behaviour.
August 10, 2001, 04:20
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Originally posted by Der PH
I played a lot of games so far and cannot remember one without AIs fighting each other.
I've only made minor modifications to Wes' files myself and surely nothing, which could affect the AI-behaviour.
Thanks for responding. I will try the new game with original Wes's time_slice settings and maximum barbarians.
I would still like to get hints or advises from others too!
August 10, 2001, 07:37
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This game is great now! Thanks Wes.
I've just been playing the game for another couple of hours or so.
It's the most enjoyable game of CTP that I've played. It's such a definite improvement on the original.
I checked and the original didn't have improvements going obsolete. Having them go obsolete is more realistic and more fun. Great!
Also, the idea of elite random units is good too. It caught me on the hop actually until I read up on what elite meant because I didn't know why I couldn't build a boat I'd finished researching for.
So, what about the idea of some elite buildings too? That would make it even better.
Avoid COLONY RUSH on Galactic Civlizations II (both DL & DA) with my Slow Start Mod.
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Last edited by The Rusty Gamer; August 10, 2001 at 07:43.
August 10, 2001, 12:52
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 i went to ur site and was trying to download it but there r too many steps in which beginner in using this info dont know about like that i have been trying to find the .xtx but i cant because the file wont open so cant u make an easier way to download the file so beginners dont get frustrated because they have no idea what they r using  .
August 10, 2001, 14:19
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Speaking of the time-slice setttings - are those in the MedMod as shipped? Or do you need to go in there and do it yourself?
August 11, 2001, 02:20
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Help anyone!! Man with question!!! Need help soon...
Ok....I need help.
I am running Win2K. I followed the directions for the Win2K instructions and copied the files over, etc....
I can play the game but I am unable to build several units...important units like settlers. I entered cheat mode to see if the settler was listed and it was, but it was marked as excluded (I think this is correct, cant remember) along with all the units I was unable to build. I went through and included all of the units that where not elite and everything appears to be working.
What am I doing wrong?
I have also noted that I am producing no polution (playing on world map), the miltia isn't upgrading. Slic might not be working even though I followed the direction in win2k file. Someone help!!
August 11, 2001, 03:21
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Originally posted by lordmoore
Help anyone!! Man with question!!! Need help soon...
Ok....I need help.
I am running Win2K. I followed the directions for the Win2K instructions and copied the files over, etc....
I can play the game but I am unable to build several units...important units like settlers. I entered cheat mode to see if the settler was listed and it was, but it was marked as excluded (I think this is correct, cant remember) along with all the units I was unable to build. I went through and included all of the units that where not elite and everything appears to be working.
What am I doing wrong?
I have also noted that I am producing no polution (playing on world map), the miltia isn't upgrading. Slic might not be working even though I followed the direction in win2k file. Someone help!!
Ok, the reason why you're not getting pollution is because you entered cheat mode. For some reason pollution gets turned off when you do that.
Militias no longer upgrade. That feature was removed due to a bug with save game. Don't ask me what it is exactly; nobody's explained it to me yet either. As long as the militia is showing up when you settle a new city, then rest assured SLIC is working.
As far as any Win2K issues you may be having, I have no idea as I'm still running Win98. Hopefully someone else here can help you with those.
Good luck!
"People sit in chairs!" - Bobby Baccalieri
August 11, 2001, 07:56
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I started a fresh game yesterday after looking at the game files for several days, thought it was about time to play again and not spend all my time trying to test what various obscure settings do.
I did some changes to the random map creation before the game started, most noticeably:
I increased the number of rivers and their length.
I increased national borders (5 tiles out from city).
I made the terrain a bit more diverse through various settings (honestly I'm not sure how to fine tune this).
I reduced settings for mountains and hills as I ended up with huge Highland areas previously.
I don't think any of this affects the ai greatly (oh I increased the range to look for nice terrain at the start).
So I started a game with these settings (I would recommend to change map settings via the const and possibly map text files rather then the in game sliders by the way).
I ended up on a plain on a nice northern continent. A large forest to the east (and the US beyond that), a barbarian infested plain west of my river valley (japanese quite a ways across the tundra beyond that, poor fellas ended up in a very small inhabitable area) and mountains, tundra and some more forest to the north.
The barbarians were a real pain in the first centuries destroying all my explorers some ten tiles to the west and then conducting some small raids on my towns. To the east I decided to develop fortified border towns early to fend off possible US encroachments, the only trouble I ever had with the Americans so far was when I entered their territory in hot pursuit of some barbarians.
Once I discovered sufficient mobile technology (chariot and light cavalry) and had sufficient production available, I drove some mobile patrols onto the eastern plains destroying any barbarians encountered. I also encountered some nomads on the northern tundra and established a new city in one of the few hospitable (remotely) areas up north cutting olff all means of Japanese expansion. As a consequence of the pacifying of the western plains I expanded into that area, ending up with 10 cities by 1000 BC. My total population must be just short of 300000, but I expect a population explosion now that I can spend PW on farms (all cities are relied via river or roads now, despite bad terrain).
At this point I decided to take a break and take a look at the otehr civilisations via the cheat menu. I had already noticed that several civilisations had in my opinions started building wonders too soon (the US started Karnak arround 3000 BC, they did complete it, but when they started they had only 3 cities none greater then pop 2 or 3). I noticed that Japan still only had 2 cities of population 3 (they are doomed, I just won't go after them as their land is not even attractive enough to bother invading). Otehr civs have great cities and some serious expansion. Unfortunatelly no other civs seem to have made serious contact (with 14 + 1 civs on a 128x64 map you'd expect contact earlier, possibly I have to reset the nice start distance). 2 or 3 civs look like serious oposition for my Persian empire (monarchy soon to be city states). France despite an obvious good start is doomed in my opinion, their greatest city is in barbarian hands (the biggest city of the world is probably barbarian controlled), near that city are at least 4 offensive barbarian units and 5 units defend that city, there are no visible french units in the open (slave population in barbarian Toulouse would indicate the fate of any wandering frenshmen).
This promises to make a nice game, I expect I will continue today before I return to modifying more files (terrain is next, I just had to understand map construction before I'd go there, unfortunatelly much seems to be hard coded, possibly I will swap the coral reef terrain for the kelp one (too little of one and way too much of the other and no way to set it it seems). By the way, does anyone of you slic people have an idea how to create a risk of losing a ship moving onto a reef? I'd like to give ships before the modern age a chance of beyong lost at sea in that terrain. I will eventually add goods to all the sea tiles that don't have any yet etc.
Bah, I best return to playing now lest I start going through the files again.
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